
Showing posts from June, 2013

Amazon SNS : How to send a push to multiple recipients without using Topics? -

Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service) can divide my recipients into "topics", which can be used to send some messages later Suppose the special subsegment of my app audience, I have so many sub-segments that I can not use the SNS subject (due to their limit). One has to do a heavy work one by one. Is it somehow to upload a list of pushheads in the SUS and then set up the message and send push message? I do not think you can upload a list, bit you increase the AWS limit or many You can ask to use the accounts.

Can we access native things like contact list, camera pictures, etc of an android device in HTML5 and javascript using phonegap? -

I have found out how to use phone gadgets in the HTML5 and Javascript contact list of Android devices, but not satisfactory results met. Actually, the following link says, "The HTML5 platform does not provide specific services such as obtaining a list of catalogs or lists of photos captured by the phone, but HTML provides geolocation, if implemented by the web engine For platform services, you need a third party API. " It is not clear whether we can access the original things or No. Please give me your feedback Thank you. The blog post you read is from the end of 2011. This is now mid 2014. Therefore, that term is about 2.5 years old. The roster can be found on the PhoneGap site.

php - Possible to use Zend_Http_Client() and Zend_Rest_Client() together -

मैं वर्तमान में REST क्लाइंट में PHP में Zend Framework और एक समस्या में भाग गया। मेरे पास वर्तमान में दो डमी सेवाएं हैं जिनके साथ मैं परीक्षण कर रहा हूं; एक 'नोआथ' है जिसके लिए कोई प्रमाणीकरण की आवश्यकता नहीं है और सिर्फ कुछ जेएसओएन देता है, दूसरा 'auth' है जिसके लिए प्रमाणीकरण की आवश्यकता होती है और अधिक विशिष्ट JSON देता है। किसी समस्या के बिना सीधे वेब कार्यों से दोनों तक पहुंचना, उदाहरण के लिए '' पर नेविगेट करें वेबपेज पर JSON और 'https: // ' उपयोगकर्ता को लॉग इन करने के लिए पूछने वाला संवाद बॉक्स प्रदर्शित करता है। मेरा लक्ष्य मेरे मुख्य वेब से उन विभिन्न सेवाओं तक पहुंचने में सक्षम होना है आवेदन। उपयोगकर्ता की इस वेब एप पर लॉग इन करने के लिए सबसे पहले की आवश्यकता है। तब वे उस वेब एप्लिकेशन से विभिन्न सेवाओं को कॉल करने में सक्षम होंगे। मैं इस का उपयोग करके आसानी से काम करने वाला नोआउथ प्राप्त कर पा रहा था: $ base_url = ''; $ Client =...

javascript - Is it possible to check the textbox value in MVC without clicking submitting/postback -

I'm new to MVC. I have a form, let's call it a registration form. I have 10 text boxes in it (id, name, address..atc) when the user enters the id - I have to check in db, whether it is already available and then i need to display the status. Is it possible in MVC ?? Yes it is not really difficult to achieve this, you can use RemoteAttribute on the property of your model which you On the server you want to validate asynchronously, in your case this is id . // model public class MyModel {[remote ("valid IID", "MyController")] public string id {get; Set; }} // Controller Public Class MyController {Public ActionResult ValidateId (String ID) {// The action will be applied when you change the value in the browser. // If you fail in verification, you will need to return a string in which there is an error // or correct if the ID is valid. // In this case the ID is valid / return Json (true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); // In this case ID is not ...

Haskell error "parse error on input 'fib'"? -

I was trying to create a type of class with a function called primfib, when n Is called the first Primimes on the Fibonacci sequence. This is my code: class prime minister x x where primeFib :: x - & gt; [X] PrimeFact :: X - & gt; [X] FB :: X - & gt; X - & gt; X - & gt; [X] ePrimo :: x - & gt; X - & gt; X - & gt; Boole Instasus primariespeople integers where primeph n = fib 2 3nfib AB = [] FIB abn = if aperio A (SQLT A) 2 then [a] ++ fibb (a + b) (n -1) and faibb (A + B) N Epiromo A Lim Num & gt; Lim = true | A / num and lt; = 0 = wrong | Otherwise = ePrimo is a lim (num + 1) But when I try to compile it, ghci returns: qt.hs: 11: 5: Parse error on input 'fib' failed, modules loaded: none Am I doing wrong?

SQL Server : split string in SELECT statement -

I want to split date in column 3 areas, I use this query SELECT SUBSTRING (, 1, 2) "Month" as, SUBSTRING (, 4, 2) as "day", SUBSTRING (, 7, 4) account As with "year" Almost all data formats are 02/11/2000 , but some of this 02 / November / 2000 or 2 / 11/2000 . The only common thing is that separate data from / . How can I separate this column using the delimiter? Surprising CAST ('2 / November / 2000), Select Month (2000 as' datetime)) works (checks on SQL Server 2008), returns the value 2000-11 -02 00: 00: 00.000 from CAST (Khatadet AS Dinanktaim) "Month", dE (CAIT (Khatadet AS Dinanktaim)) "Day", the year (CAIT (Khatadet AS Dettaim)) "old" account But the comment has been correctly stated as "02/11/2000" on November 2, 2000 or 11 What Rvri 2000? In addition, months' names should be spelled correctly and the conversion fails. Since y...

nsoperation - RestKit - Request blocks until previous call completes -

After the text "itemprop =" text "> I will place an excellent remote request in the queue up and block until the last one completes with RestKit There is a problem appearing. I've read setMaxConcurrentOperationCount for AFNetworking that restkit defaults to 5 but I'm just blocked with an outstanding request. The current version of RestKit is still the default of 5, and if so, can it be due to the lack of concurrent requests? RestKit 0.20.3 Request - getKser {RKObjectManager * objectManager = [RKA] Object Manager Shared Manager]; NSDictionary * items = [objectManager.HTTPClient default header]; NSString * auth = [Item Item Forkey: @ "Authority"]; If (auth == blue) {NSLog (@ "You must first log in \ n"); Return zero; } Auth = [auth stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @ "Barrier" withString: @ ""]; NSMutableString * Path = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @ "/ users? Accesstooken =% @", auth];...

