
Showing posts from April, 2012

Disable ios from changing GUI controller position by localization -

I have a problem that the image of a button changes according to language localization. For example, alignment in Hebrew is exactly the opposite of English, due to which the buttons / images on the other side of the screen are positioned against the position of English. How can I disable the buttons from iOS Positioning again (according to localization)? How many languages ​​are there for localization in your application? If you feel that more problems with the UI, then create separate .xibs files for different localization. Please check the link. This will help you.

php - is it possible to shrink preg_replace and str_replace -

Is it possible to make it more smooth with the lower line of code because I have to repeat it for every new box Enter $ fil_namn = str_replace ("5FSE_", "", $ fil_url); $ Fil_namn = str_replace (".pdf", "", $ fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = str_replace (".docx", "", $ fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = str_replace (".doc", "", $ fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = preg_replace ("[_]", ".", $ Fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = preg_replace ('/ ^ [0-9] + \. +', '', $ Fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = preg_replace ("[AAA]", "one", $ fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = preg_replace ("[AEA]", "A", $ fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = preg_replace ("[oo]", "o", $ fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = preg_replace ("[AAA]", "A", $ fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = preg_replace ("[AEA]", "A", $ fil_namn); $ Fil_namn = preg_replace ("[oOo]", "o", $ fil_...

xml - Why is creation of syntactically illegal QNames permitted in java serialization frameworks? -

I am running in a lot of JASB serialization errors which arise from the fact that the code is making an invalid qualified name different Places I am using APIs and checking other Java XML options, and one thing that is strange is that there are no input checks in sections that implement such eligible classes. This is really problematic, because the complex code generates many JACAB objects, and it is not until you understand that something went wrong. The exception stack usually does not tell you which element / character is wrong, just something is wrong. Does this not make much sense for these libraries so that it is non-serializable content first place? Here's a code snippet: Why does this work? Should not it be a illegal employment exception ? In other APIs, which define the QN name, the same behavior is similar. The javadocs for this class are specified that if the name space is empty, you will get an IllegalArgumentException but not otherwise. QName q = New QN...

ios - Issue with AFNetworking -

मेरा क्लाइंट webservice मुझे इस तरह एक परिणाम भेजता है: {"login": { "EMAIL": "none", "ID": "none", "NOME": "none"}} इसलिए, AFN में काम नहीं करता। लेकिन, यदि एक और परिणाम काम करता है: {"login": [{"EMAIL": "none", "ID": "none", "NOME": "none "}, {" EMAIL ":" none "," ID ":" none "," NOME ":" none "}]} मेरा कोड: NSDictionary * paramlogin = [NSDictionary शब्दकोश के साथऑब्जेक्ट एंडके: _txtEmail.text, @ "ईमेल", _ txtSenha.text, @ "senha", शून्य]; AFHTTPRequestOperationManager * manager = [AFHTTPRequestOperationManager manager]; [प्रबंधक GET: @ "" पैरामीटर: पैरालोगिन सफलता: ^ (एफ़ एचटीटीपीआरएकेईएफ़एपेशन * ऑपरेशन, आईडी प्रतिक्रिया ऑब्जेक्ट) {एनएसएलॉग (@ "% @", प्रतिक्रिया ऑब्जेक्ट); के लिए (NSDictionary * retlogin [...

c++ - Writing a matrix to a file -

I have a problem when trying to write a matrix in a file. I manage to open a text file, but instead of being displayed instead of a 3x3 matrix there is a long number which is an error. I have the code "Out2.txt"); Cout & lt; & Lt; "Please enter the output file (out 2. txt \ n"; cin & gt; & gt; outfile; if (outfile == "out.txt"); {outf & lt; & lt; "Matrix X and Matrix Y Yoga is: " The solution is probably very trivial, but I can not find solutions online! You must write matrix elements individually Lt; & lt; Yoga [0] [0]

erlang - The best way to verify a zip file function in Elixir -

I have a path library in which it has a zip function, and while writing the unit test, I tried to find the best The way to verify that the zip function works correctly Can someone show me the best way to verify that the zip function works correctly? In some ways I can think: Listing the contents of the zip file and ensuring the content is correct I will create a directory of test files to zip in your unit test, using this reliable utility Zip by and get the resultant MD5. Then for your unit test, perform a zip function, take MD5 and compare your verified MD5.

classloader - Load classes in WEB-INF/classes via a Tomcat Context LifecycleListener -

I need to load a given square through one. I am trying to read the class comments such as @WebService which are described in the sections. But, I have classNotFound exception because the classifier of org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener is that Tomcat classloader can not load classes in a webpage. Only the webapp classloader can do this. How do I get this issue? Should I try to load the jar file separately, and read classes? Tomcat expects this class to be available in {catalina.base} / lib (lib directory Tomato installation folder).

opengl - Missing GL Extension -

After My code finally compile it on my arm cluster. Now I want to run it. It runs on the hands only, as there is no screen attached 1 OpenCL Platform Platform 0 found: (EMBEDDED_PROFILE OpenCL 1.1) Vivante Corporation Vivante OpenCL Platform 1 OpenCL devices This platform device Found for 0: Vivante Corporation Vivante OpenCL device is being loaded ... freeglut (./prognonmpi): Failed to open display '' When I cluster with ssh -Y name I found the following erro message found 1 OpenCL Platform Platform 0: (EMBEDDED_PROFILE OpenCL 1.1) Vivante Corporation Vivante OpenCL Platform 1 OpenCL devices This platform device 0 was not found: Vivante Corporation Vivante OpenCL device is starting to smash ... init 160 x 100 Loading extension: Missing GL Version Error: Minimal extension for demo Failure to get this sample is required: Open version 1.5 GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object glxinfo glxgears and so on are running fine and on show on my screen, ...

