
Showing posts from May, 2010

ruby on rails - Facebook authentication over API -

I have a ruby ​​on the tracks that currently supports Facebook Authentication with devise / omniauth. An iOS client is being created which also requires the support of Facebook Authentication My question is to get the user's email out of a ubiquitous callback How do I access the access token server? I understand Omniauth provides some middleware that callback on a Facebook writes an ath hash in which all information is requested.env ['omniauth.auth'] : The flow with an IOS client is a little different, I think: User agrees to use the app. Client app post access_token rail API. Railway app confirms use of token with Facebook and retrieves users' details. This is step 4 that I'm not sure how to do Basically once I have a token, I manually How do I get an auth hash when I am not in the universal callback? Thanks for any help. Div> Try using the gem "" Example: @ graph = Koala :: Facebook :: API.N. (oauth_access_token) pr...

javascript - how to hyperlink in tab menus from another page into tabs -

I am creating a page adpost.php and in this page I have created various sections like tab tabs, tab 2 and tab 3 I'm creating 3 tabs menu with I use form submit in all tabs, so I am creating a new page index.php and in this page I am creating three buttons and I want to link these buttons to adpost.php in tab like That's when I click on the second button in hyperlink on adpost.php in tab 2. Pls help & lt; Div id = "form-link" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; An id = "business" href = "freeaddpost.php # tab2" & gt; Promote your business for free & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "buy-sell-ad.php" & gt; Free Buy / Sell Anything & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "job-service.php" & gt; Submit Free & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul &...

virtual machine - How VM Name is resolved over the LAN Network? -

I hosted a test-vm named VM (Red Hat Linux) on my desktop machine (Windows) a static IP address But I do not have any DNS entry for this static IP address. Without an entry in the client's host file, I am surprised that the Ping Test - VM is the answer. How is this possible? How does test-vm work on other machines on our LAN network without entering DNS for Test-VM? Regards, Adil Khalil Post Text "itemprop =" text "> I think you are using a vmware client in your Windows desktop. In this situation, the hostname is connected to your vmware virtual DNS. With your pinged broadcasts in the network, your VMware virtual DNS is forwarding ping to your VM client.

java - open excel sheet using hssfworkbook -

I am opening an Excel sheet with 3 tabs, and I am writing in 2 tabs The links are clicked in the form For further explanation, add 3 links form to me, cancel, modify and clicking on a certain link will download the Excel sheet, which is the data in the related tab, the rest 2 tab will have empty data. But every time a tab is clicked on which link is being opened (data is being written in the right tab), which can confuse the end customer. How can I ensure that a special tab should be opened in which the data is written. Thanksgiving or use XssfWorkBook.setActiveSheet Index) where index is the index of sheet. it should work. And after doing this, make sure you also need to do the writing work to make the changes permanent.

sql - mysql delete with cross table lookup -

एसक्यूएल लिंग से हटाएं, यूज़र यू कहां = 195 और = s.uid और u.sessionCheck = 'd986a074c7549c566bfed1d4ad7ca491' त्रुटि # 1064 - आपके SQL सिंटैक्स में एक त्रुटि है; पास के मैनुअल का उपयोग करने वाले मैनुअल को चेक करें, जो आपके पास सही सिंटैक्स के पास है, यूज़र्स यू कहां एस.आईडी = 195 और यू.आईडी = एस.यूआईडी और यू। सेशन चेक = 'डी 9 86 ए 074 सी 0 9 4' लाइन 1 पर है। > तो स्पष्ट रूप से त्रुटि हटाने में शामिल होने के साथ है मैं सर्वर संस्करण: 5.6.16 - MySQL समुदाय सर्वर (जीपीएल) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं P> हटाएं s / * यह उल्लेख करना भूल गया कि आप इन 2 * .id = s.uid WHERE = 195 और u.sessionCheck = 'd986a074c7549c566bfed1d4ad7ca491'

ios - How to show loading spinner between two screens -

I have an app with two UITableViewControllers by clicking on a cell in the first table view Get data from the server and then moves the user to another table view. When the user clicks, I am loading the data from the server and then shows the second table view. So in between is a fraction of a second interval because the data is loading from the server. I would like to immediately show the "loading" spinner when the user clicks on a cell in the first table controller and the "loading" spinner disappears when the data is received from the server. This is what I am currently doing: Class First Controller & lt; UITableViewController ... def tableView (Tableview, Selection RowToundPath: IndexPath) initAFNetworkingClient Colors.fetch (AFMotion :: Client, Data itself [indexPath.row] ["id"]) Data | Self.navigationController.pushViewController (SecondController.alloc.initWithData (Data, Self Data [indexPath.row]), Animated: True ... End End ... ...

symfony - Ember App Kit + RESTAdapter + PHP - PUT request fails -

I am using amber app kit and amber data to communicate with the server, so far everything works great I have been able to create the model and retrieve data using the REAtadapter I have implemented the JSON API using Symfony2. But now when I want to save the edited data on the server and when I call the saved method () on the model, it sends an option request to the server but XMLHttpRequest can not load. Method PUT is not allowed by entry-control-permission-methods I know that you can not send PUT requests from the browser to another domain and I'm not saying how to do this My question is how can I use Amber App Kit and its features and service and front app on the same domain? When I start grunting using Amber App Kit then this port starts from 8000 and my Apache is working on the port which is working on the port 80. As I can copy + Amber App Kit's generated results, if there is a better solution by using Apache as Apache, I keep on spinning. Maybe it'...

android - Where can I find the underlying xml for a CheckBoxPreference? -

I would like to take a look at various XML ideas (and especially the checkbox presentation) which is favored in the list view Creates activity Where are the source codes for these situations? I mean how do they create preference activity for Android's source code, I do not use XML, if I want to use priority activity.

c# - Xna Load Content. Cannot open file -

I was trying to load a spritefont from Content.load. But I'm getting the error that the file can not open. font1 = content. Load & lt; Sprint Font & gt; ("/ Sprite font 1"); error "\ SpriteFont1" can not open the error file loading. I searched the Internet but I could not find anything. I've primarily imported a SprintFont in my content file. I hope someone can help me, this will help me a lot. ! [Enter image details here] [1] I think that Correct spelling xnb file for spriteFont (code inside xml file). With this in mind, make sure that in your solution, the SprintFont 1 file is set as a "property" from the file property. Also, make sure that this content is not within a folder in the project (rather than at the root level). Finally, be sure to set the original source of content properly: Content.RootDirectory = "content"; If you want to expand my answer, please post the code with which you lo...