c# - How to use contain clause to query multiple parameters? -

I'm trying (/ api / data? Name = storm, bcam & tag = 78473TAC4,12669VAC2), but This outputing is 'no data response'. Message on client-side I have tested the same query with SQL and it outputs 10 records. 'Database' from which 'TAG' or '% name like'% STORM% ' like TAG or'% BCAM% ​​'like'% 78473 tac4% 'or'% 01266 9 VAC 2% ' I have tried many different ways to return and add data to the list but I do not keep any 'data' message. var data = db.database_bd.AsQueryable (); If (query.startDate! = Null) {data = data. Where (c => c.upploadDate> = query.startDate); } If (! String.IsNullOrEmpty ( {var list = (','); Foreach (string in list) {data = data. Where (C => List. Anyone (a => C. NAME.Contains (i))); }} If (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (query.tag)) {var list = query.tag.Split (','); Foreach (string i in the list) {data = data. Where (C => List. Anyon...

arrays - C Looping through pointers -

I am trying to do some simple algorithms with C but I get arrested with an issue with array poinces very quickly I have seen both of them: And I do not think either answer my question. Say I want to create a Library function which takes the length of uncertainty as a parameter: void library_func (int * arr) {// I want a loop through the array while (Some_condition) {do_stuff (* arr); Arr ++; // increase indicator}} I do not know what I can use for "some_condition" for an indefinite length array. From one of the answers above, it seems that if I use a four array, I can compare the notification to the '\ 0' and the notification. But what about some other type of stractus? I think the only option is: void library_func ( Int * arr, size_t len) {// I want to loop through the array. While (lane) {do_stuff (* arr); Arr ++; // increase indicator len--; }} The option you are referring to is used for the string ( '\ 0' ), to mark the end o...

barcode scanner - SDKs for Data Matrix scanning in iOS -

I am creating an app where I need the barcode scanning module. Barcode is always 2D data matrix in my system. Now I am looking for some SDK which can help but far too much is not available. I am already using ZXing for my Android app, but they've pulled the plug for iOS. There is a barcode reading module in iOS but it does not list 2D data matrix as a supported code type. ZBar is another solution, but it also does not scan the 2D data matrix. Do you know SDK perhaps that I can use it? Old question, but for today's answer to those people ... according to iOS 8 AVFoundation includes I:

c# 4.0 - Decimal to Percentage formatter -

I am using this format {0: P2} returning this fair value But the problem is giving space between the value and the% symbol How do I remove that place? Example: string format ("value: {0: P2}.", 0.8526) // format 85.26% I want to remove the space between 85.26 and% symbols. The formatting of one percent value is handled while formatting the value. To be more specific, the formatting controls and for you the value of that property leads to 0 n% pattern but instead you want to use 1 code which results in the n% . In your case, because you do not specify CultureInfo or NumberFormatInfo while formatting the value, then you are using current culture for formatting (in Windows by user Established culture). You can make a clone of it and modify it: var cultureInfo = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture; Var number format = (Numberformat Info) cultural information. Number format.clone (); NumberFormat.PercentPositivePattern = 1; Var result = string.form (number form...

php - Capture number inside square brackets after # sign -

I have email subjects who have this section: [message # 15] I want to remove 15 numbers from the subject, how do I get it? Preferably use PHP, but any regex answer is acceptable. You can use: '/ \ [[ ^ #]] * # (\ D +) (? = \]) / ' and use the captured group # 1

video - Streaming WebM with ffmpeg over UDP doesn't work with audio -

I am trying to stream webman video and audio as a webman on the ffmpeg command line tool via UDP . (Ffmpeg is created correctly and contains all the libraries) The stream has been started with: ffmpeg -f dshow -i video = "Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 ": Audio =" Microphone (USB Audogerate) "-Webm udp: // localhost: 11100 And I try to playback the file on the same computer: / P> ffplay udp: // localhost: 11100 Streaming video and audio is not working. I get the following error message in FFplay: udp: // localhost: 11100: End of file 0KB vq = 0kb square = 0bf = 0/0 nan: 0.000 fd = 0 aq = 0kb vq = 0kb sq = 0b f = 0/0 If I just stream the video ffmpeg -f dshow -i video = " Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910 "-f webm udp: // localhost: 11100 I get a video with FFplay. What do I have to do to get the audio stream / right? I'm trying with a command line to reproduce a way in using a libav in a C project like this if it is of intere...

python - How to set conditions for python2.7 paramiko SFTP upload? Improper use of else? -

Very new in Python, and coding in general. I am working on CSV file processing and uploading them to the SFTP server. I want to check whether the file exists on the server or not. If it exists, then I want to rename it and store it in another folder then it should be replaced with the updated file. If it does not exist ... I just want to upload the file. path2 = '/import/Test/stock_update.csv' ssh = paramiko.SSHClient () paramiko.util log_to_file (log_file) ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy (paramiko.AutoAddPolicy ()) dt = str ( () NewName = DT + 'stock_update.csv' store = 'import / test / done /' + NewName ssh.connect ('xxxx-mediaserverxxxxxxxxx', port = 22, user name = 'XXXXXXXXX' , Password = 'xxxxxxxxxx') ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command ('ls / tmp') print "output", () #reading execute co'mmand error = () print "hey" Try SFTP...

c# - I'm getting a ClientRequestException when trying to get my libraries list (Sharepoint CSOM 2010) -

Hellu This exception does not appear at all in any way, in the same way. 15 minutes ago, I had no problem. Maybe someone in my office did something with our SharePoint Online, but it seems that as much as I know, I am only working on that time. That's why I use to hear about a search for the web while claims based connection problems, and SharePointOnlineCredentials ... even though I'm on a 2010 edition, and to the Class I Do not have access. I use the snippet here (with "Most Popular"): this.user = user; This.password = password; This.siteHttps = siteHttps; ClaimsHelper = New MsOnlineClaimsHelper (this.siteHttps, this.user, this.password); (Reference = Using New Client Contract (This Site. HTTP)) {context.ExecutingWebRequest + = claimsHelper.clientContext_ExecutingWebRequest; } Any ideas on how to solve it? For the note, the exception message ends with "Microsoft. SharePoint client." Call ClientContext.EnsureFormDigest () ". I ...

