
Showing posts from September, 2010

php - Wordpress show content only once to guest visit if else something -

How can I set a php position in a custom page template that shows this page only once on each visit And then second, third visit, automatically execute another link. This is the page of those people's pages, which you scroll to and the "game" in the first page are some kind of calculator on the day of death, only show me the guest once Required visit ... not logged in I have tried with some PHP formulas that I got online but the result of not giving me ... I get an error message How do I code this code in WordPress I can Agu ?? Should I put it in the header? & lt ?? Php if (! Isset ($ _COOKIE ['first time']) {setcookie ("first time", "no", / * EXPIRE * /); header ('location: first time.php'); exit () ;} And {header ('location: site.php'); exit ();}? & Gt;

combobox - Delphi data aware combo edit control with ability to enter arbitrary text? -

I have a contact address in a contract-address control (combo box, edit) with a data-address control (automobile item) I want to enable the user to enter The one I want to achieve for a SQL table is: A composite connected to the contact's name area of ​​a data source, an edit bound to the Contact_Tel of the same data source is bound to Contact_Email of the same data source. Combo dropdown is an SQL data source and display person's name, phone number and email user can choose one of the current options or express an arbitrary name (new contact) ) Can type. When the contact person changes the text of the combobox, then - if the text matches one of the current options, then two other editing controls are filled with the phone number and email of the option chosen - or if the text is not in the list , Then the other two editing controls are approved. I have currently set up a dbLookupComboBoxEh is bound to an area of ​​a dataset + keys and a list with the list + style = csD...

javascript - Datatables fnFilter Delay loader/indicator -

I am using datatables with a custom plugin that I got from fnSetFilteringDelay But wanted to add an indicator or loader of some type, to tell the user that the search text is in the text typed in the text box, I have done this, but this is a little buggy, maybe someone should give me this fluent and Can help get beautiful. But if you are more If you type more, the indicator bar starts to appear as if it is breaking. I would like to get rid of, if possible, breakdown part. After starting the data for variables, my code is oTable.fnSetFilteringDelay (550); // After the last character has been entered, it will take 550 milliseconds to find $ ('# gvProjectList_filter input'). (Original ($ ("( Basically it should start with 50px width, and when going down, when the user uses another character, the bar should resume at 50px. , just search To write something, first a letter and then a full name, you will see what I mean. I have found my own solution I u...

php - Why is an empty value in a shorthand if-then-else returning `true`? -

यह बिल्कुल "समस्या" नहीं है, लेकिन एक "क्यों" सवाल है। निम्न उदाहरण: प्रतिध्वनि 'परीक्षण' (सच?: 'कुछ परीक्षण'); इस का परिणाम क्यों है: test1 इसके बावजूद कोई क्या उम्मीद कर सकता है: test । या दूसरे शब्दों में: null के बजाय रिक्त रिटर्न स्टेटमेंट 1 (या वास्तव में true ) क्यों है? , टर्नरी के मध्य भाग:?: ऑपरेटर को छोड़ा जा सकता है। foo? बार के बराबर है foo? Foo: बार । तो true?: ... हमेशा पहले true देता है। foo? : बार "कुछ भी नहीं अगर सच" के अर्थ के साथ है और हमेशा अमान्य है, क्योंकि यह अभिव्यक्ति है कुछ वापस करने के लिए, यह अभी कुछ भी नहीं लौटा सकता है । यदि कुछ भी है, तो आप यह चाहते हैं: foo? नल: बार ।

Updating database with values in properties file in Java -

I have a property file ( .properties ) which require some values ​​to be updated In database. I can specify the key with delimiter '#' like table_name # column_name # where_clause_column # where_value = value_to_be_updated An update will occur above (the argument to create an updated statement is written by me by java) update table_name set column_name = value_to_be_updated where where_clause_column = where_value This is working fine. I want to know if there is a right way to go about it or is there any better way to do this? The Africa? Attention enjoys pleasure .. it would be better to use batch updates to see the display point. readyStatement.setString (1, "value"); // will be called multiple times (according to your query parameters) readyStatement.addBatch (); // will be asked multiple times (one copy per query) ready install Exactbatch (); // will be called only once (one per batch)

qt - QGraphicsProxyWidget::setPos(qreal x, qreal y) doesn't place correctly in a QGraphicsScene when coordinates > 2^15 -

I have a large dimension QGraphicsScene to display a database content code> and thousands works fine with pictures in front of these images, I QCheckbox es I eventually QGraphicsProxyWidget Accessing via s But given the brief instructions signed in QGraphicsScene in the results given in QGraphicsProxyWidget :: setPos (qreal x, qreal y) casting. However, QGraphicsProxyWidget:: Pos () also gives the original coordinates above 2 ^ 16 too. Here is the code: QCheckBox * checkbox = new QCheckBox ("", this); QWidget * dummyWidget = new QWidget; // A Transparent Background Dummy Widget-> setStyleSheet ( "background-color: transparent;" "outline-color: transparent;" font-size: 8pt; "); QHBoxLayout * Dmileaut = new QHBoxLayout (Dmividtet); dummyLayout- & gt; addWidget (box); QGraphicsProxyWidget * Proksividt = Scene .addWidget (Dmividtet); Proksivijet- & gt; Setpos (0, 120 * i); when the 120 * i 3276 9 an...

jquery - TableSorter: hideFilters doesn't work with StickyHeader -

With the jQuery table sorter script, it seems that there is a problem with the stickyhead when used with hidden filters . In fact, the line of the page does not open on mouseover, when the header is frozen at the top of the page. See the problem here: widgets: ['zebra', 'filter', 'sticky header'], widget option: {filter_columnFilters: true, filter_hideFilters: true, Filter_searchDelay: 300 How can I solve it?

