
Showing posts from July, 2015

Google drive sdk app not showing in open with list -

I have a Google Drive app, it's setup to be a drive app and the open url is given in app details. is. Everything works well, but for some reason when the user installs the app, it's a list of "open with" apps. The app is setup to use Google Documents and DockX (given in the default mime types). I also had PDFs in mime types and this Why can not any app show by default in an "open" menu? Please get it coming back to me due to this huge impact, we are getting lots of questions from users who are not able to find the app. We already have There are more than 1000 installations. There is a launch in the app. Icon Setup on the Manifest File I do not think it affects its behavior on the drive? "launch": {"web_url": ""} Best regards, Do you run the SDK in the Drive API and Google Developer Console Look at the details and make sure you have everything properly configured.

longtext - what is the best way to display long text in xaml for windows phone app -

In my project. I need to display loog texts, this is some kind of book app project. C # has a txt file but it does not look good for me. There should be more easy and adaptable ways. Do you know any other way to display long text You can use the controls. To use it with string. XAM: & lt; Phone: Web browser x: name = "web browser" /> C #: string longtext = "balablaabla"; WebBrowser.NavigateToString (LongText);

phpmyadmin - mysql error any help will be apreciated -

I want to create a trigger, which is about to be my position that a new row insert satified (Latest version = 1) begin to enter the wp_stattype2_3_activite for each line before remiseazero all privious line will be updated with the latest build version = 0 trigger NEWklatestversion = 1 then latestversion update wp_stattype2_3_activite group = 0 where typecas = new. Typecas; end if; END; $$ Error: # 1064 - is an error in your SQL syntax; Manual is that the correct syntax 'line use 9 to check that corresponds to your MySQL server version text after Place delimiter and remove ;. end after delimiter $$ TRIGGER remiseazero begin to create before putting on wp_stattype2_3_activite for each row (NEW.latestversion = 1) Update wp_stattype2_3_activite set latest version = 0 where typecas = NEW.typecas; end if; END $$ DELIMITER;

c - gstreamer opencv receiving and editing a stream -

My current project: Send a video from a device to a server with a USB camera, but on The server does video processing and then sends it to another client where it is displayed. I got the gstreamer to work in the terminal: On the recipient server: gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port = 5000! \ Application / X-RTP, media = video, clock rate = 90000, encoding-name = H264! \ Rtph264depay! H264parse! Avdec_h264! Videoconvert! \ Timeoverlay shaded-background = true text = "host" deltay = 20! \ Ximagesink async = true sync = false On the Capturing client: gst-laun-1.0 -v v4l2src! \ Timeoverlay shaded-background = true text = "p"! \ Video / X-Raw, Height = 480, Width = 640, Framerate = 30/1! \ Videoconvert! Omxh264enc! Rtph264pay! \ Udpsink host = ports = 5000 This works very well and the video is being transferred. Now I need to catch the stream (at the end of receiving) in the code, so that I can face the act with opencv and send this stream to o...

javascript - Jquery Conflict issue in wordpress -

Sorry if my question is not good. I am using this Google library. & lt; Script src = "//"></script> But this revolutions slider Struggle for jquery of When I remove it, the Revolution Slider works properly, but other slider does not work. When I add these other sliders to work but the Revolution slider does not work. Perhaps Revolution Slider plugin has a min.js with it! Then try removing the minimum file from your folder and check it out!

video processing - motion estimation by FS-LBP -

I want to assess the proposal by the method of FS-LBP, but I need to find NNMN. I could not understand ⊗ symboll this formula is NNMN (M, N) = ΣΣLBPt (I, J) ⊗ LBPT-1 (I + M, J + N). - S ≤ M, N ≤ S - 1 LBPT is the current image. The LBPT-1 reference image frame (Previous Picture) is. Where the LBPT and LBPT-1 respectively change the LBP for current and reference frames, and S is the search range. NMN is the number of neighboring neighbors and reference frames around a macro-block central pixel in the current frame ⊗ Sembool XOr operation. NNMN, 8 pixels of information for each pixel has its 8 neighbors. Search Block - + 16 (Size of Search Block is 48) Make LBPT-1. Set LBPT by macro block Macro block size (16,16). Scan to find maximum equality for macro blocks on search block.

css - Float Bottom? Positioning divs on the bottom of other divs -

I'm feeling more that I do not have a good understanding of CSS status. Given that this often causes problems for me, I am just trying to make different layouts for practice. I'm trying to create a website that can have 6 different devices that display 6 different data points. Two big divas and top each covering 50% of the screen, 4 small devices below each covering 25% of the screen. I did some research and found that the left float will give me the result for the top half, but I can not figure out how to place four of the following devices so that they are given above Flushed with Diva and the other side. Whenever I change the size of the screen, whatever I have tried, everything fails, can anyone tell me in the right direction? Here is a picture that I have so far. The top half is right, the bottom half is what I got caught Here's my HTML Doctype html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset ...

mysql - sql Employee database: creating activity/milestone table -

This is more of a concept question because I'm still focusing on the right approach for this. Ive been contacted by our HR department to contact with a method of tracking an employee's activities because they proceed through the company. It may be related to HR: change in name, department, job, salary, annual assessment etc. It may be related to training: Classes, certificates, examinations of the year can be related to this partnership: To submit teams, join security, quality, process improvement etc. This list will need to be flexible. My question is is, should I make all these activities a house in a table? (Ideally with the connection of other parts of DB ... for example to pull an annual eval), or should I break them into 'class' based tables and tie them together in another way? I am trying to make this thing with flexibility in mind, because it seems that they use the use of this DB to expand into other company's places (which is itself a whole issue)...