ruby on rails - Rspec check return value -

I am learning the test in the rail rspec. I have this part of the test: The subject (: service) {described_clash.New ()) should be expecting STH 'when' STH 'should be done (ServiceCol (@Palus)). AEC (0) End End The service call call return number but I get something like this: Failure: 1) Module :: STH should be a failure / error when registering: Hopefully ( (@love)) 2 eq (2) node methodAir: For unchanged method 2: Fixation # ./spec/module/registration_spec.rb:22:in Block (3 level) & lt; Module: Module & gt; '1 example ended in 2.48 seconds, 1 failure How can I correct that method by using the "number" variable? You hope and ( : to remove the space between) expectations ( (@params)). AEC (0) # ^^ Otherwise, Ruby evaluates different expressions: (service call (@bottom)) .to ( 2) .to # = & gt; For undefined method 2: Fixation

sql - MySQL Query variation for WHERE IN statement -

क्या कोई क्वेरी बराबर है WHERE some_field IN (1, 2, ! 3,! 4) अर्थ WHERE some_field = 1 और some_field = 2 और some_field! = 3 और some_field! = 4 ? यह संदर्भ पर बहुत कुछ निर्भर करता है। जहां some_field IN ( 1, 2) पहले से ही रिकॉर्ड्स नहीं लौटाएंगे जहां कुछ_फ़ील्ड 3 या 4 के बराबर होंगे। संभावित स्थिति यह है कि आपके पास some_field के कई संस्करणों के साथ तालिका है एक ही आईडी, और आप केवल 1 और 2 के साथ कुछ_फल्ड्स को वापस करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन यदि उनके पास तालिका में 3 या 4 भी हैं, तो आप उन्हें बाहर करना चाहते हैं। तब आप ऐसा कुछ करना चाहते हैं: तालिका WHERE some_field = 1 और some_ID में से चुनें (तालिका से some_ID चुनें जहां some_field = 2) और some_ID नहीं (तालिका से some_ID चुनें) Some_field IN (3, 4)) कौन से सभी आईडी को परिणामों की सूची से 3 या 4 के some_field मान से 1 और 2 के कुछ_फल के साथ निकाल दिया जाएगा

java - [Jersey 2.x]How to retry request? -

I have a standard jersey 2.7 customer and want to apply this scenario: The server is missing the answer) The last absence of the customer (I have the load balancing on server side, so reception is done on another server) Ol> I have no clue how to implement a retraining mechanism in jersey?

java - Custom @Column JPA Annotations, how to? -

Hard work to find a solution to create some custom JPA annotations to replace repetitive areas while declaring entity POOSO Has been doing. Any help? Here's what I am trying to achieve: // @ column (name = "is_enabled", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "tinyint (1) DEFAULT 1") @column booleannotnel Default is a private boolean enabled; or // @ column (name = "created", nullable = false, updatable = false, insertable = Wrong, column default = "TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") @ column timstamp personal timestamp created; However, my efforts are failing ... @Target ({METHOD, FIELD}) @Resetan (Routium) @column // & Lt; - Error here (Annotation @ column is not allowed for this location.) Public @ Integer BooleanNotonical DefaultOn {} Any help is definitely aprecciated. Thank you! Generates a new class that implements userTipes and uses this annotation: / P> @ type (type = "fully authenticated ...

python - Vim: Change Max Line from 80 in pymode -

I am using a plugin, which has a PymodeLintAuto feature that automatically fix PEP 8 errors in the current buffer Do ' I was wondering how I could change the length of the maximum line. I can not find it in if Python-mode is using PyLint, you specify it You may want to increase the errors that you have made in it by creating a customized pylint.rc and then using a setting in your .vimrc by Pymode is included. .vimrc: Allow "Pylint configuration file g: pymode_lint_config = '$ HOME / pylint.rc' Pilint.rc: [FORMAT] # Maximum number of characters on a line. Max-line-length = 120

c++ - MSVC direct constructor call extension -

In this, it has been indicated that in MSVC this-> foo: foo (42); To call the Constructor directly For Creator Delegation : #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Struct foo {int m; Foo (int p): m (p) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Foo (" } Foo (): m (0) {this-> foo :: foo (42); Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Foo ()," & lt; & Lt; M & LT; & Lt; "\ N"; }}; Int main () {foo f; Std :: cin.ignore (); } I was surprised that it is also compiled in MSVC; Claig ++, G ++ and I believe it's illegal, e.g. [Class.ctor] / 2 "Since constructors do not have a name, they never get names in search" However, MSVC also has a warning with / wall And MSWC 12 Update 1 (2013) and MSVC 10 SP1 (2010), without language extension / za . The output is: foo (42) foo (), 42 in both versions Question: What's the name of this extension? Is this considered an extension? Is this the official description of th...

html php not properly aligning for each column -

I'm trying to run two loops, the first query in getting the column. The second query takes the primary ID of the primary table and the query executes the end result should be as given in the image I am not able to correct alignment code below & lt; Table width = "100%" range = "1" cell section = "1" cellpadding = "1" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Col1 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Col2 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Col3 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Col4 / td & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ mast = mysql_query ("Select from Table 1 * where av_master_id = '". $ _ Request [' id ']. "'"); While ($ res_mas = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ mast)) {? & Gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt ;? Php echo $ res_mas ['col1'] ;? & Gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt ;? Php $ room = mysql_...

In Java is a callback synchronous? -

When you use callback in Java (can not you do this?), Prevents execution when Until everything ends? Am I using the wrong terminology I am familiar with the purpose of the callback because it relates to the Invasion of Control, Interface, etc., not just the sequence of events. Changed from one comment to a reply: All method calls are synchronous, From which they return the result to the collar. However, a callback has potential asynchronous behavior in which you define a method to execute when certain tasks are completed. For that case, the status of the application can determine whether call synchronous (ie caching of resources) or not. To find out that the underlying action is synchronous or asynchronous, you need to read the documentation for the library that you are using. In summary: Read the document

java - self-referencing relationship in entity model -

I have a Spring MVC app with hibernate to interact with a third party database for managing nested subtype Which is using a transitive closure table and supertap linkage between millions of different types of vehicles stored in the vehicles table there is a vehicles_transitiveclosure table which is subtype and supertest List stored So that the user can drag all the ancestors or all the descendents of a specific vehicle . (Car, van, truck, etc.) There are several types of nesting in the car with subtype sedans, wagons, etc.). I have a vehicle in my spring MVC app The unit is created, but I'm not sure how to represent the Transitional Closer Table in Spring MVC. Vehicle Table Vehicle (PK) Other Field Vehicles / Transaction Closer Sub-Type (Fact Two Vehicle) Supertechypeed (FK To Vehicle) Other Fields I have a combination Do not hesitate to treat vehicles_transitiveclosure as a table because there are some other fields in each line of vehicles_transitiveclosure ...

