apache2 - Munin Dynazoom not working on Ubuntu -

I recently installed Munin on the machines. I got everything to work and in fact the data is being drawn on the graph! :)

But, for some reason, when I click on the graph for each person, it brings me Daynajhm page, but it is not an image, it is not plain text: (

This is mine's Apache.conf:

  Enable it for # Template Generation Allies / Munin / var / cache / munin / www # CGI-based templates Enable #Alias ​​/ Munin-CGI / Static / var / Cache / munin / www / static #ScriptAlias ​​/ munin-cgi / usr / lib / munin / cgi / munin-cgi-html # & lt; for Allow login # permission from # localhost #AuthUserFile / etc / munin / munin-htpasswd # AuthName "Munirin" validated #OthTip Basic # -User # & lt; / location & gt; & lt; allow directory / var / cache / munin / www & gt; order, decline # allow Sthaniyhost L27k0k0k0/8 :: allow all options 1 Give any permission override none # This file is formatted as a .htaccess file, or as part of your Apache #Config file Switch to be used. # # Alternative to .htaccess file Munin www directory # (/ var / cache / munin / www) to work "Allow all" or close to the set # must be something. # AuthUserFile / etc / munin / munin-htpasswd AuthName "Munin" AuthType Basic requires a legitimate-user # This next part requires mod_expires to be enabled # # Default expiration time for files # 5 minutes for your set (revision) Set time in 10 seconds. Perhaps there are new # files at that time # & lt; IfModule mod_expires.c & gt; ExpiresDefault M310 & lt; / IfModule & gt; & Lt; / Directory & gt; # Enables fastcgi for Munin-cgi-html if current # location  # & lt; IfModule mod_fastcgi.c & gt; #SetHandlerFastCG-script # & lt; / IfModule & gt; # & Lt; / Location & gt; # & Lt; Place / Munián-CGI / Stabilize & gt; #SetHandler None # & lt; / Location & gt; # If existing ScriptAlias ​​/ munin-cgi / munin-cgi-graph / usr / lib / munin / cgi / munin-cgi-graph & lt; Place / munin-cgi / munin-cgi-graph & gt; Enables fastcgi for Munin-CGI-graph. Allow order, Allow local host from: # 1 # AuthUserFile / etc / munin / munin-htpasswd # AuthName "Munirin" #Othitute Basic # Valid-user & lt; IfModule mod_fcgid.c & gt; Setahdler FCGID-script and LT; / EMMDOL & gt; & Lt; IfModule! Mod_fcgid.c & gt; Set handler CGER-script & lt; / IfModule & gt; & Lt; / Location & gt; Skriptelias / Munin-CGI / Munin-Sijii- html / usr / lib / munin / cgi / munin-cgi-html & lt; Place / munin-cgi / munin-cgi-html> Allow order, Allow local host from: # 1 # AuthUserFile / etc / munin / munin-htpasswd # AuthName "Munirin" #Othitute Basic # Valid-user & lt; IfModule mod_fcgid.c & gt; Setahdler FCGID-script and LT; / EMMDOL & gt; & Lt; IfModule! Mod_fcgid.c & gt; Set handler CGER-script & lt; / IfModule & gt; & Lt; / Location & gt;  

Why can not it work? If I did not have enough information, please let me thank you

I have the same issue on Ubuntu 14.04 Was there.

/var/log/apache2/error.log I get a complaint about the missing module:

  CAG / Fast PM @ INC (You may need to install the CGI :: Fast Module (@inc include: / etc / perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.18.2/ usr/ local / share / perl /5 / 8.3 / usr / lib / perl5 / / Usr / lib / munin / cgi / munin-cgi-graph on Line 36  

I have installed CGI :: Fast module to solve the problem:

sudo apt-get install libcgi-fast-perl

No rewrite rule is required, as shown in the second answer. Ubuntu 14.04 Correctly configured path name is.


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