jquery - Responsive navigation bar using JavaScript is not resizing -

I am trying to create a responsive nav bar using jQuery and whatever I try is not right Does.


  $ (function () {var pull = $ ('# bridge' ); Menu = $ ('naval ul'); menuHight = menu.ight (); $ (bridge) .on ('click', function (e) {e.preventDefault (); menu.slideToggle ();}) ; $ (Window). Resize (function () {var w = $ (window). Width (); if (w> 320 & amp; menu.is (': hidden')) {menu.removeAttr (' Style ');}}};}  


  & lt ; Div id = "cover cleanfix"> <; header = class = "english"> 

I am trying to add style with the most important, @ media queries for the WRD, but this is not giving me reasons Is there any way of indentation I could send?

instead of performing resize operation in Jquery Rather come Try changing doors Using CSS with the help of media queries. Below it's sample. Try it one.

  @ media screen and (max-width: 500 pix) {one side {display: none; } #wp {width: 100%; } // Specify the operation to complete the situation here. }  


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