console application - Print object on screen and move it randomly on c# -


I am looking to add an object in C # using the console application, then once on my screen I This is the step I want to take this step at a different place within the range of my window has been hit once this code is to print the apple on the amount screen so far

  static void Apple () {{Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White. NewApple = Rand Apple Next (200); Console.Write ('A'); Console.ReadLine (); } While (gameover); }  

You have to use the method.

In the way you can move the cursor to any place on the screen:

  random random = new random (); Console.setcursorposition (random.Next (10), random.Next (10)); Console.Write ("X");  

Where 10 is the maximum size of your array [10,10].


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