New JavaScript window in HTML element -

I know in javascript that you open () to open a new window Can be used. A browser

Is it possible to create a new window in the HTML element? So instead of creating an iframe, it creates a browser or window in HTML

Why not use an iframe?
Cross domain policy, iframes can not display all websites

I try to add a game to a website browser It allows modding of the game UI which uses CoherentUI (originally UI HTML)

Only a few things you can do is "readfile" script in php or in a server side language, open your website, complete content Read through and parse, if necessary link rewrite ... and echo some div. If you want it to be live and in the game you should use Ajax and jquery for example. But I think, you should not do this without the permission of the website owner, as you copy and use your content without mentioning a source.


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