
Showing posts from May, 2015

java - Why is not border of custom tab overlays standard tab border in JTabbedPane? -

After text The limit of your custom tab component does not cover the same limit on the tab. Run this demo instead of seeing my limit is just around the text of the tab: Public class TabBoundsDemo extends JTabbedPane {borderlineBorder = BorderFactory CreateLineBorder (Color.RED, 2); Public tabbeddom () {super, (TOP, WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT); For (int i = 0; i So I want my red border to be in place of the standard tab limit. For now, it's just around the title. Thank you! After the text "itemprop =" text "> added the following code constructor simply" super (top, wrap_tabout_ULUUT); " And we know that if it helps) go setUI (New BasicTabbedPaneUI () {@Override zero installDefaults protected ({super.installDefaults (; lighted =; lightHighlight =; Shadow = Color. Raid; Dark Shadow = Color. Second, Focus = Color. Yellow;}});

ios - displaying an array of high scores -

I'm still quite new to Objective-C and I'm making a final project for my class. What I want to do, NSUser reads the array of 3 high scores from the default and is displayed on the first screen. This is my code self.backgroundColor = [SKColor colorWithRed: 0.15 green: 0.15 blue: 0.3 alpha: 1.0]; NSUserDefaults * defaults = [NSUserDefaults Standard User Default]; NSArray * HighScore = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: [defaults arrayForKey: @ "HighScore"]]; SKLabelNode * myLabel = [SKLabelNode labeled NodeWith fonts nominated: @ "Chuckster"]; MyLabel.text = @ "high score \ n 1)% f \ n 2)% f \ n 3)% F", highscore (0), highscore (1), highscore (2); // error on myLabel.fontSize = 30 this line; MyLabel.position = CP pointmaking (CGRactGetMIDX (self-frame), CGRactgetMediaWeave (self frame)); [Self linking child: myLabel]; When I try to cross the highscores, I get an error that the NSArrays function or function numbers are not Edit the line ...

Send push notifications through Rails to Android -

रेल बैकएंड पर निम्न कोड है: जीसीएम = जीसीएम.न्यू ( मैं Google कंसोल डेवलपर से API_KEY लेता हूं, टोकन एंड्रॉइड डिवाइस से लिया गया है: GoogleCloudMessaging जीसीएम = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance (mContext); स्ट्रिंग डिवाइसटोकन = जीसीएम.रिजिस्टर (PROJECT_NUMBER); और एंड्रॉइड प्रसारण रिसीवर के लिए कुछ कोड हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग जीएसएमब्रास्टकास्ट रिसेवर ब्रॉडकास्ट रिसीवर का विस्तार करता है {सार्वजनिक रिक्त पर प्रतिक्रिया (संदर्भ संदर्भ, आशय का इरादा) {टोस्ट मेकटेक्स्ट (संदर्भ, "123", टोस्ट। एलएनएनएचएच_एलओजी)। दिखाएं (); लॉग.ई ("जीसीएम_प्रस्पंस", "111"); }} और मेरी एंड्रॉइड मैनिफेस्ट: & lt; उपयोग-एसडीके एंड्रॉइड: minSdkVersion = "14" एंड्रॉइड: targetSdkVersion = "14" / & gt; & Lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" / & gt; & Lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" / & gt; & Lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "androi...

iframe - ifram and embed tag is not working on wordpress blog -

I'm new friends here I have a little problem. I can just create a new blog on WordPress Free I want to broadcast a live channel when it tries to include the "iframe" tag, it is automatically removed. And then try the "Embed" tag I searched for the solution but could not find any solution. Everybody refers to the plugin, but in Free WordPress we can not add the plugin is there any way?? Please help

css3 - How do I keep parentheses of SASS / SCSS mixin? -

I am trying to create a SCSS mix for a CSS Transformation and I want to pass in logic. However, when a variable is used the parentheses of my position value are removed. It should be compiled once: conversion: translateX (-100px); My Mix: @MixinFedUp ($ direction, $ value) {conversion: translation # {$ direction} ($ value); } when called: Include @edepup (X, 100px); which unfortunately outputs: conversion: translateX 100px; So the cells around the value of 100px are missing, and so this will not work. Any ideas how can I keep brackets? I think that you unquote to help keep it with () ... something should work like this: @MixinFedUp ($ direction, $ value) {conversion: conversion Do # $ $ direction} unquote ("(" # {$ value} ")"); } .foo {@include fadeup (X, 100px); } .bar {@ Fadeup (Y, 100px) included; } Compiled for: .foo {conversion: translateX (100px); } Bar {Transformation: Translator Y (100px); }

