
Showing posts from January, 2010

python using multiprocessing for distributed computing -

The next code works to execute "someprogram" in parallel to 50 inputfilenames using a pool of 5 workers . How 5 workers can be used on this computer, and on 7 other computers, using only standard libraries such as multiprocessing. Ideally I have a list of Tupless (hostname, rankformers), which can be used to make some quicker, and maybe change it to a decorator so that it can be used more easily on methods like "commandstall" Could. (Linux and Python 2.7) Import Multi Processing Import Subprocess Def Commands (input filename): P = subprosec POPE ("Some Programs" + InputFileName, Shell = True) p.wait () inputfilenames = ["some" + str (i) .zfill (2) + "into" in category (50)] p = multiprocessing PUL (5) PMAP (Commandlinestuff, inputfilename) It seems that you Are trying to invent that which has been written in the pure dragon itself, but it is not currently part of standard libraries. Actually you need a server running on a ...

actionscript 3 - FlashDevelop supporting 3 different languages (Eng, Kor, Chn)? -

I developed an app (originally in Korean and English), but I want to add Chinese support. When I move the Chinese translations from Word to FlashDevelop, however, some characters are shown in the box Does anyone have the same IDE, or preferably, Flash Experience developing in many languages ​​using development? Thank you!

java - how to get those array values randomly? -

, "E", "E", "F", "E", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", " O "," P "," Q "," R "," S "," T "," U "," V "," W "," X "," Y "," Z "," A " "I", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", " N "," O "," P "," Q "," R "," S "," T "," U "," V "," W "," X "," Y "," 0 " , "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "` "," ~ ","! "," "", "_", "",...

jquery toggle is not working for me -

On, I have "Read more ..." in the first Lorame ipsem paragraph. This is a & lt; Span id = "s-hpi" & gt; I have: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# s-hpi"). Click (function () {$ ("# hpi"). Toggle ();}); & lt; / script & gt; ; In the head area. However, clicking # s-hpi does not toggle #hpi. How can I fix it? Thank you. / P> You forgot the ending brace for document ready function $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("# S-hpi") (function () {$ ("# hpi") Toggle ();})}};

inserting row in the middle of a html table using javascript -

मेरी एक तालिका है जिसमें दो पंक्तियाँ हैं। & lt; tr id = "row1 "& Gt; & lt; td & gt; पहली पंक्ति & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; & Lt; tr id = "row2" & gt; & lt; td & gt; दूसरी पंक्ति & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; मुझे जावा स्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करके पंक्ति 1 और पंक्ति 2 के बीच कुछ पंक्तियों को सम्मिलित करना होगा। जावा स्क्रिप्ट बनाने के तत्व का उपयोग करके मैं इसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं। लेकिन मैं स्ट्रिंग HTML सामग्री का उपयोग करके नई पंक्तियों को जोड़ना चाहता हूं। उदाहरण के लिए: "& lt; tr & gt; & lt; td & gt; यह पंक्ति पहली और दूसरी & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; के बीच रखा गया है। InsertAfter (प्रथम पंक्ति आईडी); क्या इस तरह से पंक्तियों को बीच में जोड़ना है? JQuery का उपयोग करें एक फ़ंक्शन है $ ("# row1")। InsertAfter ("आपका HTML");

mysql - SQL - Updating table with informaton from another table -

I am trying to run an update on the espap of my companies, but trying to work out the right SQL Used to be. Command to do the following: I have three tables: Products ------------ pId pSearchParams ProductCategories ----- - ------------ pcProductId // products.pId pcCategoryId // categories.catId Categories ---------- catId catName me To update the pSearchParams field in the Products table with information from catName field in the categories table. The only way I can do this is to link the products table with the ProductCags table, as ProductCags is the table The only way I can establish a link between the products table and categories tables. The problem is that there is a possibility of having the same information on multiple lines in productcategories table, pcProd UctId , same pcCategoryId (I.e. products can be in many categories) To update all the pSearchParams fields in products , enter a UPDATE Need to run the statement> Table wi...

c# - How to access downloads folder in windows phone 8.1 -

I want to download and read the file in the download folder. This is the original folder, such as photos and videos. But Windows.Storage.DownloadsFolder is not available for the phone and let me call it known folders like windows Storage. Knowledge Founders Picture library Also I tried the C: \ data \ user \ public \ download \ , this is an unauthorized result. I think some apps have access to this, but how? You can use a file or folder picker. I'm not sure if you want the user to choose a file, or if you want to choose the file yourself, but I think the best way to achieve this is using something like this: FileOpenPicker OpenPicker = New FileOpenPicker (); OpenPicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.Downloads; Wait for StorageFile file = open picture. PixxingfileSync (); or folder for folder picker = new folder picture (); FolderPicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId. download; FolderPicker.PickFolderAndContinue ();

prob with selected radio button using javascript? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 15 जवाब अपरिभाषित आउटपुट !! मैं sth याद आ रही है? कोई भी विचार? यहां रेडियो बटन इनपुट है: & lt; tr & gt; & Lt; td & gt; हाँ & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "रेडियो" नाम = "ईमेल" आईडी = "ईमेल" मान = "हां" /> gt; & lt; / td & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; td & gt; नहीं & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "रेडियो" नाम = "ईमेल" id = "ईमेल" मान = "नहीं" चेक = "चेक" /> gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "बटन" मान = "सबमिट करें" onclick = "doIt ()" शैली = "चौड़ाई: 150px; ऊंचाई: 30px" / & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" भाषा = "जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; फ़ंक्शन doIt () {var emailopt = document.getElementById ('ईमेल')। Checked.value; चेतावनी (ईमेलपोस्ट); } ...

report - Hiding a column in a matrix if it is null -

Is there a way to hide a matrix column when its value is zero? I searched the web and I came to know that I can go to the column property -> visibility and hide it through expression: = iif (field! YourColumn.Value = But whenever I try to insert it, I give the following error: Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys.