Wordpress the_content - Shortcodes Not Working Inside WooCommerce Filter -

I'm tie my head against a wall. I have a filter, such as attach the file to the email sent to woocommerce: add_filter ("woocommerce_email_attachments", "__fuelprote_touch", 10, 3); Filters, and files are attached just fine. However, the file I am attaching to is a PDF generated from a WordPress page. The page has a trespress shortcode in it. Therefore, the output is parsed as content in the form of the woocommerce filter as the following content: apply_filters ("the_content", $ facts [0] - & gt; POST_CONTENT); The table of shortcodes is not working here, but works fine when viewing the actual page. Any thoughts? Have you tried experimenting inside the filter?

php - Suddenly notification is not working (Mirror API) -

I have installed a glass apk in my mobile. I made an app in the Mirror API with PHP (web service). It was working for 4-5 months, but suddenly it stopped working. When I tap into mobile and share anything with contacts, the web service is not being called (nothing in the error log file is writeable). My membership is a notification URL - and when I can see the membership list print the subscription. I've checked, everything is fine and I'm also getting PHP Script manually when running. I am surprised because it is only stopped working for information. Are you using the Glass app on an Android phone, not on the glass? It looks like a too unsupported configuration, so I'm not surprised that it might be broken. In the last few weeks, Glass software has been updated and a new version of Android has been rebate, so I would not assume that the wire protocol has also changed.

javascript - Checkbox problems with meteor template and blaze -

I have some code that was shining beforehand which is no longer working as a hopeful situation And checkbox handling changes. The code is very simple & lt; Div class = "modal-footer" & gt; & Lt; Label = "packed" category = "checkbox-inline input-lg" & gt; Packed & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "packed" id = "packed" checked {{deliberately}} /> {{#if ifpacked evt}} packaged {{else}} not packed {{/ if}} & lt; Label = "delivered" class = "checkbox-inline input-LG" & gt; Distributed & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "distributed" id = "distributed" disabled = {{disDelivered evt}} check = {{delivered}} /> & Lt; Button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default" id = "closeEdit" & gt; Close & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div ...

Calling Unmanaged DLL from classic asp in Windows CE -

I have seen while pointing out that managed DLLs can not be called in the classic ASP code in Windows CE, but unmanaged What about More specifically, it tells how to call a DLL from ASP, but the first step is to register DLL, and I could not find any way to do this in CE. Is it possible to call an unmanaged DLL call from classic ASP in Windows CE? If so, how can I register and say it? [edit] By the way, I am using Windows CE 2013 You can not call "plain" DLL A DLL which is just exporting some functions means that you can not call any Windows CE API inside your ASP page, for example. However you can use the COM object (Server.CreateObject statement) and those objects must be applied in the original code and therefore they can access all the OS APIs. You can use ATLs to simplify the development of com objects (I said, simplifying, making it not easy!). There is no way to implement an object using .NET. Net CF runtime can not be loaded inside a native exe and the ...

ocaml - Frama-C Gui on mavericks not working -

Has anyone set up Fremma on a Maverix? Because I can not install it or do not know how to install it (GUI version)! I have already established Ocoml on your PC, but went must install these libraries me version: Gtk, GtkSourceView, GNOME Kanwas and Lagget 2. So I saw the previous post and done: to export PKG_CONFIG_PATH install = / opt / local / lib / pkgconfig pseudo port, Ever 'fram-c Faced with the problem of making ": > Okailk src / logic / property_status.cmo file" src / logic / ", line 1444, characters 4-2027: error: Signature mismatch: ... Values ​​do not match: val vertex_attributes: V - - [[Gt; `color of int. |` String label | `size [& gt;` `box |` diamond] | | | Style of [& gt; `bold | | loaded] list |` float width] The list does not include Val Warteks_attigutejh: Vt - & gt; Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.vertex list file "src / logic /", line 1479, characters 16-33: actual announceme...

r - lmeNB Package: syntax problems -

I have just learned about the existence of the LMAB package and I think that I have positive with over-exchange Calculation data is data, it seemed to be fine though my sleeve, I could not get it to work. The syntax of the package is found I am trying to run a perfectly balanced panel with 37 people and 16 years of my person (alphabetically and increasingly Is ordered with, which I consider to be consistent with the description in the syntax. Library (lmeNB) (abs_pb_t ~ RI1 + RA1 + abs_pb + cddom + cddom2, data =, id = $ id, vcode = $ year Now I get the following error message: Root [ ( tmp , upID == uniID [i], value = c ("1--1", "1-2-2" :: In addition, NAS is not allowed in the SASCPAD assignment: Warning message: 1: in [& lt; -. Factor ( TMP , upID == uniID [i], value = c ("1--1", "1-2-2",: Invalid factor level, NA generated 2: in [& Lt; - .factor ( tmp , upID == uniID [i]...

c++ - Linking a lib statically in VC++ -

Maybe I'm missing something here, but this is my first time on Windows that I necessarily link to a Lib There is a need to do so that the performance will not be dependent on DLL. I do it with LIBPNG I do this like this: I added the lippyping header: C / C ++ -> Include additional directories Library Directory for Linker has been added: Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories Added additional dependencies linker: Linker -> Input Fix the exe. I'm getting this saying: "Can not program because libpng16.dll is missing from your computer." This means that libpng execution Not compiled in the right. How can i fix without Therefore, if you have created libpng16 as a 'dynamic' lib / dll pair, then you will need the Dll part when you deploy it if you have created it as a 'stable' Lib, So you will find what you want. The point is - you need to create a Lib in the format you want in the first place. It is ...

java - Update query doesn't update the table -

निम्नलिखित विधि के साथ मैं update नामक एक कॉलम accesstoken । इसमें कोई अपवाद नहीं है, कोई त्रुटि नहीं है, लेकिन तालिका का स्तंभ अद्यतन नहीं मिलता है। क्या कारण हो सकता है ? क्या मैं कुछ छोड़ रहा हूं? सार्वजनिक शून्य अपडेटएवसेटटोकन (इंट आईडी, स्ट्रिंग एक्सेसटोकन) {सत्र सत्र = नया एचवीआर ()। GetSession (); System.out.println ("आईडी: - & gt;" + आईडी); स्ट्रिंग एचक्यूएल = "UPCATE UCred सेट एक्सेसटोकन = '" + एक्सेसटोकन + "'" + "WHERE id = '" + id + "'"; क्वेरी क्वेरी = session.createQuery (hql); query.executeUpdate (); session.close (); } पकड़ (अपवाद एक्स) {exc.printStackTrace (); }} नोट: शुरू में accesstoken शून्य पर सेट है। यदि आप अपना स्वयं का लेन-देन प्रबंधित करते हैं (अर्थात वसंत, जेटीए जैसे कंटेनरों द्वारा प्रबंधित नहीं), तो आपको लेनदेन को शुरू और समाप्त करना होगा। session.getTransaction () का उपयोग करना शुरू करें (); और session.getTransaction ()। Commit (); फिर आपका कोड ऐसा होगा,...

