php - OpenId or OAuth -

I want to create a PHP web app where users can log in with Facebook, Google, Twitter or any other possible server In some activities like voting and commenting, I will not use any data from the user from the service provider. So what is a better alternative OpenID or Oath? Or should I try to implement with each provider's API?

I would recommend openID connect

Many OAuth2 authentication APIs For a list of more prominent sites, see:

This is not easy for web developers. In February 2014, OpenID Connect took part in the final. Google supports this, any other domain on the Internet that supports it may be automatically supported (ie, their domain supports OpenID connect discovery ... / .well-known / openid-configuration Publication of closing points

NRI An Open Source PHP OpenID Connect Library:

If you support these legacy, proprietary consumer IDPs, they may be sore throats because they Slow

See also every highest interface as


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