OpenCV/C++ - SIFT keypoint detection and corresponding descriptors -

I have an image, I used the edge of the cannie detector, and then I apply it to a lie. Result at: I did not understand the result. Why do not I have some interest points on some black areas and do not expect too much? Also, what is the size of the circle? I took a look at the internet but it is not completely clear and I have not got any information about it. ? "Scale-Orient Feature Transform" for SIFT. It detects the main points on many scales, the circles on your image probably refer to the scale at which the main point was detected. The location of keypoint in black areas does not appear completely in front of me: If you think that the area they see is 2 or 3 times the size of the circle, much more than the main points in the Black Zone It is understandable: it does not detect only a black zone, but for example, such an area; Which is specific: Important note One main point does not mean that only the exact point is different from the rest; This m...

arrays - Find the local maxima in a sequence of values -

Which algorithm can we use to find local maximize in the randomly created values ​​array of length 10? In my current strategy 3 is to break the array and find the maximum element of each subset array, but it does not include the maximum maximum. Ideally, I first point to I would like to recognize the local max, and the third red should not be marked as left from. Just go through all the indices and compare two elements on both sides towards that element, each For index if index == 0 array [index -1] & lt; Array [index] pseudo code: ] and (index == array.line-1 array [index + 1] & lt; array [index] } {Store index}

c# - Compare datetime with string time in 24 hrs format -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग startTime = "0900"; सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग closeTime = "1730"; सार्वजनिक वर्ग टाइम्सइनफ़ो {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग कोड {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक तिथि टाइमटाइम {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक तिथि टाइमटाइम {प्राप्त; सेट; }} नमूना डेटा: सूची & gt; टाइम्स इंफो & gt; सूची = नई सूची & lt; टाइम्स इंफो & gt; (); सूची। जोड़ें (नया टाइम्स इन्फौ {EmpCode = "101", startTime = "2011-04-28 10:00", पासटाइम = "2011-04-28 12:00"}); सूची। जोड़ें (नया टाइम्स इन्फौ {एम्पोसोड = "102", स्टार्टटाईम = "2011-04-28 09:00", पासटाइम = "2011-04-28 17:00"}); सूची। जोड़ें (नया टाइम्स इन्फौ {EmpCode = "103", startTime = "2011-04-28 10:00", पासटाइम = "2011-04-28 18:00"}); List.Add (नई टाइम्सइनफ़ो {EmpCode = "104", startTime = "2011-04-28 11:00", पासटाइम = "2011-04-28 16:00"}); मुझे सूची & lt; TimesInfo & g...

python - Writing an Element to a file -

I am using ElementTree to create, parse, and modify XML files and objects . I am creating a tree like this: import xml.etree.ElementTree etree foo = etree.Element ("root") etree.SubElement (foo, "extra", {" Id ":" 50 "}) Then, I want to write it in a file accordingly, I should use an ElementTree object for that , But how to do this Element I tried e = etree.ElementTree (foo) e.write (filename) but it does not work: Type error: your phone may be opened Should be opened with b ("binary") as the "id": import xml.etree.ElementTree: "50"}) E = F: e.write (f) or simply pass as open ('test.xml', 'wb') with etree.ElementTree (foo): e.write ('test.xml') for a file name / path

javascript - How to avoid land while adding points to polyline? -

I am using Google Maps API to add a map to my website that controls the path of a sailor Route points are added on flying with javascript and they are not quite wide, so sometimes I have to cross a line on the ground. Is it possible to add points in the polyline and you can avoid going through the ground?

c# - JArray.Contains issue -

I have a JARR, read from a file: Private Zero removal tool (Catalog list) {System.IO.StreamReader filereader = New (@Ap Directory- "\\ List"); Jereca Marzare = Jerry. Purse (filearrereteteond ()); Filereader.Close (); String Jason = "{\" token \ ": \" "+ list. Token +" \ ", \" name \ ": \" "+ list. Name +" \ ", \" logo \ ": \" + List. Logo + "\", \ "subject \": \ "" + catalog.Theme + "\"} "; MyCatalogAsJObject = Jobbject.Parse (json); Myjarray.Remove (myCatalogAsJObject); } I want to remove the function corresponding to the myCatalogAsJObject variable, but it does not work because the answer to myjarray.Contains (myCatalogAseJObject) is is false. The problem is that myjarray is actually included in it: this is just work in my jerk. If I MyCatalogAsJObject.ToString () Equals (myjarray.First.ToString ()) , the a...

php - No data returned to jquery datatables from ajax call -

This is my first try dataatables with the database ( MariaDB ) I want to call the Ajax function to return data and populate the rows and cells table The simplified version of code about the php file table of the table is: Datacenem ({"BPC section": true, "SXXSOR "):" / APLS / Indicador / "", "Data": "data": "data type": "json", "type": "data"; "data", "fns server data", "fns server data": "data": {"fn": " "{{GET}," url: sSource, "data" ": indie_on," success ": fnCallback});" AO column ": [{" mDataProp ":" id "}, {" mDataProp ": "Per"},],}); I have tried with and without "bServerSide": True, but table Can not display data in. Firebug Return typeError: aData is undefined . In whatever is being said I have created...

python - converting from svg to pdf -

I am trying to replace a svg file with the following code in PDF, but got an error src> svglib.svglib import srg2rlg from import renderPDF drawing = svg2rlg ("test.svg") renderPDF.drawToFile (drawing, "test.pdf") error: pydev debugger: start traceback (most recent call final): file "c: \ user \ stone \ .clipse \ org.eclipse.platform_4 .3.0_1709980481_win32_win32_x86 \ Plugins \ org.pythth_thumb_dev_2.8.2.2013090511 \ pysrc \ ", line 1446, & lt; Module & gt; (Setup ['File'], None, None) File "C: \ User \ Stone. Eclipse \ org.eclipse.platform_4.3.0_1709980481_win32_win32_x86 \ plugins \ org.pythczDev_2.8.2.2013090511 \ pysrc \ ", line 1092, run pydev_imports.execfile (file, world, local) # script file" c: \ user stone \ document \ fastdown \ src \ beagle \ proven and test \ "," line 9 , & Lt; module & gt; drawing = svglib.svg...

ibm mobilefirst - IBM Worklight 6.1 - WL.Server.setActiveUser credentials, is it secure? -

SetActiveUser () . How & amp; Where UIO is stored on the WL server, and is it considered a safe storage? In this framework, trying to understand the effect of the password protection of passwords and later used for back-end access (cloud) requests. If not safe, then can encryption be applied to any part of the UIO? Appreciate what you can give. The user identity object is kept in memory and scotched in the current session. In other words, credentials are not constant; Someone has to dump the server memory and dig through it or connect to the debugger. It is believed that the production server should also run in a safe environment, with limited access to the process, etc. ... of course. The stored credentials in this object can be used by the adapter to authenticate with the back send from the user. In an HTTP adapter, the basic, digest, and NTLM authentication schemes use that technology In the non-HTTP adapter and in the custom authentication schemes, ... - SQL query causing A TOP N value may not be negative error -

