Rails best session storage for security? -

I'm trying to set up my session to run on the server, but not about knowing about it I've searched the address for a while and I'm not getting a resource that helps me set up non-cookie based sessions. I have seen somewhere that the session story stores it on the server instead of the client, but I can not find anything about it. (How does this work or how it is set) Can someone help clarify things for me?

I know of three ways to keep a user's attitude when using your site: cookies and Using HTTPS conclusions digital certificates and cookless sessions.


Cookies are smells like being unsafe even under HTTPS connections because you have to pass an identifier (which is a cookie in the "regular" session The server, usually in your address call, will:

You should probably check, and its security implications.

Also explain about how it can be achieved through javascript.

HTTPS and certificate

In an HTTPS connection approach, the user is required to present his / her certificate on every request to the server. Considering that the user will present the certificate on every request to the server, the session can be completely avoided, because you will transparently authenticate every request.

I do not think it is possible to implement this approach without providing the user and certificate without providing the certificate. This is not the usual "Server Only Certificate" HTTPS approach.


Considering that you can not be ready to go to the HTTPS route, the only way to recognize it is to have a similar browser Calling it, you have to return the cookie to tie it for a session. There is probably no way that you can keep any cookie without any session and still you have saved it from fraud.

Bottom line: The browser must send you a way to tie the browser request session, so you can be sure (assuming you are encrypting your connection) that this is the same Which it says.

Sessions are controlled by the server, and each cookie issued is entered in the session-table when the browser that calls the cookie again, then it should be inquired from the server and identified. May be.

I have linked one of the answers, in which a method has been described to keep all the user information. There is no need to query the session database on the server to identify cookies, and therefore the request browser.

Ruby on Rail

The railway approach is described for the sessions.

The list of rail API AP provides storage system information storage system.

ActionDispatch :: Session :: Cookie Store is a "server-less" session storage, so you must have all the information server in the cookie, identify the session sent by the browser . Most likely what you want in your question.

But it is not more or less secure from storing session information in server-side, such as ActionDispatch :: session :: CacheStore or some other information about session The way but it is very fast.

Bottom line: When using cookie-based sessions, there are differences in storage methods, entry and response time, security is not there.

If you want to go with safety, I recommend that CSTL should go with HTTPS certification, but it is incompatible with general public web applications.


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