java - Android Studio findViewById( error -

Finding ViewById ( gives me an error This is my Vibbad ( ) Was asking to change the code to search. I have a button with the "Button 1" ID when I stopped the project and restarted it and I was waiting for the Gradle to load and the error disappeared. Why does this happen I had an error shortly before. All you have to do is close the project and open it again. Sometimes it is better to just close the eclipse completely, after reopening the project, the error should be terminated because the IDE removes it. If you still get this error, then there may be some confusion in your code. If an error occurs, then we post the log cat and we can see what the reason is.

cordova - Phonegap Build 3.1 to 3.3 iOS not firing deviceready -

I tried everything ... I also build demo apps, but I have a device ready callback on my iPhone 5S Do not get javascript code looks like this function onbredload () {document.addEventListener ("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false); } Device Readie () on the function (warning ("ready"); } and HTML looks like this & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / leaflet.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / ratchet.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / main.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body onload = "onBodyLoad ()" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "content" & gt; Blubber & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; I have also added the tool plugin for Cordova / PhoneGrap in config.xml. & lt; Difference: Plugin na...

callbackurl - What is a callback URL in relation to an API? -

I'm cutting the net, and can not wrap my head around the idea of ​​callback url. In my case I have some callback urls which I have to define myself is a popular "default callback URL" What exactly is this? Can you give an example in plain english? A callback URL will be brought through the API method, which if you call it after completing it Then you call POST / then When / foo is finished, it sends a request for . The content and method of that request are going to be different - check the documents that reach the API.

windows - Apache repeatedly failing -

I am using xampp and apache to run php files on my pc. I have installed xampp several times and have configured it so that apache is being run on empty ports, as I have mentioned the most common online issue in the forum. For a while, everything was going well and in one day The same Apache was randomly unsuccessful with the same error message: Apache shutdown unexpectedly blocked port being dependencies etc ... I had it uninvited Tall and was restored and running properly for a while. This is repeating the error now Does anyone have experience or advice on this issue? (I'm running windows 7) If you have tried to disable Skype and have ports Switching to Apache has already seen hundreds of posts already published) and it is not working, try running "setup_xampp.bat". If your installation has worsened, then BAT will leave it good

iis 7 - IIS Rewrite: why does IIS show the rewrite URL? -

I use the IIS rewriting module. I have some static files, and they are stored on website / static / xyz / abc the IIS rewrite rule has been added as follows: First of all, if I write (ending /) http: // mysite / xyz / abc / Everything is working properly. The browser address bar shows what I've typed. Second, if I type (end / without) http: // mysite / xyz / abc website Still displays the content properly, but changes in the browser address bar (fixed and end / by adding) http: // mysite / static / & lt; Mail url = "openingball (/.*)?" / & Gt; & Lt; Action type = "rewrite" url = "/ static / {R: 0}" /> & Lt; / Rules & gt; I think I found your answer here:. When you leave the trailing slash and IIS matches your request, it redirects to you. I believe this is where your redirect is coming from, which gives you / static / inaugurball / information that the IIS has also added the foll...

ios - UIViewController with conditional number of elements -

I have a UIViewController with IBButton's IBOutletCollection. The thing I am trying to achieve is that it has several view controllers Is the amount of the same button in the outlet collection with only the difference. What is the correct way to implement it? Assume that layout controllers' layout can be designed in the storyboard. How should I do this? Thank you. Create a UIView Controller with something you can not do to the storyboard. - (instancetype) initWithButton: (NSArray *) Button {self = [super init]; If (self) {self.buttonsArray = buttonsArray; } Healthy return; } - (zero) viewDidLoad {// button here to see the root} Now create examples of this view controller with different button arrays.

Wordpress Title Showing Wrong Name -

We have a WordPress site with a news site. Instead of showing the title as news at the top of the page, it is being shown as a blog. Here's the page: I checked the original page in the menu, backend, we use the SEO plugin (Yost), and under Settings -> Reading but site But no one shows the title as this blog. Why is any idea being changed? It may have been called a blog initially but I do not understand why it is still called Blog We are using slab theme in WP 3.4.2 on the site. There are 2 ways to check this. If you are located under Appearance Menu> using the WordPress menu, you can check "Page" for the title blog.

sql - db2 set multiple varchar variables -

How do you set multiple varchar variables for later use in multiple selective constraints? is an integer example SET (NEW_VAR.SALARY, NEW_VAR.COMM) = (50000, 8000); I do not know how to do this for a varchar SET (NEW_VAR.var, NEW_VAR.var1) = ('Hello World%' ); SELECT * FooSchema.barTable as new WHERE b.first_name such as new_var.var and b.last_name such as new_var.var1; As Mustaccio said, you use a variable between a compound statement Can be a trigger or a routine. For your example (a trigger): create trigger trigger 1 after referencing it on mytable referenced for NEW_VAR DECLARE val INT for each line; Set (NEW_VAR.var, NEW_VAR.var1) = ('% hello%', '% world%'); Select the new_var.var1 like new_var.var and b.last_name such as f WHERE b.first_name as valve from fooSchema.barTable. END @ or in a compound statement start var varchar (32); DECLARE var1 varchar (32); DECLARE val INT; Set (NEW_VAR.var, NEW_VAR.var1) = ('% hello%...

arrays - Javascript open a new page(one or many), wait for it to load, then close it -

I am writing an application that can thread "collision" on a website at a specific interval. The application looks at many input boxes and if the value is in each, then the window to load this window. Open command does. It then closes the page. The problem I am running is that after every execution there is no way to stop me for loop so that the page never loads before it closes. any idea? Here's the code. & lt; Html lang = "en" xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Reopen & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Input id = "Bump0" type = "text" /> gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input id = "bump1" type = "text" /> gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input id = "Bump2" type = "text" /> gt; & Lt; Br / ...

