
Showing posts from April, 2014

java - Pass object between before and after advice? -

Is it possible to make an object before advice and it is possible to pass it after the advice? For example, if I have an aspect: public aspect logging estimation {pointcut allMethods (): execution (* * (..)); First (): allMethods () {SomeObject foo = makeSomeObject (); } After (): allMethods () {// access foo? }} I can not reference directly foo because this is not the scope (triggers a compiler error), both are advised that I Foo can store? Background: In order to refer to this special invitation of this method, I intend to create a unique identifier and I need it since using it in both the advice, I included it in logging output Will do Collecting a parameter in my recommended class is not an option (since I want to be unaware of this advice). You can store it in a member variable, but then think about thread protection. Will happen. Instead I recommend giving advice around the object (): allMethods () {SomeObject foo = makeSomeObject (); Object r...

Is the Grails Spring Security plugin still Maintained? -

I'm working on the app for which the user needs registration and permission, I'm looking at the Spring Security Core Grills plugin But saw that this is a release candidate which has not been updated after October. Is the spring safety core and spring safety UI still supported by spring or should I be retained actively? is the main developer of both plugins, though it does not work for spring anymore, it is still Maintains plugins, as you can see your history on GitHub.

String manipulation in list of lists in Python -

I have a list that contains hundreds of sub-lists. The list is from a database table and the sub-lists are the rows of that table, so sub-lists all have the same entries, and the entries are in the same format as in the related sub-lists. Here's an example: person = [['2014-2-20', 'Ivan', 'Jones',' Moscow ', '21 -0049', 'Green'], ['2014-1-12', 'Mike', 'Dyson', 'Glasgow', '9 / 30-6', 'Green']] ... etc. How to Can I edit all 5th fields to remove any '-' and '/' signals? After removing unwanted signals, how can I create a new list containing all the information, where 1) The second last figure of 5th position is 4, and 2) the color of the 6 field is 'blue' is? The answer list has an understanding. person = [p [: 4] + [p] [4] .valve ('-', ''). [P] = [P] for people in P [4] [- 2] == '4'] [pblue = [People's P For p if p [5...

sql - ora-38104columns referenced in on clause cannot be updated -

I have a trigger in which I am using the merge clause, there is no error in the trigger, but when entering a It is done on the table after which the trigger insert is throwing on the statement being activated. The emp_id column referenced on the Ora-38104 columns section can not be updated here. Merge Statement Merge is Stg_ta_payroll USING (Select: NEW.ID_TM_ENR ID_TM_ENR, to_number (: NEW.ID_STR_RT) ID_STR_RT,: NEW.ID_EM ID_EM, nvl (TO_NUMBER (TO_CHAR (: NEW.TS_EM_TM_IN, ' YYMMDD '), 0) V_TA_DATE, V_SESSION_NO V_SESSION_NO ,: NEW.TS_EM_TM_IN TS_EM_TM_IN ,: NEW.TS_EM_TM_OUT TS_EM_TM_OUT, to decode (NEW.TY_TM,' 0 ', NVL (TO_CHAR (NEW.TS_EM_TM_IN,' HH24MI '), '0000'), '') V_TIME_IN, to decode (New: TY_TM, '0', NVL (TO_CHAR (NEW.TS_EM_TM_OUT, 'HH24MI'), '0000'), '') V_TIME_OUT, V_MGR_OVRD V_MGR_OVRD ,: NEW.ID_MGR ID_MGR, to decode (NEW.Ty_TM, 'xx', '9',: NEW.TY_TM) TY_TM, Decoded (NEW.TY_TM, ...

ruby on rails - PaperClip Saving Issue -

यह मेरा मॉडल है वर्ग उपयोगकर्ता & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस has_attached_file: profpic,: styles = & gt; {: मध्यम = & gt; "300x300 & gt;",: थंब = & gt; "100x100 & gt;" },: Default_url = & gt; "/assets/blonde_user.png" validates_attachment_content_type: profpic,: content_type = & gt; /\Aimage\/.*\Z/ यह मेरी नियंत्रक विधि है डीईएफ़ पी uploadpic "========== =============== +++++++++++++++ "पी पैरामीटर [" उपयोगकर्ता "] [" profpic "] # current_user.profpic = params [ "उपयोगकर्ता"] [ "profpic"] # current_user.profpic_file_name = params [ "उपयोगकर्ता"] [ "profpic"] पी "======================= ========== "पी पैरामीटर पी पैरामीटर [: उपयोगकर्ता] current_user.profpic = params [" उपयोगकर्ता "] [" profpic "] पी" =========== ======================= "redirect_to" / प्रोफ़ाइल "अंत और मेरा दृश...

c# - Overloading == operator for class containing only string attributes -

What would be the best (the most elegant or performing) way to overload the parity operator on a class with the same string attribute? Example: Class MagicClass {public string first attribute {get; Set; } Public String II rating {get; Set; } Public string third contribution {get; Set; } Public String Fourth Feature {get; Set; } Public string fifth attribute {get; Set; }} I know how to overload the operator, however, I am thinking of the following points: Is this the way About something like this, just create an array of properties and a loop. Internal class MagicClass {public string first attribute {get; Set;} public string second entry {get; Set;} public strings third unbreakable {get; Set;} Public String Fourth Feature {get; Set;} public string fifth attribute {get; Set;} Personal string [AllProperties // array of all properties {get {return new [] {first attribute, second property, third contribution, fourth attribute, fifth attribute}; }} Protected...

selenium - How to wait for an element which does not come always in a page using webdriver -

Can someone put some ideas on my query? Question: In my application, a pop up that often comes, but for some time it is not so. I have to check whether pops up or not, and then take action on that. This pop up takes some time to appear in the page as well. My solution: First of all, I waited for a pop-up with a clear wait condition. After that, if the pipe shows whether pop-up is displayed on the page or not. If performed, do the work, take other action. Now, if there is no pop up, then I'm getting time out exception. Here is my code: FluentWait & LT; WebDriver & gt; Wait_1 = New Fluent Weight & lt; WebDriver & gt; (Driver) .withTimeout (30, Time Unit, SEOCNDS). Polishing Every (5, Time Usenet. SEONSS). Inning (Knowledge Exception.Class). Inning (Timeout Exception.class); // Up Time Exception Received if pop-up is not available wait_1.until (ExpectedConditions.VisibilityOfElementLocated ( ("some id")); If (driver.findElement ( (...