powershell - Reading json response in windows power shell -

मैं पावर शेल कोड का प्रयोग कर रहा हूँ: $ web_client = नया ऑब्जेक्ट सिस्टम Net.webclient $ build_info = web_client.downloadString ("http: // ब्राउज़र में आउटपुट जबकि एचटीटीपी : // ":" "संदेश": शून्य, "परिवर्तनों": "340718", "शाखा": "मुख्य", "उत्पाद": "उत्पादनाम", "बिल्ड नंबर": "1775951", "आज का दिन": "28-4-2014"} मुझे प्राप्त करने के लिए पावर शेल कोड क्या लिखना चाहिए: $ suitevm_build_number = $ SuitevmCLN = $ webapp_build = $ stats_build = आप प्रश्न बहुत स्पष्ट नहीं हैं । यदि आपके पास पॉर्शहेल 3 या बाद के संस्करण हैं, तो आप किसी ऑब्जेक्ट के JSON- प्रतिक्रिया को परिवर्तित करने के लिए ConvertFrom-JSON का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। $ build_info = $ web_client.DownloadString (" Http: // & lt; URL & gt; ") | आउटपुट का पूर्व: $ build_info संदेश: changeset: 340718 शाखा: मुख्य उत्पाद: उत्पादनाम निर्माण संख्या: 1775951 आज का दिन: 28-...

c# - Can't access data through multiple class layers -

For my project, I have to create a data structure to represent an XML file. My Idea was to use different sections representing different sections. My problem now is how can I change the data from the top one to the lowest layer. In my code example, three calls 2 is not a work 1. Why not work for the last time? Is there another way to organize data? public class option {public string option id; Public zero setoptionID (string text) {optionID = text; }} Public class module {public option [op = op = new option [1]; Private string module id; Public Zero SetUul IDID (String Text) {moduleID = text; }} Public class listing {public module} [modul = new module [1]; Private string ShortName; Public Zero setShortName (string text) {ShortName = text; }} Public Sector List {Private Catalog [] Item = New Catalytim [1]; Public listing () {} Public Zero SatcorderListime () {items [0] .setShortName ("asdf"); // work catalogitem.modul [0] .setmoduleID ("5"); // Work Item [...

IIS - ARR to perform authentication -

Is it possible to get the following scenario with the IIS-ARR combination? Or with any additional development. DMZ has a front end web server (reverse proxy type), which will authenticate (and authorize if possible) and then request the internal network with the respective application server. Any suggestions / ideas will really be helpful. You can raise query string value by adding value to "equal to true / true" query string value Use ARR to do - If Authorized Server is authorized for the farm = Wrong way, then send the same URL to the authorization process. The query string is authorized = true that will route the "live" server farm. Of course you might want to use some other value from "authorized" in the sound text in your URL! You can probably do the same thing in the header, you can manipulate the header in ARR using APCMD. The schema for ARR is in C: \ Windows \ system32 \ inetsrv \ config \ schema \ arr_schema.xml file If you check...

objective c - Default files in iOS application sandbox -

I am making a quiz app for iPhone I store all queries in a NSArray Which is opened every time the app is loaded with the .xml file. This file will be the same in all "instances" of the app, and it will not be ever changed by the user. I can work hard with all the questions with code, but I found it more elegant to put it in a file which is easily edited by any text editor. But how do I copy the app to the "example" of the app? That file should be bundled with the rest files This is the code (in app representative) so far. NSArray * DocumentPaths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, yes); NSString * path = document path [0]; Path = [path stringbapping padding pump: @ "question. Archive"]; NSArray * fileQuestions = [[NSArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: Path]; If (! FileQuestions) {// code to add three default questions ... [fileQuestions writeToFile: path atom: yes]; } // Here the "File Qu...

spring ldap security without xml -

How does this document configure spring-protection LDAP: 3.4.5 Spring Bean Configuration & lt; Bean id = "references" class = "" & gt; & Lt; Constructor-arg value = "ldap: // monkeymachine: 389 / dc = springframework, dc = org" /> & Lt; Property name = "userDn" value = "cn = manager, dc = spring framework, dc = org" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Password" Value = "Password" /> & Lt; / Bean & gt; & Lt; Bean id = "ldapAuthProvider" class = "" & gt; & Lt; Manufacturer-Arg & gt; & Lt; Bean class = "" & gt; & Lt; Constructor-arg ref = "contextSource" /> & Lt; Property Name = "userDnPatterns"...

get - Passing an 'invisible' parameter in a url -

I want to pass a parameter at the end of the URL, which will not affect anything before, no matter what String is included. Example: I have the following URL: 1) 2) A = b & c = d 3) I want to include my parameters at the end of each URL, and always in the same method, like: 1)[MYPARAM=123] 2)[MYPARAM=123] 3) [MYPARAM] = 123] I want to completely overlay the browser and ignore additional parameters, as well as do some actions with it on the server side. (In the example 3, the browser thinks that I want to get an element inside the page with the id # header [heradam = 123], so it's not good.) Is there a prefix that I Can I use the browser to ask to ignore it and only take action on the server? Thanks You just have to do it as a query parameter Why not give: 1) 2) A = B & C = D & MURAMM = 123 3) do...

html5 - Protractor: sessionStorage variables -

How will the session session cost the launcher? I tried: browser.executeScript ('sessionStorage.getItem ("login");';); but it blank returns Browser.executeScript () without using sessionStorage.getItem () returns an unscheduled return for the session. Tried it out. Browser. ExecuteScript ("return window.sessionStorage.getItem ('login');");

error handling - Camel ErrorHandler useOriginalMessage Attribute -

I'm using Camel (current version 2.12.2) for a little more than a year and an interesting one To overcome this issue with the situation (some hundred passages) of one of the web applications, I want to use a special error handler which returns an exception to the specific enhanced routes, then returns to the original body. Here is a small sample reference that I have put together to explain what I want to do: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Bem xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns: camel = "http: // Camel "xmlns: reference =" "xmlns: util =" "xsi: schema location = "Http:// ht...

