oracle10g - ORA-00904 invalid identifier code -
Please help me with this code. I try to create a table but keep this error ORA-00904 poping out: Invalid identifier
Create table tblParentMaster (HOHCodeid VARCHAR2 (10), Parent1 VARCHAR2 (10), address VARCHAR2 (30 ), Home_Phone_Number CHAR (10), address 1 VARCHAR2 (30), City VARCHAR2 (20), USA CHAR (2), ZIP CHAR (5), Parent2Code VARCHAR2 (10), Parent2 VARCHAR2 (10), address 2 VARCHAR2 (30 ), Voluntary Center (1) DEFAULT 'N', Email VARCHAR2 (20), Contract PK_TBPartMaster_HOCHOD Primary Key (HOHCode), Contract nn_tblParentMaster_Parent1 Faucet (Parent 1), Contract CK_tblParentMaster_Volunteer CHECK (Volunteer ('Y', 'N'));
Not so
: You may either have a designated barrier, either pre->
or declare it in-line, in which no good name will be:
... parent1 varchar2 ( 10) No tap, ...
Your P is wrong in the wrong form, you do not need a column called HOHCode:
constraint pk_tblParentMaster_HOHCode primary key (HOHCodeId),
create table tblParentMaster (HOHCodeid VARCHAR2 (10), Parent1 VARCHAR2 ( 10), Address VARCHAR2 (30), Home_Phone_Number CHAR (10), Address 1 VARCHAR2 (30), City VARCHAR2 (20), USA CHAR (2), ZIP CHAR (5), Parent2Code VARCHAR2 (10), Parent2 VARCHAR2 (10 ), Address 2 VARCHAR2 (30), voluntary CHAR (1) default 'n', email varchar2 (20), contract pk_tbalk martierghhhh primary code (HOchoded ID), constant nn_tibalpanent master_parent1 check (parent 1 is not null), contact The crop ck_tblParentMaster_Volunteer Czech (volunteer ( 'Y', 'N'))); Table TBLPARENTMASTER created
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