python - Select rectangle interactively and obtain corner coods opencv -

I am trying to realize the virtualized partition, with opencv and functions available from the implementation. In the code as shown here import as NP import cv2 from matplotlib import pipette as plt img = cv2.imread ('messi5.jpg ') Mask = np.zeros (img.shape [: 2], Np.uint8) bgdModel = np.zeros ((1,65), np.float64) fgdModel = np.zeros ((1,65), np. Float64) rect = (5050450,290) cv2.grabCut (IMG), Mask, Racket, BGD MODEL, FGD Model, 5, CV2. GcinidiWTNIT) Mask2 = NP where ((mask == 2) | (mask == 0), 0,1). STCPEE ('UIT8') IMG = IMG * Mask 2 [:,:, np.newaxis] plt.imshow (img), plt.colorbar (), () However, as you can see in the code, rectangular coordinates are hard coded I want to select a rectangle by interaction by displaying the input image and using the rectangle corner of the rectangle for further processing. There's something very new for both Python and OpenCivi. I'm trying here, but there is a lot of help you need to thank in advance. ...

objective c - How to remove array object from for loop -

Please help me I was stuck when I deleted the object from the array. for (IDR obj in self.arrSavedImage) {class class = [obj class]; Id newObj = [[CLS Alok] init]; // UIImage * img = zero; If ([New Oscillation Off Class: [UIImage class]]) {NSLog (@ "Class Type% @", [New Oz Class]); } And {{self. RRSVI Image Removal Object: OBG]; }} Thanks. You should not remove objects from an orange that you are enumerating on the list of those objects better The ones that you want to delete, and then delete them when you enumerate the original array: NSMutableArray * toDelete = [NSMutableArray new]; For (id. Obj in self.arrSavedImage) {class class = [obj class]; Id newObj = [[CLS Alok] init]; If ([New Oscillation Off Class: [UIImage class]]) {NSLog (@ "Class Type% @", [New Oz Class]); } Other {[toDelete addObject: obj]; }} (ToDelete in IDE obj) [self. Remove RRSV Image Object: obj];

WebClient DownloadString keeping connection open (VB.NET) -

I am using a WebClient object and method download string to obtain some information from a site. The issue I am encountering is the server that runs on this program, which is closed only in 80, while the inital is open for a short time after connection. This means, if the site takes a small amount of time to get data and send it back, then it works correctly if it takes a few minutes to get data and to send it back, it will fail. Is it possible to keep the connection open? Or alternatively, is it possible to use a separate port for webcorts? Thanks Using WC as a new webclick httpAuthentication then WC.Credentials = New Network Credentials (Me.httpUsername, Me.httpPassword) End if Dim String = WC as response. Using downloading (Me.uploadUrl) ending

properties - What does this line of javascript mean? -

I hope to learn some things in retina.js Opened, but I've been stumped on the first line. var root = (typeof export === 'undefined'? Window: export); What does this line actually do? forward down, function retina () {} root.Retina = Retina; How was the retinal property established without root before it was defined? typeof is the operator, which is used on a variable, Which is not defined at all, will still give the result in the value 'undefined' . Expression: (typeof export === 'undefined'? Window: export) Checks whether export window (global object in the browser), and if this happens, then the result of export (exporting) A standard name for things [type] from module - see) As a result, the route is assigned. If you were thinking about conditional operators, var d = a? B: C; is equal to or equal to var d; If (A) {D = B; } And {d = c; } As root.Retina = Retina; For JavaScript, like all other propertie...

oracle11g - Create DB from scratch using dump without system tablespace -

I have this scenario: Oracle 11g with ASM A few days ago, instead of the disk where the system's table space data files were broken and there was no way to recover them. I had dump all the data of all owners except the system user with the "exp". Can I format all the tools and recreate asm_disksgroup and asm_disks and import my dumps? Is there any way to rebuild DB with the use of that dump without system data? Thank you! Yes, after you re-create the asm diskgroup, you can reload your data You can create an empty database and import expansion dumps for. Loading system while data is being loaded

hook - Emacs: Update git-gutter annotations when staging or unstaging changes in magit-status buffer -