java - JavaFX WebEngine Video Playback in Linux -

We currently have issues developing within our WebWives in JavaFX on our Linux RedHat 6 environment. Using JavaFX 2.2 and Java, we have a web developer who goes to an HTML page with a video tag in it. This works perfectly on our windows box, but we get the following exception on the Linux box: Exception in thread "JavaFX application thread" java.lang .IllegalThreadStateException at java.lang.Thread.start (WCMediaPlayerImpl.java208) ( ( jun90) com.sun.webpane.platform.WebPage.twkProcessMouseEvent (Native Method) at com.sun.webpane.platform.WebPage.dispatchMouseEvent ( javafx.scene.web.WebView but but. On javafx.scene.web on processMouseEvent ( javafx.scene.web.WebView.access $ 2600 ( javafx.scene.web.WebView $ 14.handle ( ) On .webView $ 14...

Rails 3 + Rspec: Rspec says tests are pending, but they should be passing -

I have a specific file: search requires 'spec_helper' to search Does {Response_to (: theme_ids}} should receive {response_to (: imprint_ids)} that {response_to (language_ids}} should be, it must be {response_to (: award_ids}}, it must be {response_to (: dra)} It should be {response_to (guided_reading}} (response_to (guided_reading)} (response_to (lexile)} that it must {response_to (: accel_bot}}, it must be {response_to (: accel_top)} Should (reply required): {respond_to (: interest_low)} should be {response_to} (: Interest_high)} and and add one A class attribute_reader written in class / model / search .rb class: Theme_Idays ,: Imprint_ID,: Language_ids ,: award_ids,: dra, interference, guided_reading, lexile, accel_bot ,: accel_top ,: Interest_low ,: interest_high Works in the console: 1.9.3-p484: 002 & gt; ({h : 1}) = & gt; {} However, when I run my trial, they are all pending: NetMAC-PRO: MESSAGE EME $ $ rspec Spec / models /sear...

Get make makefile warning output to include print newlines -

How do I print newlines from shell data returned? I am learning to modify a makefile, new lines will be good as coming out in the form of a new line. # Simple test makefile $ (the warning is where the cooper is $) $ (warning $ (shell ls-l $ (curr))) I have seen a hint here. Create GNU 3.82 Robert You do not Can this Clearly say that all new lines will change in an empty space. You can not avoid it. You can run a command and instead of stderr, you can redirect instead of stdout, so that it can not be captured by $ (shell ...) Function: $ (warning where the order is $ (shell)) $ (Shell LS-L $ (curr) 1 & gt; & amp; 2)

ios - Swapping views and triggering a method in the other class -

I am using the storyboard and I want the user to click on a certain button (Swapweave Endridge method) , Then the scene changes another scene defined by the second view controller (second view) and then another fixed method present in the second view (MyMethod). I am using the code given below and it successfully takes me to another view .... But MyMethod is not called. How can I get this? ! Cheers - (IBAction) SwapViewAndTriggerMethod: (ID) this {UIViewController * controller = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "SecondView_storyboard"]; [Self-present ViewController: Animated Controller: Yes Completed: Zero]; [Example FGS2 Controller MyMethod: Zero]; } This is an error I get: Warning: & lt; Second View_View controller: 0x13f634f60> whose view is not in the hierarchy window! Note: MyMethod calls a picker to select a photo and assigns it in an image view. "Do not call the method that presents one controller from controller to a...

Unable to connect Cassandra Test Cluster -

I created 1 node on Cassandra cluster (Datastex Enterprise) Ubuntu, for which I am able to connect via cqlsh , But when I try to connect via OpsCenter or VS2012 C # driver, I get the error "Unable to connect to the cluster" or "All host has tried to query", no me have tried this Can help with error? Edit: I have installed Datastex Enterprise according to the instructions given on " ... and the cluster name Exclude all the keys with your default value in the yaml file: Join this message to run I Cqlsh: Connect to fptestcluster at the local host: 9160. [Cqlsh 4.1.1 | Cassandra 2.0 .6.28 | CQL spec 3.1.1 | Reflect Protocol 19.39.0] But as the original question remains I am not able to connect with OpsCenter and C # drivers. It was found exactly, I want to change the f "listen_address" and "rpc_address" to the machine's IP rather than localhost and then it works, thanks fo...

javascript - How can I get breeze to wait for metadata? -

मैं कॉन्यूलर + ब्रीज़ (हॉट टॉवेल। एन्जिलर और हॉट टॉवेल। एन्ज्यूलर.ब्रीज़) सीखने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। मेरी वर्तमान समस्या, वाइसीएफ डाटा सर्विसेज (ओडाटा) कनेक्शन (ब्रीज़ कंट्रोलर का उपयोग नहीं करते हुए) में सीधे हवा को हुक करने की कोशिश कर रही है। यह हुक अप करने लगता है और मेटाडाटा के लिए बुला रहा है लेकिन चूंकि हवा। मेटाडेटास्टोर ()। FetchMetadata एक वादा करता है, मैं इसके लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकता। तो मेरा ऐप सही में फेंकने वाला रहता है। मेटाडेटा वापस और पार्स किए जाने से पहले यह एक नज़र आता है। क्या फ़्रेच मेटाडेटा को सिंक्रोनस से चलाने के लिए ब्रीज़ को बताने के लिए कोई उपाय नहीं है? यदि नहीं, तो फिर कोई अन्य व्यक्ति मेटाडाटा / डेटा दौड़? बस एक क्यू.जे. वादा का उपयोग करें ब्रीज़ Q.js पर निर्भर करती है और सभी प्रश्न एक वादा वापस करते हैं। मेटाडेटा समाप्त होने के बाद अपने सामान को लोड करके तब ईवेंट को संभाल लें। manager.fetchMetadata ()। तब (function () {console.log ('समाप्त, कुछ और करें'); });

Rails best session storage for security? -

I'm trying to set up my session to run on the server, but not about knowing about it I've searched the address for a while and I'm not getting a resource that helps me set up non-cookie based sessions. I have seen somewhere that the session story stores it on the server instead of the client, but I can not find anything about it. (How does this work or how it is set) Can someone help clarify things for me? I know of three ways to keep a user's attitude when using your site: cookies and Using HTTPS conclusions digital certificates and cookless sessions. Kukelis Cookies are smells like being unsafe even under HTTPS connections because you have to pass an identifier (which is a cookie in the "regular" session The server, usually in your address call, will: You should probably check, and its security implications. Also explain about how it can be achieved through javascript. HTTPS and certificate In an HTTPS connection approach, the user i...