c# - Create an array with Columns? -

I am creating a multithrred application that processes data very quickly, so fast I realized That windows can not control, and will create issues. So my new solution is that I'm going to store results in an array and update a ListBox or ListView at the end. Now my question is: In my application, the user enters my application in the list box and checks for these items. How do I create an array with a column for each value in the listboxes, adding column names to column headers (I'm guessing that this is the first value form for each column Add to). The thing is that it will be impossible to tell the quantity of rows before hand, so it will need to support any amount. Is this a practical idea, and if someone can help me do this? I suggest going with a DataTable because this data structure Is well-aligned with a database and it performs well with a large number of rows - which is designed for the type of it, it will allow you to apply a layer of structure to...

reporting services - Get the row group header on the right side of a tablix control -

I am trying to get a line group header in Microsoft Reporting Services, instead of the left side of the tableaux Is this possible? Steps taken: A table control was added to the report. Right click on the record of expansion of a dataset given table and select "Add group" -> "Basic group". It keeps the parent group on the left side of the table. How do I get it on the right side? (I tried posting a picture, but I do not have enough reputation yet) Am I trying to get a cell that is in several lines Spread so that I can show an image that is related to the group of rows. It will look something like this: Row 1 | >>>>>>>>>>> Row 2 >> >> >> >> >> | Cry 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>

php - How can i send an e-mail with HTML content -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मैं भेजने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ एचटीएमएल सामग्री के साथ ई-मेल। मैं उस पर कुछ छवियां सम्मिलित करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं, यहां मेरा कोड: & lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit'])) {$ to = $ _POST ['से']; $ विषय = $ _POST ['विषय']; $ संदेश = $ _POST ['संदेश']; $ हेडर = 'से:' "\ R \ n" 'उत्तर दें:'। $ से। ' ' "\ R \ n" 'X-Mailer: PHP /' phpversion (); मेल ($ से $ $ विषय, $ संदेश, $ हेडर्स); }? & Gt; & Lt; form method = "POST" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" प्लेसहोल्डर = "से" नाम = "से" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" प्लेसहोल्डर = "से" नाम = "से" / & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" प्लेसहोल्डर = "विषय" नाम = "विषय" / & gt; & Lt; textare...

c# - Ho to access the Action from WebApiController with many actions and same parameters -

I do not see the problem, I have an appicentron with many actions, when I request someone I have the following exception, thanks in advance. // angular script var app = angular Module ('app'); Returns {addUserToRole: Function (data) {Return $ http ({method: 'POST', url: defaultUrl + '/' app.fasiner ('user repository', function ($ http) {var defaultUrl = 'api / UsersApi' + 'AddUserToRole', data: {RoleId: data.RoleId, UserId: data.User.UserId}})}}}}); // API Controller Public Class UserApcCentron: API Controller {UserRegotory Erepe; Rolleropository rrp; [Authorize] [http post] Public HTTPPPS Pensions Message AddUserToRole (Int32 RoleId, Int32 UserId) {try} URL = New user repository (); URep.AddUserToRole (UserId, RoleId); } Grip (Exceptional Exceptions) {New HTTPPasspation Expression (HTTTPTAS code.NotFrog); } Return the new HTTPPRESS Pacemase (HTTP.txtcode.ok); } {} " ", Default: new {id = route Parmeter.Optional}); Conf...

c++ - How to define a type conversion from std::string to a custom type? -

Conversion operator is declared within a class like this: operator string (); When declared, they can be defined like this; Foo :: operator string () {return stringRep; } How can I define a conversion operator with a string in my custom type? Write a constructor that takes the string.

android - How to create layout withminimum and maximum height? -

I have two layout layouts 1 and layout 2 in linear layout with vertical gravity. For me, the height example of standard layout1 is 300dp (big height for small display) In small display, it takes almost all the visual height but I want to see layout maximum height 50%. If I set 50% of all height views of the height in the larger display, then I have some damage. If I set a 300dp height in a smaller display then my The close layout is 1. So I want the height of layout 1, for the load in small displays In the 50% and large display, the DPI will have to limit 300dp. How can I set this limit in my layout 1 On the runtime, you can determine how much your linear layout is taking 1, and adjust its height only when it is done. To do more than half the screen, use the following code. Suppose you RID your linear layout 1. LL1, then using this code, you can tell Android to adjust the height of the LLU by 50% Full screen light, screenwidth; // Code to determine the height and wi...

c++ - Classes have not been declared but they were included? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब मेरे पास ये दो वर्ग हैं एक दूसरे की जरूरत है और एक ही कक्षा से विरासत में मिला है। Wehn मैं Seller.h संकलन, यह ठीक संकलित है, लेकिन जब मैं Buyer.h संकलन। मैं विक्रेता से त्रुटियाँ हो एच। तो जब मैं Buyer.h संकलन मैं जैसे त्रुटियाँ मिल: Seller.h: 14: 16: त्रुटि: œबॉयर को शून्य ऐडब्यूर घोषित नहीं किया गया है (खरीदार *); ^ विक्रेता.h: 15: 14: त्रुटि: इस क्षेत्र में घोषित नहीं किया गया था std :: vector & lt; क्रेता * & gt; GetBuyers () कॉन्स्ट; विक्रेता.h: 20: 17: त्रुटि: 'ऑर्डर' को रिकॉर्डेबल ऑर्डर ऑर्डर घोषित नहीं किया गया है (ऑर्डर *); ^ वे # शामिल हैं लेकिन यह अभी भी दायरे से बाहर है। #ifndef SELLER_H #define SELLER_H #include "Entity.h" #include & lt ; स्ट्रिंग & gt; #include & lt; vector & gt; #include "inventory.h" #include "Order.h" वर्ग विक्रेता: सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल इकाई {सार्वजनिक: विक्रेता (const std :: string & amp ;, const std :: string &, doubl...

c++ - Map char pointer to in-memory file with file descriptor -

I try to map a four * with in-memory FILE * with fmemopen I just found out that Phamopen will not give me a file descriptor, is there any way to get an in-memory file with FD? Four * Data = ... Data ...; FILE * fid = fmemopen (data, 172, "r"); Int fd = fileno (fid); If (FD & lt; 0) std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "BAD" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Else std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "Good" & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; Take a look and see that in shm_open () What does the combination with fdopen () #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / mman.h & gt; # Include & lt; Sys / stat.h & gt; # Include & lt; Fcntl.h & gt; Int main () {FILE * f = NULL; Int fd = 0, n = 0; Four buffer [6] = "hello"; Fd = shm_open ("myfile", O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); If (FD & lt; 0) {printf ("failed in shm_open \ n"); Exit (1); } F = fdopen (fd, "w +"); If...

