python - How to set conditions for python2.7 paramiko SFTP upload? Improper use of else? -

Very new in Python, and coding in general. I am working on CSV file processing and uploading them to the SFTP server. I want to check whether the file exists on the server or not. If it exists, then I want to rename it and store it in another folder then it should be replaced with the updated file. If it does not exist ... I just want to upload the file.

  path2 = '/import/Test/stock_update.csv' ssh = paramiko.SSHClient () paramiko.util log_to_file (log_file) ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy (paramiko.AutoAddPolicy ()) dt = str ( () NewName = DT + 'stock_update.csv' store = 'import / test / done /' + NewName ssh.connect ('xxxx-mediaserverxxxxxxxxx', port = 22, user name = 'XXXXXXXXX' , Password = 'xxxxxxxxxx') ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command ('ls / tmp') print "output", () #reading execute co'mmand error = () print "hey" Try SFTP = ssh.open_sftp (), output, error, lane (error): sftp.stat (Path2) except for IOError as e: e.errno print Rint errno.ENOENT if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: print 'if' sftp.put ('C: /Test/fun/stock_update.csv', '/ import / test / stock_update.csv',) and : Print 'this is second' sftp.rename ('/ import / test / stock_update.csv', archive) Sftp.put ('C: /Test/fun/stock_update.csv', '/ import / test / stock_update.csv ',) Finally: sftp.close () ssh.close ()  

I think I am using improperly the other? A file is created on the SFTP server, if none exists but nothing has been done if the file exists. Different lines of code work


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