android - How to kill a foregound service -

I am developing an app that requires the use of the foreground service, but this service works properly I can not kill it First of all, I tried to kill using the stop service, then I saw a topic where people asked to use startService with an extra to kill the service: In my activity: intends = new intent (this, MyService.class); I.putBooleanExtra ("killService", true); Start commencement in my service: if (intent.getBooleanExtra ("killService", incorrect)) {stopForeground (true); StopSelf (); .... When I press the user on a special button of my activity, then I want to stop the service: Public Zero onClick (see V) {switch (v.getId) {Case (I want to kill service here) break; If your service " binding If your service is binding and you have been successfully compelled, then service through call for bindService (intent, service connection, intestine), You must call unbindService (..) from your tied client. If your...

ios - Objective-c: Copying a Directory to another -

I'm trying to copy an entire folder contents to another folder by using Object-c on iOS. I have tried to create and copy the directory with a UIAlertView to check the error using NSFileManager: [[ NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtPath: @ "/ tmp / destination / directory /" side-by-side directories: yes property: zero error: zero]; NSError * copyError = Zero; If ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath: @ "/ source / directory / toPath: @" / tmp / destination / directory / "Error: & amp; copyError]) {UIAlertView * alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "Watusi" Message: [copyError Description] Representative: Cancel zeroTantel: @ "OK" other buttontitles: zero]; [warning view];} The code is not working and I'm getting the following error: error domain = NSCocoaErrorDomainCode = 516 "operation can not be completed. (Cocoas error 516.) "userInfo = 0x1666db90 {NSSourceFilePathEr...

c++ - Get timer event in parent class -

मेरे पास MFC फ़ॉर्म InputYesNoDlg है जो कि CDialogExInput से लिया गया है। CDialogExInput में मैंने टाइमर जोड़ दिया है दुर्भाग्य से मैं InputYesNoDlg फ़ॉर्म बनाते समय टाइमर इवेंट प्राप्त नहीं कर सकता क्यों? कोड CDialogExInput h: #define ID_INPUT_TIMER 101 .. । Afx_msg शून्य ओनटिमर (यूआईएनटी यूटाईम); ... सीपीपी: BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP (CDialogExInput, CDialogEx) ON_WM_TIMER () END_MESSAGE_MAP () शून्य CDialogExInput :: OnTimer (यूआईएनटी यूटैम) {timeElapsedSec--; } BOOL CDialogExInput :: OnInitDialog () {SetTimer (ID_INPUT_TIMER, 1000, NULL); वापस सच; } कोड इनपुटहाँ नोदगी सीपीपी: IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC (इनपुट YESNoDlg , सीडीआलोगएक्सइनपूट) ... BOOL इनपुट YESNoDlg :: OnInitDialog () {वापसी CDialogExInput :: OnInitDialog (); } ...

r - 2-way ANOVA (aov) produces no F or P values -

The data I have, which has been subjected to a (solution added or not) of the two treatments and a random block In the design I have 8 blocks (numbered 1-8) but in AOV, DF = 1R did not recognize that there were 8, so I told them (B1, B2 etc.). Now in two ways Aovi no F value or P value, however, DF = 7 Basically: Suilaov and Lieutenant - Aovi (CARs. Leaf ~ block treatment, data = Matrbeedi) summary (Soilov) output `Dif`` Saikha Warg`` Menu Warg`` F Muly` `P (& gt; F)` Block `1`` 5.174-05`` 5.174 E-05`` 3 9 41`` 0.0705 Upchar` 1` `2k526-05`` 2k526-05`` Lk924`` 0kl907` block: treatment `1`` 7.310e-06`` 7.310e-06 `0.557`` 0.469 9` residual` L2`` 1.576 E-04`` 1.313-05` Now: Soilove & lt; - Aovi (CAR. Leaf ~ block treatment, data = Matrbeedi) Summary (Soliov) Output `Dif`` Akyukm` mean square ' Blok` 7`` Lk647e-04` `2k352 e-05` Upchar` 1`` 2k526-05`` 2k526-05` block: treatment `7`` 5.1 9 3-05`` 7.41 9 -06`

php - Opencart module modification for the place it is used in the catalog -

I have a module for advanced review. By default, you know that the module can be set to show the following posts in [specific page]: content_top content_bottom content_left content_right I want to show it under the tabs of a product page (review tab), so I have added the following option in the above situations: content_tab but I do not know how should I enable it under tabs I You will need to create a situation like this, even on forntend. This means that by copying and modifying content_top (controller and template) content_tab in sadness, then adding this new position as the child module for the controller It can render and in the relevant position at the desired position, this situation can finally be presented (see how content_top is populated and there is an idea).

xml - Specific characters not rendering properly in Java -

I have a problem when displaying a wire from a server in a JTable, with some specific character "é" or "A" Instead of appear as small white intersections. I tried a lot of things but none of them fixed my problem. I am working with Eclipse under Windows Server was developed using Visual Studio 2010. The server sends an XML file using tinyXML2, the customer uses JDom to read it. The font used is "Dialog", the server takes the string from the Oracle database. I think this is an encoding problem, but I am unable to fix it yet. Is anyone's idea? Arx Edit: According to the request, how do I use JDO XML (Element E) {Player's result = new player (); String e_text = null; Try {e_text = e.getChildText (XMLTags.XML_Player_playerId); If (e_text! = Null) result.setID (integer. ParseInt (e_text)); E_text = e.getChildText (XMLTags.XML_Player_lastName); If (e_text! = Null) result.setName (e_text); E_text = e.getChildText (XMLTags.XML_Player_point...

c# - WebAPI controller inheritance and attribute routing -

I have some controllers that come from the same base class. They do not share with each other different things, they have something that is completely identical. I would like to put them in my base class because they all work completely, that is, they are used through different routes. How should I define these tasks with many different routes? / Strong> My inherited classes also have a RoutePrefixAttribute set to them so each of them points to a different path. Example I have a basic abstract class called vehicle and then inherited car , bikes , just etc. They will have common action move () / bus / move / car / move / bike / move how to do Can I define action code on my base class vehicle to execute it on every subclass route? check the answer I answered, what do you do is, it has been overwritten DefaultDirectRoutePrivid er : public class WebApiCustomDirectRouteProvider: DefaultDirectRouteProvider {protected override IReadOnlyList & ...

