sas - Data Preparation with given columns in WPS -

I have a dataset that has two columns for gender and birth_date, I need output as two lines How do I do male and female (gender) and column in one year's month as a SAS?


  gender birthdays male 01/10/1989 female 02/12/1990  

and so on .. I have about 100 rows.

So I think you want the number of people born in each month.

The first data set creates some test data.

  data testing; Format gender $ 8 Date of birth date 9.; Do I = 1 to 5000; Gender = "male"; Birthday = today () + roof (Bhairuni (123) * 365); Output; End; Do I = 1 to 5000; Gender = "FEMALE"; Birthdays = today () + roof (Bhairuni (123) * 365); Output; End; Drop Drop; Run; Proc sort data = test; By gender; Run; Data output (keep = gender months :); Set test; By gender; Array month_ [12]; If first.gender then; Do I = 1 to 12; Month_ [i] = 0; End; End; Month_ [month (birthday)] + 1; If the output of the previous ginger; Run;  

creates Enter image details here


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