Rails 3 + Rspec: Rspec says tests are pending, but they should be passing -

I have a specific file:

  search requires 'spec_helper' to search Does {Response_to (: theme_ids}} should receive {response_to (: imprint_ids)} that {response_to (language_ids}} should be, it must be {response_to (: award_ids}}, it must be {response_to (: dra)} It should be {response_to (guided_reading}} (response_to (guided_reading)} (response_to (lexile)} that it must {response_to (: accel_bot}}, it must be {response_to (: accel_top)} Should (reply required): {respond_to (: interest_low)} should be {response_to} (: Interest_high)} and  

and add one A class attribute_reader written in class / model / search .rb

  class: Theme_Idays ,: Imprint_ID,: Language_ids ,: award_ids,: dra, interference, guided_reading, lexile, accel_bot ,: accel_top ,: Interest_low ,: interest_high  

Works in the console:

  1.9.3-p484: 002 & gt; Search.new ({h : 1}) = & gt; {}  

However, when I run my trial, they are all pending:

  NetMAC-PRO: MESSAGE EME $ $ rspec Spec / models /search_spec.rb/Users/emai/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p484@mysite/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.4.18/lib/ruby-debug-ide/command.rb : 27: Warning: already started DEF_OPTIONS ********** pending: search # & lt; RSpec :: Matchers :: BuiltIn :: PositiveOperatorMatcher: 0x007ff701ec5798 & gt; # Not implemented yet ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:4 ##RSPC :: Matches :: Biltine :: Positive Operator Matter: 0x007ff701ec4ac8 & gt; # Not implemented yet ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:12 Search # & lt; RSpec :: Matchers :: BuiltIn :: PositiveOperatorMatcher: 0x007ff701ecc728 & gt; # Not implemented yet ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:6 # RSPC :: Machines :: Biltine :: Positive Operator Matter: 0x007ff701ecb968 & gt; # Not implemented yet # ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:7 # # RSPEC :: Machines :: Biltine :: Positive Operator Matter: 0x007ff701ecb008 & gt; # Not implemented yet # ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:8 ##RSPC :: Matches :: Biltine :: Positive Operator Matter: 0x007ff701eca4c8 & gt; Find # Not implemented yet # ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:9 # # RSPEC :: Matches :: Biltine :: Positive Operator Matter: 0x007ff701ec9c30 & gt; # Not implemented yet ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:10 ##RSPEC :: Matches :: Biltine :: Positive Operator Matter: 0x007ff701ec9488 & gt; # Not implemented yet # ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:11 ##RSPC :: Matches :: Biltine :: Positive Operator Matter: 0x007ff701ed0fd0 & gt; Searches # Not implemented yet ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:12 Search # & lt; RSpec :: Matchers :: BuiltIn :: PositiveOperatorMatcher: 0x007ff701ed0788 & gt; # Not implemented yet # ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:13 # RSPEC :: Machines :: Biltine :: Positive Operator Matter: 0x007ff701ed0148 & gt; # Not implemented yet ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:14 Search # & lt; RSpec :: Matchers :: BuiltIn :: PositiveOperatorMatcher: 0x007ff701ecfa40 & gt; # Not implemented yet # ./spec/models/search_spec.rb:15 12 examples ending in 0.4 9 7 seconds, 0 failures, 12 pending net-mac-pro: MySite EME $  

What is going on

In your examples

  to {response_to} : Theme_ids)}  

should be

  (reply required) (): response_to ( 
< P> Change all should similarly be called within the block passed by the code should by this method.


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