regex - JQUERY - remove all words after character -

I need to delete and modify user names Example: 1) 2) 3) The result should be: 1) Max 2) ZuluBrain 3) Topmaster I have to clean the character and special characters after all ".", "-", "# " What is the best way? A steady example: var username = ""; Username.replace (/ [^ a-zA-Z 0- 9] + / g, ''); The name should be cleaned but how can I remove everyone after "@"? An example var user name = "Zulu -Big "can use something. Com ".split ('@') [0] .replace (/ [^ a-zA-Z 0-9] + / g, '');

Why is Git trying to connect to the wrong host? -

I have LAMP system setup on CentOS. I have GIT setup on the same server (we have just moved from SVN ). git clone GIT: someexistingrepository.git This is working fine, I have several repositories cloned around the system. Now, I had an existing directory that I wanted to work in a GIT which was to work in the directory. I followed the instructions from the accepted answer. As I am using a local server, I have used the following command: git remote add the original git: myrepo.git myrepo Git has already been setup with: git init --bare myrepo.git I did this I did the first and I did not have any problem, although this time I did, when I took part: git push -u authenticity of the original master host 'git (' Can not be installed. RSA Key Fingerprint B1: 43: 2F: B: 7A: 2F: BA: 74: 6F: 19: 2A: B8: 35: 81: 10: B6 Are You Surely Connected Want to continue (yes / no)? ^ C I saw that IP address and it is apparently used by - any...

java - ways to implement desktop application with maps -

मुझे एक डेस्कटॉप अनुप्रयोग (संभवतः जावा स्विंग के साथ) को कार्यान्वित करने की आवश्यकता है जिसमें मैं मानचित्र को लागू कर सकता हूँ (न केवल Google नक्शे बल्कि यह भी अन्य सेवाएं) दो तरीकों से: ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन ऑनलाइन का मतलब है कि इंटरनेट से एपीआई सेवाएं आवेदन करता है, जबकि ऑफ़लाइन मतलब है कि मेरे पास नक्शे सेवाओं को स्थानीय रूप से सहेजा गया है और मैं उनके लिए भी इंटरनेट कनेक्शन के बिना अनुरोध कर सकता हूँ .. विशेष रूप से, मेरे आवेदन को नक्शे पर एक बहुभुज (एपीआई के साथ) और पृष्ठभूमि पर कुछ कम्प्यूटेशंस करें .. यह देखते हुए, कम से कम एक तरह से (ऑनलाइन या ऑफ़लाइन) या दोनों को लागू करने के लिए मैं कौन सी सेवाओं का उपयोग कर सकता हूं? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद प्रारंभ में, Google मानचित्र केवल इसकी एपीआई के ऑनलाइन उपयोग की अनुमति देता है ऑफ़लाइन उपयोग करने के लिए नक्शे को सहेजने का कोई भी प्रयास अपराध था। मुझे पता है कि वर्तमान गूगल मानचित्र ऐप (एंड्रॉइड / आईओएस) नक्शे को ऑफ़लाइन भंडारण का समर्थन करता है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं लगता कि यह तीसरे पक्षों के लिए खुला है जैसे कि स्वयं। हर चीज के साथ Goo...

filesystems - Comparing NTFS HFS+ EXT4 ZFS -

Here it is, I have to check about these 4 file systems for college work, but I do not have the right information The web is The issue is that compare these 4 and their features but I can not get benchmark or detailed data for it If someone can tell me that you have all the advantages And I know zfs only You have integrated file system and volume management, you create a pool of disk and create a file system. You can have unlimited filesystem on one pool. You can store hybrid by adding SSD to log in and read cache. Unlimited snapshots use a ZFS cow, so at the time of creating very little file system and always at disk status is considered valid. No fsck is required. Size

c# - ListBox DragDrop auto Scroll issue? -

I have successfully implemented the drag-drop in a list box: BA Stolnitjh - How do I pull Drop item between data bound items control: However, when there is a scrollbar in the list and I am at the end of the list, the list box will not scroll automatically until I have an item dragging on. How do I incorporate that behavior? EDIT: When I am above the bottom of the list, I want to scroll it, so can I drop anywhere on a small object? Post text "itemprop =" text "> I find it using an attached property that adds the ability to scroll control because the mouse moves up or down while dragging The attached asset class is here: - Public category DragDropAttProps {Dependency for public static reading property scroll-on dragonproopproperty = dependency form. ("ScrollOnDragDrop", Type, DragDropAttProps, New Property Metadata) (Public, Wrong, HandleScrollOnDragDropChanged); Public Stable Bull GetScrollOnDragDrop (Dependent Object Element) {Return (Boole...

screen readers - Pdf math equations to mathml? -

I work in the formatting of school books to PDF for students with disabilities to be used with most alternative format e-reader I do Our current process of working on math and science textbooks to copy text from PDF version can be tedious incredibly Basically we text book and it will paste in scientific notebooks, fix many errors and mathematical equations After marking. I hope to find something that can change the direct mathematics of PDF or maybe convert the text / word to PDF in the form of mathematics. Here are some of the many potential solutions I have found to be my real question, is it possible to do this? If there is someone who has gone down this path, then what software have you used, how satisfied are you with the results, and if errors arise, where they are right? There is a lot of information on how to convert mathematics to PDF, but on the contrary, I think that this will not only be very helpful to me, but rather someone else has to make an alternative format. Any ...