php - HTTP error when uploading an image via the WordPress Media Uploader -

हर बार जब मैं वर्डप्रेस मीडिया अपलोडर (डब्ल्यूपी व्यवस्थापक> मीडिया> नया जोड़ें) का उपयोग कर एक छवि अपलोड करने का प्रयास करता हूं तो अपलोड स्टालों लगभग 13% और मुझे स्क्रीन पर एक त्रुटि संदेश दिखाई देता है "HTTP त्रुटि" । अब तक मैंने अपने WordPress रूट में एक php.ini फ़ाइल निम्न के साथ बनाई है: memory_limit = 256M अपलोड_मैक्स_फाइलैज़ = 16 एम पोस्ट_मैक्स_आकार = 64 एम के साथ चेक करने के बाद मैं भी एक php.ini फ़ाइल को मेरे / wp-admin / फ़ोल्डर में डाल दिया है (ऊपर की एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट)। कोड> मैं देख सकता हूं कि इन परिवर्तनों पर प्रभाव पड़ा है लेकिन उन्होंने 'HTTP त्रुटि' समस्या का समाधान नहीं किया है। मैं समर्पित सर्वर (प्रबंधित) का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, इसलिए नहीं रूट पहुंच है 1 और 1 ने पुष्टि की है कि सीजीआई को सर्वर पर सक्षम किया गया है (फास्ट सीजीआई नहीं है कि यदि इससे ज्यादा फर्क पड़ता है?)। यह त्रुटि क्यों हो रही है? अद्यतन करें: मैंने विभिन्न ब्राउज़रों और विभिन्न डिवाइसों का उपयोग करते हुए कुछ परीक्षण किए हैं: एसर की ख्...

angularjs - Ng-grid export that calls cell filters -

I am working with a ng-grid and filters are applied in some columns. However, when I export to CSV The values ​​are displayed without filters: A record can be in JSL this way: {"service_date": "2014-02-10T00: 00: 00.000 Z "," Service_code ":" someJob3 "," price ": 1234.56} But in the grid it is displayed as: service Date | Service disk | Price ------------------------------------- Feb 10,2014 | Some job 3 $ 1,234.56 I think when I get a quote for it as if the filter applies but only the CSV plug-in does not call the cell filter, and simply returns the values ​​in the raw form. How can I open the filter? Works with I-Grid (the replacement version of the NG-Grid) and which one solution is detected, and This plug-in solution is much simpler than the fact that Matt Welch was to develop for NG-Grid 2.0. You can specify a exporterFieldCallback in your grid options and then whatever you want . In the case of ...

android - SimpleDialogFragment throws error from Service -

मैं एक नेटवर्क परिवर्तन श्रोता के लिए सुन सकते है। अगर कोई त्रुटि होती है तो वह श्रोता एक विधि को कॉल करता है और डायलॉग बॉक्स दिखाता है यह अधिकांश समय में काम करता है, लेकिन मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है जब ऐप पृष्ठभूमि में होता है और यह डायलॉग बॉक्स दिखाने का प्रयास करता है। यहां मेरा कोड है यदि (sdf! = Null) {sdf.dismiss (); } Sdf = (SimpleDialogFragment) SimpleDialogFragment.createbuilder (mActivity, mActivity.getSupportFragmentManager ()) .setTitle (m.ctring.miscNoConnTitle) .setMessage (mActivity.getString (R.string.miscNoConnDesc))। शो () ; त्रुटि मैं प्राप्त है java.lang.IllegalStateException: पर onSaveInstanceState के बाद इस क्रिया को निष्पादित नहीं कर सकता। checkStateLoss ( ( ( पर पर पर .v...

Assemble - how to generate thumbnails? -

Is it possible to gather thumbnails from the source file - or is it beyond the scope of collecting, if so Is anyone suggesting an alternative path? You can not do this with collecting, but perhaps you can find what you are looking for.

javascript - number animator - wordpress -

I am working on a WordPress site and would like to add a label that shows an animating number in the target number. Here is an example (top of this page) I have found some jQuery-based animators. If you can point out some more such animators, then choosing the best one will help, for my animation, the goal number is constant (it is not coming from any database or data source). I should be able to say the goal of 100 and start with 9 4 so that numbers 9 4 to 100 are alive. Here is the one that I found I created an element with two attributes Which looks like this: div class = "number" target = "100" start = "94" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; This should be the number you want to display. In addition to this, Ive added this jQuery code: $ (function () {Var element = $ (".number"). First (); element Text (element.attr ("start") setTimeout (function () {step (element);}, randTime ());}); Function phase (elem...

html - CSS left not working as expected -

I have added a video player to my ASP.NET website. It includes a video player screen and a list box that appears on the right side which allows the user to choose to play the video. I have noticed that the video list does not appear in the correct position, it appears at the top of the video and not its right side. In Visual Studio 2012 I have used the Page Inspector and the left CSS value looks like this: The left CSS tag is 641, which should take it to the right (the width of the actual video player) So why is not it working ?? Why do they have a line through any other CSS entries? (Height, position etc.) Edit If I In, 'width' works as expected: But how can I now track where '' is? I have searched for it, but this is not in my code. Playlists have CSS: / * playlist holder * / .componentWrapper.pllistHolder { Position: Full; Top: 0px; Left: 641px; Width: 320px; Height: 100%; Background: # 111; Hidden drifting; / * Dis...

ios - Is it possible to create day/week/month leaderboard using Game Center? -

I need to create three leaderboards only this month, this week, on this day,. Is it possible to get from the game center? If yes, then how? Thx. A leaderboard can not be reset daily. However, you can query for results during the last day / week / etc. Here's the explanation: You can show data filtered by potential properties, such as timecc : You set the property on the GKLeaderboard object, which is brought back to your game, then tell to load the object score. Table 4-5 properties that affect leaderboard data queries Property - effects player scope - you can choose That's restricted to search for local player's friends or to find scores from any player. Alternatively, you can also start leaderboard objects to search for scores of a specific group of players. TimeScope - You can choose the filter based on the scores earned. ... By repeating your question again, I think time scope will do the trick for you!

