nsoperation - RestKit - Request blocks until previous call completes -

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I will place an excellent remote request in the queue up and block until the last one completes with RestKit There is a problem appearing. I've read setMaxConcurrentOperationCount for AFNetworking that restkit defaults to 5 but I'm just blocked with an outstanding request.

The current version of RestKit is still the default of 5, and if so, can it be due to the lack of concurrent requests?

RestKit 0.20.3


  - getKser {RKObjectManager * objectManager = [RKA] Object Manager Shared Manager]; NSDictionary * items = [objectManager.HTTPClient default header]; NSString * auth = [Item Item Forkey: @ "Authority"]; If (auth == blue) {NSLog (@ "You must first log in \ n"); Return zero; } Auth = [auth stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString: @ "Barrier" withString: @ ""]; NSMutableString * Path = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @ "/ users? Accesstooken =% @", auth]; Return [[RK Object Manager Shared Manager] Appropriate Object Array Professional Operation Explode Object: Zero Method: RKR Quantum Gate Path: Path Parameter: Zero]; Failure: (Zero (^) (RKObjectRequestOperation * operation, NSError * error)) Failure {RKManagedObjectRequestOperation * requestOperation = [getjser]} {} GetUser: (zero) getUser: (Zero (^) (RKObjectRequestOperation * operation, RKMappingResult * mappingResult) ; [Request Operation SetSlapBlockWoightSoftware: Success Failure: Failure]; [Request Started Operation]; }  

Used in the pre-trial is helpful, and the latter is actually called by the production code. I will not see any place in my code where the queue size is clearly set.

RKObjectRequestOperation in an internal queue ( feedback mapping key ) Which is shared in all instances, this line is clearly set with a concurrency count of 1, but it is used only for mapping, not for the URL connection.

What you are doing, Starting the operation by looking at the call, you most likely want to think about adding an operation in a row so that you manage them better Able to Since you are not using the Object Manager to run the operation, because you do not apply a concurrent count of 5. See enqueueObjectRequestOperation: to run the operation.


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