Symfony service attem -

I am trying to configure services in symfony2: services.yml Parameters: trendio.user_provider.class: Trendo \ DeliBandle \ Tridento User Provider TrendOestate. Class:%, @ serializer, @ buzz] Pre> I got an error: ClassNotFoundException: /var/www/deliv/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php In Namesplace "Trindo \ DeliBold \ Services" in line 3176 The class tried to load "trendyrest". Do you need to "use" it to another? Name Location? TrendioRest.php & lt ;? Php namespace Trendo \ DeliBall \ Services; Class Trentirest {...} But if I take the class to the top-level bundle name space (Trindio \ Deli Bundle), the service works correctly class sub Why does not load loads from namespace names? The best practice is to use the symphony class Since you can simplify this in this way: parameters: Services: _defaults: autowire: trueTradio \ DeliBandle ...

firefox - Drupal 7: Browser not displaying draggable-handles -

OK; I am stumped on this one, it is related to the underlying drag-and-drop sorting functionality you use to organize basic blocks or books. I'm using the latest Firefox on Firefox 20. I use profiles, i.e. separate cache and add-ons with different examples of firefox, however in both profiles, I am entering my Drupal site with the same credentials Problem: For the past few days, my primary browser has stopped showing draggable handles in any of the primary Firefox profiles. The code inspects that they are gaining the "display: none" element in each case. However, this is happening only in one of my Firefox profiles. If I can repeat this problem in my other profile then I will get some clues, but I can not make them disappear because I have them in my primary I can get back to come back. Remember, if I'm logged into my Drupal site as a single user in any case, then this should not be a permissive thing. I've tried so far: Disabling all add-ons Cleari...

java - How to get system time zone configuration -

Is there a way to get the system timezone configuration on which JVM is running? I have a human readable format such as Europe / London and 09:50:07 . I would like to get the format class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> timezone.gate (default). GetDisplayName (); // Time zone name will display example India Standard Time and Timezone.Get Default (). GetID (); // Example ID will show Asia / Calcutta

VB.Net How do I get events handler name? -

I have a question about events, I create a shortcut tool in vb I'm using net drag using drag, but I need to get the name of event handler in, this is my code; Dim evClick as Dim lcTypeOfToolStrip Type = GetType (ToolStripButton) as Dim exFormAsObj object = Activator.CreateInstance (LcTypeOfToolStrip) EventInfo = lcTypeOfToolStrip.GetEvent ("Click") Type as tDelegate as type = evClick.EventHandlerTypeImage = Me.GetType () as the slow miHandler method. GetMethod (ArgToolStripButton.Name and "_Click", BindingFlags.NonPublic or DMCLL (DDILAD) = "DDLL" in this code = [ Representative] ArgToolStripButton.Name and "_Click" "This code should be dynamic. I need to get the event name to click the event in

android - How to remove default images of checkbox -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मैं नहीं चाहता चेकबॉक्स की डिफ़ॉल्ट छवियां दिखाएं .. मैं चेक-बॉक्स की चेक-इन और अनचेक स्थिति पर ड्रॉबल छवियों का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। यहां मेरा चयनकर्ता फ़ाइल है ... & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & Lt; चयनकर्ता xmlns: एंड्रॉइड = "" & gt; & Lt; आइटम एंड्रॉइड: state_checked = "true" & gt; & Lt; बिटमैप एंड्रॉइड: src = "@ ड्रॉएबल / के साथ_चेक" / & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; आइटम एंड्रॉइड: state_checked = "false" & gt; & Lt; बिटमैप एंड्रॉइड: src = "@ ड्रॉएबल / बिना-चेक" / & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; आइटम एंड्रॉइड: ड्रॉबल = "@ ड्रॉएबल / साथ_चेक" / & gt; & Lt; padding android: top = "10dp" एंड्रॉइड: bottom = "10dp" & gt; & Lt; / गद्दी & gt; & Lt; / चयनकर्ता & gt; यहां ...

excel - how to lock ActiveX button to specific column index -

I have to lock an active column in a specific column index when clicked, the button runs VBA code Deletes three columns, and then when unchecked, VBA code essentially undo this past deletion, and then inserts 3 new columns. The VBA code works fine. The problem is that the command button only keeps my sheet sliding down to three columns at a time, unless it is sitting at the top of my data. I have tried to lock / unlock the button, but it does not make any difference. I would like to know if there is any way that I can lock this command button instead of just one specific column in the specific column index . For example, I want to lock it into column index 10, which is column J. In this way, when the button becomes active and the rows are removed / replaced, the button is placed in the column in column 10. These are before and after pictures of this problem: There is also VBA code which is run on every press (Not sure that it is relevant but I thought it could not ...

java - Post Request using resttemplate but have 401 unauthorised -

स्ट्रिंग यूआरएल = ""; RestTemplate restTemplate = नया RestTemplate (); मल्टीवैलमैप & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; शरीर = नया लिंक्डमल्टी वैल्यूमैप & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); Body.add ("client_id", "myid"); Body.add ("client_secret", "mysecret"); Body.add ("अनुदान_प्रकार", "क्लाइंट पहचानकर्ता"); एचटीटीपी हेडर हेडर = नया एचटीटीपी हेडर (); Headers.add ("स्वीकार करें", "एप्लिकेशन / जेएसन"); Headers.add ("कंटेंट-प्रकार", "एप्लिकेशन / जेएसन"); HttpEntity & LT;? & Gt; इकाई = नया एचटीटीपीटीईटीटी & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; (बॉडी, हेडर); ResponseEntity & LT; JsonResponseType & gt; Res = (url, HttpMethod.POST, एंटिटी, जेसनसेंसपॉइसटाइप। क्लास); System.out.println ("हैलो ....." + रिज़); मुझे 401 अनधिकृत त्रुटि मिल रही है, कुछ इसे निकाल सकते हैं भी मल्टीवीलमैप & lt; स्ट्र...

c# - Deleting content based upon document type using the Umbraco content service -