I am making an ASP.NET game rental website using SQL Server 2008 and I have a delivery page, when I Run this code as a TOP N value error. I have found a query on my page that runs when the page loads with sqldatasource but there are no top minus shapes in it. SELECT TOP (SELECT MIN ([Rentability] [Balance balance] * (/ * Remaining at a time * / SELECT [subscriptions]] [game_ at_a_time] - (/ * Currently Number of games selected by the customer * [SELECT COUNT] * [FAR] [FAR] [FAR] [dispatch]. [Date_back] IS Null and [user]. [User_id] = [rent]. [User_id] ) Join [user] as the rest [subscription] ON [user]. [Subscription_ID] = [subscription] [membership_id] where [USES NET]. [User_ID] = 1 / * Choose your customer ID * / union [Change]. [MAX_ES] - (/ * Number of games totaled by the customer * / SELECT COUNT (* ) [Monthly (GateDate)) and [Ren Tals] from [RentedThisMonth] where month ([rent]. [Date]] = month (gate date () and year ([rent]. [Date]] and [ User]. [User_id] = [rent] [user...

css - Split docked keyboard on iPad mini causes excess vertical space when hidden -

मेरे पास एक सामग्री div के साथ न्यूनतम-ऊंचाई: 100%; और एक अपेक्षाकृत स्थितियुक्त पाद लेख div एक नकारात्मक हाशिए-टॉप के साथ है, इसलिए पाद लेख स्क्रीन के नीचे रह जाएगा। दोनों divs भाई बहन हैं। जब मैं एक डॉकेड आईपैड कुंजीपटल को विभाजित करता हूँ तो मैं जो समस्या का सामना कर रहा हूं वह ऊपर आती है। यदि फ़ोकस में इनपुट फ़ील्ड स्क्रीन के निचले भाग के पास है, तो कीबोर्ड के लिए समायोजित करने के लिए पूरे पृष्ठ को "धक्का दिया" है "मर्ज किए गए" कुंजीपटल को खारिज कर देने के बाद यह अतिरिक्त निचला स्थान गायब हो जाता है, लेकिन यह तब भी रहता है जब कुंजीपटल विभाजित हो जाता है, पृष्ठ को उच्च बना देता है, जिससे यह संभव है कि उपयोगकर्ता स्क्रीन को स्क्रॉल कर सके। I & lt; मेटा नाम = "व्यूपोर्ट" सामग्री = "ऊंचाई = डिवाइस-ऊंचाई" / & gt; का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन उसने वर्णित व्यवहार के बारे में कोई अंतर नहीं किया। यह आईओएस 7.1 पर सफारी और क्रोम दोनों में हो रहा है

html - Fill parent width equally -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मेरे पास एक कंटेनर की चौड़ाई है इसमें बटन: & lt; div class = "button-container" & gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "बटन" वर्ग = "संपादित-मात्रा" & gt; मात्रा संपादित करें & lt; / button & gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "बटन" वर्ग = "संपादित-मूल्य" & gt; मूल्य संपादित करें & lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "बटन" वर्ग = "निकालें-वस्तु" & gt; निकालें & lt; / button & gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "बटन" class = "remove-all" & gt; सभी हटाएं & lt; / button & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मैं बटन और कंटेनर को एक तरह से कैसे स्टाइल कर सकता हूं कि बटन कंटेनर चौड़ाई को समान रूप से भरते हैं, भले ही सिर्फ 1 या 2 या 3 बटन हों आप डिस्प्ले: तालिका; और डिस्प्ले का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: टेबल-सेल; यदि आप अपने बटन के आसपास रैपिंग डिवा जोड़ते हैं: HTML: & lt; div class = "button-co... - Content page not displaying images -

I have a project with a master page at the root level and there are many content pages that are also at the root level. Feeling fine until I created a new folder and put a new content page into that folder. None of the pictures is being displayed for that particular page, I'm sure it's something that I'm missing. & lt;% @ page title = "" language = "c #" masterpage file = "~ / masterpagesmaster" auto eventWireUp = "true" codefile = "superstones installation.aspx.cs" inherits = "Setting up the text files"% & gt; & Lt; Asp: Content ID = "Content1" content placeholder id = "head" runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / ASP: Content & gt; & Lt; Asp: Content ID = "Content2" content placeholder id = "home" runat = "server" & gt; Content & lt; / Asp: Content & gt;

checkbox - How to use a Toggle Switch in PHP -

I have a toggle in php that I would just like to use to change a value in a mysql table yet You know, this is an element of only one form, but how can I post / off value to switch / stop without using a 'submit' method? & lt; Input data -no-uniform = "true" type = "checkbox" class = "iphone-toggle" & gt; For now it is an input element with fancy css to make a check element in a switch element. So if there is a default position in the switch and just sliding the switch or "checking the box" will be enough to change the value in a cell As you are using jQuery, you can do something like this: $ ('.phone-toggle'). ('Change', function () {var toggle_data = $ (this) .data ('no-uniform') toggle_value = $ (this) .val (); $ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: 'Your_url.php', data: {toggle: toggle_data, value: toggle_value}, success: work () {// what do you do on success}})}}; and in php...

Bitmap memory management in Android OOM -

Hello friends, I have an app where I have to load the picture on any step, which is inside the asset folder How to load them OOm? I saw the second post, but what practical did not help to do this? An excellent Google Alternatively, you can use a library Which can work for you already, like

c# - Check if Flags Enum containts all strings -

मेरे पास निम्न झंडे हैं Enum: [ध्वज] सार्वजनिक enum RoleModels {मास्टर = 1 & lt; & lt; 0, संपादक = 1 & lt; & lt; 1, सदस्य = 1 & lt; & lt; 2} और मेरे पास रोलमोडल्स वैरिएबल और स्ट्रिंग्स की एक सूची है: var भूमिकाएं = 1 RoleModels.Master | RoleModels.Member; सूची के & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; भूमिकाओं = नई सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; {"मास्टर", "सदस्य"} मैं यह जांचना चाहूंगा कि क्या सभी भूमिकाएं भूमिकाएं हैं चेक केस असंवेदनशील होना चाहिए ... इस मामले में यह सच हो जाएगा। मैं स्ट्रिंग को एक एन्यूम में बदलने की कोशिश कर रहा था: वेर रोल 2 = (रोलमोडल्स) भूमिकाएं। अटैगेट ((ए, बी) = & gt; ए | बी); और फिर, किसी भी तरह, यदि सभी भूमिकाएं 2 भूमिकाओं में हैं तो जांचें। लेकिन मैं यह काम करने में सक्षम नहीं था ... क्या कोई मुझे, मेरी मदद कर सकता है? धन्यवाद, मिगुएल आप इसे इस तरह कर सकते हैं: var भूमिकाएं 1 = भूमिकामॉडल्स.मास्टर | RoleModels.Member; सूची के & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; भूमिकाओं = नई सूची ...