c - Finding the size of the structure dynamically -

Can the shape of the structure dynamically in the shape of C? Size is the time operator .. So what's the other option. If we can have a dynamically allocated array in a structure, then the structure size should also be dynamically detected. Plz help me ... When you assign an array dynamically in C, you should also remember its size, if you want to know Array size!

objective c - Creating library in iOS with Core Data -

I have an AOS app with the escalate file in it. I am trying to create a library called A, so that it can be used as a library in other projects. How to include the escalate file inside the new iOS app I want to store some information in APB inside AS Qualitas. I went through the link given below, but I did not find how to create a library with core data and included in other applications. > I used SQLite but it should also be applied to coredata too. You need to add coredata to app A which is a library and provides app access to coredata through App A. Hope it helps.

bash - Rsync Multiple Sleeping Processes? -

is working very well now but I have seen in a week or so that with hundreds of sleeping procedures Has been abandoned. Is this with my script? Can I add it to a script to stop this? Here is the Bash script #! / Bin / bash linkDest = / home / backup / files / backupdaily / Monday weekday = $ (date +% a) case $ Monday day of week) rsync -avz --delete --exclude Backup - virtual_machines / home / home / Backup / files / backupdaily / include on Monday ;; Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday) rsync -avz - Include backup - virtual_matchins - link-dest = $ linkdest / home / home / backup / files / backupdaily / $ weekdays ;; Sunday) Exit 0; ASAC is logged in the form of a root in CrossTab-A # Backup Schedule # Daily * 0 * * * / usr / local / Src / backup /

forms - Bootstrap - Keeping buttons and search box aligned -

I have searched and can not find any problems like mine, where it is partly liable. I have a footnote with 3 buttons and a search box. I want to combine them for them and want to be isolated evenly, which I have come to understand. When I reduce the screen size, the buttons are responsive and are stacked correctly. But the search box is aligned to the left instead of focusing with the button. Can anyone help? I had to define a width for the search box so that it could be kept as a beauty with the button. I think that's probably the problem? Please help! Here's my bella. & lt; Footer & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "line navbar-inversion navbar-appropriate navbar-fixed-bottom line-fluid" & gt; & Lt ;! - It was replaced with the above: & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; - & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-sm-12 text-center" & gt; & Lt ;! - Center button when screen...

AngularJS slow to load unless in private browsing mode in Chrome? -

In the context, I make a request for a service, get some data, show it in a div. I notice that when Google Chrome is in default non-private browsing, it takes 30 seconds before request, whilst I go to the same URL in the private browsing mode, the response comes back in 3 seconds. Why is it like this? Is there anything that happens in the private browsing mode that allows the angular engine to run fast? Is there a switch or some code, can I add the default Google Chrome which can give it faster load time? Is it something to do with caching? Note: $ http GET request starts at a slow / late start only on initial load.

filab - Enable http port in FI-Lab -

Can anything help me with the following issue? I now FI-Lab have been using the platform I need to be able to port 80 on your webserver FI-Lab to allow public access. Some of the common problems when the user has to deploy on a server, then they must first specify the security group that uses the server To do . In this security group, it is mandatory to specify the port you want to use so that it can be opened later on the port server. If a security group is not specified, the default will be closed all ports and you can access the server through can not reach port 80 or SSH to use the default port 22 Or which port you want to use in your instant server.

javascript - IOS UI Automation - working with external Data -

Is there a way to work with external data, for example text file? With JS I have no option to I / O for a good reason. The purpose of this is, I want to validate the data from a file or database with data shown in APP (comparative tests) ... Is there a move for the UI automation tool? var target = div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> text file UIATarget.localTarget (); Var host = (); Var result = host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout ("/ bin / cat", ["/Users/username/Documents/test.txt"], 5) var content = result.stdout; UALogger.logMessage (content); Content of test.txt : Hello World! This is an examination. And such that it appears in the editor log : The downside is that you manually parse the contents of the file Databases I can see that the only possible option is to use this method in conjunction with it. But, alas, I did not like this approach. I can not guarantee that this will work...

javascript - Delete Row JQuery -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मुझे एक प्रत्येक पंक्ति के ऊपर दाईं ओर एक एक्स के साथ बटन को हर बार बनाया जाता है ताकि मैं उन्हें एक बार पूरा कर सकता हूं। पंक्तियों को बनाने के लिए मैं उसी jQuery विधि का उपयोग कर कैसे प्राप्त करूं? मैंने & lt; tr & gt; की कोशिश की लेकिन मैं इन टैगों का उपयोग कर एक तालिका का निर्माण नहीं कर रहा हूं। मदद के लिए धन्यवाद var $ बटन = $ ('# Add-row'), $ पंक्ति = $ ('। SigEvent')। क्लोन (); $ बटन। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ row.clone ()। InsertBefore ($ बटन);}); }); & Lt; div वर्ग = "सेल" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "सिग []" शैली = "चौड़ाई: 99%" आवश्यक वर्ग = "UPPER" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; निकालने के बटन को बनाते समय आप मूल क्लिक को हटाने के लिए क्लिक करेंगे । कुछ सूची $ बटन.ऑन ('क्लिक', फ़ंक्शन () {var पैरेंटबटन = $ (यह); $ row.clone ()। InsertBefore ( पैरेंटबटटन); var बंद करेंबटन = $ ("...

what is the apigee target default timeout , I am seeing 404 after 10 secs -

What is the API timing URL of the APIGiI target? I'm looking at my services 404 after 10 seconds and what is the way to exclude the default time 404 Generally it indicates that your URL is incorrect - this means that the resource is not found, it is not that the backend was over. Targeted items can be modified using the targeted point / HTTPTargetConnection, as shown in the following image: The arrow shows where you click on the entire target EndPoint configuration for connect and I / O timeout (for milliseconds number) Update the properties shown. The default is shown (default is 1 minute and default I / O 2 minutes). See for more information.

c# - Windows Azure Dnn Web API routes not registering -

I am using angularJS using a module on DotNetNuke I have tested the module locally and it is fine Works, but once I install the module in production, I get this error: WebAddress / Programs / Desktop Module / Control / Program / Programmap / GetList? Category Id = -1 & amp; Index = 0 & amp; Results = 20 404 (not found) Are there any steps required to register these routes with the auction? Web API Name space hyperlib.module.program Service {{Supported Modules ("Program") Public Class ProgramApps Controller: DNAAPI Controller {[HTTPGet, Valid Antigr. Token] [Authorize DN Module (Access Livel = DotNetAQ.Security.SecurityAccessLevel.View)] Public HTTPRPS Wanted Message GetList (Int CategoryGrid , Int index, int result) {try {Components.ProgramController PC = New Components.ProgramController (); Bool is Editable = false; If ( Common Globals.IsAditMode () & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; moduleReaderChatModuleContent (thisActiv...