Text sizing in android with java and libgdx -

I am creating text in libgx, but there is a problem where the text may be different depending on the phone. For, I change them again on the basis of the screen size, but I can not do it with the text, B Auctions needs wrapping and fitting to call it. Can recommend a better way to draw the text that looks evenly on any mobile screen. Text Category: Expands Public Class Textactor Actor {Bitmap Font Font; String text; Float x = 0; Float y = 0; Float w = 10; Float H = 10; Public Textactor (string text) {font = new bitmap font (Gdx.files.internal ("font.fnt")); This.text = text; } @ Override public empty draw (Spritebatch batch, float parent alfa) {font.draw (batch, text, x, y); } Public zero set position (float x, float y) {this.x = x; This.y = y; } Public Zero Set Text (String Text) {this.text = text; } } In the screen category: @ override public zero show (batch = new sprintbatch); Platform = new stage ( (), (), true);...

html - How to display user avatar next to post? (php,mysql) -

Therefore, two tables in my database are called users and another news Strong> I created it that users can add news posts to the site, but I could not display the user's image next to my post this is my code now & Lt ;? Php $ news = ""; $ User_id = ""; $ SqlCommand = "Select ID Order ID DESC Limit 10"; $ SqlCommand3 = "select from users"; $ Query = mysql_query ($ sqlCommand) or die (mysql_error ()); $ Query3 = mysql_query ($ sqlCommand3) or die (mysql_error ()); $ Count = mysql_num_rows ($ query); If ($ count> 1) {$ News = ""; While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ query)) & amp; Amp;; ($ Row2 = mysql_fetch_array ($ query3))) {$ News = "& Lt; a href = \" news? Id = ". $ Row ['id']." \ "& Gt; div class = \" news-post \ "& gt; & lt; img src = \". $ Line 2 ['author_avatar']. "\" & Gt; & Lt; P & gt; $ Line ['author...

javascript - Initial selection for tablesorter filter w/ select2 -

Depending on the filtering with , I am trying to apply The initial selection of the option for the filter and I'm living with the table that are not updating the filtered rows. JSFiddle :. Take a look at the first column, the xyz value should be filtered, but they are not. If you choose manual, then it works as expected. // *** var filter = $ .tablesorter.filterFormatter.select2 ($ Cell, Indx, {match: true, $ / (Element.val (.) Split (" {Var data = []; ")). Each (function () {data.push ({{ ID: this, text: this});}); callback (data);}}); Filter.siblings ("input.select2"). Select2 ("val", ["abc", "def"]); Return filter; Two things for me in this piece of code are unclear: Whether initSelection is required in this scenario and how tablers The original example (without making my changes) : / P> Thank you for implementing this feature quickly and providing one. I've found that the workaround:...

sqlite3 - How can a create an SQL statement that offers multiple sum() totals? -

मेरे पास इस तालिका में SQLite3 है। नाम | मात्रा | मूल्य | श्रेणी ----------------------------- जेड | 1 | $ 25 | एक वाई | 2 | $ 50 | बी एक्स | 3 | $ 100 | एक डब्ल्यू | 1 | $ 6 | सी वी | 2 | $ 15 | बी यू | 1 | $ 26 | एक मैं प्रत्येक श्रेणी के लिए कुल (मात्रा * मूल्य) और एक एकल एसक्यूएल स्टेटमेंट के साथ सभी श्रेणियों की कुल (मात्रा * मूल्य) कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? यह वह आउटपुट है जिसे मैं खोज रहा हूं: ए - $ 351 बी - $ 130 सी - $ 6 कुल - $ 487 क्या यह संभव है? श्रेणी के अनुसार अपने_टेबल समूह से श्रेणी, राशि (मात्रा * मूल्य) चुनें "post-text" itemprop = "text"> सभी श्रेणी के रूप में 'कुल' चुनें , आपके_table से योग (मात्रा * मूल्य)

google cloud sql - What does "FDProxy.Open error 2" mean when accessing CloudSQL from Go App Engine -

हमें क्लाउडएसक्यूएल से वापस "FDProxy.Open त्रुटि 2" त्रुटि मिलती है जब एक क्वेरी निष्पादित करने का प्रयास करते हैं। मुझे लगता है कि इसका मतलब है "कनेक्शन अस्वीकार कर दिया क्योंकि पहले से बहुत सारे खुले कनेक्शन हैं" लेकिन मुझे इस बात की आधिकारिक पुष्टि पसंद है क्योंकि मैं सकारात्मक नहीं हूं मुझे यह भी निश्चित नहीं है कि अगर इसका हमेशा इसका अर्थ होता है या अगर अन्य त्रुटि की स्थितिें भी हैं (जैसे कि क्यूपीएस भी बहुत ऊँचा है) जो इस त्रुटि को भी गति देगा यदि यह मायने रखता है, तो हम Go-MySQL- ड्राइवर का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, हालांकि हमने यह भी देखा है कि mymysql ड्राइवर का उपयोग करते समय। हमारे पास वर्तमान में 30 ऐप इंजन एप इन्सेंट के लिए 30 क्लाउड एसक्यूएल कनेक्शन हैं (चेतावनी को [1] से देखें) लेकिन उस प्रतिबंध को कभी-कभी उन सबसेट्स से कुल कनेक्शन की संख्या में लागू किया जा सकता है यह ऐप इंजिन 1.9.5 रिहाई में तय किया जाएगा, जब प्रति सट्टेबाजी के एक ऐप इंजन के उदाहरण को शुरू किया जाएगा। दर्द के लिए क्षमा करें : - ( [1]

ios - how to change background color of the navigation bar and navigation text color -

I want the background color of the navigation bar to be black and the text on the navigation bar wants to be white Everything looks fine on my simulator as shown below: This is what I am doing in my application representative: @ window.rootViewController = UINavigationController.alloc.initWithRootViewController (main_controller) @ window.rootViewController.navigationBar.barTintColor = '# DF533B' To_color @ window.rootViewController.navigationBar.translucent = true @ window.rootViewController.navigationBar.tintColor = UIColor.whiteColor @ window.rootViewController.navigationBar.setTitleTextAttributes ({UITextAttributeTextColor = & gt; UIColor.whiteColor}) My deployment_target is 7.0 and app.sdk_version is 7.1 what Should I put this code in all the controllers of viewDidLoad ? is not familiar with Ruby Motion, but you should use the UIAppearance proxy: [[UINavigationBar appearance] Set bertaint color: [self navbar collar]]; [[UINavigationBar...

