NServiceBus Platform Installer - Failing To Install ServiceInsight - Chocolatey exit code 1638 -

The team,

I am installing the platform installer and the NSISbus, the service control, the service pulse and the service insight I am selecting. I get the following error to install the service instance (see error below)

I was installed before the beta version and it was uninstalled and before the platform installer was kicked Also rebooted my machine. / P>

I have found this URL which indicates that there are similar problems with previous users who use beta versions, but this does not identify the solution that is quick for us.

Any support you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Error executing PowerShell: Error: Running C: \ user \ jmiller.mpsRX \ AppData \ local \ Temp \ chocolatey \ ServiceInsight \ ServiceInsightInstall.exe with / quiet / L * V "C: \ Users \ jmiller.MPSRX \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ chocolatey \ ServiceInsight \ msiexe.log" was not successful. The exit code was '1638' error in executing Powerhell: ServiceInsight did not successfully terminate. Boo for chocolate god! [Error] Running C: \ User \ jmiller.mpsRX \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ chocolatey \ ServiceInsight \ ServiceInsightInstall.exe with / quiet / L * V "C: \ user \ jmiller.mpsRX \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ chocolatey \ ServiceInsight \ msiexe.log "was not successful The exit code was '1638' Error in executing PowerShell: Package 'ServiceInsight.install v1.0.0' was not installed successfully: [Error] Running C: \ User \ jmiller.mpsRX \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ chocolatey \ ServiceInsight \ ServiceInsightInstall.exe with / quiet / L * V "C: \ Using "Junk" "Post-text" itemprop = "text">

I used to write a simple PS script to search and remove the service insights, service and service pulse product based on the MSI product code. It has successfully fixed the other people in the same situation.

The script can be found here -


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