Creating new data dir in mysql gives a lot of errors -

I have mysql server installed on my Fedora machine. Now I want to run another instance of mysql server on the same machine on a different port.

For this, I needed to create a separate data directory. The MySQL server is installed in the default location / usr / local / mysql and the default data diary location / usr / local / mysql / data

Now when I fire this command, create new data For

  ./script/ mysql_install_db --basedir = / usr / local / mysql --datadir = / usr / local / mysql2  

InnoDB: Error number 17 means 'file exists' InnoDB: Some operating system error numbers are described in InnoDB: http: // dev .mysql .com / doc / refman / 5.6 / en / operating-system-error-codes.html 2014-04-29 10:31:51 32072 [ERROR] INODB: File can not be created './mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd' 2014-04-29 10:31:51 32072 [Error] InnoDB: file './mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd' already exists, however the related table was not present in the InnoDB data dictionary. Did you have SQL command discard tabelaxes and import tabils InDB without using Is transferred to IBD files, or between the tables created in the MacDall Accident? You can solve the problem by removing './mysql/innodb_table_stats.ibd' file under MySQL 'DataDir'. Error: Tables space for table '`mysql`` is present in 1813 Iinnodb_table_stats`' exists Please disconnect tablespace before importing 2014-04-29 10:31:51 32072 [Error] Canceled < / Pre>

Am I doing something wrong here?


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