Bing Maps Imaging Restful API and MVC 5 Image issue -
I am currently using this Map API (Ref Imaging API) so that it has a constant map with 3 pushpoints. The route could be made. (Basically an image) I need an ASP.NET MVC5 project.
ATMs are working fine (using just one IMG tag and link as src) However, I'm not sure that I am using it right (so far for up to 6 hours Trying different things) WOO -_-
Example String: "Add + 1", 50; F "+" & amp; wp.1 = "+ add2 +"; 23; LD "+" & amp; wp.2 = "+ Add3 +"; 53; T "+" and MS = 500,500 and key = ""
Example: & lt; "img src = "Http://;50;F&pp==paris;23;LD&wp.2=ny; 53; T & amp; MS = 500,500 & amp; Key = theKey ">
This does not work well at all ... However when you click it correctly it clearly shows the url search string above (no actual Issue) But the string includes an API key ....
I can not think of how to get a map (but hide the key) for my life or get the map and rest the image Give ASP.Net MVs 5, so there is no full query or hide even the image link ... (It seems that is easier than that ...) Anyway, whatever I I'm trying to do it (and my brain is trying to think about just one solution)
Am I just finishing it (alias what is ATM okay Because the API page looks like this?) Or is I something very clear?
Someone The advice will be greatly appreciated: D
The URL in the API is fine because any one of the free Bing Maps You can create an account and there is no need to steal someone else. She said, if you want to hide it in this case, then you can get 64 bit encoded data for the image and instead of leaving the src property of the image tag can do. You can do this either on the server side of the client or things. If the server is in favor, the end user will not be able to sniff the network traffic to see the key in the user. All this said, it is nothing which I worry about in many cases of abuse of Bing Maps keys, due to the introduction of code samples, mainly due to the introduction of them several years ago, which contains the Bing Maps key and anybody And code is used in the code in the code unknown in the code.
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