I wrote a web service call that dynamically creates a page based on feedback from the web service every 60 seconds. The service I am using is a general weather forecasting service that predicts 7 days of weather in a specific area. All new content nodes are created using the following: var weather = cs.CreateContent ("weather forecast" + forecast. Date, root id, "weather"); // where is the homepad of the root id site As I'm finally going to optimize this web service call so that only one set of results can be displayed (most recent Set) I want to try and delete the content based on the document type. Is this possible? What I have seen here is: It is not, but should be an alternate solution so that I bulk old content created with web service call and replace it with the most recent content. I thought that something like this would be possible: cs.GetChildren (rootID). Where (x = & gt; x.DocumentTypeAlias ​​== "weather"); But accord...

c++ - Termination Signal or Interrupts like Ctrl+C on Linux -

I want to run a process that checks my key press state, my current endless loop (PKP Parallel to the headers) I was seeing something similar to Windows GetAsyncKeyState I tried a whole week and found something similar to GetAsyncKeyState, so I was using termination sign like ctrl + c to perform some operations. I wanted to know, if there are other similar termination signs that I can use to program my own to get hold of the program? I'm starting for Linux and C ++ Sorry, if my question is stupid. POSIX makes SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 available for application use. There is also a set of realtime signal sets. Must read the basics and adequate reference material is available on the web. He said, it seems that you are already moving forward towards the expansion of a strange hack. Perhaps you should ask a different question about what you are doing, tell about it and help a person to work on a more appropriate path towards solving your primary problem. Instead of improving ...

spring - Java Bean :: How can you create a dynamically executed method (that can be re-adjusted) -

I am looking for a bean in which some N minutes have the ability to execute some code. Sarcissis worker class Class worker {@ etovir Myssev MySsevari; MyService.notifyUser (10); } service class class MyService {public zero notified user (int nMinutes) {// busy code}} You can edit the java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask Class last timer timer = new timer (); // You can work once to work: Timer. Scheduling (New Timer Task) {@ Override Public Wide Run ({{System.out.println ("Working is done ..");}}, 5); // You need to repeat the task after the duration of the time, just like this timer. Schedulatétefixertat (New TimerTask) {@ Override Public Wired Run} {System.out.println ("Repeat the ongoing work .."}}}}, 1 * 60 * 1000, 1 * 60 * 1000); // After one minute The timer service should also see the doctor

knockout.js - Get bindings from observable -

How can I get the data-wrap string or dot nodes, which is an observable is? I knocked on my web page. Validation.js, and one of my default assumptions ( required ) is being removed. I want to know which is for example validateSync @ knockout.validation.js You can use jquery to get the actual value of the Data Bind feature & lt; Span data-bind = "value: test" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; $ (Function () {// "value: test" alert ($ ('span').} ('Data-bound');}; In addition, If you really want to get the actual object that is bound to you, you can use the ko.dataFor function. ko.dataFor (element) - returns the data that gives the element Was available for binding against .contextFor (element) - provides the complete binding reference that was available for the DOM element.

How to rewind multiple videos at the same time. Java HTML5 -

I'm new to this, tried to search for information but I could not find anything that needs my needs Complete I am trying to control 2 videos at the same time. I wanted to play and stop at the same time. But when I try to create a rewards / fast forward button, the same syntax does not work. To clean things, I give the code example. This makes an all 4 video & amp; Stop at the same time: function vidplay () {var video1 = document.getElementById ("Video1"); Var video2 = document.getElementById ("Video2"); Var button = document.getElementById ("play"); If (Video Paused 1) { () & amp; (); Button.textContent = "||"; } And {video1.pause () & amp; Video2.pause (); Button.textContent = "& gt;"; }} But it does not meet my own goal: function vidskip () {var video1 = document.getElementById ("Video1"); Var video2 = document.getElementById ("Video2"); Video1.currentTime = 15; ...

Android ListView slide animation when item is selected -

मेरे पास यह ListView है: @Override सार्वजनिक शून्य पर पूर्ण (सूची & lt; प्रोफाइल & gt; दोस्त ) {RunOnUiThread (नया रननाबल) {@Override सार्वजनिक शून्य रन () {mSpinner.setVisibility (देखें। GONE); mSpinner.clearAnimation ();}}); // पॉप्युलेट सूची सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; मान = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); के लिए (प्रोफ़ाइल प्रोफ़ाइल: मित्र) {//profile.getInstalled (); values.add (profile.getName ()); } अर्रेएडप्टर & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; FriendsListAdapter = नया अर्रे एडाप्टर & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (getApplicationContext (), आर। लेट। लिस्ट_इटम 2, मान); FriendsListAdapter.sort (नया तुलनात्मक & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; () {@ ओवरराइड पब्लिक इंट की तुलना (स्ट्रिंग एलएचएस, स्ट्रिंग आरए) {रिटर्न lhs.compareTo (rhs);}}); mFriendsList.setAdapter (friendsListAdapter); }}; और xml में: & lt; ListView एंड्रॉइड: id = "@ + id / list" एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "fill_parent" एंड्रॉइड: layout_height = "Fill_parent...

Visualize several datasets as intersecting circles in python -

I have several lists that contain user IDs and I want to hide those people, as it is to pierce chakras ( Area of ​​each circle is equal to the list of lengths). Is there a dragon library which can help me with this task? Create your circles using and then using pyplot .

python - does pep 232 also works for instance methods? -

I was curious whether (properties of the function) also works for class methods. In the end, I think this is not doing anything wrong or not? Python 2.7.6 (Default, February 26, 2014, 12:07:17) [GCC 4.8.2 20140206 (Prerelease)] "Help" for more information on Linux2, "Copyright "," Credit "or" License "type & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Square Fu (object): ... DIF A (self): ... print ( ... & gt; & Gt; & Gt; F = Foo ()> gt; & Gt; & Gt; = "bar" traceback (most recent call final): File "& lt; stdin>", line 1, & lt; Module & gt; AttributeError: There is no attribute 'bar' in the 'instancemethod' object Example methods just Wrappers are used to work, in fact, only the work becomes due to methods. You can always use the underlying task: fa__func __. Bar = 'bar' instancemethod .__func___ attribute is the underlying function object. ...

