yesod - Dealing with type annotations for isString instances -

I know that in some cases I will have to give a type of annotation for some string example, but I'm not completely

I have a form that I want to render per bootstrap3

in my form, if I leave it as only, the bootstrap "register " submit, I'll get the following:

  Any instance (Data.String.IsString msg0) is literally 'registered' If you change it in  (bootstrapSubmit ("add": BootstrapSubmit Text), then it compile it. . How does this work for me like the documentation show?  

Here are some other examples which I am confused about:

The function I wanted to use in my form: getting form control

  isq intField (bfs "weight") nothing  

> There is no instance with class . . isq intField (bfs ("weight" :: text)) fixes some type of problem to change it.

Why does this advertise me without type-annotation?

msg bootstrapSubmit msg or bfs msg There should be a renderable message, example of class.

  bootstrapSubmit :: (RenderMessage site msg, handlersite i ~ site, Monahad handler M) = & gt; BootstrapSubmit msg - & gt; Perform M () BFE :: Render Message Site msg = & gt; Msg - & gt; The field setting site can be  

it may

  • string literally with the type of text (in-code messages are not a good policy) - overloaded strings here Should work.
  • A localizable I18 Message Constructor MsgMyMessage of the file where the MyMessage file contains an entry in the messages / en.msg
Should be html


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