c# - Hardcoded index for array access -

I have an array in which the data is in a specific order, I usually encode the index to not be too confused. :

  public class MyClass {private redone String [] data = new string [DATA_LENGHT]; Internal cone INDEX_NAME = 00; Internal content INDEX_FIRSTNAME = 01; Internal content INDEX_CITY = 02; ... internal constate DATA_LENGHT = XX; }  

But to maintain this way is boring. If I want to put a new data on index 0, then I have to manually replace all the later index xx.

I would like to use some kind of initiator, but will not work below:

  Internal condom INDEX_NAME = i ++; Internal command INDEX_FIRSTNAME = i ++; Internal content INDEX_CITY = i ++;  

I can convert Constast to read only and start it in a stable constructor, but it means that the initialization of two lines for initialization (does not look really good ).

What would be a clean, easy way to do this?

The best answer is probably suggested as a enum .

  enum index: int {name = 0, first name, city, // ... length}  

Another solution will increase the previous value .

  Internal const int INDEX_NAME = 0; Internal const int INDEX_FIRSTNAME = INDEX_NAME + 1; Internal const int INDEX_CITY = INDEX_FIRSTNAME + 1;  


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