Testing with RSpec - Output activity messages to STDOUT in Ruby -

I'm looking for some help in output the activity messages in the command line window. I know this may look backwards but this is the work given to me. I have already written the tests so that they are all but I need to change the activity below to the command line window. This is a game similar to the impossible machine game. First of all, I need to make a process that starts the impossible machine, then simulate every move started in succession before the end. > All the messages I see should be sent to the STDOUT channel. These are some of the tests that have been written: Module Impossamine # Input and Output Constants Processed by Sub Processes DOWN_ARROW = 1 UP_ARROW = 2 RIGHT_ARROW = 3 REPEAT_ARROW = 4 END_PROCESS = 5 START_CURRENT = 6 # Description of the RSpec test game describes what "impossible machine game # start" first (what is: each). Such as @process = [] @output = double ('output') as_null_object @game = (@output) it ends in ...

html - Fuzzy text in CSS animation -

I'm working on some new animation css3, but I have problems with the Focus everything is fine until the animation off then the text is fuzzy: getting looks better to explain it with screenshots (impact damage): here is the code: animation code: @keyframespow {0% {width: 80px; Consequently, scale (1.000, 1.000); Webkit-Conversion: Scale (1.000, 1.000); -MOZ-Transform: scale (1.000, 1.000); -o-results: scale (1.000, 1.000); -mms-conversion: scale (1.000, 1.000); } 80% {width: 410px; Consequently: scale (1.110, 1.110); -Widk-conversion: scale (1.110, 1.110); -moz-transforms: scale (1.110, 1.110); -o-results: scale (1.110, 1.110); -MMS-Transcam: Scale (1.110, 1.110); } 100% {width: 400px; Conversion: Scale (1.100, 1.100); -Widk-conversion: scale (1.100, 1.100); -moz-transmans: scale (1.00, 1.00); -o-conversion: scale (1.100, 1.100); -mms-conversion: scale (1.100, 1.100); }} and CSS: #panel {max-width: 50%; Text-wrapped: unrestricted; } # Panel ul {list-style-type: none...

reflection - reference to java.lang.annotation.Annotation from Class? -

मुझे पता लगाना है कि java.lang.annotation .नोटेशन अपने वास्तविक कार्यान्वयन वर्ग से। एनोटेशन ही इस तरह दिखता है (एक ढाँचा से): @Target ({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType .METHOD}) @ रिसेटन (प्रतिधारण नीति। RUNTIME) सार्वजनिक @ इंफॉर्मेशन आवश्यकताएँप्रदर्शन {... कड़ी ...} मेरे उपयोग में कोड, मैं ऐसा कुछ करना चाहूंगा: टिप्पणी की आवश्यकता हैप्रकाशनविज्ञान = आवश्यकताएँप्रदर्शन। वर्ग; मैं, मेरे जीवन के लिए, यह पता नहीं लगा सकता कि यह कैसे या कैसे डालना है या मैं इसे पाने के लिए किस प्रकार टाइपिंग कर सकता हूं। एक काम के रूप में , मेरे पास एक सरल वर्ग हो सकता है जिसमें इस एनोटेशन (और अन्य) के साथ एक विधि है, और java.lang.annotation.Annotation प्राप्त करने के लिए क्लास पर प्रतिबिंब के तरीकों का उपयोग करें, लेकिन यह अजीब लगता है। । एनोटेशन का एक उदाहरण केवल एक एनोटेट प्रकार के लिए मौजूद है /तरीका। इस प्रकार आप इसे कैसे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं टिप्पणी की आवश्यकता हैप्रकाशनअनोटेशन = कुछअनोटेटेड क्लास। क्लास.गेटअनोटेशन (RequiresPermissions.class); आप किसी भी विशेषताओं...

html - number of items in bootsrap navbar -

I am using a bootstrap navbar which contains 3 elements. I want to be distributed to the whole of Naubar, but it is not. Here is the code: & lt; Div class = "navbar steps" style = "status: relative; z-index: 7" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "navbar-inner" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "line-fluid nav-new-pills" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "span 3 active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "# tab1" data-toggle = "tab" class = "step activation" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "number"> gt; 1 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "desc" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon-ok" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "span 3" & gt; & Lt; A href = "# tab2" data-toggle = "tab" class = "step" & gt; & Lt; Span cl...

ios - RestKit - Nil being mapped in nested object for relationships -

I get the following JSON from my server endpoint: {(. "," Comments ": [" user ": {" account ":" free "," name ":" Brookwain "," counter ": {" picture ": 10," following ": 0," followers ": "2014-04-28 T16: 22: 47 + 0200"}, {0}, "tag":}, "id": "QYgZb"}, "text": "how are you?", "Date "", "Name": "God, Abdul", "Counter": {"Picture": 19, "Following": 0, "Followers": 0, "Tags" : 1}, "id": "abde"}, "text": "ala_mai_koyet Correc with coreta structure i Keeping the comments objects in mind, keeping in mind the code User: - (zero) Map Comment {commentsMapping = [RKEntityMapping mappingForEntityForName: @ " Comment "managed objectstore: [self managed objectstore]]; [CommentsMapping setti...