.net - how to pass sql table name using session on other page in -

I have the name of pages glass.aspx, shirt.aspx. These pages contain images when someone clicks on any image, then they redirect to the product.aspx page. Product.aspx contains all the details of the image. My product.aspx code & asp: SqlDataSource id = "SqlDataSource1" runat = "server" ConnectionString = "[password] =" provider name = "system. Where [[ID] = @ id] from "DataSQLClient" Select "Commander =" Selection [ID], [ImagePath], [ImageNenam], [Description], [Value] [Best] & Lt; SelectParameters & gt; & Lt; Asp: QueryStringParameter name = "id" QueryStringField = "id" type = "decimal" /> & lt; / SelectParameters & gt; & Lt; / ASP: SQLDataSource & gt; & Lt; ASP: Data List ID = "Data List 1" Runat = "Server" DatacoursID = "SQLDitasource 1" & gt; & Lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Asp: Image ID = "Image1...

javascript - How to set border on a 3d pie highchart? -

I have a 3D pie chart using the Highchurch plugin, and I want to put limits in each part, so I put the following: border width: 4, border color: "red" in the plotOptions: pie: . But I am afraid that the limit of this part is from the same color, which is filled there. Is there any way to do this? I have no problem that the border is white, but I have to split the parts. Here's a JSfield where you can try: JS $ (function () {$ ('# Container'). High Charch ({Chart: {Type: 'Pie', Option 3D: {Enabled: Truth, Alpha: 45, Beta: 0}}}, Title: {Text: 'Browser on a Specific Website Market Share, 2014 '}, Tooltip: {pointFormat:' {}: & lt; b & gt; {point.percentage: .1f}% & lt; / b & gt;}}, plot options: { Pie: {allowPoint: select: right, cursor: 'pointer', depth: 35, border width: 4, border color: "red", data labels: {enabled: true, profi '{': 'Browser Share', Data: [['F...

javascript - Need to capture File -> New Window event of Internet Explorer in JSP-Servlet application -

I am applying JSP-SSL and I can enable event CTRL + N with keyboard and invalidate session object I am But I am facing a problem when the user opens a new window from the File menu: FILE -> The new page opens in a new window but I can not cancel the session CATL + N -> Capture Event has invalidated the session (working fine) Go to FILE menu - > New window Not able to capture the event and the user can access the page with the same session. Please provide your suggestions only for Internet Explorer for any other browser.

css - Google maps tile margin rounding issue in chrome -

I'm trying to display a Google map on one page but it seems that due to some reason the map is between The difference is visible first tile both vertically and horizontally. I am applying a complete condition for the map container and both have width and height as percentages, I have Correct is set to and down 0. It presents as: Here is a live demo: I tried to put the map in a basic container and tried to apply the same property to that element, but I get the same effect. I'm only able to reproduce it in the latest version of Chrome. Has any other problem been encountered? Is there any possible solution?

regex - to match part of a string and type the full string out of a given sentence consisting of charater strings -

The path to the files that I have a file list.txt: Desktop / 28_dec / script / sign_145 / check / sig4n_120 / mu_30; Desktop / 28_dec / run_1 / run_12 / sign_145 / check / sig4n_120 / mu_30; Desktop / 14_feb / eps_14 / run14 // sign_145 / check / sig4n_120 / mu_30 Desktop / 28_dec_2013 / eps3_1200 / eps_nano_20 / sign_130 / sign_145 / check / sig4n_120 / mu_30 and so on. The pattern is quite random. On each row, three things have to be noted in the three columns with the full path; 'sig4n_' a string of pre-: sig4n_130 sign-'' 'mu _' string, split me know The order is to use where the separator will be '/', and then compare the part of the door. I tried to write the script, but my script is showing errors I have the following in Linux: z = desktop / 28_feb / eps3_1200 / sign_200 / sig4n_120 / mu_10; Awk '{partition ($ z, arr, "/")} & gt; Detadat The error " was showing unexpected token" ( ' ...

c# - Cannot split string from a list to two parts -

I am trying to create a configuration file for my server program. I am reading it line by line and when If I encounter the desired option then I am processing that line. I have been writing the IP file, but the Visual Studio will not give me the code of the procedure method here: //// I am assuming that the file is loading, it is good .. Private INTAP Process () {String tempIpAddr = ""; Console.Write ("IP"); (Include: "I", "I", "read", " )) {TempIpAddr = readLines .ElementAt (i) .plit (':'); }} 0 return 0; } I am getting the error: Error 4 hypothesis 'string' [']' can not be changed to 'string' F: \ DB \ Dropbox \ Repozytoria \ ARDSQL GUI \ Sources \ Configuration CS 85 38 ARDSQL GUI I tried to convert tempIpAddr to array and change it to readLines.ElementAt (i). (':') ;. This tempIpAddr = readlines [i] .plit (':'); How to do this? The result of String.Split (...

Tracking app installs from a self hosted server Android -

We are trying to keep track of installed app for a self-hosted Android app using your own click tracking Which is server 2 server. What we do have is the start to create a tracking link to download and generates a random subid / variable / no end to our download URL to track each click We'll have to do it you need to collect it from the browser URL and the app back to our servers in order to be able to track clicks installed for us. > The challenge here is that we are not able to collect Sbid generated on each click that leads to download an app so that it can be posted back. Does anyone know how we can deposit Subid & amp; Posting it back after installing the user and opening the app?

