ruby on rails - Facebook authentication over API -

I have a ruby ​​on the tracks that currently supports Facebook Authentication with devise / omniauth.

An iOS client is being created which also requires the support of Facebook Authentication

My question is to get the user's email out of a ubiquitous callback How do I access the access token server?

I understand Omniauth provides some middleware that callback on a Facebook writes an ath hash in which all information is requested.env ['omniauth.auth']


The flow with an IOS client is a little different, I think:

  • User agrees to use the app.
  • Client app post access_token rail API.
  • Railway app confirms use of token with Facebook and retrieves users' details.
  • This is step 4 that I'm not sure how to do

    Basically once I have a token, I manually How do I get an auth hash when I am not in the universal callback?

    Thanks for any help.


    Try using the gem ""


    < Pre> @ graph = Koala :: Facebook :: API.N. (oauth_access_token) profile = @graf.get_object ("me")


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