c# - Getting Assembly GUID programmatically that matches that in Visual studio solution file (*.sln) -

After text "itemprop =" text "> I get an assembly GUID that is used in a visual studio solution file (* .sln), like below Wish: Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 #Visual Studio 2010 Project ("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "ClassLibrary3", ".. \ ClassLibrary3 \ ClassLibrary3 .csproj "" {5B402A1B-18B1-4D88-804A-BC0E58EF3730} "EndProject I tried all under code, failed : // Number 1: var Assembly = assembly. Loadfile (grandProject.AssemblyFilePath); Var id = assembly.GetType () GUID.ToString (); // Effort 2 var attribute = (GuidAttribute) assembly. GetCustomAttributes (typeof (GuidAttribute), true) [0]; Var id = attribute.Value; Any ideas? * GUID used in the assembly. The SLN file is in the * .csproj file & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" & gt; & Lt; Project Tools version = "12.0" default target = "build" ...

java - Should Compaction within gc_grace_seconds Preserve Tombstones? -

If I delete a line (making a tombstone), and gc_grace_seconds Yes, the GPS_Grace_seconds are expected to avoid the tombstone, the reason is that if a row is in the node position node , Then there should be an opportunity to spread that node later. When the node returns online and you run the nodetool repair , you can delete it. If you do not repair within gc_grace_seconds, your deleted records may return from the dead. If you are running a single-node cluster, you can safely set GC_Grace_screens in 0. Because there is no other nodes which can be deleted deleted. On this page, take a look at the repair, and GC_Grace_second.

mysql - Best way to store equations and images in database to be displayed later as pdf and html -

I am planning to create a database to store multi-option questions. Each question will have 5 parts: first, question body and the remaining four, four options (stored in 5 different columns of the database). Each line in the table will contain information about a question. Question body and selection include: Plain Text Mathematical equation Diagram (PNG or JPEG) Later, these questions will be brought from the database To appear in the following: Formatted PDF file web portal I ask questions and its image paths (similarly, the option and to save their image Path of thinking) in text and equation tables as separate columns in the database, in the form of latex text Straight will be stored after being formatted form. Afterwards, For PDF files: In PDF format the documents can be created directly by bringing queries from the database and using PDFTax. For Web Portal: Using the HTLATX and rendering the equation using Mathjax and then displaying each question on the ...

regex - How to parse an 8-bit hexadecimal number and a string using boost C++? -

I have just started using boost C ++ libraries for some parser work. I would like to use some help on the following: I have tried to match an 8-bit hexadecimal number: four _ ("0-9a-fA-F ") which matches only one hexadecimal number I also tried to use: * char _ (" 0- 9a-fA-F ") , but also Not working String with any mailing underscore character? For example, aBCd_Efgh fact From four_ to boost :: emotion :: qi you just want to use the integer parser: It is easily used to parse hexadecimals: qi :: int_parser & lt; Unsigned characters, 16, 2, 2 & gt; Hex_byte; Will match and parse exactly 2 hexadecimal digits in succession.

sql server - Finding a Combination (Box) in SQL -

I am trying to figure out whether a group of numbers is included in the second group of numbers or not. ID number fixed result --------- ------ 1 1457 5741 2 4187 7148 3 6324 1345 Therefore, I will return the id for this dataset 1 & amp; 2. The numbers should be contained in the result of all numbers from the SAT. Any suggestions? It's not really difficult to just look for reverse. . Is there any case where there is no number in result from NumberSet for the first row, you manually like expression: where the result is '% [^ 1457]%' Want to: where the result is not like '% [^ 1457]%', now normalize: where the result is '% [^' Numerator + ']%'

plugins - Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Pass Parameters from Web Service to IPlugins -

We are creating some plugins in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM, inheriting from IPlugin . Whenever a account is updated, we set a fire. The problem is that plugins are calling our services, so our service can respond with updates. We are doing some pretty things to stop these cyclic updates from happening. We were wondering if there was a way to pass the IOrganizationService service (the value on the web) service which can see a plug-in. Our other system can send a flag ("Hey, do not send an update to both!") And the plugin may quit calling back. Can we pass parameters to plugs from the web service? Good idea can be a custom flag-field, for example, you add bit fields and it can be used in a custom field. CallFromExternalSystem is called. So when you make an update from your external system through IOranizationService, then you fill this flag with the correct area and in the plugin you can check the status that this field is present in the field list, There is no n...

c# - How can I configure the following route? - Imply action method from URL pattern -

I have a program controller , which has several action methods for the version, such as EditDetails , EditContacts , EditRules (plus 10 but I'll take them out for simplicity). Currently the URL for this action methods looks something like the following: http: // localhost / program / 1 / editcontents contact http: // localhost / program / 1 / editdetails http 1 / contacts / edit Http: // localhost / program / 1 / details / edit http: // localhost / program / 1 / rules / edit which makes me more understandable. So far this is my my register rosts method: public static zero register routes {routes.gnoreRoute ("{ Resource} .axd / {* pathInfo} "); Routes.MapRoute (name: "ProgramInfo", url: "program / {id} / {action}", default: new {controller = "program"}); Routes.MapRoute (name: "ProgramDefault", url: "program / {action}", default: new {controller = "program", action = "index"}); Rou...