windows - PHP and IIS7--> I updated the Environment %PATH% but PHP's Path not updating, even after cycling IIS -

A batch file is rigged to both MySQL backups on both different servers running both IIS7, both of your "Path" Environment variables (including paths of MySQL bin subdirectories are similar to both paths). On a system, I have no problem on the other, giving the batch file: 'mysqldump' is not recognized as internal or external command, operative program or batch file. I left DOS. Where did DOS window "knew", mysqldump was, just fine. So, scratching my head, I went to the IIS manager and checked PHP. I used phpinfo () to view the path settings they are not showing in mysql bin directory except me. So, I added the application pool to the bicycle. Break (in the "tree" just above the apple pool) ... no change I do not really want to reboot the server, if I do not want to, because it is a production server, people are still using it. But I'm not sure what to do to "take" PHP to "EnterManier Variable" / path update. Any idea...

Are the dyno restarts on Heroku simultaneous? -

I read on the Herokus website that dynos will be restarted every 24 hours. If you have two web-dinos for example, what is the chance that they will be restarted together? Thank you for your time! Heroku randomly restores dynamis - sometimes several times per day. Do not trust it together!

android - Is there a hook in Retrofit to get the last request details? -

I am using ACRA to report exceptions and as part of last API call (and possibly response body ) I would like to include the custom data that can be provided I see available, but I do not see what I'm looking for. Effectively, I have to log in to log-in, when full logging is enabled. Is there a way to get the final URL, header, and response body within retrofit, so I can set a custom ACRA field? Allows to specify retrofit that is applied immediately before and after requests. Public Interface Profiler & lt; T & gt; {T beforeCall (); After the call zero (request information, long time elapsed, integer status code, t before data); } Unless you gain access to the real body, you get good information about it.

python - Incomprehensible error with three print following -

मेरे पास परिभाषा के रूप में एक परिभाषा है: एसएन = {} एस एन [0] = {'क्रिया': 1} मेरे फ़ंक्शन में मैं 3 प्रिंट s निम्न प्रकार से करता हूं: प्रिंट ग्राफ प्रिंट राज्य प्रिंट ग्राफ [राज्य] (मैं इन चर के साथ और कुछ नहीं करता) और यह देता है: एस एन 0 एस यह कैसे संभव है? एसएन 0 {'क्रिया': 1} पूरे कोड: अमूर्त = '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' अमृत ' ['एडॉसिफ', 'सोलिफ'] अमूर्त ['व्यापारी'] = ['adjectif'] ['adjectif'] ['adjectif'] ['adjectif'] ['adjectif'] = ['adjectif', 'substantif'] अमूर्त ['भव्य'] = ['adjectif' ['एडीजेफ', 'सोलिफ'] अमूर्त ['डेसिन'] = ['सदाबहार']] [अमूर्त] '' लूप '] = [' पॉटिफ '] अमूर्त [' पाउलेट '] = [' सोलिफ '] अमूर्त [' गोस '] = ["एनआइमपोर्ट क्वॉई"...

How to fill a combobox from a matrix 2 dimensions in java -

I want to fill in a combo box with values ​​from a matrix 2 dimension in Java. For example, I have a string [] [] s; With s [0] [0] = cp1; S [0] [1] = 30; S [0] [2] = 0; S [1] [0] = CP2; S [1] [1] = 50; S [1] [2] = 1500; I would fill a combo box with values ​​like cp1 and cp2 and On 1, it shows 30 and 0 values ​​in 2 text boxes and clicking on CP2 shows 50 and 1500 in these text boxes. I tried to code to fill Cambodia, but I did not succeed. Please, if you have any ideas please help me in advance thank you. Create a class that stores each entry. class entry & lt; A, B & gt; {AA; BB; and set the toString method to use only the first field. @Override public string toString () {a.toString (); }} You can put these objects in the combobox, and they will only appear in the area of ​​ a . You can then use B value = combobox.getItemAt (combobox.getSelectedIndex ()). B; This is a common solution, in your question it seems that you need m...

Java 6 Image resizing causes memory leak? -

Hello everybody, I'm thinking that the following code results in memory leaks (or less on At least I can not continue my resource event or use the flush () space or the point of view () too much). Public stable buffard image getRGBImage (BufferedImage image) {BufferedImage convertedImage = new BufferedImage (Image.getWidth (), image.getHeight (), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); ConvertImage.createGraphics (). DrawImage (image, 0, 0, color. WHITE, blank); Return image changed; } Public static BufferedImage getScaledImage (BufferedImage Image) {int imageWidth = image.getWidth (); Int imageHeight = image.getHeight (); Intensity = height (WIDTH * image hight) / imageWidth; Double Scale X = (Double) WIDTH / (Double) Imageview; Dual scale = = (double) height / (double) image light; AffineTransform scale transform = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance (scaleX, scaleY); AffineTransformOp bilinearScaleOp = New AffineTransformOp (Scale Transform, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR); Return Bali...

javascript - Can't figure out why this ajax request fires two times -

I am working on the snippet of this code, but I can not understand why the Ajax request is firing twice when I Click on the selected button: $ ('# passwd-nuova'). Valid ({'classeform': 'Form-utenti', 'Empty': 'passwd-nuova'}); If (! Response. Empty] {$ ('# reset') AddClass ('btn-disabled');} and {$ ('(click on', function) (var new_passwd = $ ('input [name =' '( Send_email = $ ('# cb-email') from '' EntamBella ':' utility ',' abrr ':' utility '}) var .prop (' check '); $ .ajax ({cache: incorrect, type : "Post", url: "/ gutenti /", data type: "json", data: {'mod-passwd': true, 'idu': selezionato, 'new-passwd': new_passwd, Send-email ' : Send_email}, success: function (response) {var tab = $ ("# datatable_utenti"). Datasheet Force (); $ ('# modal-reset') modal ('hide'). Tab...

