ocaml - Frama-C Gui on mavericks not working -

Has anyone set up Fremma on a Maverix? Because I can not install it or do not know how to install it (GUI version)!

I have already established Ocoml on your PC, but went must install these libraries me version: Gtk, GtkSourceView, GNOME Kanwas and Lagget 2.

So I saw the previous post and done:

  to export PKG_CONFIG_PATH install = / opt / local / lib / pkgconfig pseudo port, Ever 'fram-c Faced with the problem of making ": > 
  Okailk src / logic / property_status.cmo file" src / logic / property_status.ml ", line 1444, characters 4-2027: error: Signature mismatch: ... Values ​​do not match: val vertex_attributes: V - - [[Gt; `color of int. |` String label | `size [& gt;` `box |` diamond] | | | Style of [& gt; `bold | | loaded] list |` float width] The list does not include Val Warteks_attigutejh: Vt - & gt; Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.vertex list file "src / logic / property_status.ml", line 1479, characters 16-33: actual announcement: *** [src / Logic / property_status.cmo] error 2  

How am I able to solve this?

I have successfully used frama-c neon to get all dependence on Mayerac and using the decoction to use the source code. If you try to use the brow, you should install lablgtk from this repository () and install only after all other dependencies so that the command (in the source folder) to be installed with a GUI is:

  screwdriver set Ocoml Bru install gtk brew install gtksourceview install Bru gnomecanvasmm gnomecanvas brew tap mht208 / formal brew lmht208 / formal / lablgtk -with-gnomecanvas -with-gtksourceview2. You can also configure OkmailGraph with Opum, and you can compile the list and install it in your system. 


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