c# - Getting width and height from media player control -

मेरे पास C # आवेदन है जो Winforms में विंडोज मीडिया प्लेयर नियंत्रण (डब्लूएमपीएलबी) का उपयोग कर वीडियो प्रदर्शित करता है। मैं वीडियो को सही ढंग से प्रदर्शित कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मुझे मैन्युअल नियंत्रण की चौड़ाई और ऊंचाई को मैन्युअल रूप से सम्मिलित करना होगा, ताकि वीडियो विकृत न हो। मेरा उपयोग मामला उस बिंदु पर विकसित हुआ है जहां मुझे पहले से पता नहीं था कि वीडियो आयाम क्या हैं और जैसे कि मुझे वीडियो की वास्तविक चौड़ाई और ऊंचाई प्राप्त करने का तरीका खोजने की आवश्यकता है। मैं कुछ खुदाई कर रहा हूं इस बारे में कि क्या मैं प्लेलिस्ट में वीडियो के लोडिंग पर ऐसा कर सकता हूं या नहीं कर सकता और फिर उन मानों को माता-पिता के नियंत्रण की चौड़ाई और ऊँचाई मानकों में पारित कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मैं थोड़ी देर तक आया हूं ... क्या ये भी संभव है? या जब वीडियो चलाए जा रहे हैं तो क्या यह जानकारी मिल सकती है? आप एफएफएमपीजी उपकरण का उपयोग कर सकते हैं चौड़ाई और ऊंचाई जानकारी सहित वीडियो फ़ाइल से मेटाडेटा जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए आपके सी # एप्लिकेशन के अंदर से आपके आवेदन वर्कफ़्लो को नहीं जानते ह...

New JavaScript window in HTML element -

I know in javascript that you open () to open a new window Can be used. A browser Is it possible to create a new window in the HTML element? So instead of creating an iframe, it creates a browser or window in HTML Why not use an iframe? Cross domain policy, iframes can not display all websites Background: I try to add a game to a website browser It allows modding of the game UI which uses CoherentUI (originally UI HTML) Only a few things you can do is "readfile" script in php or in a server side language, open your website, complete content Read through and parse, if necessary link rewrite ... and echo some div. If you want it to be live and in the game you should use Ajax and jquery for example. But I think, you should not do this without the permission of the website owner, as you copy and use your content without mentioning a source.

Creating web APIs with Rails -

The API is trying to implement the call. What goes in the controller? I think I should make an API view of API Should I use one of API gems? I am trying to use my first app to write in the database. My other app will use the web APIs for all the areas that will receive / post from the first app Yuri, who will share the same data. Take a look at this, JSON will help you generate ideas using your existing controllers. , You can do this for the names of your controllers and routes for your API, how the Jason API works and get the idea of ​​moving forward for HTN requests between your two apps, you either

sql - Crystal Reports - side by side details from actual and last year, using UNION ALL -

I am creating a report that shows in the current and last year details section of the sales section. The rows of the report have this type of structure: paragraph |||| Last year LastWirePrice ||| Real year Actual Europause There are two criteria on the report, start and end date. I created a visual view_rops docs that will replace the original table daily docs, IsLastYear field to filter each row, but filter the dates of the classification of rows in the previous year or the actual year There are some problems coming in. For example, StartDate 1-1 -2014 expiration date 28-4-2014 : IslamWire || Article || Volume || Value || Date 1A 0001 12 13 12 12-2-2013 00001 13 13, 12 12-2013 What is the best way to update IsLastYear field? I think the fact is that with the IsLastYear attribute You are using a scene to get a connection, it may screw you up. That's because using one scene, you are actually killing the base relationship. The IsLastYear attribute d...

python - Saving in memory file object with pillow -

In my designo project I have an inmemoryuploadedfile, so I open it with pillow, rotate it, and save it back in itself. image = request.FILES ['file'] img = (image) img = img.rotate (90) ("sample.jpeg", "jpeg") # It is true (image, "jpeg") # This does not change the actual in memory image You will need to reset the stream state of the built-in Streamie Object that holds your uploaded file. Otherwise () will only engage at the end of the stream. image = request.FILES ['file'] img = Reset the stream state before you try to read the file again with memory May be required. (Image) img = img.rotate (90) (0) (image, "jpeg") (0) () note The uploaded file (base class of InMemoryUploadedFile) tracks the file size, and if you are changing the underlying file object, the code may be confused based on InMemoryUploadedFile.size.

xml - (XSL 2.0) Transform/Replace HTML and ASCII Characters in String -

I am editing XSL stylesheets to convert an XML document into a style RTF file and I have some HTML code And ASCII characters are a string that I would like to replace with equivalent text characters. I am looking for an answer for this one, but the work that works does not get the solution. This is my first time working with XLS, so I really appreciate any help! For example, I have XML, translated via CSV via Oxygen Editor I would like to replace all instances of "& amp; # 39; and replace" all the HTML breaks with a correct single quote and one place. I have tried & lt; Xsl: value selection = "translation (. ',' Am amp; amp;; ',' '')" /> and & lt; Xsl: Select Value = "Translation (., 'Amp ;,' '')" /> "& amp; # 39; To change, and to change line breaks, similar code. Am I missing something? I really appreciate the help. The full XSL is below. & lt ;? XML ver...

php - OpenId or OAuth -

I want to create a PHP web app where users can log in with Facebook, Google, Twitter or any other possible server In some activities like voting and commenting, I will not use any data from the user from the service provider. So what is a better alternative OpenID or Oath? Or should I try to implement with each provider's API? I would recommend openID connect Many OAuth2 authentication APIs For a list of more prominent sites, see: This is not easy for web developers. In February 2014, OpenID Connect took part in the final. Google supports this, any other domain on the Internet that supports it may be automatically supported (ie, their domain supports OpenID connect discovery ... / .well-known / openid-configuration Publication of closing points NRI An Open Source PHP OpenID Connect Library: If you support these legacy, proprietary consumer IDPs, they may be sore throats because they Slow See also every highest interface as

Does docker verify images? If so, how is it implemented? -

For me, a requirement for using dockkey in production will be the ability to verify that the images we use The pictures are actually the official "Ubuntu" or "Bizbox" images, I do not see any clear proof that the images are cryptographically signed on the public repository so that it can be verified that they are tampered Yes, is not. Am I missing something? (As an alternative, I think it would be possible to start with scratch from our original images in our own personal registry, but still I have some checks in place that we accidentally have a public repo Do not drag anything from it.) Docker "digital signatures verification", although it is still preliminary This verification ensures that anybody you download Dikarik image has not been tampered with in transit. At the time of writing, some official images need to work more with the files being downloaded during the image the construction process is checked properly against the stored hash....