I use to view changes in version-controlled files, and magit staging / Doing for Dieting / Diffing etc. When I work on a project, I usually open a maget-status window all the time. The problem I have is that when I make changes to buffer in maget-status and then show the file whose status I update now, created by Fringe Annotation git-gutter are not automatically adjusting ( Cx to save the file after Backspace is my current solution for triggering an update. , But it is not very efficient.) I looked at git-gutter.el , and provides a customizable variable to ensure that the Git-gutter: update-hooks is called (later-save-hook-after-back-hook window-configuration-change-hook) by default So I really need to add the right hook in this list and I would love to go Walking while switching windows What is Hook's name? I have seen different sections of the Ellip Manual and I can not find what I am looking for. Edit : If alternatively, Megit provi...

python - Sqlalchemy from_statement() cannot locate column -

I am following the sqlalchemy tutorial However, instead of using a SQLite backend , I'm using MySQL The problem is that when I try to perform a textual MySQL statement to select a column from the user table, such as select name from users; This will fail NoSuchColumnError: "Column can not be found in column for column ''" While selecting from a users are working fine. class user (base): __tablename__ = 'users' id = column (integer, primary_key = true) name = column (string (50)) full name = column (String (50)) password = column (string (50)) def __repr __ (self): return "& lt; user (name = '% s', fullname = '% s', password = '% s') The session is defined as session (, self.fullname, self.password) : session = Session maker (bind = engine) session = session () and I am trying to do session.query (using ) .from_statement (Select from users') By the way, this state...

excel - Saving a different workbook that is opened -

I have a workbook (workbook.exml) which I open. On opening, this workbook b. XMSM opens 'Workbook A. To open XLSM Private Sub Workbook 'WBB WB' as a wordbook application. Wordbook application. Screenupdating = fault set wb = workbook Open (filename: = "C: \ WorkbookB.XML") After opening "B", a script is called, which also closes the timer. Script B replaces some data on A I want to add something after the script has been asked to automatically save the workbook AXML (without any prompt). 'WorkbookB This workbook code of XMLMy personal sub workbook_US () call script 'workbook and search for something here to save everyone' Since you know the name of the workbook that you want saved ("Workbook A. XLSX"), you can refer directly to the method of saving it: workbooks ("workbook.exlsx").

c# - how to update Normalize table USING GRIDVIEW -

मेरे नाम के साथ दो सामान्यीकृत टेबल हैं डिवीजन और विभाग । डिवीजन में कॉलम { DivisionId और DivisionName } और विभाग होते हैं { विभागआदेश, विभागनाम और DevisionId }। मुझे ग्रिडव्यू का उपयोग करके विभाग तालिका को अपडेट करना होगा। यह मेरे द्वारा कैसे हो सकता है ? क्योंकि जब मैं ग्रिडव्यू के लिए डेटा स्रोत देता हूं, मैं DivisionName DevisionId के कारण तालिका विभाग में पाया नहीं जा सकता। क्या किसी को ऐसा अनुभव है कृपया? कृपया मुझे कोडिंग या संकेत में सहायता करें कि मैं सामान्यीकृत तालिका को कैसे ग्रिडव्यू का उपयोग कर अद्यतन कर सकता हूं। आप इस उद्देश्य के लिए INNER JOIN का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। डिवीजन का चयन करें। * विभाग, डिपार्टमेंट पर डिवीजन इन डिवीजन डिवीजनआईडी = डिपार्टमेंट डिविजनआईडी

javascript - Fullcalendar ResourceDay view -

क्या जर्नोक के पूर्ण कैलेंडर्स फोर्क में "रिसोर्सडय" दृश्य में "ऑलडे" इवेंट्स को देखने का एक तरीका है? क्योंकि अब, मैं सभी घटनाओं को देख सकता हूं जो दिन "पास" करता है, लेकिन घटनाओं को एक दिन में परिभाषित नहीं करता है, जो कि "allday" के साथ सच है। मदद के लिए धन्यवाद।

java - Local File Access via Web-Application -

I have a web application that wants to get the ability to read files from a specific directory on user PC (and Through some files, this file can be sent to remote DB) - and vice versa, get this file from the remote file and write it on the users PC in this specific directory. Apart from the applet, what are some common / safe ways to achieve this? Unfortunately, it is not possible to use a web-application. The browser will not allow this - because it represents a security violation on the client side. You will need explicit permission from the user to upload a file to the server - most web-application files use the upload mechanism - that is manual process. Although you can use HTML5 web storage, which is similar to cookies, but allows the browser to store key value pairs. What I think is an applet Java program that is running out of the browser on the client machine - which is why it is able to read / write the local machine. Hope this will be helpful.

