iphone - Adding separator in UICollectionViewCell like one in UITableViewCell -

Hi guys, I am developing an app in which I need "a separator line" after each line of UICollectionViewCell <

How anyone can get this idea? .. Because I'm new to iOS ..

Thanks in advance. Create a UIView with a black background which is 1 pixel high and 320 pixels wide?

For example

for horizontal line

  UIView * horizontalLine = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRactack (x cordinate, y cordinate, 1, linelenth)]; horizontal line. Background color = [UIColor blackColor]; [Self.view addSubview: horizontalLine]; [Horizontal release];    (x chordinate, y cordinate, lineline, 1)]; VerticalLine.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor]; [Self.view addSubview: vertical line]; [Vertical release];  


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