VB.Net How do I get events handler name? -

I have a question about vb.net events,

I create a shortcut tool in vb I'm using net drag using drag, but I need to get the name of event handler in vb.net, this is my code; Dim evClick as Dim lcTypeOfToolStrip Type = GetType (ToolStripButton) as Dim exFormAsObj object = Activator.CreateInstance (LcTypeOfToolStrip) EventInfo = lcTypeOfToolStrip.GetEvent ("Click") Type as tDelegate as type = evClick.EventHandlerTypeImage = Me.GetType () as the slow miHandler method. GetMethod (ArgToolStripButton.Name and "_Click", BindingFlags.NonPublic or

DMCLL (DDILAD) = "DDLL" in this code = [ Representative] ArgToolStripButton.Name and "_Click" "This code should be dynamic. I need to get the event name to click the event in vb.net.


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