php - No data returned to jquery datatables from ajax call -

This is my first try dataatables with the database ( MariaDB ) I want to call the Ajax function to return data and populate the rows and cells table The simplified version of code about the php file table

of the table is:

 Datacenem ({"BPC section": true, "SXXSOR "):" / APLS / Indicador / "", "Data": "data": "data type": "json", "type": "data"; "data", "fns server data", "fns server data": "data": {"fn": " "{{GET}," url: sSource, "data" ": indie_on," success ": fnCallback});" AO column ": [{" mDataProp ":" id "}, {" mDataProp ": "Per"},],});   

I have tried with and without "bServerSide": True, but table Can not display data in. Firebug Return typeError: aData is undefined .

In whatever is being said I have created a function in php which gives structure like json .

getlines () {resonant "{\" aData \ ": [[\" 25983 \ ", \" 2010 \ "], [\" 90420 \ ", \" 2011 \ "]]}"; }

Like I said, I have no experience with datatable , I do not know whether aata or Is to use aaData , or to try more.

Here is another example for the AJAX source:

It says:
Datatyls expect an object with the data source called "Aadata" with the array.

Here's some of your AJAX returns:

{"Aadata": [["Tadent", "Internet Explorer 4.0", "Win95 +", "4", "X"], ["Teddent", "Internet Explorer 5.0", "Win95 +", "5", "C"], ["Teddent", "Internet Explorer 5.5 "," "95", "5.5", "A" "," Trident "," Internet Explorer 6 "," Win 98 + "," 6 "," A "], [" Trentent "," Internet Explorer 7 "," Win XP SP2 + "," 7 "" A "], ... [" Miscellaneous "," Link "," Text Only "," - "," X "], [" Miscellaneous " "Links", "Text Only", "-", "X"], ["Miscellaneous", "I Mobile "," Windows Mobile 6 "," - "," C "], [" Miscellaneous "," PSP Browser "," PSP "," - "," C "], [" Other Browser " I always use aaData to start the table data. "" All other "," - "," - "," U "]]

Apart from this, you have more options to complete your options (like sEcho , iTotalRecords , iTotalDisplayRecords , ...) can render back


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