Accessing elements in list in r -

I want to use a certain element in a list, and want to store it in data.frame. If the particular object does not have that element then the result should be. Example: list $ a "mark" "peter" "sam" "il" $ b "dd" "pp" "tt" "ff" "j J "RR" $ c "aa" a "a" a "a" a "a" result (data frame): name The value of NA> Any RR BAC Any suggestions? You can sapply and use the data frame # list l

Storing MongoDB tree using Materialized Paths pattern -

I need to duplicate a directory structure in Mangond. I have read about the patterns of physical routes and I need to use it Patterns of physical routes store each tree node in a document; In addition to the tree node, the document stores as the ancestors of the nodes in the form of a string or as an ID (s) of path The problem with this is that _ID should be unique, but in my case the directory The name must support duplicates (you can have 2 ore more directories with the same name). Any thoughts? Thank you.

wordpress - WooCommerce add to cart not working -

My WordPress site is hosted on Windows Azure and recently a WooCommerce and after Wordpress my Add to Cart button This cart does not add any product to my car, but the car is redirected properly, but I can tell that 'your vehicle is currently empty' unless I am not logged in as an admin I checked the status of WooCommerce system and all looks fine Know a fix for this? Today, I had to face the same problem. I came to know that I was running close to the memory limit on my site, so it increased it up a notch. Besides, after deactivating the WP Supercache, the added products were shown in the cart. However, after some rounds of testing, activating the WP Supercache and reactivating it did not remove the problem. You can try above and see that it works for you. I know this is an old post if you have already received a solution, please share. mitmak

C# building error of wrong definition of a calss in Visual Studio 2012 on Win 7 -

After searching for a forum, I could not find a solution to similar questions. If you find one, please let me know I am creating a C # project in Visual Studio 2012. But, I got an error of MyPath \ MyProgram.cs: Error CS1061: There is no definition for 'myfunction' in 'MyClus' and no extension method The "myfunction" type can be found in accepting the first argument of "MyClass" (do not you remember the use instructions or assembly reference?) Actually In, I defined 'MyFontions' in 'Myclass' in Project 2 (MyClass file defined in myclass.cs Student) who has been linked with MyProgram.cs my current solution and successfully). I've added a reference to the namespace and project1 in MyProgram.cs When I created Project 1, VS showed another version of myclass.cs, a folder called Miscellaneous files And there is no definition of MyFunction in this file. Why does Project 1 not find the exact definition of 'myfuncti...

tsql - How to Convert Rows into Columns using SQL Select Query? -

मास्टर टेबल कोड यूज़रनेम 1 यूज़रऑन 2 यूजरटौवो 3 यूट्यूबट्री विवरण तालिका कोड यूजोडकोड पैरानामनाम पैरामाव्यू 1 1 नामओन मूल्य ओन 1 1 नाम दो मूल्य वैल्यू 1 1 नामथैल्ली मूल्य तीन और इतने पर उपरोक्त मेरा मास्टर और विवरण तालिका है। मैं एक क्वेरी लिखना चाहता हूं जो कि विवरण तालिका की पंक्तियों को स्तंभों में बदल देगा। वांछित आउटपुट नीचे दिया गया है: कोड यूज़रकोड नाम एक नाम दो नाम तीन और इसी तरह से 1 1 मान ओन वैल्यू दो मान तीन और इतने पर मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? कोई भी सुझाव अग्रिम में महान होगा। यह एक आम समस्या है, बिना बीडीएमएस के उपयोग के बारे में जानकारी , मैं दो निम्न-स्तरीय समाधान का सुझाव देता हूं: JOIN द्वारा कॉलम जोड़ना उप-चयन करके कॉलम जोड़ना उपसमूह द्वारा स्तंभ जोड़ना प्रत्येक डैटो को लेने के लिए एक उपशैली जोड़ने के लिए आपको कॉलम में ट्रांज़ोवल करने की आवश्यकता होती है। JOIN के द्वारा कॉलम जोड़ना एक बाएं जोड़ डेटा (कण सही डेटा कट) में जोड़ता है, विज्ञापन का खुलासा फ़ील्ड आपको कॉलम में आवश्यक है। ये समाधान प्रत्येक स्थैतिक और वैध हैं,...

sas - Data Preparation with given columns in WPS -

I have a dataset that has two columns for gender and birth_date, I need output as two lines How do I do male and female (gender) and column in one year's month as a SAS? Suppose: gender birthdays male 01/10/1989 female 02/12/1990 and so on .. I have about 100 rows. So I think you want the number of people born in each month. The first data set creates some test data. data testing; Format gender $ 8 Date of birth date 9.; Do I = 1 to 5000; Gender = "male"; Birthday = today () + roof (Bhairuni (123) * 365); Output; End; Do I = 1 to 5000; Gender = "FEMALE"; Birthdays = today () + roof (Bhairuni (123) * 365); Output; End; Drop Drop; Run; Proc sort data = test; By gender; Run; Data output (keep = gender months :); Set test; By gender; Array month_ [12]; If first.gender then; Do I = 1 to 12; Month_ [i] = 0; End; End; Month_ [month (birthday)] + 1; If the output of the previous ginger; Run; creates

jquery - Why would JavaScript work correctly in HTML body but not as a JavaScript file in the HTML header -

This does not work (placed inside the HTML header tag): & Lt; Script src = "file / js / animator / index.js" charset = "utf-8" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; but it works fine (placed inside the HTML body tag): & lt; Script & gt; $ (Function () {$ ("active"). Animate ({height: "10%"}, 5000);}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Why does it work properly and why not do it for the first time? You need to run your function such as & lt ; Body onload = "animate ()" & gt; Otherwise you will need something on the document load script in your JP file.

javascript - How to set height of parent, dependent on height of selected element -

I have a scenario where I want to get all the elements with a certain class, and then I want to use the parent div Lt; Div squared = 'a' & gt; & Lt; Div square = 'b' & gt; & Lt; Div squared = 'c' & gt; ......... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'd' & gt; ......... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div square = 'b' & gt; & Lt; Div squared = 'c' & gt; ......... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div square = 'b' & gt; & Lt; Div squared = 'c' & gt; ......... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div square = 'b' & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'd' & gt; ......... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I want to search all the class D objects, and then I want to set the padding bottom value of my contain...