How do I use jQuery to change the value of a css selector value? -

यह मेरे पास है: & lt; div class = "class1 class2" शैली = "पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: url (https: //background-image.jpg);" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; मैं दो वर्गों को लक्षित करने के लिए JQuery का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं और पृष्ठभूमि छवि का मूल्य https से http तक परिवर्तित करना चाहता हूं। मैं उसे कैसे कर सकता हूँ? मुझे पता है कि मैं मूल्य को जोड़ने के लिए .css कर सकता हूँ, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि मैं केवल http मूल्य कैसे बदल सकता हूँ। क्या यह संभव है? इसे आज़माएं: var bg = $ ( '.class1.class2') सीएसएस ( 'पृष्ठभूमि छवि')। $ ( '। Class1.class2') सीएसएस ( 'पृष्ठभूमि छवि', bg.replace ( 'https', 'http'))।

Pulling out data from a line of text in C++ using regex -

I have a text file in my format: number tab word tab word tab junk Number tab word tab word tab junk number tab word tab word tab junk number tab word tab word tab junk number tab word tab word tab junk I want to put numbers for each line a uint32_t In, then two words in the string and then ignore the remaining line That I can load and then I could work through one byte at a time, but I'm a pretty regex believe could do this for me. Any ideas? I am working in C ++ in Xcode using #include - this is a command line tool, so there is no real output, I just stored data to compare with other data I am doing External Boole DoStuff (unsigned n, const std :: string and s0, const std: : String & amp; s1); Bool ProcessFile (const std :: string & amp; sFileName) {std :: ifstream ifs (sFileName); If (! Ifs) return false; While (ifs) {unsigned n; Std :: string s0, s1; IFS & gt; & Gt; N & gt; & Gt; S 0 & gt; & Gt; S1; If (ifs.bad () ||! Dustf (N, S...

mysql - PHP voting system - ensure a person can only vote once -

I am working on a voting system and I am sure someone can vote only once. I saw the IP handle but I read that there are some IPs in places such as universities, so if a person votes, then most universities are out of voting. Currently I use cookies, which is good till people do not know I am using cookies. Then it becomes easy to delete the cookie and vote again. Is there a reliable way to store a user's vote and to ensure that they can not vote again? This is my current voting script: & lt ;? Php included ("config.php"); // Checks the URL for any GET variable and removes them. $ Url = $ _POST ['url']; $ Arr = Explosion ("?", $ Url, 2); $ Url = $ arr [0]; // ensures that no person went to /vote.php if (empty ($ _ POST ['url'])) {Print '& lt; Script & gt; Window.location = "errorpage"; & Lt; / Script & gt; '; } Else {// Unique ID number for specific match up is $ Idnumber = $ _POST ['id']; // Ch...

php - PHPdocumentor ignores packages -

does not parse my PHPdocumentor and @ package and it does not even use correctly the default package does not show it Is packing on and on the left but searches for classes / functions. I'm running the default template. I went phpdoc 2.3.1 and am following command running, both do not work: phpdoc -d ./custom/ -t ./docs/api phpdoc -d ./custom / - T ./docs/api-defaultpackagename = "test" code: / ** * this is a summary * this is a long Description is * * @ Packet Database * * / / ** * Interface Database Adapter Interface * / Interface DatabaseAptInterface {Public Function Connect (); Public disconnect (); Public function query ($ sql); } In fact, it completely ignores and comments at the beginning of the file *** Edit Sorry My question is, is there anything that I am doing wrong or why it is not parsing? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You may want to DatabaseAdapterInterface to appear in your database package , Isn't it?...

php - Override Monolog Handler -

I'm trying to override the MonoG handler browser console handler to customize a few operations, but my custom static The method is not explicitly called. I am red, for the static classes, using inherited classes using static :: should use self for themselves: To call the class method, but temporarily by modifying the base class: my sub method Is not called, is called super method. I created my custom handler namespace My bundle \ monol; Use Monolog \ Handler \ BrowserConsoleHandler as BaseBrowserConsoleHandler; Class BrowserConsoleHandler BaseBrowserConsoleHandler {Public Static Function GenerateScript () {// My custom operation is not what is said: [...] Then I set up my custom handler in a config Added in the form. [Push Handler, [@browser_console_handle]] browser_console_handler: class: MyBundle \ Monolog \ BrowserConsoleHandler / Code> Then I use my logger: $ logger = $ this- & gt; Obtain ('browser_console_logger'); $ Logger- & gt; Informa...

android - How does a member variable from a subclass of ResultReceiver get included in the Parcel read/write process? -

Answer this question about the code I have tested it and it works for the purpose of my question To make it a bit dense, it is to understand how the member avoids the process of writing a MyResultReceiver parcel in the variable mReceiver class: Intent Input Extra ("Receiver", MREC); and the process of reading: the end result receiver receiver = intent.getParcelableExtra ("receiver"); When the send method is called on receiver , because there is no code, I use parcel on MRC Strong> Member variables, I hope mReceiver should be empty, but it is not so, why? Full code example: Expands the public class home activity activity MyResultReceiver.IReceiver {public MyResultReceiver mReceiver; Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantestate) on Create {mReceiver = New MyResultReceiver (new handler ()); MReceiver.setReceiver (this); Last intent = intent (intent.ACTION_SYNC, empty, this, QueryService.class); Intent.putExtra ("Receiver", MRECER...

How to make a depending relation between a class and a component in Enterprise Architect -

I am updating existing documents of a project. In essence, I have to add a new library which the client wants to use to communicate the application with a new hardware. So far good. Then in EA I went to the existing diagram and added a new component. I have a class that acts as the controller of the functions of this new hardware, so in the new implementation of the system, this class depends on the new component. I tried to create a new dependency relationship between them, but when I leave the mouse, a popup tells me that the connector used between the origin and destination elements is not allowed is. This gives me an indication of the relationship between the class and one component, in that list I can see the dependency relationship, which is what I am trying to set up. This popup is: What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance. For me, it seems that there are some other models in the validation place. Are you capable of MDG Technologies? Which toolbox / diag...

