ios - How to access Array variable declared as public on Table View Controller FROM AppDelegate? -

I have an array declared in public in a table view controller that sits behind the root navigation controller

@ Property (non-constructive, retaining) NSMutableArray * toDoItems;

I want to remove it from AppDelegate.m

  - (empty) applicationDidendarBackground: (UIApplication *) Application - (zero) applicationViltonNet: (UIApplication * ) Application  

so that I can write data from an array in a file, when the user exits the app or background or end, can any light leave? What is the common place for writing data to file?

- Thanks in advance!

Let's try:

  UIVNNC controller * NavigatorLar = (UINavigationController *) Self.window.rootViewController; YourTableViewController * vc = navController.topViewController; Vc.toDoItems; // Your NSMutableArray  


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