Robots.txt for WordPress when not in root directory -

If the WP installation is not in the root (can say that it is / in the news / as is) where the robots.txt file Go (root or installation folder) and what is the path to: Disallow: / wp-admin / disallow: / wp-include / disallow: / wp-content / plugins / or reject : Newslett / wp-admin / reject: newsletter / wp-includes / reject: newslett / wp-content / plugins / thanks! For example, for your site under The directory is accessible under / var / www / and your WordPress blog is under / var / www / newsite / , robots.txt By entering / var / www / and changing folders in: Disallow: / newsite / wp-admin / disallow: / newsite / wp-include / disallow: / Newsat / wp-content / plugins / why / newsite / wp-admin / and / var / www / newsite / wp-admin / for example? The directory is related to the URI, such as

ios - ERROR ITMS-9000: "Missing Code Signing Entitlements. No entitlements found in bundle" - How to change app ID name -

I have recently re-signed my app with another certificate (I do not have a source code, so let me know To upload it to the App Store). When I tried to upload it, I got it: Error ITMS-9000: "Missing code signing entitlements. No entitlement found in the bundle 'xxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxx' for executable. ' Pelload / / xxxxxxxx '. "" Software Assets / Software Asset (MJDITMSServicesAssetPackage) ". I have read in other pages that my bundle ID must be matched with the new certificate from my new app ID. I just signed. I need direct instructions about changing bundle IDs in the IPA file! As such, actual step-by-step instructions (I'm a type of novice). Can anyone help me ?? Thanks! Before you check Products> Archive that you use the appstore Go to Distribution Provisioning Profile Building Settings> Code Signing and change the provisional profile for delivery identification and release for release.

documentation - Where to get more detailed jQuery syntax other than the official website? -

I know that it looks stupid but I think the description of the official jQuery website of some syntax is not very detailed Are there. Animate ({width: 'toggle'}, 1000) On, I do not see any explanation of this kind of use (in the "Options" section, I do not see anything like "{width: toggle}"), if there is any other place, Can I get more detailed information? Or have I remembered something similar on the official page? JQuery's documentation is as follows: properties === {width: 'toggle'} in your example, which is just one and the duration 1000 millisecond bracket indicates that the values ​​are optional, and are omitted and complete.

algorithm - Find the pair of numbers in an unsorted array with a sum closest to an arbitrary target -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 10 उत्तर यह एक सामान्यीकरण है 2Sum समस्या संख्याओं की एक रिक्त सारणी को देखते हुए, आप संख्याओं की जोड़ी एक मनमाना लक्ष्य के निकटतम राशि के साथ कैसे पाते हैं। ध्यान दें कि एक सटीक मिलान मौजूद नहीं है, इसलिए O (n) हैशटेबल समाधान यहां फिट नहीं है। मैं इस समस्या को O (n * लॉग (एन)) 0 के लक्ष्य के लिए समय इतनी के रूप में: पूर्ण मान द्वारा संख्या क्रमबद्ध करें। सटे हुए एरे के पार, दोहराए गए मूल्यों की न्यूनतम राशि रखने के लिए। यह काम करता है क्योंकि जोड़े के तीन मामलों (+ / +, +/-, - / -) सभी को पूर्ण मूल्य के तर्क द्वारा नियंत्रित किया जाता है। अर्थात्, उसी चिह्न के जोड़े की संख्या कम से कम होती है, जब वे 0 के सबसे करीब होते हैं, और जोड़ी के घटकों को एक-दूसरे के सबसे करीब होने पर अलग-अलग संकेतों की जोड़ी कम करनी पड़ती है मैं यह कैसे एक मनमाना लक्ष्य राशि के लिए सामान्य कर सकता हूँ? चरण 1: सरणी को बिना कम क्रम में क्रमबद्ध करें जटिलता: ओ (एन एलजी एन) चरण 2: दोनों ओर से अंत में स्कैन करें जटिलता: ओ (एन) सॉर्ट किए ...

java - ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner -

Commons-dbutils-1.5-src in the project I've got the class question org.apache.commons.dbutils in the package. I'm making analisys of this kind of code from dbutils by another java project there i class I'm using ForName ("org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner"). It ends with: ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner This also happens from dbutils project for other classes ... In the program logic I indicate: -w ... \ Workspace \ commons-dbutils-1.5-src Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? You have the classpath with the QueryRunner class file To set jar properly, or else add it to Library for your project .

I want to remove \u00a9 , \u201d and characters like that from my string in given dictionary (python). -

After text "itemprop =" text "> d = {" key ":" Playing Cards \ u00a9 Personalized Coaster "impresses the game crowd with these classic "This beautiful glass is made of glass, and weighs about 4 \ u201d x 4 \ u201d (inches)" to touch, and to look beautiful. There are 4 casters in one set. All card lovers Designed for this exclusive design, each coaster has a different suit, with the bottom. Make uber-personal! "HerOccasion": "It will look like a couple, great bar, or made for tabletop.Gift": Diwali, Bridge, Anniversary, Birthday "} I have tried to replace the function but did not work on it. Text after s = d [key] .replace ('\ u00a9', '') If you want to remove all Unicode characters from a string, you can use string.encode (" ascii "," ignore ") . The ASCII tries to convert the string to the encoding, and the second parameter is the characters that can not be...

python 2.7 - PySide: How to change the status bar text from another class? -

I am trying to design a GUI using PySide and let me make some positions and update the status bar. is intended. However, there is something wrong with my code. Can someone see me what I am doing wrong? Especially in the way I call method method under SampleTab1 class PySide Import from QtGui class MainWindow import sys (QtGui.QMainWindow):. Def __init __ (self): super (MainWindow, self). __init __ () # setup window self.resize (750, 550) self.myGUI () def myGUI (self): # tab widgets self.mytabs_widget = QtGui.QTabWidget () create self.mytabs_widget.addTab (SampleTab1 (self.mytabs_widget ), "Tab 1") # Create widget area area for tab widgets self.mylayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout () self.mylayout.addWidget (self.mytabs_widget) #cadding self.mycontent_widget = QtGui.QWidget (create content area widget) ) Self.mycontent_widget.setContentsMargins (5, 5, 5, 0) self.mycontent_widget.setLayout (self.mylayout) # Central widgets self.setCentralWidget set (self.mycontent_widget) self....

javascript - Do you need to check if a jQuery object exists? -

Assume that you have a 100 pages website and it has only one div with a unique div id page-5 . Html, but not in 99 pages, and for example to be extra simple, you have a JS file that loads on all pages, and inside it is: Var uniqueDiv = $ ('# Unique-div'); UniqueDiv.addClass ('Random Level'); Is there any negative effect in any possible way (for example, performance)? Would it be better to check the length of the first? var uniqueDiv = $ ('# unique-div'); If (uniquediv. Lamp) {uniqueDiv.addClass ('random-class'); } If so, why? Or if you are sticking to such things: var uniqueDiv = $ ('# unique-div'); SomeVar.add (moreVars) .add (uniqueDiv) .addClass ('random level'); What happens if the object is not present? I tried to see it, but I have always thought this. This is the responsibility of any jQuery method to "proper" behavior whether 0, 1 or more The more 1 dome objects are the current jQuery obje...