android - Want to display locale calendar's events -

I'm new to Android. I am creating a local calendar using the content provider. Now I want to show today's events in an activity. I'm making a cursor for this now I want to use this cursor to display events and I am very limited. Please help me please! Thank you! Read public Zero calendar events (reference references) {time = new time (); Time.setToNow (); Long Late Timetime = Time. Tamilis (wrong); Time.set (59, 59, 23, time, month, time, month, time, war); Long end time = time.Mali (wrong); String [] prong = new string [] {inst .in_id, instance. Tata, Instance. BEGIN, Instance. EEND, Instance. Avianci}}; Cursor cursor = instances.query (context.getContentResolver (), project, timeout, endtime); } I modify my code to return a cursor and this cursor will be used by a piece to display the list of calendar events. Can you verify this code for me? My cursor's class: Public class MyCalendar {public cursor readCalendarEvents (context reference) I can get on a n...

c++ - OpenCV and GoPro - empty frames in VideoCapture stream -

I have Gopiro Hero 3+ (Black) connected to a video capture card (Eveready Game Broadcaster HD). I just want to get the video stream in OpenCV, there is no problem with a Logitech webcam. The code used is below. videocapture cap; (0); WaitKey (300); //cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280); //cap.set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720); If (cap.isOpened ()) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Identification of cam" & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Named window ("DST", 1); While (1) {mat frame; If (! (frame)) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Unable to read frame from video stream" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; to continue; } Imshow ("dst", frame); [...]} GoPro is accompanied by: OpenCV is able to open VideoCapture ("Cam Identity"), but can not read any frame (just one Gray screen and output: "Unable to read frame from video stream"). I also checked with this frame. Forgiveness ().. I know that the video capture ca...

Don't Care in Prolog -

Is there a way to tell the prolol that any element in the list can be of value? I tried to use _ but it was not working I am trying to compare zero and two lists, but in some places I do not care about value, for example : I have the _ element on [1,1,1] == [1,1, _] back to true Instead use the following: [1,1,1] = [1,1, _] == / 2 similar The test for T, which is stronger than = / 2 (which instantiates).

call a clojurescript function by string name -

I'm searching for a string name to find a way to call the function given in the Closer script. Like something: (call "fun" args) Any help you are welcome A very quick solution that should work: (ns eval.core ( : (As in [clojure.string: str])) (defn -> js [var-name] (- & gt; var-name (str / replace # "/" ".") (Str / replace # "-" "_"))) (defn invoke [function-name & amp;] (let's [fun (js / eval (-> js function-name)) (apply fun arguments)) ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 07 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; f ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;asis; ;;;;;;;;;;asis; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;41 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;asis ;;;;;;;;;;;;asis ;;;;;;;;41; Uses: (Ns n The ante (call: [eval.core: as E] is required) (defn ^: export my-fn [arg1 arg2];; export note! (Println arg1 arg2) arg2) (e / call "example.core / My-fn "5 6);> & gt; 5 6

django - how python sendmail with chinese characters? -

My environment is python3.3.4 django1.6.2, when I work on a project, and I need to send an email to users Via an email proxy service, but I went wrong with django send_mail, so I wrote a function with dragon stumpsp and email lib. The code is like: def email_user (reference): email = 'admin@***.cn' toEmail = ['** *' ''] msg = MIMEMultipart (' Optional ') msg.set_charset (' utf8 ') msg ​​[' subject '] =' 欢迎 注册 心 优雅 社区, '请 激活 您 的 账号' msg ['from'] = e-mail msg ['from'] = ','. Join (toEmail) html = "" 亲爱 的% (user name) s: 您好!您 在心 优雅 注册 注册 账号 时 使用 了 这个 邮箱, 现在 您 需 点击 下面 的 链接 激活 账号:% (protocol) s: //% (domain) s 如果 链接 无法 点击, 请将 它 完整 到 浏览 器 器 器器 栏 栏 进行 访问链接 有效期 为% (end_desk) s 天, 失效 后 需 重新 注册如果 您 并未 进行 过 此 操作, 么 么 可能 是 有人 误 用 了 您 的 邮箱, 请 忽略 此 邮件. "%" Section = MIMEText (html, 'html', _ charset = 'UTF-8') Msg.attach (part) username = 'postmaster @ *** org'...

wordpress - Get select box values of advanced custom field -

I am using a field type criminal field type. The original field name is 'map_details' and the sub field name is 'Name_of_county' which is a select dropdown list. Now I want to display all the values ​​of that selection box in front. My code is $ field_key = "field_535befe551ba5"; // field key of the original field = get_field_object ($ field_key); If ($ field) {echo '& lt; Select name = ''. $ Field ['key']. "& Gt; '; Foreign currency ($ field [' option '] $ k => $ v) {echo' 'lt; option value =' ' $ K. "& Gt; '$ V.' & lt; / option & gt; ';} echo' ';} This work Not because I did not give parent field field field, which is basically a selection box, except that I can not find the field key for the sub region. I have a front field How can I show sub-field dropdown boxes with values ​​and keys in Recently I have a value in frontend Find a way to ...

ios - objective c HTTPS login. POST and get correct url status code -

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oracle10g - ORA-00904 invalid identifier code -

Please help me with this code. I try to create a table but keep this error ORA-00904 poping out: Invalid identifier Create table tblParentMaster (HOHCodeid VARCHAR2 (10), Parent1 VARCHAR2 (10), address VARCHAR2 (30 ), Home_Phone_Number CHAR (10), address 1 VARCHAR2 (30), City VARCHAR2 (20), USA CHAR (2), ZIP CHAR (5), Parent2Code VARCHAR2 (10), Parent2 VARCHAR2 (10), address 2 VARCHAR2 (30 ), Voluntary Center (1) DEFAULT 'N', Email VARCHAR2 (20), Contract PK_TBPartMaster_HOCHOD Primary Key (HOHCode), Contract nn_tblParentMaster_Parent1 Faucet (Parent 1), Contract CK_tblParentMaster_Volunteer CHECK (Volunteer ('Y', 'N')); Not so : You may either have a designated barrier, either pre-> or declare it in-line, in which no good name will be: ... parent1 varchar2 ( 10) No tap, ... Your P is wrong in the wrong form, you do not need a column called HOHCode: constraint pk_tblParentMaster_HOHCode primary key (HOHCodeId), then: ...