pfbc - Adding style to php file -

I am using PFBC which is a package provided by Google to make my form because I have PHP I am new and I have a project. Anyway I need to complete the fast. I am just trying to focus on the Capa block in the middle of my div, I know that I have to add it to my style in CSS, Do not know how this my pH P This is the CAPTCHA.ff file, in which all the elements are split into different php files & lt ;? Php namespace PFBC \ Element; Class Captcha extension \ PFBC \ Element {$ $ privateKey = "" secure; Secure $ publicKey = ""; Public function __ composition ($ label = "", array $ properties = zero) {origin: __ generation ($ label, "recaptcha_response_field", $ attribute); } Presenting Public Function () {$ this- & gt; Verification [] = New \ PFBC \ Validation \ Captcha ($-> Personal); Need_once (__DIR__. "/../Resources/recaptchalib.php"); Echo recapta_gate_html ($ this-> public key); }} In this way it is provided /...

android - ProgressDialog window is showing in Black color -

The went two lines are used to display a progress dialog my project I these lines down in different projects - are behaving differently. A project is showing the black window and the second white window is showing. Progress Broker Ring Progressiveness = Progressive. Show (SignUpOptionsActivity.This is true, "", "Receiving data"); RingProgressDialog.setCancelable (true); I like to know why this is a different behavior and how can I get my window always white?

Python ctypes DLL stdout -

I am calling a DLL function from Python using ctypes, and just want to capture stdout with dll call I am How would I go about doing this? It seems that you have to make an effort to do something like this: four * colsoffunk () {ostrstream ostr; Cout.rdbuf (ostr.rdbuf ()); SomeFunc (); Char * s = ostr.str (); Return s; } You will actually need to separate that string, instead of returning it; I will leave that part to you. The string pointer becomes invalid as soon as it is returned, but you can make a fairly simple allocation till you want to remove the memory after it is returned.

javascript - Store info i element, a good practice? -

Say I have a list of movies where I can replace the title, rating and cost of films with JavaScript and Jquery via HTML Control. . The original values ​​of these variables will be given when the page will load. So far, I load the data in elements like this: and lt; Div class = "movie0" data-rating = "320" data-name = "movie-name number1" data-cost = "26> ; / Div> & lt; div class = "movie1" data-rating = "110" data-name = "movie-name number 2" data-cost = "18" & lt; img src = "Movie2.png" /> & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div class = "movie 2" data-rating = "315" data-name = "movie-name number 3" data-cost = " 25 "& gt; & lt; img src =" movie3.png "/> & lt; / div> HTML control, jQuery .data () function Change the data using. For the question now. It would be better to load the information into a JSON obje...

yii make a join with CDbCriteria -

I want to get a model with its related, for example, I have a table game and another condition in betting There is a column with game_id For now, I only recover the game model, not the related condition, despite being successful I try to connect one left. Here's what I have done $ criteria = new CDBCRITIA; $ Criteria- & gt; Select = '*'; $ Criteria- & gt; Alias ​​= 'game'; $ Criteria- & gt; Join = 'Game at bet on INNER JOIN. Id = bet.game_id'; //$criteria->condition='bet.user_id='.$_userId. 'Or user_id' is empty '; $ Criteria- & gt; Order = 'date_game ASC'; Return $ this- & gt; Model () - & gt; Search (all criteria); Thanks for your help Model Returns are Properties On model. If you want that you with in your model Expand Phrase Relationships () {Return Array ('Benmoddle' => Array (auto :: HAS_MANY, 'Ben', 'Game_ID' => ID;); } In your controller...

jquery - Any way to get the when-visible height of an invisible element? -

I have a flyout menu, in which some of the flights are hiding themselves and others are relieving themselves, since The mouse is the specific flyout you see on shopping sites, e.g. Amazon. I'm trying to insert JavaScript from the background to set padding for the text shown on these flyouts, using jQuery. The problem is that I have some elements of heights, and when I use jQuery with an element using .hight () , it returns zero, If a section of the flyout section is hidden ( display: none ). If I look at the flyout section, whatever the height of that element, its height should change, when the original flyer looks. So there is no way to read the actual height of an element when it will happen when it is actually invisible? If "invisible" means you display: none , then nobody is here. However, you can make an element practically invisible, as technically visible, e.g. With status: absolute; Left: -99 99 px This will allow you to measure it. Of cour...

sql - How do I exclude entries from a recursive CTE? -

How can I exclude entries from recursive CTT with SQLite? Create table member (Group_id VARCHAR, Member_ID VARCHAR); Price ('1', '10 '), (' 1 ', '20'), ('1', '30'), ('1', '-50'), in group group (group_id, member_id) Insert ('2', '30'), ('2', '40 '), (' 3 ',' 1 '), (' 3 ',' 50 '), (' 4 ',' - 10 '), (' 10 ',' 50 '), (' 10 ',' 60 '); I want a query that will give me the list of members of the group (recurring). However, a member of the first character, '-' means that the ID after the occurrence is not in the group. For example, '1' members '10', '20 ',' 30 'and '50' '10', however, is a group, so we have to give our children '50 'And' 60 '. However, '50 'is already a member so we can not include' 50 'Finally' 1 '...