How do I use the host as DNS with Android / ADB? -

After text To connect my unrooted Droid M (Android 4.1.2) to my Mac, Android Debug Bridge (ADB) Using (Mavericks) via USB and the following PPP connection: sudo 'which is PPP adb' open: pppd nodetach noauth noipdefault / dev / tty "nodetach noauth noipdefault : notty (source :) On my Mac, I redirect the host names like the app to the host files of Vagrant Mac Using it To run a web server pile and to point to and the Vagrant box (which all works well) Here's my question:. Is there a way I can connect my Droid M to my Mac in a way that uses the Mac as DNS and thus would the file properly map the domain name in the mac's host? I thought I was working on this another machine about a year ago, but I do not understand how I did it. Thank you, -Nate "itemprop =" text "> Run your API on the emulator on IP It will communicate just like your local web server 127.0...

c++ - Constant array size in class -

I have a problem in creating an array in the constructor See my code: class Foo {private: const int size; Double * tab; Public: Foo (Int.); }; Foo :: foo (int s): size (s) {tab = new double [size] [size]; } The creator can not create a new array because the size of the array is not a constant value ... what is wrong in it? I'm sure it's really easy. P.S. I apologize for my bad english. tab indicator and assign you a different dimension in a loop separately Will happen. square foo {private: const int size; Double ** tab; Public: Foo (Int.); ~ Foo (); }; Foo :: foo (int s): size (s) {tab = new double * [size]; For (int i = 0; i

java - Generic Return Type? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 23 उत्तर मैं निश्चित नहीं हूँ यह जावा में संभव है इसके अलावा, मैं यह जानने में सक्षम नहीं हूं कि इसके लिए Google पर क्या सवाल है। वैसे भी, मुझे एक ऐसा तरीका चाहिए जो एक तर्क (इंटरफ़ेस या वर्ग) के रूप में ले जाता है और विधि का रिटर्न टाइप उस क्लास का एक उदाहरण है। मैं तथ्य के बाद किसी ऑब्जेक्ट को पुनः स्थापित नहीं करना चाहता। मुझे यह निश्चित नहीं है कि यह सुविधा मौजूद है या सिंटैक्स क्या होगा। मान लें कि मेरे पास XYZ नाम का वर्ग है और यह मेरा छद्म विधि है। निजी XYZ createInstance (XYZ.class, अन्य आर्ग्स) {... // XYZ का उदाहरण अन्य आर्ग्स के साथ बनाएँ नाम "_xyz_" ... वापस _xyz_; } अब मान लीजिए कि XYZ एक सामान्य सिंटैक्स है क्या जावा में यह संभव है? किसी भी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। निजी & lt; T & gt; टी बनाने की व्यवस्था (कक्षा & lt ;? T & gt; c) {return c.newInstance (); }

xpath - How to remove insignificant whitespace in XSLT -

Looking at any document or piece, especially documents () or Doc () , how can you remove the trivial white space (i.e. indentation)? & lt; Xsl: template match = "* [* and not (text () [general-location ()]) / text ()" />

PHP + MySQL Slow results using while loop -

I have created a fast MESQL based news feed on my website where I am writing the last four news stories from the database whereas function + Fetch_arry .. As I recall when I used a script like this, but with it I get very slow results from my code for 18-20 seconds which is not the best thing for my followers .. What is the problem Causes or I may include how you can speed to draw? $ e = mysql_query (Select 'Date Decec LIMIT 4' from Rental Order); If (! $ E) {dead (mysql_error ()); $ Count = 0; } $ Get_hir = mysql_num_rows (mysql_query ("select * rental order from date DESC LIMIT 4"); If ($ get_hir> & lt; = 0) {echo '& lt; Div class = "lil-box lil-box-tl" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Center & gt; & Lt; H4 & gt; Nixennek Hieroc! & Lt; / H4 & gt; & Lt; / Center & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; '; } And {while ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ e)) {echo & lt; Div clas...

apache - My PHP file gives code instead of output -

I already advised, by opening the .php page with Chrome, Mozilla and IE. By dragging them), my EasyPHP has been started (with other services I have installed it now), my files are located in C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot (on Vista), and so far, there are no PHP outputs happening is. It is shown as a code on the page, or it does not work at all (for example, including not working). I tried to configure DirectoryRoot in the httpd.config file (I originally commented instead of deleting it), so it would point to the wwwroot directory, but it did not work either. I am very new to EasyPHP and it has been done a few years later because I really work with regular PPP, Apache, and MySQL, so I'm hitting here on the straw. Code in my .htm file: & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.0 Transcription / N" & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; MySite & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link href = "MySite.css...

html5 - Streaming m3u8 with video.js -

I am trying to stream this URL: & lt; Audio id = "streaming" class = "video-js vjs-default-skin" control & gt; & Lt; Source src = "" Type = 'audio / mp34; Codecs = mp4a.40.2 '/ & gt; & Lt; / Audio & gt; Safari / Mac and Safari / iOS works fine, but this code does not run in Chrome and Firefox. I removed the codec's information from the type attribute and nothing happens. Firefox says: The specified "type" attribute of "audio / mp4; codecs = mp4a.40.2" is not supported. Load of media resources Failed failed candidates failed to load resources. Media load paused I have also tried to change the type attribute based on the mime page () Any thoughts about this issue? Cross-browser HLS support is bein...

javascript - Unable to load a specific webpage on Android webview -

I am unable to view the following webpage in the Android webview: it should be redirected to a login page, above mentioned in the Android webview. Is there a successful case to open a webpage? FYI I am javascript activating and I am setting up WebVyclant. Am I missing something? Did you try it? There is a problem with the HTPS site Android. mWebView.setWebViewClient (Reserves SSLLR on WebView (WebViewView, SSLErhardler handler, SSLERR error) {handler. Go ahead}}}}

javascript - Draw user defined color rectangle -

I'm trying to draw a rectangle at the click of a button. The user can choose a color and then click on the button to draw a specific color rectangle. How to get this property When you click on the layer button in my Bela, you can get a rectangle on the canvas. If you uncheck the check box and click it again, you will get a rectangle in one place. I want to make different color rectangles every time. This code is a pen that describes the same color rectangle every time. This is the code that I am trying to edit. It is now being painted with black color every time your init3 Add the following code to var oMaterialCB = document.getElementById ("Pickcore"); Var sMaterial = oMaterialCB.options [oMaterialCB.selectedIndex] .text; Var sMaterialColor = oMaterialCB.options [oMaterialCB.selectedIndex] .value; M_iConnectirellindexx = AddToCB ('Layer List', SMART + 'Layer'); // X, Y, width, height var l_dYOfPrevLayer = document.getElementById ('Te...