python - How to change the root element and list-item elements name? (django-rest-framework) -

I am new to django-rest-framework. Sampling like I am & Lt; Root & gt; & Lt; List Items & gt; Worrier1 & lt; / List item & gt; & Lt; List Items & gt; Worrier2 & lt; / List item & gt; & Lt; Root & gt; What do I need & lt; Hero & gt; & Lt; Worrier1 & gt; Worrier1 & lt; / Worrier1 & gt; & Lt; Worrier2 & gt; Worrier2 & lt; / Worrier2 & gt; & Lt; Hero & gt; These are hardcoded values, so you get the only chance, create a custom renderer By overriding XMLRenderer (which will actually be the whole class) and use that custom renderer in your view.

postgresql - libpq: How to get the error code after a failed PGconn connection -

निम्न कोड को देखते हुए। Pgconn * const conn = PQconnectdbParams (कीवर्ड, मान, असत्य); अगर (! Conn || PQstatus (conn)! = CONNECTION_OK) {/ * त्रुटि कोड? * /} एक असफल कनेक्शन के मामले में त्रुटि कोड को गलत पासवर्ड और सर्वर के बीच अंतर करने में सक्षम होने का एक तरीका है। (मुझे पता है कि मुझे त्रुटि संदेश मिल सकता है, लेकिन मैं इसके कारण के अनुसार त्रुटि के कारण प्रतिक्रिया करना चाहता हूं)। धन्यवाद। कुछ और शोध करने और पोस्टग्रेस डेवलपर्स पूछने के बाद ऐसा लगता है कि वर्तमान में PQconnectdbParam () से त्रुटि कोड प्राप्त करना संभव नहीं है। यह स्वयं लिपिपीक की कमी है, जो आंतरिक रूप से (जैसे अज्ञात होस्टनाम) का पता लगाता है, त्रुटियों के लिए एसकेलस्टेट त्रुटि कोड को सौंपने का प्रयास नहीं करता है। यह पोस्टग्रेर्स देव TODO सूची लेकिन यह प्राथमिकता नहीं है। TL; DR: यदि आप लिपपीक का उपयोग करने जा रहे हैं, तो पाठ त्रुटि संदेश के साथ जीना सीखें (जो भी भाषा में स्थानीयकृत है)।

java - JSTL variables not being displayed -

I am doing some spring tutorials and have failed in both stages where the scene has printed the variable using JSTL is. / P> View: & lt;% @ page content type = "text / html" page encoding = "UTF-8"%> & Lt;% @ include file = "/ WEB-INF / jsp / include.jsp"%> & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; & Lt; Fmt: message key = "title" /> & Lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; & Lt; Fmt: message key = "heading" /> & Lt; / H1> & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Fmt: message key = "greeting" /> & Lt; C: out value = "$ {}" /> gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Product & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; C: forEach item = "$ {model.products}" var = "prod" & gt; & Lt; C: out value = "$ {p...

javascript - Show a DIV after Page Redirect with jQuery -

I have div which is set to hide () Code> Document is ready I want this div to appear, when the inserted division appears. I also have a form that accepts the user's input on the form of his page, action = "& lt ;? php echo htmlentities ($ _ SERVER ['PHP_SELF']);? & Gt; Is redirected to . Submit has a class .submitRecord . On successful execution of the records in DB, the inserted DD is visible. PHP code: if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit submit']) & Amp; $ success! = '' ) {Echo " ;); Echo "& lt; div class = 'alloc' & gt;"; Echo "& lt; p class = 'closebutton'> x "; Echo "& lt; p class = 'Allocation Success' & gt; Allocation for Mr / Mrs ABC succeeds; / p & gt;"; Echo "& lt; / div & gt;"; Echo "& lt; / div & gt;"; }; jQuery code: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('.dive,. Alloc '' (...

php - protect a single joomla chronoforms -

I am trying to protect a single crossover in a Joomla 2.5 site using the following code (This is just an example to login and pass). However, when the user clicks the cancel button it earns it anyway. I check on the code as a result and it is not changing head information so that it can redirect to 401, but I have not found this an alternate solution. Thanks

ios - Unable to consistently set size of UITextField -

मेरे पास एक UItableViewController है, प्रत्येक कक्ष में एक UITextField के साथ, सुंदर बुनियादी। मैंने पाठ फ़ील्ड के पृष्ठभूमि रंग को सेट करके थोड़ा फैंसी और वैकल्पिक पंक्ति रंग प्राप्त करने का निर्णय लिया। मैंने जो गौर किया है वह है कि टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड पृष्ठभूमि का रंग तालिका पंक्तियों से मेल नहीं खाता है। चौड़ाई छोटा है और ऊँचाई और स्थिति भी गलत है। मैंने सेलफोररावएटआईंडएक्सपैथ में टेक्स्ट फ़ील्ड के फ्रेम के आयाम सेट करने की कोशिश की। मैंने वही डिस्प्लेकेल में भी ऐसा ही प्रयास किया। मैंने सेल फ्रेम की तरह अन्य फ़्रेमों के साथ घूमने की कोशिश भी नहीं की, कोई फायदा नहीं हुआ। मेरे UITableViewCell उपवर्ग में लेआउट SUBviews में पाठ फ़ील्ड फ्रेम आकार को सेट करने में मुझे कुछ भाग्य मिला है, लेकिन यह अभी भी है अजीब काम करता है जब तालिका पहले प्रदर्शित होती है, तो सबकुछ ठीक दिखता है मैं अपने संपादन बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, और सब कुछ ठीक दिखता है। मैंने किया बटन पर क्लिक किया और मैं पुरानी समस्या के साथ वापस चौड़ाई और ऊंचाई दोनों के साथ बहुत छोटी हूं। डीबगर में जांचना, मैं सबकुछ सही मानों प...

