android - Want to display locale calendar's events -
I'm new to Android. I am creating a local calendar using the content provider. Now I want to show today's events in an activity. I'm making a cursor for this now I want to use this cursor to display events and I am very limited. Please help me please!
Thank you!
Read public Zero calendar events (reference references) {time = new time (); Time.setToNow (); Long Late Timetime = Time. Tamilis (wrong); Time.set (59, 59, 23, time, month, time, month, time, war); Long end time = time.Mali (wrong); String [] prong = new string [] {inst .in_id, instance. Tata, Instance. BEGIN, Instance. EEND, Instance. Avianci}}; Cursor cursor = instances.query (context.getContentResolver (), project, timeout, endtime); }
I modify my code to return a cursor and this cursor will be used by a piece to display the list of calendar events. Can you verify this code for me? My cursor's class:
Public class MyCalendar {public cursor readCalendarEvents (context reference) I can get on a nullPointerException line: cursor = myCalendar.readCalendarEvents (getActivity ()); ) {time = new time (); Time.setToNow (); Long Late Timetime = Time. Tamilis (wrong); Time.set (59, 59, 23, time, month, time, month, time, war); Long end time = time.Mali (wrong); String [] prong = new string [] {inst .in_id, instance. Tata, Instance. BEGIN, Instance. EEND, Instance. Avianci}}; Cursor cursor = instances.query (context.getContentResolver (), project, timeout, endtime); Return cursor;
And this is my piece code:
Increases the public square ViewMyCalendarEvents slice {Private MyCalendar myCalendar; Private cursor cursor; See the list of private list views; Public ViewMyCalendarEvents () {} @ Override Attach on Public Zero (activity activity) {super.onAttach (activity); } Public View Creatives (LayoutEflettter Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {Final View Footage = inflater.inflate (R. Late Fragment_Listes, Containers, False); ListView = (list view) view.findViewById (; Cursor = myCalendar.readCalendarEvents (getActivity ()); From the last string [] columns = {"title", "start", "end"}; Ultimate Simpleizer Adapter Adapter = NewActivity (GetActivity), R.Ligh Out.framement_list_events_ts, cursor, column, new int [] {R.D.Event_list_title, R.Id.Event_list_bizen, RID.Avent_list_and} , 0); ListView.setAdapter (adapter); Return view; }
Thank you!
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