How to burn a burn folder from Applescript -

I have written an AppleScript script that creates a burned folder and copies for files that I have in the CD / folder DVD does this good job The script I want to carry forward is actually starting the burn process, if I am prompted to insert a disc then it's okay. How can you get the Apple script to start the burn process? Is this possible? may include "action". It is under "Utilities". Extra I have just done a man -k burn in the terminal and it has shown a console utility called drutil - CD / DVD burner. Interact with . It seems that this trick * * is easy to call a console feature ( do shell script command)

scheduled tasks - Any idea for an Algorithm to distribute work between users, ensuring that all have at least "nice work"? -

I'm struggling with alot of algorithms for the past months. I am quite sure that there may be some ideas, but I have no one. The problem is: We say that we have X users and X is doing the work (users and the same amount of work) some of this work is bad, boring Is, or is simply tedious, while the other is good, creative and open. I want to be able to create a work-list to give each user a week for having a different situation (for example) every week. Of course, all users should have "good time" and "boring work" too ... In a really small example: Task = X ( Boring) / y (cool) user = a / b day 1: a -> x -> b -> y Day 2: A -> Y - B -> X Main idea There is a workflow between all users (so all are bad and good work). Additional points If it is possible to define that some users are worth more "special" and "better behavior," besides, the tasks can not be classified as "good / bad" but rath...

python - How can I get matplotlib to make a colorbar with a color centered on 0? -

I am plotting to plot a wagger of some data, and in the extreme parts of the distribution the value is about 0 also very disappointed That's where my test plot looks like this: In the blue "sea" waves are around 1 e-18 around one dimension, but because they fall around 0, they cross a line in the color palette. How can I make a computation (), instead of being a conspiracy, there is a plot with zero color centered instead of zero? I think you want something like this: class set_cbar_zero (normal): "" "set_cbar_zero (midpoint = float) default: midpoint = 0. sets the center of any theater for normalized and desired value, which is set using midpoint." "Diff __int___ (self, vimine = none, vmx = none, midpoint = 0., clip = false): self. Mindpoint = midpoint normal .__ init __ (self, vmin, vmax, clip) def __call __ ( Self, original Return, (numpy.interp (value, x, number, x, y = [self.vmin, self.midpoint, self...

java - How do I enable EJB injection in dependent projects -

I have a Java EE project that instantates an instance of an object from a dependent project. The dependent project now wants to make and eject its EJB in one of its classes. The dependent project does not refer to the original project, but should run inside the original project's container. When I apply the original project, I see the message in the log that has been searched in conjunction with my service bean with the remaining beans in the parent's project: 2014-04-28 T21: 30: 56.240-0400 | INFO: EJB5181: Portable JNDI name for EJB dependency project SBBAN etc. But then when I try to apply that bean to a dependent project using @EJB annotation, then nothing happens (it has just been left as zero). I am trying to explain how to properly configure these projects, so that I can use EJB and JPA in the dependent project, but I think I do not know the correct search term, since I think that they do not have anything like solving this issue. I am adding the same Mewen...

jquery - Responsive navigation bar using JavaScript is not resizing -

I am trying to create a responsive nav bar using jQuery and whatever I try is not right Does. jQuery $ (function () {var pull = $ ('# bridge' ); Menu = $ ('naval ul'); menuHight = menu.ight (); $ (bridge) .on ('click', function (e) {e.preventDefault (); menu.slideToggle ();}) ; $ (Window). Resize (function () {var w = $ (window). Width (); if (w> 320 & amp; (': hidden')) {menu.removeAttr (' Style ');}}};} HTML & lt ; Div id = "cover cleanfix"> gt; & lt; a href = "..// index .html "> gt; & lt; h1 & gt; & lt; / h1 & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & lt; h2 & gt; & lt; / h2 & gt; & lt; h2 & gt; ; Lt; nav class = "clearf Ix "& lt; ul class =" clearfix "> CSS Background: # B 9 DACC; Repeat Background: No Repetition; Position: Relative;} NAL UL {Padding: 0; Margin: 0 Auto; Width: 960px; Background: # B9DACC;} nav li...

unwanted semicolon in output (php heredoc sytax) -

I have the following code when it is parsed in the browser, then I will see the & lt; Td> There is a semicolon in front of me. I have put the capital "X" in the code, to show where the semicolon shows I have tried to remove white space etc. There are no semicolons in the code or from the style sheet Are leaking. Can anyone identify the problem? Thank you. $ tableheader = & lt; & Lt; & Lt; Abc & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Div id = "divContainer" & gt; & Lt; Table class = "format html5" & gt; & Lt; Colgroup & gt; & Lt; Coal width = "5%" & gt; & Lt; Colon width = "15%" & gt; & Lt; Colon width = "15%" & gt; & Lt; Colon width = "15%" & gt; & Lt; Colon width = "30%" & gt; & Lt; Colon width = "15%" & gt; & Lt; Coal width = "5%" & gt; & Lt; / Colgroup & gt; & Lt; Thead & g...

html - Table-cell <a> element different height in Chrome -

I'm showing this element differently in Chrome than in Safari and Firefox. I & lt; A & gt; is its original and gt; to match the height of . It's in Safari and Firefox but not Chrome, I can not manually set the height, because the same code is used on the page for many different size items. & lt; A & gt; There are apparently relevant styles for the element: display: table-cell; Width: 100%; Vertical-row: middle; Status: Relative; and gt; & Lt; Div & gt; There are apparently relevant styles for the element: display: table; Width: 100%; Height: 100%; However, it is possible that the problem is coming from some other code, and I do not have enough information to see it. Thank you! There are apparently relevant styles for the element: display: table-cell; Width: 100%; Vertical-row: middle; Status: Relative; There are apparently relevant styles for the element: display: table; Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Try adding height: ...

