IIS - ARR to perform authentication -

Is it possible to get the following scenario with the IIS-ARR combination? Or with any additional development.

DMZ has a front end web server (reverse proxy type), which will authenticate (and authorize if possible) and then request the internal network with the respective application server.

Any suggestions / ideas will really be helpful.

You can raise query string value by adding value to "equal to true / true" query string value Use ARR to do - If Authorized Server is authorized for the farm = Wrong way, then send the same URL to the authorization process. The query string is authorized = true that will route the "live" server farm.

Of course you might want to use some other value from "authorized" in the sound text in your URL!

You can probably do the same thing in the header, you can manipulate the header in ARR using APCMD. The schema for ARR is in C: \ Windows \ system32 \ inetsrv \ config \ schema \ arr_schema.xml file If you check this schema, you will see where the header element is.



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