c# - how to create dictionary in with multiple values? -

I want to create a dictionary in C # with a key and several keys associated with the key. I also want to get the value based on the key. I suggested using a tube found on the internet people, but could not find a suitable example. How to use it and retrieve data? Target: I want to parse a JSON response and want to store feedback in key pair form. what are you asking dictionary & lt; Int, tuple & lt; Int, string & gt; & Gt; But what you should do is to create a class to replace that tuple the person in the public category {public entity id {get; Set;} public string first name {Get; Set;}} Then you can define your dictionary like this dictionary & lt; Int, person & gt; Bar = new dictionary & lt; Int, person & gt; (); Then you can retrieve such values ​​ var firstName = bar [1] .FirstName // 1 is the key to item items

ios - ios7 email signature underlines address -

were saying I made a sign to a customer, who came back to me that he locates the office And the iPhone 5 in the blue. Address is a simple paragraph - no anchor etc. Is there any way to re-apply as standard text? I also am not positive, but parse all iOS from my experience email addresses and makes them link If your client does not matter if you can format the email to keep spaces, so the OS it will not recognize it as an e-mail and should leave it as text. (Name @ IOS sees this functionality as a feature. This allows users to quickly find and use email instead of copying and pasting the address in the Mail app. It also provides automatic linking for iOS locations so that they can be opened in the map application. There is a good post on how to work around this problem:

console application - Print object on screen and move it randomly on c# -

After I am looking to add an object in C # using the console application, then once on my screen I This is the step I want to take this step at a different place within the range of my window has been hit once this code is to print the apple on the amount screen so far static void Apple () {{Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White. NewApple = Rand Apple Next (200); Console.Write ('A'); Console.ReadLine (); } While (gameover); } You have to use the method. In the way you can move the cursor to any place on the screen: random random = new random (); Console.setcursorposition (random.Next (10), random.Next (10)); Console.Write ("X"); Where 10 is the maximum size of your array [10,10].

.net - Windows Form Project(C#) is moving file to User's Directory -

I have a Windows project and have created a setup wizard project, so I can install it in the next next approach . It uses Microsoft Access as the project database and I was added SetupWizard properly database file and everything was fine. However, after the reinstallations, I note that the windows database file should be "Applications folder" C: \ users \ myUser \ AppData \ Local \ VirtualStore \ Program Files (x86) \. And just FYI, my connection string in the app.config: & LT; ConnectionStrings & gt; & Lt; Add name = "ProjectName & gt; Properties. Settings database string" connectionString = "provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source = | data directory | \ database.mdb; security info = true; jet olendi : Database Password = Mypassword "Provider Name =" System.Data.OleDb "/> & Lt; / ConnectionStrings & gt; If I database would gather .exe from Projektoptput same folder. MDB does it then it works per...

yesod - Dealing with type annotations for isString instances -

I know that in some cases I will have to give a type of annotation for some string example, but I'm not completely I have a form that I want to render per bootstrap3 in my form, if I leave it as only, the bootstrap "register " submit, I'll get the following: Any instance (Data.String.IsString msg0) is literally 'registered' If you change it in (bootstrapSubmit ("add": BootstrapSubmit Text), then it compile it. . How does this work for me like the documentation show? Here are some other examples which I am confused about: The function I wanted to use in my form: getting form control isq intField (bfs "weight") nothing > There is no instance with class . . isq intField (bfs ("weight" :: text)) fixes some type of problem to change it. Why does this advertise me without type-annotation? msg bootstrapSubmit msg or bfs msg There should be a renderable message, example of class. bootstrapSubmit ...

html - Why does using an input group break the baseline alignment in bootstrap? -

If I have a label next to an input, in plain HTML, and both inline (or inline blocks), then They are allocating by their baseline. But when using bootstrap, input input into the input group, it seems that they all combine below. I tried to repeat it without bootstrap, but I can not, it just works. I made the bela to show this problem: HTML is: & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Hours / & gt; & Lt; P & gt; A broken case from a similar HTML structure, but not the use of bootstrap: & Lt; Period & gt; Add-ons & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Hours / & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Broken position, with input group: & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group with input-group" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Label & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Div class = "input-group" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" val...

latex - Vim spellcheck not always working in .tex file. Check region in Vim -

I use Vim to write my .tex files, but I'm using spell checker There is a problem with Vim Sometimes it does not check the words, and I think it can be due to the following reasons. Since Vim is clearly not an introduction to the .tex document, for example, it only checks spellings in some areas (in syntax sense). As I have collected, one of these fields is texSectionZone . These areas can be quite big, in fact there is a section often, so Vim is having difficulty in feeling that he is in fact in a texSectionZone area (or other A) And so does not check spelling if it is possible that I do a search in the document, or any kind of leap which leaves many lines (or the page instead). The way I concluded this, it could be the following: I know this command : coordinated (syn. (Line (".") , Cola ("."), 1), "name") prints the name of the region / regions in which you are (I found), so when the spell checker works I did not try it, and he to...

javascript - Chromecast Receiver Application Fails to Launch With Error Code 15 -

When trying to launch a custom receiver application, sometimes on the affilation connection, the error code is also called 15. Other times, but the application connected is never called. I thought it was my sender application code, but now I've switched all connection logic, which now uses the Cast Companion Library, and I still have the same problems. I have loaded the receiver application in a browser, and I have not received any JavaScript errors. Here is the receiver application code for window. Oload: window.onload = function () {cast.receiver.logger.setLevelValue (cast.receiver.LoggerLevel Debug); Window.castReceiverManager = cast.receiver.CastReceiverManager.getInstance (); Console.log ('Start Recipient Manager'); // Launch CastReceiverManager with an application status message window.castReceiverManager.start ({statusText: "App is starting"}); // handler for the 'ready' event castReceiverManager.onReady = function (event) {console.log ...

javascript - How to make something clicked after a few seconds? -

I am trying to do something, after 5 seconds of loading the page, what will happen as clicked Was there. I'm trying to click the button's ID openSidebar . Here I have what, but I do not know how to fill the function. Click the function OpenSidebar () {setTimeout (function () {}, 5000); } Onload = "Click the Open Sidebar;" You can click on click on the element to fire a click . Code: var foo = document.getElementById ("OpenSidebar"); Foo.addEventListener ("click", function () {warning ('click');}, false); Click the function OpenSidebar () {setTimeout (function () {document.getElementById ('openSidebar'). Click ();}, 5000); } Click on OpenSidebar (); Demo:

node.js - Conditional serving of web pages based on "Accept" header with express? -

I understand that you can provide static content on expression: App Express.static (__dirname + "../../../public_html")); However, I am trying to express the presentation of content that sends it on the basis of the "accept" header, to which the response is sent. Generally, I have a content that is requested in a JSON format via the REST API so that the url is: and this is good Works the way. However, I would also like to have this enabled for users to access that page from a browser, which sends something like: Accept: text / html And the page with the correct formatting (CSS / JS / HTML / etc) to present the same information due to that header. Right now, I am trying to serve the content through this: if (Req.accepts ("text / html")) {res.sendfile ("/", {Root: "../../../public_html"}); Res.status (200); Return; } where public_html holds index.html and the directory related to ...

