c# - Create an array with Columns? -

I am creating a multithrred application that processes data very quickly, so fast I realized That windows can not control, and will create issues.
So my new solution is that I'm going to store results in an array and update a ListBox or ListView at the end.

Now my question is:

In my application, the user enters my application in the list box and checks for these items.

How do I create an array with a column for each value in the listboxes, adding column names to column headers (I'm guessing that this is the first value form for each column Add to).

The thing is that it will be impossible to tell the quantity of rows before hand, so it will need to support any amount.

Is this a practical idea, and if someone can help me do this?

I suggest going with a DataTable because this data structure Is well-aligned with a database and it performs well with a large number of rows - which is designed for the type of it, it will allow you to apply a layer of structure to your data Also allows you to enter list or array (under DataTable is not more than an array, so the performance will be comparable).


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