NServiceBus Platform Installer - Failing To Install ServiceInsight - Chocolatey exit code 1638 -

The team, I am installing the platform installer and the NSISbus, the service control, the service pulse and the service insight I am selecting. I get the following error to install the service instance (see error below) I was installed before the beta version and it was uninstalled and before the platform installer was kicked Also rebooted my machine. / P> I have found this URL which indicates that there are similar problems with previous users who use beta versions, but this does not identify the solution that is quick for us. Any support you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Error executing PowerShell: Error: Running C: \ user \ jmiller.mpsRX \ AppData \ local \ Temp \ chocolatey \ ServiceInsight \ ServiceInsightInstall.exe with / quiet / L * V "C: \ Users \ jmiller.MPSRX \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ chocolatey \ ServiceInsight \ msiexe.log" was not successful. The exit code was '1638' error in executing Powerhell: ServiceInsight did not successf...

c# - why am I getting a System.OutOfMemoryException -

मैं Linq को SQL का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ यहां कोड है: शब्दकोष & lt; स्ट्रिंग, इंट & gt; allResults; (Var dc = नया MyDataContext ()) का उपयोग कर {dc.CommandTimeout = 0; AllResults = dc.MyTable.ToDictionary (x = & gt; x.Text, x = & gt; x.Id); } यह एक 64 बिट मशीन पर चल रहा है और संकलन AnyCPU है यह एक System.OutOfMemoryException फेंकता है। यह एक SQL सर्वर डेटाबेस तक पहुँचता है एक एसक्यूएल सर्वर int फ़ील्ड के लिए आईडी फ़ील्ड मैप्स, और टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड मैप्स को पाठ (एनवर्चार (मैक्स)) फ़ील्ड में। तालिका नाम से चुनें COUNT (*) का चयन करें परिणाम 1,173,623 रिकॉर्ड और चल रहे तालिकानाम से चुनें (लेनन (पाठ)) से तालिका नाम परिणामों में 48,915,031 चूंकि पूर्णांक एक 32 बिट पूर्णांक है, आईआईडी को केवल 4.6 9 एमबी का स्थान और 1 जीबी से कम स्ट्रिंग लेना चाहिए। इसलिए हम 2 जीबी / ऑब्जेक्ट सीमा के खिलाफ भी टक्कर नहीं दे रहे हैं। तब मैं इस तरह से कोड बदलूंगा: शब्दकोष & lt; स्ट्रिंग, इंट & gt; allResults; (Var dc = new MyDataContext ()) का उपयोग करते हुए {शब्दकोश & lt...

java - How to map a many-to-many relantionship in OrientDB -

I am starting with Orient DB and I got basic rights. But I did not know how to map many relationships in a way, so that I would not need to check for many integrity when removing the record. I am using an object database (ODatabaseObjectTx) and I am trying to map this simple relationship: The person & lt; -> roles A person can have many roles and one role can be assigned to multiple individuals. N to M Relationships My person category: public class person {name of private string; Public person () {} public string getName () {return name; } Public Zero Setname (string name) { = name; }} My role class: Role of the public class {Name of the private string; Public role () {} public string getName () {return name; } Public Zero Setname (string name) { = name; }} Now I do not understand that to make set to user class or a link roll in the category & lt; Users & gt; Set in any way if I remove one record from one, then I have to ...

javascript - I can't obtain service variable angularjs -

This is a service for getting my controller and latitude and graphs. var moduloMapa = angular Module ('Beliga. Index map controller', ['google-maps']); moduloMapa.controller ( 'controlIndexMap', function ($ scope, mapService) {$ = {Latitude: 30, Longitude: 20}; $ scope.zoom = 8; $ scope.latitud = mapService.localizar ();} ); moduloMapa.service ( 'mapService', function () {this.localizar = function () {navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (mostrar);}; function mostrar (Posicion) {/ * Posicion es el parametro Tiene que los Valores, Las variable Para Latitud y longitud Las obtenemos del parametro posicion.coords * / var lat = posicion.coords.latitude; // obtengo La Latitud bridesmaid Longitude = posicion.coords.longitude; // obtengo la longitud warning ( "te he encontrado, estas en : "+ Latitude +", "+ lane"); return "latitude;}}}); The problem is: when I see the scope variable" $ scope.latitud ...

wordpress - Problems with comment box -

थीम 2014 के साथ वर्डप्रेस 3.9 का उपयोग जब भी मैं किसी पृष्ठ पर टिप्पणियां सक्षम करता हूं, तो टिप्पणियाँ बॉक्स प्रकट होता है पहले से ही बॉक्स में जानकारी। जैसा कि मैं नया हूँ, मैंने शायद ऐसा करने के लिए कुछ किया हो, लेकिन अगर मैं इसे समझ सकता हूं तो मुझे डर लगता होगा। वेबसाइट पर होम पेज पर टिप्पणियां जांचें और जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, मेरा नाम, ईमेल पता और वेबसाइट पहले से ही भर चुके हैं। मैं इन्हें खाली रहने के लिए पसंद करेंगे I मैं अब भी ट्रैकबैक और पिंगबैक के बारे में सीख रहा हूं, लेकिन अब तक मैं नहीं देख सकता, यह मेरी समस्या कैसे प्रभावित करेगा। ऐसा इसलिए होता है क्योंकि आप लॉग इन हैं, वर्डपेस स्वत: इसे भर देगा। यदि आप लॉग आउट करते हैं / अलग उपयोगकर्ता के साथ लॉगिन करते हैं तो वह यह जानकारी दिखाएगा उदाहरण के लिए जब मैं आपके द्वारा पोस्ट की गई लिंक को देखता हूं, मुझे कोई भी जानकारी नहीं दिखाई देती है

Yield results asynchronously in python using multiprocessing or twisted -

I have an embarrassing parallel application, where the order of results does not matter. I have a function and a list of 1000 arguments on which it works. def _process_parallel (function, args_list, args_dict = {}); I have written a few multi codes for this parallelize. ..: num_tasks = lane (args_list) num_tasks_returned_ptr = [0] def _callback (result): num_tasks_returned_ptr [0] + = 1 # All jobs must be executed asynconously apply_results = [__POOL __ send args to apply_async (function, arg , Args_dict, _callback). Args_list] Wait for # until all tasks are processed num_tasks_returned_ptr [0] I think the memory footprint is too high, the results of the function are not left at present until all the results are processed. What I would like to do instead, there is something where the results are not stored after the execution. Something like this: def _process_parallel (function, args_list, args_dict = {}): # Send all jobs to the result in somepackage.apply_async to...