java - How can i Apply a OnClickListener to a LinearLayouts Child? -

This is my code for each child trying to give the audience every child should have a picture that I know Kiss is clicked, so I can start an image pager with that picture. But with this code childs do not get clicks to help. thumbs_layout.getChildAt (i) .setOnClickListener (New View.OnClickListener () {@Override see public void onClick (View) {Intent intent = new Intent (mContext, ImagePager.class); intent . input extra ( "CHILD_INDEX", Dekenkgetaidi ()); Prarnbwykti intent ();}}); You can baby your click listener such loop within your layout , / p for (I Int = 0; i & LT; layoutParent.getChildCount (); i ++) {views = layoutParent.getChildAt (i); view.setOnClickListener (New View.OnClickListener () {@Override public void onClick (View view) {Intent intent = new Intent (mContext, ImagePager.class); intent.putExtra ( "CHILD_INDEX", view.getId ()); startActivity (Intent);}}); }

log4j - Howto force log4j2 to compress a file even if it does not have a standard gz or zip extension -

When using a rolling-down web app or a similar appendor for the attribute, "FilePet Tern", if we define standard extensions to live / zip log 4 Automatically compile the file as a J2 claim. & lt; RollingRandomAccessFile name = "RollingRandomAccessFile" fileName = "/ var / log / myapp.log" filePattern = "/ var / log / myapp.% D {yyyy_MM_dd}.% I.gz" & gt; I want to use a different extension instead of gz / zip, but the file is still compressed using gzip compression. Is there any way to get this? This is not possible as log 4j2-rc1. The decision to summarize or not, and the compression algorithm for which to use is currently determined by the "filename" filename extension. If you want to decoil them, maybe with an additional feature and rolling file in the configuration for the RollingRand file file, please increase a feature request in Log4j2's Zira Issue Tracker. It will be ideal to provide a patch with un...

.net - ToPascalCase() C# for all caps Abbreviations -

I am using ReSharper and am trying to follow its default rules. In the part of my code I need to convert Pascal Cas to string. I have tried many ways but works for all those who incorporate all capital indices. EX: MPSUser -> Still should be MPSUser (MpsUser should be) ArticleID - & gt; Still, Article ID (should be the article) closeMethod - & gt; Can anyone help me in preparing a method to turn Pascal Cas to any string? CloseMethod Thanks! The only built-in method is I PascalCase , and all caps by this design word Does not handle, to work around it, I have given a custom regular expression that can detect all the word parts, and then they are converted into a title / Pascal case individually: string ToPascalCase (string s) {/ / Find part of the word using the following rules: // 1. Start All lowercase word / 2 from starting 2. ALL CAPS is a word. // 3. The first letter cap, after all lowercase is a word / 4. According to the entire string 1,2,3, wor...

php - Ignore if specific character matched -

मेरे पास एक स्ट्रिंग है: $ str = "yellow; yellow \; er; yellowest "; और मैं इस तरह preg_split का उपयोग करता हूं: preg_split ("/; /", $ str); लेकिन मैं इस तरह से परिणाम प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं: सरणी ("पीले", "पीले; एर", "पीले") लेकिन परिणाम सही नहीं है। तो वास्तव में मैं क्या करना चाहता हूं, यह स्ट्रिंग को पर विभाजित करना है; लेकिन अगर ; उसके पास एक \ है, उसे बस रहना होगा; , \ को हटा दें और इसे वहां विभाजित नहीं किया जाएगा इसलिए इसे पर विभाजित करना पड़ता है; लेकिन \; नहीं है और अगर कोई \; है तो उसे \ चरित्र तारों के साथ कुछ ऐसा होता है: "नमस्कार वहाँ \" जैक्स \ "" गूंज; हैलो वहाँ आप यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एक नकारात्मक नजरिए का उपयोग कर सकते हैं कि ; एक \ preg_split ('/ (? & Lt;! \\\); /', $ str) से पहले नहीं है

windows phone 8 - Make WebBrowser control work exactly like IE -

I want to use the WebBrowser control in my application for Windows Phone 8, just the same Internet Explorer by the way. While testing my app, it works perfectly on IE, but not on my WebBrowser control. What should be considered on those things that they should do the same thing I have tested the browser version from JS for both and similar. Edit : This is how my Web browser element is defined thanks

.net - How to set Microsoft Test Manager record sensitivity? -

In Microsoft Test Manager, I am creating an automation recording for the COODI test. It seems that choosing hover events, which are not relevant for the trial, is there any way to configure the test manager to actually record the actual text input and button clicks? If you then use the Codedi test recorder provided with Microsoft's coded Yuri Test Framework You can expand the work pane on the recorder and delete the events that you do not want in the recording. If it's too late for this, you can check the code in the designer's class for recording and remove the lines about the hover events you are talking about. Keep in mind that since this code is a bit more complicated than generating, so if you have the option to delete them before making their own method, then I will do it like this. Edit: In addition, and I did not mention it before, but if you change anything in the generated code and then rebuild your recording , Then any of your changes will be overwri...

sql - Access 2010: JOIN tables and return the most recent record -

I am trying to figure out how to get the right results from the following. I am trying to create an access query that takes relevant staffing rates from calculating costs for employees from timesheet data. The following time is an example of the data: ID EmpNo Period_Month Period_Year CostCode Workstage Line_Hours 14 11486 3 2014 C10798 000 20.00 15 11,486 3 2014 C10657 000 21.50 16 11,486 3 2014 C11112 000 10.00 For this employee, the rates can be set during different times such as: EmpNo Period_Month Period_Year Rate 11486 1 2014 10,00 11486 3 2014 12,00 11486 6 2014 15,00 I want to know how I can join two tables to calculate the cost (hour * rate) and only right Can choose rate A rate is affected by the period that it gets stamped and till no new rate is registered. Usually in SQL I can do this by placing the top item of an embedded selection in it, but I can not do this in access. I have also read that I can do it in the Staff Rate table to select the item that I wan...