algorithm - Java : How to find string patterns in a LARGE binary file? -

I am trying to write a program that will read a very large binary file and try to find the event of 2 different stars And then print those indexes that match the pattern. For example, suppose that the alphabet sequence is [h, e, l, l, o] and [h, e, l, l, o, w, o, r, L, D] . I was able to code it for small binary files because I was reading each character as a byte and then saving it to Arraylist . Then starting with the beginning of Aheri list , I was comparing the byte array list (byte [] data) with byte [] pattern . I need to find a way to do this, but without compiling the entire binary file in memory for comparison, it means that I should be able to compare each character during reading (memory Should not save the entire binary file in) Let's assume that the binary file contains only letters. Any suggestions on how this can be achieved? Thanking you guys in advance. Google "finite state machine" Or, read the file one byte at a time, if the byt...

php - join two tables and select records only if NOT in table 2 -

I would like to be included in two tables and would like to print the record from table 1 where rec_number is not in Table 2. Table 1 name rec_number John Smith 123 Bob jonson 345 etc. Table 2 Bob jonson 345 etc. What is the query in php so that the query returns only I'm John Smith, Bob Johnson. This is: Select from the RECNAMBER 1 on the left side of the table 1 on the $ query = "table1.rec_number = table2.rec_number" * "; $ result = mysql_query ($ query); Thank you. You can use this query select t1. From the table 1 t1 join the left table 2 t2 at t2.rec_number = t1.rec_number where t2.rec_number is the null

Highchart only wants "y" element in JSON data? -

First of all is my JSFiddle: It seems as if I would have a JSON data high charch account Yes, "value" wants to be an element "y" but I'm pulling JSON data is an arbitrary value element In my JSFiddle, if I "last year's result" Change "y", then it works. How do I create it so that it will take "past year results" as the value of the chart? In addition, if I create my data in such a way, how can I access them in the XXS label category (Cat 1, Cat2, Cat 3, etc.) High charts are reading your structure and making a chart with it, with whatever structure you want Can not come now and the high churches can expect that what to do with it. Available options are very well documented. To define a point, look at it if you want to use text instead of numbers for your xxis, use categories. In your case, something like this will work: $ ('# container')., 'Cat 8', 'cat 6', 'cat 6' '[C...

javascript - Open a YouTube Video in FancyBox based on URL Parameter -

Actually not sure how to do this In an ideal world, I would like to be able to create several YouTube videos on one page and then users would like to come to my site via a provided link. This link will load a different YT video on the given page load. Sample Link provided to the user: '' or ' Html = PlayAd = XYZ' If they If there are additional URLs on the site without the parameters, then no video will play and instead they will select themselves. [code] & lt ;! - Add jQuery Library - & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "../ lib / jquery-1.10.1.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt ;! - Add MusicWheel plugin (this is optional) - & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "../ lib / jquery.mousewheel-3.0.6.pack.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt ;! - Add fancybox main JS and CSS...

python - Why is factory_boy superior to using the ORM directly in tests? -

I do not know why fancy Beeber is liked directly in the Digengo test to make an ORM / model instance. And the factory_boy website is too little to explain the benefits of using it. It is understood as the choice of fixtures, which is difficult to manage, slow down, etc. But, why not make the necessary model examples for the test? If completely replaced by DB in the factory, then it is okay, I think that lot will be useful in this case, but the factory boy made it The Django model examples still interact with the database. There is support for another potential profit sequence, but it is not difficult to create sequence / sample data without the need of a factory boy. In all, I'm not actually seeing any use while using a factory boy, versus items / models to make examples directly. I hope that I am missing something clearly! Yes, you can make your test data directly by using the DJENGO ORM, but factories And factory_boy In particular, there are advantages to...

dns - How to help my client point a subdomain to my site? -

I am currently hosting content for a customer, I have a client subdomain "" is required to: "" so that the visitor can view the contents of my client's domain (I have a redirection can not use). I wonder what I should do with my client. I have been assured that this can be done through a record indicating my IP is it right? How can this be done? Keeping in mind that you can not work as a redirect, you basically have two The options are: Proxy or DNS. Using a proxy, your business partner can set a proxy that will interrupt the requests of the browser on your server. This concept is called and there are several documents about the implementation of one. The second option is to set up a DNS entry that points to the entry of your domain to a particular address on your server. You can either assign your partner's entry to a specific IP address, and then add a record to your dedicated special IP address in ...

javascript - Facebook Like button not working in IE 11 - possibly a CORS issue? -

I am implementing the button on my web Relevant code portion: HTML preface: & lt; Html lang = "cs" xmlns: fb = "" xmlns: og = "" & gt; FB SDK (load before the first choice button): button: & lt; Div class = "fb-like" data-href = " / Profily / profil / EM-14-042" data-layout = "button_ count" data-action = "such as" data -shoe-face = "wrong" data-share = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Normal browsers display a similar button. The following error is caused in IE: SEC7118: Request XMLHttpRequest for http: //. / Specification CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) is required. File: such as .fp I have found almost everything on the web and have tried without any help please note that there is no...

