combobox - Delphi data aware combo edit control with ability to enter arbitrary text? -

I have a contact address in a contract-address control (combo box, edit) with a data-address control (automobile item) I want to enable the user to enter The one I want to achieve for a SQL table is: A composite connected to the contact's name area of ​​a data source, an edit bound to the Contact_Tel of the same data source is bound to Contact_Email of the same data source.

Combo dropdown is an SQL data source and display person's name, phone number and email user can choose one of the current options or express an arbitrary name (new contact) ) Can type. When the contact person changes the text of the combobox, then - if the text matches one of the current options, then two other editing controls are filled with the phone number and email of the option chosen - or if the text is not in the list , Then the other two editing controls are approved.

I have currently set up a dbLookupComboBoxEh is bound to an area of ​​a dataset + keys and a list with the list + style = csDropDownEh.

The problem is that it works fine when the user types in the value contained in the list source, but once I do not write it in that list, the control becomes clear only and Remember any more value.

Is there any control that adds data-bound drop down with the ability to enter suggested values ​​and arbitrary text?


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