hadoop - Unable to connect to database on host '' from host ' -

I have installed the Cloudera Manager server while configuring the database setup of the embedded database, the error is given below: Using the provided credentials, the host is unable to connect to the host named '' on the host at the host Here is my DBMMT properties. The host name was not recognized. Login as: Password of root root@ Last Login: Monday April 28 14:29:55 from 2014 n1. .com [root @ namenode ~] # vi /etc/cloudera-scm-server/ 20140424-144947 in database for database created by "claudera-scm" Credentials are server-DB "for Claudera manager management services, can be used during the installation wizard if the embedded database is taken root. The source of truth for these settings is the Claudera Manager database and changes made here are not automatically reflected here. Comkcluderakkmf.aktivitimonitrkdbktaip = Postgreskl Comkcluderakkmf.aktivitimonitrkdbkhost = http: //nmenodektrunkcom: ...

bash - finding particular word in each line and display result in unix shell scripting -

I want to see the appearance of any word like raj or rohit (Ignoring case) in the form of an independent word in each line of the file. If the match is found then pass the "MILLE" and if not otherwise the other file "can not be found", so there should be entries for each line. Example Say Input File ( input.txt ) Secrets Output file (like file.out ) former> found found #! Awk -f {print / \ & lt; (Raj | Rohit) \ & gt; /? "Found": "not found"}

python - Pandas Dataframe - find sums in column B across each label in column A -

We say that we have the following data: ... col1 col2 col3 I want to use Python Panda to find duplicate entries (in column 1) and add them on column 2 basis. . In Python I will do something like: l = [('A', 1), ('A', 2), ('B', 3 )] D: [i [0]] = i [1] and: d [i [0]] = d [i [i [i] 0]]] + I [1] print (d) then the result will be: {'A': 3, 'B': 3 } What is the purpose of using pandals to do the same thing? Use: in [2]: import pandas In [2]: df = pandas.DataFrame ({"col1": ["a", "a", "b"], "cola 2": [1,2,3]}) [3]: df .groupby ("col1") Sum () out [3]: col2 in Col1 a 3 b 3 [4]: ​​df .groupby ("col1"). Sum () Reset_index () Out [4]: ​​col1 col2 one 3 1b3 [2 row x 2 column]

php - Only show line of code on a specific page -

I have a group of different menu pages (using custom fields) for a local restaurant and only one PDF menu One of these pages I want to show is trying to add a line of code in the templates for menu pages which only appears on the page with 'Slug' wine-list. Here's what I have done, but it does not work: & lt ?? Php if (is_single ('wine-list')) {echo & lt; A href = "LINK-TO-PDF.pdf" target = "_ blank" & gt; See our complete wine list & lt; / A & gt; '; } And {}? & Gt; If & lt; Use php if (is_page ('wine-list')) {echo & lt; A href = "LINK-TO-PDF.pdf" target = "_ blank" & gt; See our full wine list & lt; / A & gt; '; } And {}? & Gt; - Encountering "the system cannot find the file specified" when running a certain command -

This is a problem I've never seen before. Whenever I run a certain command in my application, I get an error: The file or assembly 'CADB.Data' could not be loaded The system did not find the file specified. When I run the command in the debugger, I do not get this error. The system successfully completes the process; it only occurs when I created it. Exe running .exe in my debug folder contains all the necessary DLL (Copy Local = True) problem DLL (CADB.Data). When the system runs this command, it is under impersonation. I have full access to the cloned user in a folder in the debug folder (contains .exe and DLL). I've checked access to the security tab of the file properties, and the user has full access to the folder and CADB.Data.dll. However, I get an error message when I run the program through another folder on which the cloned user does not have access, I get a slightly different error: The file or the assembly 'CADB.Data' Can not load The en...

