javascript - Datatables fnFilter Delay loader/indicator -

I am using datatables with a custom plugin that I got from fnSetFilteringDelay But wanted to add an indicator or loader of some type, to tell the user that the search text is in the text typed in the text box, I have done this, but this is a little buggy, maybe someone should give me this fluent and Can help get beautiful.

Enter image details here

But if you are more If you type more, the indicator bar starts to appear as if it is breaking.

I would like to get rid of, if possible, breakdown part.

After starting the data for variables, my code is

  oTable.fnSetFilteringDelay (550); // After the last character has been entered, it will take 550 milliseconds to find $ ('# gvProjectList_filter input'). (Original ($ ("(
< P> Basically it should start with 50px width, and when going down, when the user uses another character, the bar should resume at 50px.

, just search To write something, first a letter and then a full name, you will see what I mean.

I have found my own solution I used jquery animation function

  oTable.fnSetFilteringDelay (550); $ ('# Mytable_filter input'). Parent () .andend ($ ("

Works like a charm!

, check it out!


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