Rails 4 - Using Moz API to display information in view -

I am using commodities to get data using my API, which I alternate I want to display in the scene. (Note: I am also using the evil gem to make objects in the step). I currently have this in my controller: def update @bid = bid.find (params [: bid_id]) @linkscape = moz if step == steps.second @ bid.attributes = Build_params Render_wizard @bid end def moz @client = Linkscape :: (: accessID = & gt; "accessID" ,: secret = & gt; "secret") @response = client.url metrics ("http: / / ":: Cols = & gt ;: all) return @response end and in my view: & lt;% = Debug (@linkscape)%> debug part of the scene, I am nothing to do, so I think that 1) I am using the wrong syntax 2) to reach API information misinformation (I I am Moj create account and access ID and secret key, and they can be used) 3) misunderstanding of how the controller to display Wars scenes or 4) and is a typo: you are saving Linkspace :: Client....

python - Hash function on list -

मेरे पास 3 फ़ील्ड युक्त सूची है: [weight, age, marks] मैं प्रत्येक व्यक्तिगत पंक्ति पर हैश फ़ंक्शन लागू करना चाहता हूं और इन हश मूल्यों को सूची के रूप में संग्रहित करना चाहता हूं। इस के साथ कैसे आगे बढ़ें? मैंने zip () फ़ंक्शन: list1 का उपयोग कर वजन, आयु, चिह्न की व्यक्तिगत सूचियों को जोड़ लिया है = ज़िप (वजन, आयु, अंक) कृपया मुझे इसके साथ मदद करो मैं अजगर के लिए नया हूँ अग्रिम धन्यवाद। आप ट्यूपल संरचना पर एक हैश बनाने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं, जैसे (1 , 444, "ठीक") लेकिन जैसी सूचियों पर नहीं, [1, 444, "ठीक"] क्योंकि यह अस्थिर है। में [56 ]: वजन = 120.0 [57]: उम्र = 99 में [58]: चिह्न = ("एक", "बी", "सीसी") में [59]: पंक्ति = [वजन, आयु, अंक] सूची की तरह अस्थायी संरचना पर हैश की कोशिश करनी होगी: में [60]: हैश (पंक्ति) ------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- TypeError ट्रैसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम) & lt; ipython-input-60-4a104abdcd18 & gt; में & l...

java - Storing multiply objects, or instances in one array index -

Is it possible for Java to store multiple objects in an array index? For example object 1 and object 2, which are string variables that can be referenced by array [1] string [] text = new string [] text [1] = "rabbit "Now if I output text [1] it will produce both wire" rabbit "and" horse "then [text] [1] =" horse " And is it possible to refer to several array indexes for one object? For example, the object1 = array [1] and array [2] says. I have more interest in the first example. And if possible please give me an example of action for this. The way you showed it is impossible in your example text [1] for your string object The context is, so you are overriding a reference (rabbit) with reference to a string (horse). Store two strings in objects [0]: object [] objects = new object [] {new string [] {"one", "b"} , Blank, empty;}; Storing two references in a single array consistently as two fields (an...

activerecord - Yii find or initialize method -

I am looking for a uniform rail method in the Yii structure at the level of a class, based on a pass which Finds the array that ActiveRecord will need to match. If found, it will return to the matched ActiveRecord if it is not found, then a new instant ActiveRecord is returned Here is an example of how I can expect that I can see it Is: $ person = person :: model () - & gt; Find_or_initialize_by (array ('name' = & gt; 'bob', 'era' => 20)); But no such function has been made in yii, available bilton functions here , You can use this custom function in your custom model public function find_or_initialize_by ($ array) {$ model = person :: Model) - & gt; Search ('name =: name and age =: age', array (': name' = & gt; $ array ["name"], ': age' = & gt; $ array ["age"])); If ($ model == zero) {$ model = new person; } $ Model- & gt; Name = $ array ["name"]; $ Model- ...

android - PreferenceFragment with transparent background? -

I created a PreferenceRegment with two categories and a checkbox, however, when I display it in my app The background appears to be transparent. I can see main activities, fields and people with priority have been placed above main activity ... what is the solution? In my main activity, I am doing this to open the Preferences Notification when the Settings button is selected: @Override Public Boolean Operations Item Selected (Menu Item Item) {// Handle press action item on item switch (item.getItemId ()) {case RID.action_settings: getFragmentManager (). BeginTransaction (). (Android.RID content, new settingsfragment ()). Committed (); Back true; Default: Return Super.Options item selected (item); }} My choice fragment code looks like this: Public class setting enhances the spreading priority { @Orride Creates a public void (bundle saved) InstantState) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); // Load preferences from an XML resource addPreferencesFromResource (R.xml.prefer...

node.js - exporting a module in a callback function? -

Is there a way to export some variables inside a callback function? For example, if I want to use room.room_id in any other file, what should I do? I tried the module Exports room id = room. Room_id but the room appears to be undefined in another file. Thanks! var needs room = ('../method/database'). Cell Export .create = function (req, res) {room .create ({room_name: req.body.roomName}) .complete (function () (room .find ({where: {room_name: req.body.roomName}} Success. (Work (room) {// if (err) console.log (err); res.redirect ('rooms / videochat /' + req.body.roomName + '/' + room.room_id); console Log ("Room_id:" + room.room_id); module.exports.roomId = room.room_id;})}) }; You can not do this because the modules are evaluating synchronous and you can change module.exports What you need to do is supply a callback and Or the price may have or callback read successfully use as an indicator that you export went home.

Why isn't the pdftk-php class hooking up with the pdftk.exe path? -

I am currently trying to get an example which I have downloaded from PTFE-PHP so that using the instructions The following web page can be used: The database connection looks fine, but the output of PDFs is only one kilobyte size and Adobe Reader can not open it. I'm assuming that the problem should be in the pdftk-php.php file. For PassStre Function near Pass 71 I basically used the following absolute path for PDFTK: passthru ("C: \ Program Files (x86) \ PDFtk \ bin \ pdftk.exe $ Pdf_original fill_form $ Fdf_fn Output - Flatten "); This is what I got from the command prompt when I typed "pdftk" because it was not working, I tried the following relative path: passthru (".. \ pdftk.exe $ pdf_original fill_form $ fdf_fn Output - Flaton"); I was able to recover the form-fields.txt file just from the command prompt, so I know that pdftk is working but me at line 47 of index.php Undefined index error occurs when I first and last name and...