php - Wordpress show content only once to guest visit if else something -

How can I set a php position in a custom page template that shows this page only once on each visit And then second, third visit, automatically execute another link.

This is the page of those people's pages, which you scroll to and the "game" in the first page are some kind of calculator on the day of death, only show me the guest once Required visit ... not logged in

I have tried with some PHP formulas that I got online but the result of not giving me ... I get an error message

< P> How do I code this code in WordPress I can Agu ?? Should I put it in the header?

  & lt ?? Php if (! Isset ($ _COOKIE ['first time']) {setcookie ("first time", "no", / * EXPIRE * /); header ('location: first time.php'); exit () ;} And {header ('location: site.php'); exit ();}? & Gt;  


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