PHP: how to split a string with a delimiter -

I have this string that I would like to divide. I should start with this string 1060 and retain the string when I use preg_split (), it removes the string. My code is: $ array = preg_split ("/ 1060 [\ s] * *" / $, $ str); Positive style: $ array = preg_split ("/ (? = 1060 \ s) /", $ str) div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> ; (? = 1060 \ s) is a positive form - it claims to have regex ( 1060 \ s ) in it Can be matched, but it does not match. Therefore, it will match an empty string before the match and will correctly divide the text.

sql - SqlConnection.Open() Establishing a connection EVERY query? -

In my Winfix app that uses a remote database, I have the function below (I also have two other functions Those who work equally: For a scalar query that returns zero to zero failure, for other updates and insertions, which is wrong on failure.) Currently, all Data manipulation is pumped through these three functions. It works fine, but please advise overall that if I launch my app better than setting a connection, then the app is killed as it is closed? Or at any other time? (Again, this is a windows app, so it has the ability to sit with a stability, while a user takes a long lunch break.) So far, I do not see any bad effects As everything seems to be "in the blink of an eye" ... but is I slowing down the data or are there any other potential dangers, such as memory leaks? Please make a notification that any connection is closed even if the function is terminated. Open () da = New SQL Data Adapter (Query, Conn.) Con Close () da Catch as Fill ...

javascript - I need help in creating 4 collapsible panels using jquery -

I am totally new to jquery view, and there is a problem that is trying to understand it . My problem is this: I am creating a website for a project, and this website is based on one square (700px to 700px) which is divided into 4 small sections - all 350px by 350px. What I want to do is, there is a panel covering each of these small sections, when clicked, they move away to reveal the material behind them, two panels on the left will slide to the left and disappear And both of them on the right side will slide to the right and will disappear. If possible, then only one panel will be missing at a time. So, as any one will click a new panel, it will come back in a previous situation, hide its contents again. Any help would be greatly appreciated! The way you are interested, there are several ways to do this. CSS transition has already been mentioned. I have included a work example but it is the lot - you should take it in the right direction. Please take a look at the link...

Editing Python Class in Shell and SQLAlchemy -

I am working on the terminal on a shell script after this tutorial SQLAlchemy tutorial. I need to type gt; & Gt; & Gt; Sqlalchemy import column, integer, string & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Class user (base): __tablename__ = 'users' id = column (integer, primary_key = true) name = column (string) absolute name = column (string) password = column (string) def __repr __ (self): return "& lt ; User (name = '% s', absolute name = '% s', password = '% s') & gt; "% (, self.fullname, self.password) After the problem I have typed the password = column (string) I hit twice and changed .... >> I then took everything back but then an error was thrown because the class already exists ... I am not completely sure how to fix it. How do I open that slip in the shell script and edit it (Add DF to DRR) The error thrown below: / user / giripeters / TFSQLLX / Lib / python2.7 / site-packages / sqlalchemy / ext / decla...

javascript - backbone collection undefined on sync -

For some reason my store is set to be undefined when I get it if I log the archive before fetching I actually get this: If I log in after fetching (when the sync event is triggered) I get undefined. View App.Views.Overview = Backbone.View.extend ({template: tpl.overview, tagname: "div", id: "overview", initialize : Function () {Console.log ('Starting observation'); this.collection.on ("sync reset", this.render);}, render: function () {console.log (this.collection) ; $ (This.el) .html (this.template); it returns;}}); Archive app. Colections. Gardens = backbone compilation. Extension ({Model: App.Models.Garden, url: Settings.API + "/ Plant"}); model App.Models.Garden = Backbone.Model.extend ({default: {id: "undefined", owner_id: "undefined", Name: "undefined", width: "undefined", height: "undefined"}}); creation In this way I make this scene: var gardens = ne...

javascript - how to add sliding lines inside of an image -

Hi, I'm battling a JPTE problem that I want, sliding lines within the boundaries of an image. There are four rows and I want them to slide inside the boundaries when they load inside the page. The first line should slide down; Second one left to right; The third one to the top and the fourth to the left to the right. I hope my question is clear. (The lines mentioned above are red ) You do not need JS to do this. This method should work if you do not want to support older browsers unless you want to run this animation onload using keyframe .

javascript - Selecting Elements in d3 after (this) -

In D3 I am animate those elements that they are. .on ('mouseover', function (d, i) {d3.selectAll ('rect') .attr ('y', function () {// all & lt; rect & Gt; Elements affect / if I have tried (source.length> (I + 1)) {console.log (i);}} (this) .attr ('y' Function (// only affects mouseover element) // did not work from above, maybe there would be some other selection method? D. 3. Detect (Altitude Afrothis) .attr ('y' function () {// Some other values }} I have a d3.selectAll ('rect') D3 .select (this) What do I want to know That is to select only the elements after the group in this . context 1 -> select all rect 2 -> .select all Rect 3 -> this React 4 -> How do I target it? Rect 5 -> or this particular? You can do this: On ("mouseover", function () {var node = this; while (node ​​= node . Newcast Sibling) { (node) ...;}}) Full demo

bash - Python os.system() input text to script -

I have a script that I need to automate, so it's a .sh script Which I want to run inside a dragon script: something like this: import os ossystem ('. / -p 1234') script needs user to input 3 fields, 1) pseudo password, 2) string and 3) a string. Enter the password for the user: Xxxx # Enter the name of the YouTube username that I typed: xxxx # Enter the atypic password I typed: xxx # I have typed by How can I type / insert the python script / type those 3 as required values ​​for . You can use the subprocess Popen to start the script and To pass this input, communication method something like this: import subprocessor p = subprosec POPEAN (['. /', '-p', '1234'], stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess .ppei) stdout, stderr = muitet (input = 'password \ nauth username' \ 'Password password \ n)