How do you create a pointer to an object property in javascript? -

यदि मेरे पास एक वस्तु है: obj = {a: {ए: 1}, बी: 2}; और मैं शॉर्टकट वेरिएबल (obj.a.aa को पॉइंटर) इस तरह से बनाना चाहूंगा: x = obj.a.aa; और फिर मैं मान 3 को obj.a.aa जैसे एक्स का उपयोग करना चाहता हूँ: x = 3; // मैं obj.a.aa के लिए अब बराबर 3 console.log (obj.a.aa) चाहते हैं; // 1 (मुझे 3 चाहिए) मैं obj.a.aa में जा रहा मूल्य 3 में परिणाम के लिए कैसे x सेट कर सकता हूँ? मुझे लगता है कि obj .a.aa एक आदिम है, लेकिन मैं एक वैरिएबल कैसे परिभाषित कर सकता हूँ जो उस बिंदु को इंगित करता है जिसे मैं संपत्ति के लिए एक मान निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए उपयोग कर सकता हूं? आप x = मान का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि इससे कोई संदर्भ नहीं होगा, केवल एक प्रति ऐसा करने के लिए आपको मूल शाखा का संदर्भ देना होगा: x = obj.a; फिर मान सेट करें: x.aa = 3;

oracle - Is int an undocumented alias for numeric? -

This code runs without any errors: DECLARE files int (5); Select files from start (*) files from ODP; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (files); End; / What is a int for non-documentary aliases? int - ANSI SQL data type There is a synonym for. If you see the declaration of the standard package, you will see that the integer is only a type of number that has been declared Subtype is INTEGER NUMBER (38,0); Just put, int is a distracted number data type, which allows you, as it stands for, only integer To archive

c# - How to use Message Box in -

I am trying to show a message box to the user where the message box can either choose yes or no; If they choose yes then I want to call some functions and if they do not choose any one, I want to call any other function. This is not what's in my code now. Please help me here. My code is: Protected Zero Test () {string ID = ddlPr.SelectedValue; String PRACTICE_TYPE = DDL_TYPE.SelectedValue; (Using SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection (strConnString)) (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ()) {cmd.Connection = con; Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; Cmd.CommandText = "Selection Number (*) from [DA2]. [QPMS]. [QPMS_RESPONSE] where id = @ id"; Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ ID", ID); Con.Open (); Int result = (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar (); If (result & gt; = 1) {// If the user chooses, I want to call some functions if I select the user, then I want to call any other function. String myscript = "alert ('message');"; Page Client script. Registr...

c++ - How to set, for each raster band, the min and max color values (using GDAL) -

Using GDAL in MSVS (C ++), I have successfully created a multiband raster image, but I do not know how to setup (for each) band) At the minimum and maximum color scale, I can open the image in my QGIS application and open the image with a proper color scale Anyone How does this know the code? Thanks in advance! Calculate the statistics of each raster band; See for more information.

html - Putting a heading on a table -

This is my code: I am trying to put a title at the top of my table Which is spread all over the way, I thought it was the way to do it. & lt; Table id = "my-table" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Test & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Span class = "lrg" & gt; 10 & lt; / Span & gt; 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; Span class = "lrg" & gt; 7 & lt; / Span & gt; 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; Span class = "lrg" & gt; 3 & lt; / Span & gt; 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; Span class = "lrg" & gt; 1 & lt; / Span & gt; 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; What is the correct approach? Try: & lt; Table id = "my-table" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th colspan = "4" & gt; Test & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; /...

PyQt define maxlength of a label -

PyQt4 में एक लेबल की अधिकतम लंबाई कैसे सेट करें? self.ui.labelxyz .maxlength (15) इसके लिए सही कमांड नहीं है। तरह का संबंध; आप self.ui.labelxyz.maximumWidth () के साथ अधिकतम लंबाई की जांच कर सकते हैं या इसे इस तरह सेट करें: self.ui.labelxyz.setMaximumWidth (15) अधिकतम Width: int यह गुण पिक्सेल में विजेट की अधिकतम चौड़ाई रखता है यह प्रॉपर्टी अधिकतम साइज़ प्रॉपर्टी द्वारा आयोजित चौड़ाई से मेल खाती है। डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से, इस प्रॉपर्टी में 16777215 का मान होता है। एक्सेस फ़ंक्शंस: int maxWidth () const शून्य सेटमक्सियमव्यूडथ (इक्सट्यूएम अधिकतम)

html - CSS Float elements -

I think it can be asked many times, but I have searched in the forum and I do not know the case Answer for. I have some div's "containers" and some div's "items", they start all the elements, and I want every "container" below the previous one I know that without using floats on the container I can achieve this but I thought : after and clear: would be enough Why does not this work? My code: & lt ;! Doctype html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = ". / Style2.css" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Header & gt; & Lt; / Header & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "item" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "item" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "item...