Can anyone help me to get valgrind work on Mavericks? -

उपलब्ध वालग्रींड का नवीनतम संस्करण 3. 9.0 है जो मैक ओएस एक्स 10.7 का समर्थन करता है। मेरे पास मैक ओएस एक्स 10.9.2 है मैंने अभी सी प्रोग्रामिंग सीखना शुरू कर दिया है और मुझे आगे बढ़ने से पहले वाल्ग्रिंड की ज़रूरत है। अगर किसी को सफलतापूर्वक Mavericks पर valgrind भाग गया था ?? फ़्रेडरिक जर्मेन के काम के लिए यहां देखें:

java - Obtain the formbean updated by other session in struts 1.x -

In Stropes 1.x, two browsers (two sessions in this position) are allowed to work on the same Do actionForm update another code in another action class after another session updated? No, it is not a behavior with struts, but there is a behavior with all web applications. Any values ​​stored in the session are only available for one browser / user, although in many requests. If you have a need to share the values ​​in a session, you must see alternate options such as: Storage in DB Data Using Singleton to share Share data via servlet. For more information Assign your values ​​to your class this will allow you to share the objects in sessions and requests. However, be careful with threading.

javascript - jqm collapsible set causing problems within popup in firefox -

I have a jquery mobile popup with a compressed set inside it, and in the popup the overflow-y = Auto . SCENARIO A when I open popup (which creates content in real time (when the open-popup button is pressed) , then I Open a copaspil, then click anywhere within the popup, the popup content is automatically scrolled. SCENARIO B If I close the popup again (which includes .empty () to clean a dynamically created content , and then Scenario A does not occur, the problem does not occur. SCENARIO C If I open the popup, but do not open any pile, then I can not Any ideas? I have created one, but this does not copy the problem. Any thoughts? Edit SCENARIO D If I do not declare contents divs to be data-role = 'collapsible-set / collapsible' Does, but the content is normal Leaves somewhere Divs, so I do not have strange scroll artifacts.

ruby - Receive Psych::Syntax error when trying to install Rails on OSX Mavericks -

I'm new to Ruby / Rail and I'm trying to set up rail under OSX Mavericks but I receive the following Error: user_name $ gem rails / users / user_name / .rvm / rubies / ruby-2.0.0-p451 / lib / ruby ​​/ 2.0.0 / psych.rb: 205: In 'parse': (& lt; unknown & gt;): In this context, the mapping values ​​are in line 2 column 29 (Psych :: SyntaxError) by /Users/user_name/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p451/ Lib is not allowed /ruby/2.0.0/psych.rb:205:IN/users/user_name/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p451/lib/ruby/2.0.0/psych.rb:153 From `parse_stream 'in: / Use And / usr / Ughr_nav /. Rubies / ruby-2.0.0 in RSV / Robi / Ruby 2.0.0-p451 / lib / ruby ​​/ 2.0.0 / psych.rb: 129: in / user_name / .rvm / 'parse' from 'load' P451 / lib / ruby ​​/ site_ruby / 2.0.0 / rubygems / config_file.rb: 333: in `load_file 'in / users / user_name / .rvm / rubies / ruby-2.0.0-p451 / lib / ruby ​​/ site_ruby 'Start' Ruby / Site_iRubi / 2.0.0 / RubyGames / Gmail_Raner fr...

c# - WPF Polyline's converter not invoked when item added to bound ObservableCollection -

With an icon at each point, in my application there is a line through a set of digits I have a canvas element The following is XAML inside: & Lt; Setter property = "canvas.Tap" value = "{binding wai, converter = {static resource canvas icon centrector}}" /> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /ItemsControl.ItemContainerStyle> & Lt; ItemsControl.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Image Source = "Graphics \ Icons \ x.png" width = "20" Height = "20" /> & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> & Lt; / ItemsControl> Selected routes. ITEMS is an Observable Collection. The problem is that when Polyline is not updated and the item is added to SelectedRoute.Items. When an item is added to the item, the icon is added. The line is also drawn correctly, if I change the bound item of the selected route separately and then return it appears to be a ...

Creating new data dir in mysql gives a lot of errors -

I have mysql server installed on my Fedora machine. Now I want to run another instance of mysql server on the same machine on a different port. For this, I needed to create a separate data directory. The MySQL server is installed in the default location / usr / local / mysql and the default data diary location / usr / local / mysql / data Now when I fire this command, create new data For ./script/ mysql_install_db --basedir = / usr / local / mysql --datadir = / usr / local / mysql2 InnoDB: Error number 17 means 'file exists' InnoDB: Some operating system error numbers are described in InnoDB: http: // dev .mysql .com / doc / refman / 5.6 / en / operating-system-error-codes.html 2014-04-29 10:31:51 32072 [ERROR] INODB: File can not be created './mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd' 2014-04-29 10:31:51 32072 [Error] InnoDB: file './mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd' already exists, however the related table was not present in the InnoDB data dictionary. Did you ...

iphone - Adding separator in UICollectionViewCell like one in UITableViewCell -

Hi guys, I am developing an app in which I need "a separator line" after each line of UICollectionViewCell How anyone can get this idea? .. Because I'm new to iOS .. Thanks in advance. Create a UIView with a black background which is 1 pixel high and 320 pixels wide? For example for horizontal line UIView * horizontalLine = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRactack (x cordinate, y cordinate, 1, linelenth)]; horizontal line. Background color = [UIColor blackColor]; [Self.view addSubview: horizontalLine]; [Horizontal release]; (x chordinate, y cordinate, lineline, 1)]; VerticalLine.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; [Self.view addSubview: vertical line]; [Vertical release];

ios - How to access Array variable declared as public on Table View Controller FROM AppDelegate? -

I have an array declared in public in a table view controller that sits behind the root navigation controller @ Property (non-constructive, retaining) NSMutableArray * toDoItems; I want to remove it from AppDelegate.m - (empty) applicationDidendarBackground: (UIApplication *) Application - (zero) applicationViltonNet: (UIApplication * ) Application so that I can write data from an array in a file, when the user exits the app or background or end, can any light leave? What is the common place for writing data to file? - Thanks in advance! Let's try: UIVNNC controller * NavigatorLar = (UINavigationController *) Self.window.rootViewController; YourTableViewController * vc = navController.topViewController; Vc.toDoItems; // Your NSMutableArray

oracle - Edition based redifinition query -

I am using Oracle EBR for warm patching of our application database. I have searched Google for EBR. What do I understand that EBR will allow a user to have multiple versions of the same DB object, such as the PL / SQL process. The user will be able to access that new user, when it will be enabled for that user and the transmission will be seamless for the current user, i.e. the existing sessions will be unaffected. But I am not able to understand how it will not affect existing sessions. For example, if the user "X" is in the middle of a transaction that uses a DB session and a new EBR version is enabled for that user, will not this affect the current DB session? Or existing DB sessions will not be able to see the current EBR and only new sessions will see the new version. Please give me your opinion. One version is not enabled at the session level, at the user level If user X has a dozen sessions, then each of those sessions can use a different version. It would ...