c# - Reading an Excel file with empty fields -

To read and excel the file, I am using Window Service written in C #. Some fields may be empty in Excel Sheet. I get an error message, when reading Excel sheet at the point where the column is empty I column is a datetime field. "SqlDateTime overflow should be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM." This is my code; if (! DBNull.Value.Equals (dRow [3]) {n.RBank_operator_date = DateTime.Parse (dRow [3] .tostring () trimand ('' ')); } I believe you just need to do this. if (dRow [3]! = Null) {n.RBank_operator_date = DateTime.Parse (dRow [3] .restring (.) TrimEnd ('' ')); } DB-BUL is used while working with the database.

android - OSMDroid setMaxZoomLevel without the last level of zoom -

I'm working on a project with OSMDroid, online mode and offline OK. Offline mode works with files for zoom level from 13 to 18. I could not find any information about whether it is possible to zoom without the 19th, Level 1 9 that means at level 18 of the zoom in tuille? Currently if I keep map.setUseDataConnection (wrong); Map with Max LF 18 tuules in Zip file. Setmax zoom level (19), when I zoom in 19, the tuned display on screen is increased, but other tuules are not displayed when I slide to the screen Are there. If anyone has any ideas? Zoom level 18 does not automatically have its tiles on scale (although it has been proposed ), So if your offline map's level is not 19 then you will not see any tiles at that zoom level. You will see all the on-screen tiles extended as a visual effect from 18 (which are in the cache) temporarily, but it will not increase the tile elsewhere in the zoom level.

templates - When are subviews / partial views appropriate? -

जब backbone.js और एक टेम्पलेट फ़्रेमवर्क जैसे अंडर्सकोर या हैंडलेबार ? उदाहरण के लिए, मैं एक एकल पृष्ठ वेबसाइट बना रहा हूँ जिसकी 5 अलग "पेज" की तरह है, प्रत्येक पृष्ठ में उस पर अलग-अलग क्षेत्र हैं जो अलग-अलग डेटा दिखाते हैं। एक अच्छा उदाहरण डैशबोर्ड है, इसके बारे में करीब आधा दर्जन विजेट्स हैं जो डेटा के सारांश दिखाते हैं। प्रत्येक विजेट दूसरों से संबंधित नहीं है मैं क्या करने के लिए इच्छुक हूँ 5 पृष्ठों में से प्रत्येक के लिए एक दृश्य बनाना और उसके बाद उन 5 विचारों को प्रत्येक लोड उप विचारों में स्वयं रखना है। यह बहुत तार्किक लगता है मुझे करने के लिए, लेकिन मैं इस पर किसी भी ट्यूटोरियल / प्रलेखन नहीं मिल सकता है। क्या यह एक डिजाइन पैटर्न है? क्या किसी ने इस प्रकार की चीज की है? धन्यवाद। मुझे लगता है कि यह एक चिंताओं का पृथक्करण के संदर्भ में सोचने के लिए अच्छा विचार जब विचारों और उप-दृश्यों की बात आती है आपके उदाहरण में डैशबोर्ड में 5 सबव्यूज़ शामिल हैं डैशबोर्ड पर ध्यान नहीं देना चाहिए कि ये सबव्यू कैसे कार्य करते हैं और वे क्या करते हैं। दूसरी तरफ के स...

shell - how to replace line bash script -

I want to change a line of text in a file. This is not a specific line #, but matches a certain parameter and then replaces the whole line as I want. There is an idea in search of 'sed', the problem contains all the special characters in the source / to replace those stars which are confusing me how to handle properly I have also tried it That these are parsed variables but there are no results. Example: To match the source line: PATH_FLOW = * doing anything * to be replaced with: PATH_FLOW = "file: /// var / Etc / Sysconfig / random_file sed -i 's / ^ PATH_FLOW = * / PATH_FLOW = "file: /// var / log" / g / / Code> You can use it like this: Sed -i.bak '/PATH_FLOW=/s~^.*$ ~ PATH_FLOW = "file: /// var / log" ~'

jquery - multidimensional array declaration issue javascript -

I have two multidimensional arrays $ path and $ record, I have to loop down and update array values, which have some problem Array announcements, I'm not able to know. console error : Unkit type error: line 'code' can not be defined on '0' if line ($ record [$ path [A] [line] ICL]] [J]] {$ $ record [i] [2] = true; / Code> is with the same $ path, but before line error, values ​​are recovered from the array not specified just 5 lines, that is, $ path = [[start $]]; Therefore, the error occurs when both arrays are used jointly if ($ record [$ path [a] [icell]] [j]) { . If you need jsfiddle, do not serve this purpose, which includes many other irrelevant scripts, so unnecessarily making the code heavier, I hope that I made myself as clear as possible I would definitely need any kind of clarity. JQUERY: var $ record = new array; $ ("Hull Button"). On ("click", function () {if (($ start + 1) & amp; ($ end + 1)) {var i = 0, x,...

Magento download page redirect to hosting ad page -

I'm trying to download a magenta community version but I redirect the browser after entering the Download section I have changed my browser from Chrome to Firefox, but this is happening. Then I deactivate Javascript and finally enter the download section, but as you can imagine, there is no function in the download button. What are you doing? I tried After a search in the forum I have no clue on it, so I think that this is not a common problem. Is it possible that Magnomen banned Magnomen on the basis of IP address? And why? Thanx in advance. It appears that Magento has accidentally posted material related to the announcements they have on Magento 2 weeks. Some time ago today, Magento launched a new section on its site called Magento Community Edition Hosted Solution, which is based on the Magenta 1.9 (Which is usually not yet available) and a specific hosting provider and workman Implementing the recommended partner site building also advertise eBay integration, ...

c++ - How to set output folder for resource compiler -

I use a message file to use a resource file (* .rc) in the command line compiled app I am trying. I came to know that the current directory was the output directory, and this CL is creating this object files in this output directory, it seems that the RC compiler only keeps the .res file in the same place as the .rc file. I.e. i.e.: With some sources, how can I put RC in a different location without manual 'LE' operation with some different flexibility? ? In the c: \ foo \ bar \ directory: / code> while inserting a .res file in the c: \ foo \ res \ directory Will: c: \ foo \ Bar & gt; RC C: \ foo \ res \ resource.rc The main problem is that the file is strange to find a way to compile the script after compiling the res file Is there a way to change the output folder? Perhaps your answer to the question:

java - EasyMock with withConstructor ignoring addMockedMethod called within constructor -