php - Resend the request page -

Hello I'm trying to resend the page that requested. I have tried to do this Anything can happen: You are on a page and you click on a link, it The link sends some information to my controller who validates it, but when it reaches the controller, it recognizes that if all the functions are valid, but if it is invalid, then reload the page with a message Have to do. Please help some things that I have tried to do. Return $ this-> Redirect ($ -> generate ($ request- & gt; receive ('_ path'), $ request-> query- & gt; all ())); Return $ Reaction - & gt; GetContext () - & gt; GetController () - & gt; Redirect ($ request- & gt; getUri ()); $ This-> Container-> Obtain ('request') return - & gt; GetPathInfo (); etc. Please help me with this.

wordpress - WPML - How navigate throught untranslated content, keeping current language value -

I have a bilingual (English / French) website. My custom post type and custom classification, with 'nothing' in their translation option, this is a decision that has not been translated to this topic and I want to keep it this way. I was expecting the content to be available in English and the French version of the site, but this is not the case. Content is always visible in the default language version of the site. Just talking to WPML support, just confirm my problem and they always use the default language for 'nothing' content. I think if I ? Lang = fr url, the content is displayed in the French version of the site My question is: How can I find out that 'Do nothing' in content, is the basis on url? For these materials, do I 'url my URL? How can I add lang = fr? Is it possible to do this without slowing down the site? Thank you, If you can guess, you can use a few concepts for custom post type and custom: ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ...

mongodb - Updating presentation layer when the mongo document changes -

I have a list of dogs in a table with the underlying dog model and the collection of dogs. When I change the name of a dog's document in the Mongo collection, I want to show the name of the new dog without updating the table list item and refreshing the page. I thought this was going to happen when you can get table row items to update when you change model ?? Start the: function () {} default: {_id: null, DogName: "",}}}); Window.DogCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend ({Model: dog, url: "/ dogs / user /",}); Window.DogListView = Backbone.View.extend ({initialize: function () {this.listenTo (this.model, 'change', this.render); this.render ();}, render: function () {var dogs = This.model.models; $ (this.el) .html (for this.template ()); (var i = 0; i & lt; dogs.length; i ++) {this. $ ('# DogsTable tbody '.append ({Model: dog [i], no: i + 1} .render () .l);} this. $ (' # Dogs'). DataTable ({"BitWood": False, "I...

ruby on rails - Flickr API not returning correct photos when searching by tags -

is a Ruby on Rails app I use that gem Flikra ask the Flickr API. I'm using a tag as well as "extras" owner, name, date-date, and I am saying to the land back described: When I I do my user_id hard work so it gives me my photo tag. I am searching. When I work hard, my friend user_id returns images that tag with the same tag. When I remove user_id completely, it returns 3 images which are more than 2 years old, but not our images. Why are not our images returned? We have checked the privacy settings and all our photos are publicly available "Block Search" option is closed. We've added 2 weeks ago photos and tags and they are not visible, Flickr had removed two weeks' time to index your photos? Class ApplicationController & lt; ActionController :: Base # Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception. For # API, you might want to use it: null_session instead required with :: exception def get_flickr_list 'flickraw...

fortran loop a list of 2D arrays using pointers -

I have allocated a lot of 2D arrays in my code, and I want to assign an array to each array Let's read from the name from the file. The problem is that the size of each array is different, so I am searching the most effective way. Code is like this: Use the module exam ... contained a private public :: Initial test, real real (type = 8), dimension (:, :), allocated, target :: Ar1, ar2, ar3, ar4, ar5, ..., ar10 real (type = 8), dimension (:, :), indicator :: page included! Substantian startup integer :: k1, k2, k3, k4, k5 integer :: ind 1, ind2 object (ar1 (k1, k1), ar2 (k1, k2), ar3 (k2, k4), ar4 (k5, k5) ) ...)! Variable size! Automation is required here - its repeated PAR = & gt; Ar1 ind1 = Size (PAR, 1) Ind 2 = Size (PAR, 2) Call ref File (Equals, Ind 1, Ind 2) PAR => Ar2 ind1 = Size (PAR, 1) Ind 2 = Size (PAR, 2) Call ref File (Equal, Ind 1, Ind 2)! .... AR3, ..., AR 9 PAR => Ar10 ind1 = Size (PAR, 1) Ind 2 = Size (PAR, 2) Call ref File (Equal, Ind 1, Ind 2) En...