python - Can "__name__ ==" serve as a key to a dict? -

संपादित करें: साथ कोड में कुछ बग हैं जो अन्यथा प्रश्न से संबंधित नहीं थे शीर्षक के रूप में इसका उत्तर बहुत सरल है, इसलिए मैं अप्रासंगिक कोड को समाप्त कर रहा हूं ताकि प्रश्न, जैसा कि शीर्षक में पूछा गया, और जवाब उन चीज़ों की तलाश करने वालों के लिए अधिक स्पष्ट रूप से सुगम है। हर किसी के लिए धन्यवाद जो कोड को पढ़ने के लिए और मुझे कुछ प्रतिक्रिया दे! मूल प्रश्न, संक्षेप: मुझे लगता है कि जब मेरे पायथन स्क्रिप्ट के उपयोग की कोशिश करता है डिक्ट एंट्री '' __ मुख्य __ ": ' है, जो कि ' __ नाम__ == ' के द्वारा होता है। क्या मेरी समस्या इन तारों को चर के रूप में उपयोग करने से संबंधित है, या क्या यह अधिक संभावना है कि मेरी स्क्रिप्ट कहीं और असफल हो रही है? ( स्पीलेटर: मेरा एल्गोरिदम गलत था।) दोनों __name __ ' और ' == ' शब्दकोश की कुंजी के रूप में सेवा कर सकता है: & gt; & gt; & gt; D = {'__name___': 1, '==': 2}> gt; & gt; & gt; डी ['__ नाम__'] 1>> gt; & gt; डी ['=='] 2 ...

php - Why isn't an error being diplayed? -

So I'm in the process of connecting to a database and here my index.php & Lt ;? Php ini_set ('display_errors', 1); Error_reporting (~ 0); Need_once 'core / init.php'; DB :: getInstance (); ? & Gt; My init.php & lt; Php is followed by session_start (); $ Global ['config'] = array ('mysql' = & gt; array ('host' = & gt; '', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => ; '*', 'Db' => gtc: 's'), 'Remember' => Array ('cookie_name' = & gt; 'hash', 'cookiexx' = 'gtc: 604800') , 'Session' = & gt; array ('session_name' = & gt; 'user')); Spl_autoload_register (function ($ square) {require_once 'classes /'. $ Class. '.php';}); Need_once 'work / sanitize.php'; ? & Gt; Then my db.php getMessage ()); }} Public stable work getInstance () {if (! Iss...

javascript - Read a CSV file, manipulate it, use as input to GoogleMaps -

I am still looking for help with this issue. I am very innovative on this and really appreciate any help that can lend more experienced. Thanks .. An example of a file I am trying to read can be seen here; As far as the user is concerned, this is a stable file. They do not have the ability to choose it. I need to create an arrayable GoogleMaps format in the following format; var flightPath = [{name: "start", Latlng: new google.maps.LatLng (39.206718, -94.607391), course: 221.0, speed: 15.0}, {name: ", New Google.maps.LatLng (38.291982, -96.821856), course: 221.0, speed: 15.0}, {name:" end ", latest: new google.maps.LatLng (39.206718, -97.607391) ), Course: 221.0, speed: 15.0}]; After looking at the many CSVs for Array tasks, I feel that none of them is able to work properly. Someone should have JavaScript functions that let me put it in array format. Thanks in advance. It depends on whether you are bringing the CSV file input:

c# - Pass string with Quote in Json result -

JSONP wants to send a response to the browser that requested on REST service I use something like which contains some quotes in the Administrator method: Return Jason ("Blah" blah, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); And I hope the result will be blah "blah but blah \ blah and is also included back slash! I have to do blah "blah in response to a conversion without any conversions on the client side. I know that it needs to be done through the C # code, but how to do it? Thank you. C # and JSON encoded characters equally The string blah "blah is encoded in both C # and JSON because " blah \ "blah" . It is absolutely hoped that your raw JSON contains a backslash. When you decode that string with the proper JSON library, that string becomes blah "blah .

ruby - What is a good way to check equality for objects in RSpec? -

वर्णन करें फू वर्णन करते हैं 'बनाएँ' करते हैं ((अपेक्षित_फू) { (name: 'foo 1 ', मान:' बार ')} यह' सफल 'करता है फू। बनाएं (नाम:' फू 1 ', मान:' बार ') Foo.first.should == अपेक्षित_फू एंड एंड एंड एंड यह परीक्षा असफल हो जाएगी क्योंकि अपेक्षित_फू डेटाबेस में ऑब्जेक्ट से एक अलग वस्तु है। ऐसा लगता है कि इस समानता को संभालने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका कस्टम मैचर के साथ है क्या अधिभार के लिए कस्टम मैचर का उपयोग करना संभव है ==?

Calling Java from JavaScript and vice-versa why? -

I know that we can call Java from Java and on the contrary, but I am thinking that the power When to take it and use it in a healthy way I am talking about real world applications, not "hello world". Many developers are usually developing Java and Javascript but I do not have enough experience to mix those people, so this is a good idea. Please be a developer who can share your knowledge about the real world applications that have been created using this mixture :) Forgiveness, I failed to express my doubts, for example, have you heard? For example, you can call javascript code from Java class, but I do not see a business case, in which those capabilities increase the value of my server side applications. This is a drunk hello world, this application has a Java menu that has the contents of the .js file called "eval" inside the js file. My main doubt is that The power will really be useful web application development (which is the usual scena...