I want to test a method of a class. For this I should be duplicate the second method of class, which has been told from the constructor. Apart from this, I have to pass a cool object constructor. When I'm not using the constellation, it's choosing addMockedMethod properly. But whenever I am experimenting with the constellator, it is not using the method given in the addMockedMethod. (Obtaining an exception for the following code) Can I do anything here to solve it? The following code is main category: public class A {bb; Cc; Public A (B _ B) {B = _ B; C = getC (); } Public Zero Run (string _value) {string val = b.get value (); // something to do) public stable getc () {StaticD.getC (); }} Public class StaticD {public static C getC () (new runtime exception ("error");}} test {test (name test = name = "ATest") extends the public class asthma EasyMockSupport {public void testRun ()) {Bbmcok = createMock (B.class); Expect (bMock.getValue ()) andRetur...

php - mod_rewrite works on localhost but not on server -

As the title says, when I upload to my server (Ubuntu LTS), my rewrite rule does not work . . Htaccess-file is in play, but nothing is there. The mod_rewrite has been loaded, I have verified that in many ways I tried to write nonsense text in the .htaccess file and got 500 internal errors, so the file is in the loop. In "virtualhost" configuration, "Permission is aurray all". The rewrite in the .htaccess file contains a series of rules, such as: revised rule ^ webshop $ index.php? Page = Webshop [QSA] Reverw rule ^ webshop / ([0- 9] +) $ index.php? Page = webshop and catID = $ 1 [QSA] I have virtualhost, a public server and a test server on the server. The public server works well, all the rewriterules are similar to the above and works. It is a virtualhost for testing that does not want to play. One server, one IP, two FQDN Thoughts? Edit - Here is the virtualhost configuration: & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; ServerAdmin

MySql Multiple Averages -

I have a table in which I have some prices for different types of hotel rooms. I want to ask. I get the average value of each room, however, mySQL gives me 1 average instead of 2, which I want. My code is as follows: SELECT AVG (value) from `room` (ou = 'double') or (type = 'single'); I think my own statement is what I think is a bug .. SELECT AGG (value), type` type` with `cell` type`

linux - C++ Sockets - Returning single addrinfo from array of strcutures -

This is the age because I have worked with C ++, so this is probably a basic issue, but I know this Not a solution found. I have to write a small + socket class that can see the IP address for a given host / port. Everything works fine inside the classroom, although I'm not sure how to return a single idyro structure (I mark the line below) from the array of structures to the calling function. I have tried memcopy, pointers etc. Anything seems to work. Getaddrinfo addresses an array of address structures (m_addList) when compiled / run, returns the results returned inside the class completely. Please note that for simplicity I have simplified the example. ./ lookup 80 = & gt; 2 = & gt; 1 - & gt; 32767 - & gt; 4197087 The values ​​marked with "=>" are correct and can be used to generate sockets, although the "->" values ​​are incorrect, causing a socket error. Code: #include & lt; Netdb.h & ... - accessing database, messagebox says "System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection1[Magazine_Project.MagazinesDataSet+tblMagaineRow]" -

I'm trying to use text in a certain field in a database file containing information about magazines (this one Text book), column header code, magnum, and cost I am trying to find and display the code "EX33" with the message box. This code is located in the first column under the category. However, when the messagebox pops up, it only says "System.Data.EnumerableRowCollection1 [Magazine_Project.MagazinesDataSet + tblMagaineRow]" . any idea? Sorry, this is my first time working with the database. Focus on the option of clear public option on the option Private Private frmmain_load (Object as sender, and EventArgs) MyBase.Load 'Handle' TODO: This line of code Loads data in the 'MagazinesDataSet.tblMagazine' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Me.TblMagazineTableAdapter.Fill (Me.MagazinesDataSet.tblMagazine) End Sub personal sub btnCode_Click (as the object, in the form of e EventArgs) btnCode.Click 'displays whose code field ha...

php - looping on mysql query -

I am busy with a script to load mysql data in php variablen. My database is GPS tracking, coordinates in a table with different users and GPS in this database. Each GPS update has its own ID ... For example, if the user will post the same GPS location which will be ID 1, but when user B will post their location 5 minutes later it is UDA 2, when the user after 10 minutes They keep their place again, this will be ID 3. Now the question is This is my table structure and my code: // defined to click on the selection table $ posities = mysqli_query ($ Raw, "devices located on INNER position on posts from selection. Device_ID = Status by position. DESC"); // ANROPAN $ in the Dental Tables $$$ query = mysqli_query ($ RAW, "through the devices select number (ID)"); $ Line = mysqli_fetch_row ($ query); $ Aantalgb = $ line [0]; Mysqli_free_result ($ query); Akho "& lt; Table border = '1' & gt; & lt; tr & gt; & lt; th ...

c++ - Unportable code produces "no operator matches these operands" error in template instantiation -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब कुछ सी ++ कोड के साथ स्पष्ट टेम्पलेट तत्काल: संरचना डेटा {}; टेम्पलेट & lt; int T1 & gt; संरचना संग्रह {टेम्पलेट & lt; int T2, इंट टी 3 & gt; स्थिर शून्य copyRelevantData (const डेटा और परम, डेटा और amp);}}; टेम्पलेट & lt; int T1 & gt; संरचना हेरफेर {टेम्पलेट & lt; int टी 2, इंट टी 3, इंट टी 4 & gt; स्थैतिक शून्य डस्टफ () {डेटा से, से; संग्रह के & lt; टी 1 & gt; :: copyRelevantData & LT; टी 2, टी 3 & gt; (से, से); }}; टेम्पलेट रहित मैनिपुलन & lt; 2 & gt ;: doStuff & lt; 0, 0, 0 & gt; (); मैं निम्नलिखित प्रकार की त्रुटि (इंटेल 13 आईसीपीसी आउटपुट) देख रहा हूं: vv.C (26): त्रुटि: कोई ऑपरेटर "& gt , " इन ऑपरेंड प्रकारों से मेल खाती हैं: इंट & gt; डेटा संग्रह & lt; T1 & gt; :: copyRelevantData & lt; टी 2, टी 3 & gt; (से, से); ^ या (g ++ 4.1.2): vv.C: स्थैतिक सदस्य फ़ंक्शन में 'स्थिर शून्य मैनीप्यूलेशन & lt; T1 & ...