java - How to map a many-to-many relantionship in OrientDB -

I am starting with Orient DB and I got basic rights. But I did not know how to map many relationships in a way, so that I would not need to check for many integrity when removing the record.

I am using an object database (ODatabaseObjectTx) and I am trying to map this simple relationship:

The person & lt; -> roles

A person can have many roles and one role can be assigned to multiple individuals. N to M Relationships

My person category:

  public class person {name of private string; Public person () {} public string getName () {return name; } Public Zero Setname (string name) { = name; }}  

My role class:

  Role of the public class {Name of the private string; Public role () {} public string getName () {return name; } Public Zero Setname (string name) { = name; }}  

Now I do not understand that to make set to user class or a link < Code> roll in the category & lt; Users & gt; Set in any way if I remove one record from one, then I have to check the link of another to avoid the null references. I set in the user category & lt; Role & gt; is more convenient to set up.

In an RMDBS, you can only create a foreign key and add some cascading rules, does Orient DB provide similar functionality to save the problem of manually doing so?

Finally, I have to do this manually, so what strategy do I need? Should the record be removed completely by checking the other cluster? Should I just leave null and handle them when I see them? Do I need to make a double reference ( set in & lt; role & gt; in user and set user & gt; in Role I think it will quickly remove more space and at the expense of complexity?)

Take a look at the documentation:


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