Bing Maps Imaging Restful API and MVC 5 Image issue -

I am currently using this Map API (Ref Imaging API) so that it has a constant map with 3 pushpoints. The route could be made. (Basically an image) I need an ASP.NET MVC5 project. ATMs are working fine (using just one IMG tag and link as src) However, I'm not sure that I am using it right (so far for up to 6 hours Trying different things) WOO -_- Example String: "Add + 1", 50; F "+" & amp; wp.1 = "+ add2 +"; 23; LD "+" & amp; wp.2 = "+ Add3 +"; 53; T "+" and MS = 500,500 and key = "" Example: & lt; "img src = "Http://;50;F&pp==paris;23;LD&wp.2=ny; 53; T & amp; MS = 500,500 & amp; Key = theKey "> This does not work well at all ... However when you click it correctly it clearly shows the url search string above (no actual Issue) But the string includes an API key .... I can not think of how to ...

java - Android Dynamic List View -

I want to fix a button at the top of the layout and a dynamic editing text is just below the button. I'm creating my own adapter button Click another activity starts and the string returns, which is shown on the list view item below the button. How can I do this? My XML Layout - & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" Android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt; Android: ID = "@ + ID / button1" style = "Android: ATR / button" Style "" Android: Layout_Wind = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: text = "button" / & Gt; & Lt; EditText android: id = "@ + id / etList" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" android:...

rest - Basic cxfrs RESTful JAX-RS Service -

I am trying to get a basic CXF RS JX-RS example for working. Unfortunately, the GET on a resource which I want to return HTML does not apply the resource at all. Here is an extraction from spring bean: & Lt; Bean id = "HelloResource" class = "com.example.HelloResource" /> & Lt; Camelcontext xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Route & gt; & Lt; From Yuri = "cxfrs: bean: rsssver" /> & Lt; From Yuri = "Log: Later? ShowAll = true" /> & Lt; / Route & gt; & Lt; / CamelContext & gt; Here is a quote from the related JAX-RS resource: @ path ("/") public class HelloResource {Private Final Log Log = LogFattery. GetLog (HelloResource.class); Public HelloResource () { ("creating HelloResource ..."); } @GET @ path ("/ Hello") @ product ("text / html") public string hello () { ("***** hello? ******...

c# - Regular Expression almost perfect for a Numeric Value -

I have this regg almost correct ... it seems that except A number that happens with a negative signal and then decimals if I enter: - 2. I get an error I get it - Here's my reggae - everything else 'I've totally tested ... ^ (\ + | -)? [0- 9] {1,11}? (?: [[0- 9] {1, Number to 11 digits (99 billion) Positive or negative: $ up to 4 decimal places (optional) Key 0 is optional before the decimal point - Only positive numbers All these tasks: -0.2345 -10 12.15 0.1245 5.555 25000000000 (aka 25 billion) 25000000000.25 These do not work: - 2-421 Try this: ^ (\ + | -)? [0- 9] {011}? (?: \. [0- 9 ] {1, 4})? $ Up Aet: Accepts the above regex string + , - and (empty string). To prevent those people, use lookhead , the lookhead ensures that a letter should be followed by + or - . The correct solution is: ^ (\ + | -)? (? =. {1}) [0- 9] {0,11} (?: [[0- 9] {1,4})? $ String > string not accepted: 100...

c# - Creating a new file each time program runs -

I am currently adding this to my file for each loop: By using (streamdriter sw = file .updated text (path)) {stringbuilder builder = new stringbillder (); . Builder.Append (LastName.Trim ()) attached ("\ t"); // more stuff But every time the user runs the program, I want to make the file from scratch. This file is currently being created if it does not exist - which is good - but it is also included at the end of the previously created file. You can use using the // file Once (TextWriter Writer = File. CreateText (Path)) {Add content to the file inside the (int i = 0; i & lt; iterations; i ++) {// loop author} Writite (LastName.Trim ()); // etc ...}}

Pure CSS submenu causing li's to pile on top of each other -

I am modifying a token theme for my website and need a navigation to keep a submenu It has got to work with, but when submenu appears, then it pushes the rest of the material down. I have asked to stop this submenu by stopping the whole situation, which is considered as the way it is treated. Works apart from it, except its Lee went to be piled on top of each other. I know that cocon is relatively new, but if someone has any suggestions or ideas, then I would appreciate it ... URL here is HTML & lt; NAV & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "k-nav-list k-nav-root" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; One goal = "" title = "reel" href = "" & gt; Reel & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A class = "KA-NAV-set" data-cocaine-internal title = "portfolio" href = "/ portfolio / set / portfolio" & gt; Portfolio & lt; / A & gt; &...

c++ - Using boost::mutex - implicitly deleted error (because the default definition would be ill-formed) -

मेरे पास क्लास दिखता है जैसा कि .h फ़ाइल में है (हैडर) #include & lt; boost / thread.hpp & gt; क्लास मायक्लास {निजी: बढ़ावा :: माइटेक्स बीपीयूएमएमटीएक्स_; // ... अन्य वार्स सार्वजनिक: // सार्वजनिक वार्स और विधियां} मुझे बनाने / संकलन करने की कोशिश करने में निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है। MyClass H: 38: 7: नोट: 'MyClass :: MyClass (const MyClass & amp;)' को निहित रूप से हटा दिया जाता है क्योंकि डिफ़ॉल्ट परिभाषा बीमार रूप से बन जाएगी: MyClass.h: 38: 7: त्रुटि: हटाए गए फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग 'boost :: Mutex :: mutex (const boost :: mutex & amp;) ' मैं अभी भी cpp फाइल में mutex का उपयोग नहीं करता। जब मैं boost :: mutex लाइन पर टिप्पणी करता हूं तो यह ठीक बनाता है क्या हो रहा है? कंपाइलर द्वारा उत्पन्न डिफ़ॉल्ट प्रतिलिपि कंट्रोलर सभी डेटा सदस्यों को डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से प्रतिलिपि बनाता है boost :: mutex का आपका उपयोग त्रुटि को फेंकता है क्योंकि म्यूटक्स कॉपी करने योग्य नहीं है। आप अपनी खुद की कॉपी कन्स्ट्रक्टर लिख सकते हैं जो म्यूट एक्स की प्रतिलिपि क...