Is it recommended to explicitly call browser.driver.quit() when running a test suite with protractor? Or does the protractor API do that for you? -

I am running my protractor test suite in a firefox driver as part of the sole integration process. We join the Selenium server on the grid. I have a pre-designed block as a part of my trial suite that logs a user and is a complete ending that logs the user. I do not call driver.quit clearly. Is it necessary? Any help would be appreciated. is not required because it will take care of it for you.

html5 - CSS translate animation resets to starting position -

.card {& amp;: hover {.card_content_icon {@ अनुवाद में शामिल करें X (50px ); }}। Card_content {स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; पाठ संरेखित करें: केंद्र; मार्जिन: 0 ऑटो; .card_content_icon {स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; @ संक्रमण को शामिल करें (- WEBKIT-transform .6s); }}} तत्व की एक्स स्थिति का अनुवाद करने के लिए सीएसएस संक्रमण का उपयोग करके एक तत्व को चेतन करना दुर्भाग्य से जब एनीमेशन पूरी तरह से अपनी शुरुआती स्थिति में वापस आ जाता है मैं इस व्यवहार को कैसे रोक सकता हूं और इसे उस स्थान पर रख सकता हूं जहां एनीमेशन खत्म हो जाता है? मैंने देखा कि अगर मैं आइटम दे रहा हूं तो मैं स्थिति को एनिमेट कर रहा हूं: निरपेक्ष, समस्या दूर हो जाती है। लेकिन मुझे अपने लेआउट के लिए सापेक्ष स्थिति की आवश्यकता है। । Card_content_icon {डिस्प्ले: इनलाइन-ब्लॉक; } एक i तत्व डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से इनलाइन है।

How to detect if running ipython qtconsole? -

आइपीथॉन नोटबुक और क्यूटी कंसोल दोनों ऑब्जेक्ट के समृद्ध प्रतिनिधित्व प्रदर्शित करते हैं। यह परिभाषित करके किया जाता है, उदाहरण के लिए, एक _repr_html _ विधि। समस्या यह है कि ये दो HTML को अलग ढंग से प्रस्तुत करते हैं क्या मुझे यह पता लगाने के लिए कोई तरीका है कि क्या ipython qtconsole के अंतर्गत चल रहा है ताकि मैं HTML का अधिक मूलभूत सेट का उपयोग कर सकूं? संभवतः एक दस्तावेज तरीका है जो भविष्य में तोड़ने की संभावना नहीं है? मेरे पास एक समान समस्या है IPython टर्मिनल में रंग करना, विंडोज़ डीएलएल में बुला लेने की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन क्यूटीकॉन्स में रंग लिनक्स आधारित एस्केप सीक्वेंस का समर्थन करता है .... वैसे भी। यहाँ है जो मैंने पाया है इसकी बदसूरत ... लेकिन यह कम से कम आपको टर्मिनल बनाम क्यूटीकॉन्स को बताएगा ... ओह, और मैंने नोटबुक के साथ कोशिश नहीं की है: आयात __main__ if hasattr (__ मुख्य __, "get_ipython "): आईप्याथॉन.कैनल। Zmq.zmqshell आयात करें यदि ifinstance (get_ipython (), z.ZMQInteractiveShell) के रूप में: प्रिंट 'हां ... इसकी qtconsole'

java - How to create SOAP Client with shared objects -

I am trying to create a Java client to consume SAP services that are created by another team. Services use a series of related items Then I have related WSDL files: employee-rv? Wsdl When I use wsdl2java on the customer, the service works great The only thing for the employee is to create both WSDL files WSException files. I have verified with a diff tool that the generated files are similar. However, when I run wsdl2java against both wsdl2java, my test program throws a long chain of exceptions. To test, I am generating a stub code from the command line: wsdl2java -key main-warbose-d src \ main \ Java /Customer.srv?wsdl wsdl2java-client-impl-verbose-d src \ main \ Java I have separate binding files for each service Before making it it has taken it around and bound it in a di...

android - How can I set an on onListItemLongClick to list from database? -

I want to show that layout in which (edit and delete) so that when users long click But an item from the list will get a dialogue to choose what he wants to delete or edit this item How can I do this? And thinks that Expands the public class MissionAct list {Personal DbaseManager data source; Override public null on @reate (bundle saved instainstate) {super.naught (savedinstenstate); SetContentView (R.layout.addmission_activity); Datasource = new database manager (this); (getBaseContext ()); & Lt; Missions & gt; Value = datasource.get alamimation (); ArrayAdapter & LT; Missions & gt; Adapter = new array adapter & lt; Mission & gt; (This, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, value); SetListAdapter (adapter); . This.getListView () setLongClickable (true); . This.getListView () setOnItemLongClickListener (New OnItemLongClickListener () {public boolean onItemLongClick (AdapterView & LT ;? & Gt; adpter, View v, int position, long id) ...

c# - Instantiating IDictionary<K, IEnumerable<V>> -

मेरे पास हस्ताक्षर के साथ एक विधि है सार्वजनिक void Foo (IDictionary & lt; string, IEnumerable & lt ; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; डेटा) {} और निजी शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, हाशसेट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; MyInput = नया शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, हैशसेट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; () {}; रेखा फू (myInput); संकलक त्रुटि उत्पन्न करती है: तर्क 1: सिस्टम से परिवर्तित नहीं किया जा सकता है। Collections.Generic.Dictionary & lt; स्ट्रिंग, System.Collections.Generic HashSet & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; से System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary & lt; स्ट्रिंग, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; शब्दकोश & lt; K, V & gt; लागू करता है IDictionary & lt; K, V & gt; और HashSet & lt; T & gt; लागू करता है IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; । रूपांतरण करने में असमर्थ क्यों कंपाइलर है? मैं उस डेटा का एक उदाहरण कैसे बना सकता हूं जिसे मैं Foo ? ...