How to enable logs or figure out which parsers are being called in Apache Tika -

मैं जानना चाहता हूं कि कॉल में क्या हो रहा है java -jar tika- App-1.5.jar -j -v banana-gif.wbmp मैंने सभी संभव छवि और ऑटो पार्सर उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है लेकिन यह इस आदेश से प्राप्त आउटपुट से मेल नहीं खाती। { "क्रोमा BlackIsZero": "सच", "सामग्री-लंबाई": 63552, "सामग्री प्रकार": "छवि / vnd.wap.wbmp" "आयाम ImageOrientation": "सामान्य" , "ऊंचाई": 534, "ResourceName": "केले gif.wbmp", "टिफ: ImageLength": 534, "टिफ: ImageWidth": 950, "चौड़ाई": 950} मैं इस कमांड को चलाने के दौरान पूर्ण लॉग को सक्षम करना चाहता हूं एक चरण - काम किस तरह की फाइल टिकिया सोचती है कि यह है। आप मेटाडाटा से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, अगर आप पहले ही इसे पास कर रहे हैं या टिक्का ऐप से पता लगाने के विकल्प का उपयोग कर सकते हैं $ java -jar tika-app-1.5.jar - वायरफ्रेम खोजें .पीडीएफ एप्लिकेशन / पीडीएफ अगला, आपको उन सभी पार्सर की सूची प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है जो आपके द्वा...

c++ - Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol in matlab -

I've been on this for 2 days and have tried every possible solution that I can get through a search engine Could. The function is in C ++, but a Mex file for a Linux 64 bit OS has been generated. I am using Windows 8 64bit, so I have to prepare a Mac file for my system. The files are already made available in the package from the site after the Max installation and after providing the appropriate opencv path and environment variable, I code compile_mex.m and I get the following error for which one solution is not able to reach MexseedS.obj: Error LNK2019: Unsolved exterior symbol "cue" in the cvSaveImage function __cdecl image image (unsigned int *, int const & amp ;, int const & class std :: basic_string & lt; char, struct std :: char_traits & lt; char & gt; class std :: allocator & lt; char & Gt; CONST & amp;) "(? SaveImage @@ YAXPEAIAEBH1AEBV? $ Original_string @dU? $ Char_traits @ D @ std @@ V? $ Allator @ D @ 2 @@ s...

jquery - Page need to refresh to get Datetimepicker everytime in Ember.js -

I am working on Ember.js and I'm new to it. My question relates to Datetimepicker . Datetimepicker is working fine for the first time, but to use it again I have to refresh the whole page. This is my code: & lt; Div class = "well" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "datetimepicker1" class = "input-appended date" & gt; & Lt; Input Data-Format = "dd / MM / yyyy hh: mm: ss" type = "text" & gt; & Lt; / Input & gt; & Lt; Span class = "add-on" & gt; & Lt; I data-time-icon = "icon-time" data-date-icon = "icon-calendar" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ('# datetimepicker1'). Datetimepicker ({Language: 'pt-BR'})}} & lt; / script & gt; Thanks in advance. The right place for jquer...

elixir - what's up with this anonymous function syntax? -

Just start on my nectar trip, reading it in a book: "& amp; The operator converts the expression that is included in a function. " OK, I think I found that. .. isx (70)> F = & amp; (& Amp; 1 * and 2) # function & lt; 12.80484245 in: erl_eval.expr / 5 & gt; IEX (72) & gt; F (2,3) 6 OK, the ampersand is a cloak for an anonymous function and it's logic but then why does not this next call work ?! iex (73)> & Amp; (& Amp; 1 * and 2) () # Function & lt; 12.80484245 in: erl_eval.expr / 5 & gt; ... and I can do it forever: iex (76) & gt; & Amp; (& Amp; 1 * and 2) (). (). () # Function & lt; 12.80484245 in: erl_eval.expr / 5 & gt; What's going on here? If you do an anonymous operation with brackets, this will work: Iex (1) & gt; (& Amp; 1 & 2)) () ** (BadArityError) & amp ;: erlang * 2 with 2 arity with a debate called The error is expected, because we are ...

php - Joomla Administrator Plugins? -

Is it possible to have admin plugins? Or are there plugins only for site? Whatever I want, on the administrative side, like an information system (not an email), Facebook should be very much on the trigger site for such notifications. I have scanned the plugin by these and have implemented a very simple content plugin (just testing onContentAfterTitle ) for the site. Question Are these incidents also applied on the administrative side? Is it possible to be a administrator plugin selects the information from that database and displays them on the screen? or if you can recommend the existing extension, it will be very helpful thanks Plugins are available for both admin and site. The difference is based on events used inside the plugin. For example onContentAfterSave triggers on the Event Content Plugin When an article is saved, it is available on both sides when an administrator triggers an article, the site triggers users' articles too. It does, how...