php forking child process to execute infinte loops -

I am relatively new to PHP, but I can do programs in other languages ​​(JS, Java, C / C ++) I can. I have a problem and I do not seem to be able to solve, so I hope someone can help me here :) I created a server_class.php file which is the connection between multiple customers Manage. Customers connect to the PHP server via the web when I launch server_class.php, then it executes two applications (they are in endless loops) and print data to the terminal. When a client connects to the PHP server, I want the server to start sending the output of each application to each customer, so that customers can see the current output of each application. I have partially acquired it, however, it only sends the output of one application and not the second. The work given below is executed when a connection is made between the server and the client: the private function is current ($ client) {$ this-> Output ("Start client process"); $ Pid = pcntl_fork (); If ($ pid == -1) {...

javascript - Refactoring recursive function -

I have tried many times to use iterate instead of recursive, but I can not wrap my head around it . Maybe it is something to do with recursion happening within a loop, even just the pseudo code would also be greatly appreciated. var getElementAndDescendants = function (L) {var docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment (); Var children = el.parentElement.querySelectorAll ("tr [data-patented = '" + el.getAttribute ("data-meridia") + "']"); DocFrag.appendChild (L); Var len = children.length; {DocFrag.appendChild (getElementAndDescendants (children [index]) for (Var index = 0; index & lt; index; ++); } Return docFrag; }; Update: This is a small piece of a larger function that tries to solve a pseudo-tree in the DOM, which is made up of TR children who are similar to children. The table contains. Each of those children can have their own children. The solution ends as a recursive function within which there is a recursive function that you se...

php - how to get correct data from this array? -

This answer may seem simple but I am new to PHP and to spend so much time trying to figure out Ho. My array looks like this: $ phone_number [] = array ("type" => gt; "home", "value" => Customer_phone); And I also have it: $ client = array ("first_name" => $ first_name, "phone_numbers" => $ Phone_number, "email" = & gt; $ email, I want to retrieve the numbers for each customer. I have tried to: value );} But it gives me an error. It says that I am trying to get non-object property, and then it Whenever I use it: var_dump ($ customer_entries [$ J] -> phone_number; This gives me something like this: array (1) {[0] = & gt; Object (StdClass) # 744 (2) {["type"] = & Gt; String (4) "Home" ["value"] = & gt; string (14) "(555) 555-5555"}} How do I get the result of a string named "value"? Thank you. $ customer_entr...

Add done() function in jquery plugin to wait until animation finishes -

मेरी समस्या तब होती है जब मैं एक जोड़ता हूं: .done (function () {innerDef .resolve ();}); "एनीमेट" फ़ंक्शन में यह काम नहीं करता, जैसे मैं चाहता था। मुझे एक्शन खत्म होने तक इंतजार करना चाहते हैं, जैसे कि: $ ('# anim_vision')। शो ()। Done (function () {चेतावनी ('कार्य समाप्त!');}); मेरा पूर्ण प्लगइन कोड: (फ़ंक्शन ($) {$ .fn.extend ({showThis: फ़ंक्शन (विकल्प) {var def = $ .निर्धारित (); var विकल्प = $। विस्तार (विकल्प); var deferredList = []; this.each (फ़ंक्शन () {var innerDef = $ .निर्धारित (); deferredList.push (innerDef.promise ()); $ (यह)। बच्चों ('। टेक्क्सो') .removeClass ('opacity_none')। सीएसएस ('प्रदर्शन', 'ब्लॉक'); $ (यह) .अनुमान ({'ऊंचाई': '100%'}, 900, 'सोईऑटक्वाड')। (फ़ंक्शन () (आंतरिक डीफ.रोलव ();});}); $। जब। एपली ($, डेफ़र्ड लिस्ट) .डोन (फ़ंक्शन () {def.resolve ();}); वापसी Def.promise ();}});}) (jQuery); मुझे मदद की ज़रूरत है, कृपया! एक नियमित jQuery ऑब्जेक्ट मे...