c# - How to convert a IStorageItem item to a BitmapImage -

Do anyone know how to convert iatorridge item items from camerolol to bitmap image? Here is my code: Private async zero Button_Click (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {StorageFolder picturesFolder = KnownFolders.CameraRoll; IReadOnlyList & LT; IStorageItem & gt; ItemsList = Waiting for pictures Folder.GetItemsAsync (); Bitmap image [] images = new bitmap image [item list.account]; Int i = 0; Foreign items (different items in item items) {if (item is storage folder) {} else {i ++; //Images[i].SetSource(item); }} in your second block other {Uses (Var Stream = Waiting for Item. OpenRaidSync ()) {Waiting for pictures [i] .SetSourceAsync (stream); }}

android - Call ACTION_VIEW intent from another activity -

My problem is very complex for me: / I have a main activity like this: setContentView (R. layout.main_activity); (...) LinearLayout Main Lineout Outout; Main Linear Line = (Linear Loyalty) Find VVBIID (RID. Mainliner Layout); Last JSONObject user = json_user.getJSONObject (0); ContactListData contact list = new contact list (); ContactList.AffLayoutData (this, user, main lilayout); I want to increase the elements in the main_activity layout, through the ContactListData class, I want to use a specific class to do this because I have this contact inflation in the second part of my application Will have to reuse. My Here the public class expands ContactListData activity {public void AfflayoutData (reference reference, JSONObject contact, LinearLayout mainLinearLayout) {try linearLayout ll; // & gt; Here, many layouts are loaded in the main layout: ll = (linear layout) View.inflate (references, R.layout.contact_detail_separateur_titre, null); (Tex...

apache2 - Munin Dynazoom not working on Ubuntu -

I recently installed Munin on the machines. I got everything to work and in fact the data is being drawn on the graph! :) But, for some reason, when I click on the graph for each person, it brings me Daynajhm page, but it is not an image, it is not plain text: ( This is mine's Apache.conf: Enable it for # Template Generation Allies / Munin / var / cache / munin / www # CGI-based templates Enable #Alias ​​/ Munin-CGI / Static / var / Cache / munin / www / static #ScriptAlias ​​/ munin-cgi / usr / lib / munin / cgi / munin-cgi-html # & lt; for Allow login # permission from # localhost #AuthUserFile / etc / munin / munin-htpasswd # AuthName "Munirin" validated #OthTip Basic # -User # & lt; / location & gt; & lt; allow directory / var / cache / munin / www & gt; order, decline # allow Sthaniyhost L27k0k0k0/8 :: allow all options 1 Give any permission override none # This file is formatted as a .htaccess file, or as part of your Apac...

Android: Stop sticky service to be recreated -

I have apps that have user login controls. When the user logs in, I want to start a service that keeps running because of a user logout. Therefore I start a service which returns the return (START_STICKY;) on my on-start commm method. But I can not stop it after the user is logged, is there any way to do this? I have tried to do it through the broadcast intention, but it does not stop like usual as I had guessed. Thank you in advance option # 1: complete service Get rid of You have not told what the service is doing, and it is possible that you do not need the service at the first place. Option # 2: Service to stop call stopService () .

javascript - Meteor login - logout ~ hook / callback -

In order to use this package in MeteorJS accounts-google , I get the right view A callback after user login was attempted & amp; log out. Currently I'm using hooks for entry (which seems very simple to me - I have to successfully find a hook started by callback after authentication) and still not sure how to logout. Metire.orator (function () {if (Meteor.user ()) {// login to code}} I have seen, there is no hook for the logout event, but logged in the event, div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text" The package adds an on-line oat hook. You can do anything like this: Meteor.autorun (function () {if (Meteor.userId ()) {something to do in the log} other {do something on log out}});

woocommerce generating more sessions than users -

This is my first WooCommerce installation, so maybe I'm misunderstanding what's happening, but what I see from Google Analytics While last Friday, there was 7500 sessions for a site yesterday, but the session count (from _ wp_session_expriry% query) will appear around 50000 sessions generated in the wp_options table in the last 12 hours because I deleted all the sessions Had I erased the sessions because the box Out is not an index in the table and still hitting it on a large scale WooCommerce session, but then was removed from regular transient data killer, WooCommerce. It was found that each of these deleted tables was taking a minute to 300,000 sessions as it contained the questions. By now I've found that the robots are not being crazy, and Apache logs, and when I have some very high hit counting IPs, then I can not see that I have a new session for WuIser How do I get it, but not Google Analytics Apache log shows actual page hits with Google Analytics page number...

r - How to generate a date sequence format dd/mm/yy or %d%m%y? -

सामान्य तौर पर मैं इसका उपयोग करता हूं: seq (as.Date ("01/01 / 1 9 64 "), as.Date (" 01/12/1964 ")," महीने ", प्रारूप ="% d% m% y ", tz =" UTC ") लेकिन मुझे यह प्राप्त हो रहा है: [1] "0001-01-19" "0001-02-19" "0001-03-19" "0001-04-19" "0001- 05-19 "" 0001-06-19 "" 0001-07-19 "" 0001-08-19 "" 0001-09-19 "[10]" 0001-10-19 "" 0001-11-19 "" 0001-12-19 " मैं अन्य लोगों से लिब्रिडेट और अन्य सुझावों की कोशिश करता हूं, लेकिन काम नहीं करता। अग्रिम धन्यवाद। संपादित करें @ r2evans ans: प्रारूप (seq (as.Date ('1 964/01/01'), as.Date (' 1 964/12/01 '),' महीने '), प्रारूप = "% d-% m-% Y", tz = "UTC") [1] "01-01-1964" "01-02-19 64" 01-03-1964 "" 01-04-1964 "" 01-05-1964 "" 01-06-1964 "" 01-07-1964 "...