JavaScript How to pass a parameter to a function -

I'm having trouble passing a parameter in the function. Here is my code (edit stream and status in HTML document to show): My Warnings () shows the event in an empty space. 2 blocks of JS code are in different sources. Do you have something to do with it? If you say that the functions are in separate files, maybe the order of files in the problem. Make sure The calling method ( mySpecialFunction (i); ) comes after the announcement ( function mySpecialfunction (thisIndex) ). Edit: In your edit you have $ (document) Already and $ (window) .load . Remove the last one and this will work. .

html5 - jQuery data-action="save" button not posting for specific browsers -

I have a form that captures the signature and posts it in an MVC 4 controller action Works on IE, but not Chrome, or some mobile device. Any ideas why does not post it, or submit the form on some devices? Here is the relevant code: & lt; Form action = "/ capture / save" id = "formSig" method = "post" & gt; ... & lt; Button ID = "BTN service" class = "save button" data-action = "save" onclick = "SaveButton_Click returns;" & Gt; Save & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; SaveButton_Click () {$ ("# btn save") function. Attr ('disabled', 'disabled'); Back true; } & Lt; / Script & gt; By disabling the button , you can effectively cancel the occurrence (Test only for me in Chrome, 1 negative result is enough for me). You must use the submitted event to disable the button. ...

ruby - Rails: Calculating the sum of several results based on different field types -

My users have many inputs related to them. What do I need to do? All The amount of: Contribution (a column on the investment model) is being calculated (I'll get it below). In my Administrator , I have: # investment type which is Roth IRA, traditional IRAS etc. @getighter = Investment usually I Just add the .sum (: contribution) to that query. (User ID: Current_User, Investment Type: ["Roth IRA", "Traditional IRA", "Other"]) However, not all contributions are made equal. Investment has a contribution area, which is a string where users select "monthly", "quarterly", or "yearly" Added Controller : investment = getira.find (params [: contribution frequency]) #IRA contribution frequency evaluation if invest.contributionfrequency == "quarter" @ Contribution_quarterly = (Investment.contribution.to_i * 4) / 12 Elsef Conflicts Conflict == "Monthly" @contribution_memsty = InvestmentContri...

c++ - typedef declared in header file not available in source file -

मेरे पास myclass एक typedef निजी में: सेक्शन। typedef int inttest; मेरी स्रोत फाइल में हेडर फाइल शामिल है, फिर भी जब स्रोत फ़ाइल में टाइपिंगफ़िफ़ का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करते हैं तो intteest myclass :: foo () { } मुझे त्रुटि मिलती है: त्रुटि: 'inttest' एक प्रकार का नाम नहीं है क्यों इस? क्या मुझे स्रोत फ़ाइल में typedef भी घोषित करने की आवश्यकता है? पहले सभी प्रकार के टाइप-अप को कक्षा के दायरे में परिभाषित किया गया है। तो कंपाइलर टाइप-फेफ की परिभाषा नहीं पा सकता है, यदि इसे अयोग्य नाम के रूप में वापसी प्रकार के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता है। आप उदाहरण के लिए लिख सकते हैं myclass :: inttest myclass :: foo () {} हालांकि, कंपाइलर एक त्रुटि जारी करेगा क्योंकि टाइपफीफ़ निजी के रूप में परिभाषित। संपादित करें: मुझे क्षमा करें। फ़ंक्शन को कॉल करने वाले कोड में आपको myclass a लिखने की आवश्यकता होगी; Int i = (); या myclass a; ऑटो i = (); आप लिख नहीं सकते myclass a; Myclass :: inttest i = ();

javascript - event listeners not working in Android 4.4.2 -

I have a phonegap app that uses InAppBrowser to load the Google login experience, like I have an event listener Requires the location of the browser that changes. The setup below works perfectly on all Android versions except 4.4.2, as I can tell; Event listeners fire and all is good. However, on Android 4.4.2, I can not get any event listeners to fire the window; LoadStart, Onload, Onscroll, etc. Nothing seems to be igniting Unfortunately, Google or StackOverflow may not seem to find any solution. Of course, additional information is needed / useful, but there is some pleasure to provide anything. var auth_window = (auth_url, '_blank', 'location = no, toolbar = no'); Auth_window.addEventListener ('Loadstart', function) {Warning ("Blow")}) - *** Update *** I have been able to get the listener in the fire by opening it again with the support of InAppBrowser. I have no clue why it will work in this case but not otherwise, ...

python - Django - Filter queryset by CharField value length -

Given that I have a code with CharField or CharField Heritage model is based model field such as: class MyModel (models.Model): name = models.CharField (max_length = 1024, ...) ... I need to create a migration because it has the maximum max_length 255. Firstly I am writing datamigration , which is any value with more than 255 characters To make the upcoming schemamigration set the maximum length of the column Customize for, which I'll do right after this work. The issue is that I have a large data set and I do not know that in all the rows MyModel has more than 255 characters. Name and I would like to consider my migration, which only do. Is there any way to filter the only object that meets this condition, the DEGENGO ORM? Something like this: MyModel.objects.filter (name__len__gte = 255) It would be great, but I believe this is not possible, Or at least it thanks! itemprop = "text"> In the 'latest' Django versions dja...

c# - Hardcoded index for array access -

I have an array in which the data is in a specific order, I usually encode the index to not be too confused. : public class MyClass {private redone String [] data = new string [DATA_LENGHT]; Internal cone INDEX_NAME = 00; Internal content INDEX_FIRSTNAME = 01; Internal content INDEX_CITY = 02; ... internal constate DATA_LENGHT = XX; } But to maintain this way is boring. If I want to put a new data on index 0, then I have to manually replace all the later index xx. I would like to use some kind of initiator, but will not work below: Internal condom INDEX_NAME = i ++; Internal command INDEX_FIRSTNAME = i ++; Internal content INDEX_CITY = i ++; I can convert Constast to read only and start it in a stable constructor, but it means that the initialization of two lines for initialization (does not look really good ). What would be a clean, easy way to do this? The best answer is probably suggested as a enum . enum index: int {name = 0, first name, city, // ... le...

node.js - NPM Install / Authy API TypeError in NodeJS -

I have installed on my NodesJS app and as long as I'm not coming up with these big wrong messages, good was working. Inside the plugin I think this copy module is missing, but npm install copy npm update copy did not help. [Type error: object function (comparative) {for (var i = 0; i & lt; this.length; i ++) {if (comparative (this [i])) True back; } return false; } There is no way to 'copy' TypeError: Object function (comparative) {for (var i = 0; i & lt; this.length; i ++) {if (comparative (this [i])) return true; } return false; } There is no method 'copy on the message coming in. & Lt; Anonymous & gt; (/home/.../node_modules/authy-node/authy.js:166:13) at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (events.js: 117: 20) at _stream_readable.js: 920: 16 on args. (Anonymous function) (/home/.../node_modules/nodetime/lib/core/proxy.js:131:20) on the process. _com callback (node ​​.js: 415: 13) Is this possible copy not being installed correctly ...? ...