Python: For loop only loops over the first part of a txt file -

Recently I had to create a script to check my internship whether a subnet router / switch would be in the bunch of config is. / P> I created a script that produces the output Now I need a second script (I could not work it in one), which reads the output, if subnet then aanwezig Txt , if nietAanwezig .txt . Many other answers helped me to create this script and it works, but it only executes for the first 48 IPs and is over 2000 ... code: def main (): file = open ('../ iprangesclean.txt', 'rb') aanwezig = line in file Open ('../Aanwezig.txt', 'w') nietAanwezig = open ('../ nietAanwezig.txt', 'w') output = open ('output.txt', 'rb'): Original Line = line line.rstrip () line = row.Rayle ('', '') line = row.Relay ('\ n', '') line = row.rele ('\ r', '') one, two, Green, four = line. Split ( '.') # 3 by IP: ipaddr = str (a) + "." ...

python - Improper output while calling ajax request and appending output -

अजाक्स आउटपुट है \ u001b [1mGetting के लिए एनएस रिकॉर्ड \ u003b [ 0 एम \ n \ n \ n \ n आईपी पता \ t सर्वर नाम \ n \ n ---------- \ t ----------- \ n \ n68.180.131.16 \ tns1 \ n \ n98.138.11.157 \ \ n \ n203.84.221.53 \ \ n \ n68.142.255.16 \ \ n \ n119 .160.247.124 \ \ n \ n202.43.223.170 \ \ n \ n \ n \ n ज़ोन स्थानांतरण सक्षम नहीं है \ n \ n जब मैं html में जोड़ता हूं तो यह दिखता है [1m के लिए एन एस रिकॉर्ड प्राप्त करना [0m आईपी पता सर्वर का नाम ---------- -------- --- एनएस 1.यहूः एनएस 4.आईहू। Com एनएस 3.आईहू। Com एनएस 2.आईहू। Com एनएस 5.याहू.कॉम एनएस 6.याहू कॉम जोन ट्रांसफर सक्षम नहीं है "\ t" "\ n" ऐसा प्रतीत नहीं होता। कृपया मदद करें। एचटीएमएल टैब और लाइन ब्रेक प्रदान नहीं करता है। HTML में एक लाइन ब्रेक के लिए, & lt; br & gt; का उपयोग करे...

java - How to convert BigDecimal to Double in spring-data-mongodb framework -

Spring data Mongo DB mapping converts BigDeselMail by default to string. However, I want them to be converted into double as Mangondo. After this, it is necessary to ask questions on this field (compare questions / aggregation questions) How can I get my own converter (BigDiclotod Double / Double-To-Big Decimal) to do this? How can you add your own converters here: & Lt; Bean id = "MangoTemplate" class = "" & gt; & Lt; Constructor-arg referee = "Mongo DBFCT" /> & Lt; Constructor-arg referee = "mapping conveyor" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Write Concurrent" & gt; & Lt; Usage: Constant Fixed Field = "com.mongodb.WriteConcern.FSYNC_SAFE" /> & Lt; / Property & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "ResultChecking Written" & gt; & Lt; Util: constant steady field = "

linux - kill a process in bash script -

I would like to kill and restart a process and this command works on interactive mode but not in script mode. Any suggestions: "kill current server" "$ kill (ps -a | grep 'myserver.jar' | awk '{print $ 2}' ) Resonates || || echo 'active myser', exit; 1; This can work: v = $ (Pgrep -f myserver.jar) if [$? == 0]; then $ v else to "no server" fi # start server Kill ...

sql - How do I insert records that have int fields with no values? -

Assuming that I have this access table with a text field and 4 number fields, here is the relevant code: New OleDb.OleDbCommand cmd.Connection = Thief cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmd.CommandText = "Insert in Table1" as the dim cmd _ & amp; "Values ​​(?,?,?,?,?)" Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ a", a.Text) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@b", CInt (b.Text)) cmd.Parameters .AddWithValue ("@ c", CInt (c.Text)) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ d", CInt (d.Text)) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@E", CInt (e.Text) ) Ole.InsertCommand = cmd ole.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () ds.Clear () ole.Fill (ds) This works fine at first, but when I have no Leave a number field and value it, it gives this: "Criteria expression mismatch the data type" How do I work around this? You do not need to convert values ​​to an integer. She said, should work using the given function. Use this as follows: cmd.Param...

css - jquery width issue in IE8 -

I have a problem getting the div width in IE8, it's OK in FF and Chrome as IE in 0 Width, FF and Chrome are getting 1366. $ ('.fs-pic'). Width (); html: & lt; Div class = "fs-pic" & gt; & Lt; Img id = "full" src = "" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; I have placed the width as auto for the FS-Peak class. The line above gives 0 in IE. Is there any alternative to IE? Any help please Did you put it in the $ (document) .ready () ? Try moving it to $ (window). Load () I think this image is (which is making the width of the container) has not been loaded yet..then it is 0

java - Object Instance Manipulation -

If I have an object instance, say A4, can I print the name of this example like this? ? Then with example a4, I will say my output a4. The simple answer is; If you want an object, give it a name field and add this field to toString () local variables only one The debug info of the method is available in. It is possible to read a byte code of a method and reverse engineer is a name but extraordinary work is required for it. Consider object a1 = ... object b1 = a1; The same object has been referred to by two local variables. Any object can be referenced in any number, eg. Empty string object is often the most referenced object in the Java program. This can be displayed in 10K locations in a general program. I am trying to add an array for a Hashmap which only takes a Hashmap key I take, already remove an array in the hashmap, its a clone And then use that clash as the name of that key in the hashmap. You can pass the array in a method like this: Public...

android - How to know which Button was pressed recently among all the Buttons in an activity? -

मेरे पास तीन बटन नामित button1 , button2 , बटन 3 मेरी गतिविधि में। बटन 3 onclickListener ( ), मुझे पता होना चाहिए कि कौन सा बटन दबाया गया था हाल ही में बटन button1 और बटन 2 के बीच। एक स्थानीय चर रखने के लिए और जब भी कोई बटन दबाया जाता है तो उसे उपयुक्त बटन के आईडी पर सेट करें। int lastPressedButton; ... @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक शून्य पर क्लिक करें (देखें वी) {lastPressedButton = v.getId (); स्विच (v.getId ()) {// सामान्य बटन हैंडलिंग कोड}}

jquery - Interactive SVG / control through links -

As I'm just entering SVG (I have never used it before) I have to manipulate SVG objects There are some questions related to This is an image of a bicycle, nothing is special. Some parts have their own ID (tire, frame, kanka etc.). What do I want to achieve? Two Goals: + Color (fill or stroke; item dependent) via the + linkHerfield () + Create some part of the SVG selection. System: + Users click on the special part of STVG, e.g. On the tire (select to change the item), + then he clicks the hyperlink, which will change the color of its color eg. Red When I add a link before each svg elemnt (inside) then it is used to work, so I think I need to do it through jquery Is there a document What does that explain? Or should I focus on any kind of JS library like Rafael or other? Thank you! Ok, your lucky day as I'm not busy right now so I have to work hard for this It's time I You can definitely control the color by using jQuery, or even standard CSS. Using D...