objective c - NSTimer jumping 2 seconds -

Please help, I have an NSTimeInterval which I convert to an NSDateComponent and then Assign each component (year, month, day, etc.) for a proper label. After conversion, I start an NSTimer to start the countdown. Here the code is used: - (zero) Configure view {if (self.detailItem) {self.progressView.progress = 0.0; Self.initialInterval = [[self.detailItem value forKey: @ "date"] time in the current time]; Self.timeElapsed = self.initialInterval; Self.secondsLeft = [Auto reset Laba]; NSTimer * Timer = [NSTimer Scheduled Timer With Time Interval: 1 Goal: Self Selector: @Selector (TimerFire Mode) User Information: Zero Repeats: Yes]; }} - (zero) timerfire method: (NSTimer *) timer {if (self.secondsLeft> 0) {self.secondsLeft--; Self.timeElapsed--; [Self update SecondsWithNumber: self.secondsLeft]; Self.progressview.progress = 1 - (Auto Timeout / self.initialInterval); } And (if (self-timed eclipse & lt; = 0) {[invalid timer]; return;} [auto reset labels]; self.sec...

php - Can't connect to MySQL through MAMP -

So here is my identity in which my credentials are 'mysql' = & gt; ; Array ('host' = & gt; '', 'username' = & gt; 'root', 'password' = & gt; '*', 'db' = & gt; 's') and actual connection try {$ this-> _pdo = new PDF ('mysql: host =' .config :: find ('mysql / host'). '; Dbname =' .conff :: found ('mysql / db'), config :: find ('mysql / Username '), config :: find (' myscill / username ')); } Hold (PDOException $ e) {dead ($ e-> getMessage ()); } and I get this error SQLSTATE [28000] [1045] User denied access to 'root' @ 'localhost' (password) Use: Yes) But I know that it means that admission is denied, but the credentials are 100% correct. I also tested through the command line and through the workspace Are you sure the password is set? What happens if you try to connect via the command line l...

php - Need all MySQL rows with dates in the next 7 days, but the date column is not formatted normally -

itemprop = "text"> I have a column in my database that is 'ScheduledDate', that I need an ScheduledDate within 7 days from all the rows in the database today. I can use a question like this: SELECT * FROM tblName WHERE 'fixed date' & gt; MM: DATE_ADD (now () (), interval 7 days Only one problem, the 'scheduledDate' column is not formatted as MySQL timestamp (YYYY-MM-YYY HH ), But formatted as a standard American date (07/09/2014). Is there a way to capture all the rows in my query in the next 7 days? I was thinking that it may be possible that DATE_FORMAT But I'm unable to find it. You can convert a date to a string using str_to_date () : where str_to_date (`scheduledDate`, '% M /% d / % Y ') between now () and DATE_ADD (now (), interval 7 days) The argument also needs to be changed. The use of between the above But it may be that your code no longer needs an external time component on . Maybe it is close: ...

Installing cairo for python 3.3 on redhat 6 -

And when I try to make myself it tells me that glibc is old I have the latest glybic from the official repo, and I'm hesitant to some extent to update it in other ways. Is there any other package that can help, or is there any way to work with an older version (we have returned to Cairo 1.8). redhat 6 is clearly outdated, of course it can download rh6 to your own 3.x kernel And can be compiled to date which is necessary to complete the requirments for pycairo 1.10 .... but it would be easier to install more modern Linux distributions and with older computers Goes well linux mint 16 (petra) replicated in i386 mode Necessary and provides a disto with the window manager. I do not see any meaning in trying to get the date code on this old OS version running. Cheers, Christian

css - Red iPhone Balloon notification on a HTML input -

I am trying to add an information icon, such as how does iOS do I feel that I am very close, But i red ! I want to put on the right, and I did not know how ... I tried to add text to alignment: correct; External & lt; Div & gt; Do not have any success with Does anyone know a better way of placing it? HTML code & lt; Form method = "POST" class = "form-inline" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "notification-on" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "nav" class = "pure-button button-secondary" value = "notifications" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; CSS code . Notification-On {Status: fixed; Text align: center; White color; Range radius: 10px; Background color: red; Width: 20px; font-weight: bold; } What have I so far: I set the status: relative to parent I suggest the div ...

Binary multiplication and addition in terms of elementary operations (AND,OR,XOR,SHIFT...) -

Suppose we have been given N1 and N2: q-bit length 2 binary numbers. For simplicity, there are two signed integers, can we add multiplication or N1 and N2 in terms of the number of BT-wise works such as, and, or, or, XOR, SIFT for this operation ??? Proper assessment will also be corrected Every information, idea, link is highly appreciated. Thank you!

Mocking static get gorm method in Grails unit test -

I am using Grails 2.3.7. I have a simple person domain object: class person {string name fixed constraints = {}} and controller: @ Transactional (readonly = true) Class Person Controller {Df Index () {Render View: 'Index', Model: [Person List: Personality ())} Display DIF (Long ID) {DF Person = Person. (ID) Render view: 'Show', Model: [person: person]} ...} I am trying to write a unit test for the controller show method, but I'm not sure that a static call Person.get (id) returns a value. Here's my (unsuccessful) attempt: import grails.test.mixin * Import spock.lang * @TestFor (Person Controller) @mock (person) class person controller espec specification {Zero "test shows expansion action involves the person provided in the id and model by the load" () {setup: def PersonMockControl = mockFor (person) PersonMockControl.demand.static.get () {int id - & gt; New person (name: "John")} when: "A valid person identi...