How do you set a variable defined as the base class type to a derived type instance in Scala? -

In Java, I can declare a variable as a base class type, and in a derivative type of example I can set: Public class MyClass {base foo; Public Null Method () {foo = new derived ()}} I class class class received by MyClass {var foo: Base = _ // Carefully, this is empty unless it starts the DRIT method () = {foo = becomes new}}

javascript - How to run PHP database operation on page click? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब मुझे एक समस्या थी। I केवल जब मैं एक बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं लेकिन बिना क्लिक किए एक क्वेरी करना चाहता हूं, यह क्वेरी है कि कोड है: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; prova del metodo पोस्ट ट्रामैट जावास्क्रिप्ट & lt; / title & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; फ़ंक्शन scriviSQL () {document.write ("& lt;? Php $ con = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root'); अगर (! $ Con) {die ('कनेक्ट नहीं किया जा सकता है:'। Mysql_error ());} Mysql_select_db ('provadidb', $ con); $ sql = 'प्रवेस्ट (कॉग्निओम, नोम) वैल्यू ("प्रोद्ग्जिकोगोनोम", "प्रोवाडीनोम");' माइस्क्ल_क्वेरी ($ sql, $ con); mysql_close ($ con) में शामिल करें; ? & gt; "); } & Lt; / script & gt; & Lt; button id = "conferma" onClick = "scriviSQL ();" & gt; कॉन्टिनिया & lt; / button & gt; मैंने इसे शरीर या सिर में रख...

C - getting pressed KeyCode (NOT stdio) -

I am trying to write a small program (in C), which writes every pressed key I txt -file (and yes, this is a keylogger). But I do not want to use stdio, because I have FreeConsole (); . #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; Windows.h & gt; Int main () {char c; Int i = 0; FILE * datei; Datei = fopen ("test.txt", "w +"); If (dated == faucet) exhaust (1); FreeConsole (); While (1) {c = ???}; // get the key code for the pressed key fprintf (datei, "% c", c); If (c = 27) {break; } Printf ("% c", c); } Fclose (datei); Return (0); } Hope I made it clear ( asha ) Thank you! :) You can not do this with standard libraries I / O functions, which are standard library Specified in the FILE * , their data is found in the standard input ( stdin ). In this way, it is not necessary to connect the standard input to the terminal, so that you can get the actual keystroke. You will need to see your operating system's ...

python - Unexpected behavior in pandas mad() with groupby() -

मान लें कि मैं एक डेटाफ्रेम बनाऊँगा: में [1]: df = pd.DataFrame ({'A': [1,1,1,2,2,2], 'बी': [1,2,3,4,5,6]}) अगर मैं उस डेटाफ़्रेम के समूहीकृत संस्करण पर अधिकतर आंकड़े करता हूं, तो वे अपेक्षित रूप से आते हैं: में [2]: df.groupby ('a')। Median () आउट [2] : 1 2 2 5 लेकिन जब मैं औसत पूर्ण विचलन (पागल) की गणना करता हूं, मुझे एक अतिरिक्त कॉलम 'ए' मिलता है, जो सभी शून्य है: में [3]: df.groupby ('a')। पागल () आउट [3]: aba 1 0 0.666667 2 0 0.666667 पागल () फ़ंक्शन एक सामान्य डेटाफ्रेम पर ठीक काम करते हैं, बस पर समूहीकृत नहीं किया गया जब तक यह एक विशेषता नहीं है, बग नहीं है, और मैं इसे समझ नहीं पाया। विचार: यह एक बग है, जिसे 0.14 के लिए तय किया गया है (जल्द ही रिलीज़ हो रहा है), देखें। बग यह है कि गैर-साइथोनियाकृत दिनचर्या प्रभावी रूप से `` एग्रीजी की बजाय लागू करें कॉल कर रहे हैं। काम के आसपास करना है: Df.groupby ('a')। एजीजी (लैम्ब्डा x: x.mad ())

scala - String interpolator with variable -

Assume that I want to create a still string, I can do this s "" 123 "" , but if 123 is already defined in the variable [result] val result = "123" I have not been, I do not know whether there is a syntax for combining S (interpolator) with string variable or for static text only? The whole point of the string projection is to do this. scala & gt; Val result = "123" result: string = 123 scale & gt; S "this -> $ result" res0: string = this -> 123

objective c - Drag and drop table view controller into view controller -

I am using Xcode 5 and IOS SDK 7.1 and after a tutorial that says you will see a table view The controller should drag and drop a view controller as shown below. However, when I view the View Controller Drag and drop it, the table does not accept view controller and the icon (table view controller) now goes back to its original state in the object library. I tried to complete zooming but it does not solve the problem. It seems that the problem you have is that when you want a tutorial that you UITableView , you're trying to drag the UITableViewController is a difference.

c++ - Does not name a type error is due to existing enum, but why? -

I'm just getting this error: "Error: 'symbol is not a type of name" I got some other stack overflow questions that talked about circular dependence, but this is not the case here. In fact, I can reproduce it by putting it at the top of the source file: class symbol {int dummy;}; // class symbol {int then;}; Icon Global_Simbol; It returns "error: 'symbol' not a type of name for type 3 'If I repeat the second line, then I still get this error, but before that That's what I found now: "Error: redefining 'class symbol' !! !! After a lot of poking around it, it is a enum in a third party library where the symbol is defined. Neither the library uses my own code, the namespace, so if my code was taken inside the namespace, it was already on my to-do list. I do the next work and hopefully the problem is far Will run. > But what makes me say that I did not get an error on the line class symbol {}? If it fights with an enu...

python - How to add help_text to display as input value? -

I would like to get help_text declared in my form class to render inside the HTML form element Instead of the default of DJGengo, which displays it as a separate element, specially, help_text for the Tedarea field will need to go between the opening and closing HTML tags and input fields, help_text to value = attribute - basically, by changing: tex T = forms.CharField (widget = forms.Textarea (attrs = {'class': 'form-control', 'rows': 2}), help_text = "some help text") image = outline (widget = forms. Text input (Ethers = {'class': 'form-control'}), help_text = "more help text") In:: & lt ; Textarea class = "form-control" id = "id_text" name = "text" rows = "2" & gt; Some help text & lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; Input class = "form-control" id = "id_image" name = "image" value = "more help text" & gt; As su...