java - self-referencing relationship in entity model -
I have a Spring MVC app with hibernate to interact with a third party database for managing nested subtype Which is using a transitive closure table and supertap linkage between millions of different types of vehicles stored in the vehicles
table there is a vehicles_transitiveclosure
table which is subtype and supertest List stored So that the user can drag all the ancestors or all the descendents of a specific vehicle
. (Car, van, truck, etc.) There are several types of nesting in the car with subtype sedans, wagons, etc.).
I have a vehicle
in my spring MVC app The unit is created, but I'm not sure how to represent the Transitional Closer Table in Spring MVC.
Vehicle Table Vehicle (PK) Other Field Vehicles / Transaction Closer Sub-Type (Fact Two Vehicle) Supertechypeed (FK To Vehicle) Other Fields
I have a combination Do not hesitate to treat vehicles_transitiveclosure
as a table because there are some other fields in each line of vehicles_transitiveclosure
I, apart from this, a self-referenced connection to the unit of vehicles To represent this relationship How do I set up my unit model?
This is the reason for the transit closure table that it enables quick access to all the descendants of an earlier or all vehicles. Optional will be a very resource-intensive repeated algorithm to retrieve all nested levels of subtypes and supertump relationships stored in other tables.
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