shell - how to replace line bash script -

I want to change a line of text in a file. This is not a specific line #, but matches a certain parameter and then replaces the whole line as I want.

There is an idea in search of 'sed', the problem contains all the special characters in the source / to replace those stars which are confusing me how to handle properly I have also tried it That these are parsed variables but there are no results.

Example: To match the source line: PATH_FLOW = * doing anything * to be replaced with: PATH_FLOW = "file: /// var / Etc / Sysconfig / random_file

  sed -i 's / ^ PATH_FLOW = * / PATH_FLOW = "file: /// var / log" / g / / Code>   

You can use it like this:

  Sed -i.bak '/PATH_FLOW=/s~^.*$ ~ PATH_FLOW = "file: /// var / log" ~'  


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