javascript - Facebook Like button not working in IE 11 - possibly a CORS issue? -

I am implementing the button on my web

Relevant code portion: < / Strong>

HTML preface:

  & lt; Html lang = "cs" xmlns: fb = "" xmlns: og = "" & gt;  

FB SDK (load before the first choice button):



  & lt; Div class = "fb-like" data-href = " / Profily / profil / EM-14-042" data-layout = "button_ count" data-action = "such as" data -shoe-face = "wrong" data-share = "wrong" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  

Normal browsers display a similar button.

The following error is caused in IE:

  SEC7118: Request XMLHttpRequest for http: //. / Specification CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) is required. File: such as .fp  

I have found almost everything on the web and have tried without any help please note that there is no way for me to instruct users to reduce their security settings Is not =)

For reference, you can go.

Thanks for any suggestions.


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