c# - Cannot split string from a list to two parts -

I am trying to create a configuration file for my server program. I am reading it line by line and when If I encounter the desired option then I am processing that line. I have been writing the IP file, but the Visual Studio will not give me the code of the procedure method here:

  //// I am assuming that the file is loading, it is good .. Private INTAP Process () {String tempIpAddr = ""; Console.Write ("IP"); (Include: "I", "I", "read", " )) {TempIpAddr = readLines .ElementAt (i) .plit (':'); }} 0 return 0; }  

I am getting the error: Error 4 hypothesis 'string' [']' can not be changed to 'string' F: \ DB \ Dropbox \ Repozytoria \ ARDSQL GUI \ Sources \ Configuration CS 85 38 ARDSQL GUI

I tried to convert tempIpAddr to array and change it to readLines.ElementAt (i). (':') ;. This tempIpAddr = readlines [i] .plit (':');

How to do this?

The result of String.Split () a string array string [] .

Adjust your announcement to look like this:

  string [] tempIpAddr;  


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