Haskell error "parse error on input 'fib'"? -
I was trying to create a type of class with a function called primfib, when n
Is called the first Primimes on the Fibonacci sequence.
This is my code:
class prime minister x x where primeFib :: x - & gt; [X] PrimeFact :: X - & gt; [X] FB :: X - & gt; X - & gt; X - & gt; [X] ePrimo :: x - & gt; X - & gt; X - & gt; Boole Instasus primariespeople integers where primeph n = fib 2 3nfib AB = [] FIB abn = if aperio A (SQLT A) 2 then [a] ++ fibb (a + b) (n -1) and faibb (A + B) N Epiromo A Lim Num & gt; Lim = true | A / num and lt; = 0 = wrong | Otherwise = ePrimo is a lim (num + 1)
But when I try to compile it, ghci returns:
qt.hs: 11: 5: Parse error on input 'fib' failed, modules loaded: none
Am I doing wrong?
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