testing - What's the difference between System Interfaces User Interfaces? -

After looking at the details of software requirements in Wikipedia, the organization of the example SRS found that the system interface and the user interface are two different things. The user interface is that the actual user (us) applications (buttons, sliders, text boxes, etc.) while the system interface is the method that provides an operating system application program

android - To get the XMPP message in the background without using persistent Service -

Hi all I am trying to create an IM using Scout Library. I did it correctly and it worked fine in the foreground and I can start a sticky service which can see messages in the background. My problem is that I should not serve continuously in the background, because it will eat the battery of the Android device, instead I want some broadcast to be broadcast when XMPP message comes with some events. Is there any way I can achieve this? Please forgive me, I have tried to find an example with the search term and I have not got anything, so I have not acquired any kind of reference in this particular context, so there is no relative code !!! Please advise ... @Saty I think it all depends on who You want to archive. If you need 2 consecutive direct messaging arrival when the customer is online, then I think that continuous service sync is the only solution with XMPP. With the development of solid code it should not have too much battery ... If you do not really care, the mess...

How to make different style numbered list and bulleted list in content editable div by jQuery HTML -

I am making a rich text editor without any plugin because I do not customize any plugin with my style Now I want to add many style bullet lists and numbered lists. Number of numbers like: 1) adsdd a) sdsdsds i) dfdfdfddf 2) erererere bullet style below I would like to use different symbols when pressing the tab key while also editing the contentable divas. If you press the Tab key in it, it will proceed to the four places. I have used xcmand for the orderlists and ansialists but this gives me only one style My jQuery code is: function command list 1 () {document.execCommand ('formatblock', false, 'p') var listId = window.getSelection (). FocusNode.parentNode; $ (ListId) .addClass ("oder2"); Warning (ListId); $ (". TextContent") keydown (function (e) {if (i & lt; 6) {if (e.keyCode == 9) {if (i === 0) {var listId1 = window.getSelection () Focus Node.parentNode; $ (listId1) .removeClass ('oder2'); $ (listId1) .addClass (...

creating custom angularJs directive to make modular code -

I'm new to AngularJs. I'm a div section related to div elements and some jquery code I'm part of this code. I am planning to build and make custom instructions. Is it a nice design that gives angular such flexibility to include pure jquery code inside the angular director? See controller is smelly instructions for implementing jquery code for elements Using the best method, this argument should probably be different from the controller for the implementation of many elements of the instructions. If you need to communicate with the instructions to see the controller, then something is smelly (callback is allowed) And jQuery is a global variable, so yes you You can use jquery in the instructions. link and controller functions $ element parameter, which is a reference to html element, applies to this instruction It's already $ element variable is already wrapped with jquery. You can do $ element.attr ("...") or something.

cakephp - AuthComponent deos not work in pages controller? -

I have successfully set up ACL, but the problem is that when I want to go to the homepage it redirects me to login Does the page I tried to do this in my page controller : public function before the filterer (parent): first filter (); $ This- & gt; Auth-> Allow (); } It was not working. Then I allow the display action in App Controller: Public function before the filter () {$ this- & gt; AUTH- & gt; Allow (Array ('Controller' = & gt; 'pages', 'Action' =>, 'Display', 'Homepage'))}} Redirecting to login page, while working in my user controller when some actions are allowed to access it. How do I fix it?

windows - Strange stdout redirect behavior -

I've seen some strange behavior in redirecting stdout into files with special characters in 'name'. The people I have found: echo.> Gt; F, test returns a file named f , in which text , test . . , ; and is the same (obviously any character has a comma changes). Echo & Gt; F: The test creates a byte file, named zero F ~ 000% HK . The first letter of the output file name matches the redirect character and the 'file name' between the . Capitol (I believe . is ignored / The reason for trying to make a file named f .... is removed .... creates a file called f only). I do not know what the rest means, changing the text after 'filename' will not change anything. echo & Gt; F: Nope still produces an empty file F ~ 000% HK . Another example of the same thing; resonate. & Gt; Exam .: Examines a file of zero bytes named test {/ code> test ~ 4n5 . The subsequent example in the batch produces the same results as empty f...

php - Fatal error: Class 'PPXmlMessage' not found . what is it? -

मैं अपने sandbox में (merchant-sdk-php-master-github) द्वारा प्रदान की गई मेस्पे फ़ाप एसडीके देख रहा था । लेकिन जब मुझे अपने सैंडबॉक्स परीक्षण खाते में से किसी एक को भुगतान करने की कोशिश की तो मुझे एक त्रुटि मिली यहां पेपैल सर्वर से प्रतिक्रिया है कोई भी मुझे इस समस्या को ठीक करने में मदद कर सकता है $ massPayRequest = new MassPayRequestType (); लाइन 11 पर त्रुटियाँ गंभीर त्रुटि: क्लास 'मासपेयरेक्स्ट टाइप' नहीं मिला 0n c: .. \ x \ y \ z \ MassPay.php पर लाइन 11 मुझे सटीक समस्या क्या नहीं मिली I मैंने सोचा कि यह php lib sdk फाइलों में कुछ समस्या थी। तो कृपया मेरी मदद करें ............. आप पेपैल के लिए मर्चेंट-एसडीके का उपयोग कर रहे हैं लेकिन आप एसडीके-कोर में दिए गए कोर कक्षाओं को शामिल नहीं कर रहे हैं। किसी को भी यह मिल रहा है और यहां तक ​​कि मुख्य कक्षाएं जोड़ते हैं।

c# - Employee is a namespace but is used like a type -

I have the work of this C # homework when I run the program, I get an error, "The employee is a namespace, but It is used like a type in line 18, which is 'public double pay;' The problem is that I do not see any mess. Can anyone help me fix this code, below is my current code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Data; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; System.Windows.Forms; Usage of Employee Taxes {Public Partial Class Form 1: Forms (Private List and Employee Employee); Data T = new list, employee, & gt; (); public form 1 () {InitializeComponent ();} Private Zero GetD Eta (Rif employee information) {try {info.Worker_ID = int.Parse (employeebox.Text); Info .lastname = lastnamebox.Text; Info.firstname = firstnamebox.Text; = int.Parse (Phonebox text); Info.salary = DoubleParse (Paypal Text);} Hold (Exception Pre) {Message Show box (ex.Message);}} Private Zero savebt_Click ...

c# - Cannot force WebBrowser Control to render using current version of IE -

In order to render pages using the latest version of the Internet, Control requires Explorer or at least the latest version installed on my machine - which is IE 11. A few weeks ago, before I started working on this project, I came across a website that was called IE 11 although it works, implementing the registry Even after I can not see in webbrowser control because apparently I am using an "unsupported" browser. It says that I have to use either Firefox, Chrome or IE 10+. I thought I was using IE 10 + because I added DWOD to the registry. I've come across many many websites that are not displayed normally, due to the fact that WebBrowser Control is still not rendering in IE11, or 10, or 9 ... There are two things that I would like to know: Is there any way or class that exposes the rendering engine being used by WebBoard Control? Why is not the DWORD Registry Hack working, and how do I work it out? To be clear, I went to the ...

c++ - Fixing console output for my shell program -

I am writing a program that is designed for a shell that receives the input from the user from the call and a In order to execute the child, commands must be included in the program's output at the beginning of each line, including a shell prompt, which displays the number of commands issued, such as: Bashell [1]: ls bashell bashell. Cpp bashell.cpp ~ myshell.c ~ bashell [2]: ls bashell bashell.cpp bashell.cpp ~ myshell.c ~ Unfortunately, my production is having a serious problem So it looks great like this. I think it may be due to the asynchronous nature of my program. I find something like this: bashell [1]: LS basel [2]: Basal basal CPP basil CPP ~ meshley c. LS Basel [3]: Basil Baselable CPP Basel. CPP ~ Mitele C ~ LS Basel [4]: ​​Basil Basel CPP BaseHell CPP ~ Meshley C ~ LS Basel [5]: Basil Basel CPP BaseHell CPP ~ Myshells C ~ LS is my input, the rest comes from the shell. As you can see, shell prompt never arrives when I type LS, it's just blank and she...

c - how to use gst_video_sink_center_rect to render video area? -

मैं gst_video_sink_center_rect का उपयोग करने के लिए वीडियो को मैं सेट क्षेत्र को रेंडर करने देना चाहता हूं लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि इसका इस्तेमाल कैसे करना है केवल src और डीएसटी rect है मैं परिणाम तर्क के बारे में उलझन में हूँ। यह कैसे काम करता है? gst_video_sink_center_rect (GstVideoRectangle src, GstVideoRectangle डीएसटी, GstVideoRectangle * परिणाम, gboolean स्केलिंग);

javascript - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'loadDataToGrid' of undefined -

I have a code that uses data to load data passing through an external logging in jQGrid I'm using an AngularJS factory method to get started and retrieve the Jason document I received. I'm getting Uncort type error: The properties of 'undefined' error code in Chrome console can not be read 'loadDataToGrid' JQuery Function for loading data in jQGrid: - $ (function ($ radius, $ http, $ rootScope, retriveDataFromServer) {$ ("# list"). JqGrid ({url: retriveDataFromServer.loadDataToGrid ($ http), datatype: "Jason Columns: [{name: "fname", width: 55}, {name: "lname"}, "name": "GET", colNames: ["employee first name", "employee last name", "contact no"], , Width: 60}, {name: "contact no", width: 55, align: "right"},], pager: "#pager" punk "Employee data grid": 10, autowthth: true, rowList: [10, 20, 30], sort name: "fname", sort...

Ios Check Version of App from Server and Lock User from moving Ahead in App without Upgrading -

The iOS app, it needs to be implemented when the new version is available, it displays popups and the user continues on The time app is not up to date Please help me block the app's part. Thank you in advance ..

php - Laravel: Remove a video from a playlist in YouTube using Google API Client -

Hello, so I'm trying to delete a video from a playlist using the Google API client, Continue the errors. Here's my code. if ($ access_token & amp; $ client = \ GoogleClient :: requestPermission ($ access_token)) {$ youtube = new \ Google_Service_YouTube ($ customer); $ Resultman = $ youtube- & gt; Playlist item-> Remove ("id, snippet", array ('id' = & gt; $ video_id, 'playlistId =' = $ playlist_id)); } Else {App :: abort (500, "account can not be authenticated"); } What I'm doing wrong and any help is appreciated. Thanks!

javascript - JQuery exclude one field from validation -

I created this code to validate the checkout form. But there is an area which is not needed. All other areas are required to exclude this field, how can I modify my code, and if this field is full and is not empty then just add class 'valid'. Is there any such suggestion for me? Validate the checkout field $ ('#outout-data input'). ECH (function () {$ (this) .change (function () {if ($ (this) .val (). Length & lt; 1) {$ (this) .removeClass ('valid') .addClass ('invalid');} and {$ (this) .removeClass ('invalid') .addClass ('valid ');}});}); Require a required class to input Field and then change your code, $ ('#outoutout-data input.required') .each (function () {$ (this) .change (function ( ) ($ (This) .removeClass ('valid'). AddClass ('invalid');} and {$ (this) .removeClass ('invalid') AddClass In addition, $. Not required for each like, $ ('#outout-data input .required...

c - xfrm to implement IPsec -

In my project it is necessary to implement IPsec Currently my system has the n Etfilter has captured the packet using the queue and has prepared the packet to be mess from this point I do not know how to implement IPCCec on these packages . During my research I found one of the Linux kernel library names xfrm However, there is no documentation to get a firm hold on it () If any of you IPsec with xfrm or IPsec . Thank you very much See these files in the kernel location [ Sasi @ localhost linux] $ ls -l net / ipv4 / xfrm4_ * -rw-r - r--. 1 root root 3957 April 19 20:09 Net / IPv4 / XFM4_input.crRRR ---. 1 root route 3773 Apr 19 20:09 Net / IPv4 / Xframe4-AMOD_BHT.CRRR ---. 1 root route 2135 Apr 19 20:09 Net / IPv4 / Exframe 4-Import_transport.c-R-R-R ---. 1 root root 3024 Apr 19 20:09 Net / IPv4 / Exframe 4_mode_notel CRR-R-O1 root root 2494 April 19 20:09 Net / IPv4 / R ---. 1 root route 7530 Apr 19 20:09 Net / ipv4 / xfrm4_