javascript - How to remove an object using handlebars and backbone -

The problem is having the experimental project. Then I have a table with a list of 'resources' in my handler template: & lt; Tbody id = "resourceList" & gt; {{#each model}} & lt; Tr id = "info_ {{}}" style = "border-header: solid 1px black;" & Gt; & Lt; Td width = "3%" & gt; & Gt; Button style = "background: none; limit: none;" & Gt; & Lt; I id = "icon" square = "glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td id = "title" width = "67%" & gt; {{This.attributes.title}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td width = "10%" & gt; {{This.attributes.Type}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td width = "10%" & gt; {{This.attributes.itemsNeeded}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td width = "10%" & gt...

ios - Which way of declaring IBoutlet is better -

I was wondering how IBOutlet is liked to be declared in subvules? @ Property (weak, nonomatic) IBotlet UIPT Watch * MTV; or IBOutlet UITableView * mTableView; I believe that one is better at first, but it is also not certain. One better thing is to look at this: If you use the help editor and you press Ctrl + Drag a visible object directly into the code file, then it will add it in the same way @property (weak, non-rational) IBOutlet UITableView * mTableView;

angularjs - Angular Protractor test session persistence -

I am working on the E2A test for the web app and I want to log in to a user and I I continue the session. / P> Specifically the following scenario: The log form has been posted with valid credentials. The user routes a landing page to a landing page. I call the browser. (/ * Current URL * /) I hope the current URL is the same, instead of bringing my user back to the login screen. We are using HTTP header based ethics and I do not know how to configure this scenario for testing purposes. Is this the need to activate the cookies somewhere? Or maybe auth header is being supported by a config? Browser sensor (1000) in browser.get (/ * current URL * /) Before calling. Actually the protocol was fast and fast on the router According to my statements my app kicked me. Or perhaps, it may take some time to process HTML5 routing (our deep links have been corrupted, but angular has converted hash in HTML5 routes).

html - JavaScript Handling the onClick return value -

I have the following code to delete a document Tr & gt; To change the document, you will need to delete one already. & Lt; Form name = "delete_attachment_form" verb = "apr_attachment.cfc? Method = delete_apr_attachment" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "apr_attachment_id" value = "# apr_attachment_id #" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "API_section_id" value = "#APR_section_id #" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "submit_mode" value = "delete" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" onClick = "confirm ('Are you certain that you want to delete the current project activity document')" value = "delete" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; But it is removing the document regardless of the user's fine / cancellation, I want the document to be dele...

java - Converting Hexadecimal to Decimal Without .parseInt(); -

I am writing some code that works in hexadecimal with no built-in Java functions such as integer within decimal 16); This is what I have created, and it does not work: public static hexdomackel (string heximput) {string hexine = hexinput. "," ") .tem (); scanner hex = new scanner (hex in); int decimals = 0; int power = 1; while (hex haas (next () == true) {string temp = hex.xx ( ); If (temp.equals ("1") == true) {decimal + = 1 * power;} and if (temp.equals ("2") == true) {decimal + = 2 * power;} and If (temp.equals ("3") == true) {decimal + = 3 * power;} and if (temp.equals ("4") == true) {decimal + = 4 * power;} and if ( Temp.equals ("5") == true) {decimal + = 5 * power;} and if (temp.equals ("6") == true) {decimal + = 6 * power;} and if (temp. Equals ("7") == true) {decimal + = 7 * power;} and if (temp.equals ("8") == true) { (Decimal = = 9 * power;} and if (temp.equals ("A...

javascript - write custom function for navigation angularjs -

So I have a navigation that I want a dropdrown menu with sub menu functionality on it I can show and hide the menu I tried to ng-show, but then I would have to go back and hide the item again to click on it again. I want to be able to click to show me, then click anywhere to hide it. Trying to use ng-click, but I'm not sure why I should have my custom function that I want to get regardless of the controller being used. Would I put such a directive in such a way? The function is not calling the HTM or any type of material such as a factory is usually, it only shows and hides the content at different click events. Probably there are more complex ways of doing this that can be more beautiful, but let me move it in the past Got to do Let's assume that you are loading before anybody, so $ is complete jQuery. If you are doing this with many different DOOM elements, then you can be more effective to break it into a factory, which allows multiple objects to register thems...

kyotocabinet - Are Kyoto Cabinet and Tokyo Cabinet dead? -

These projects seem interesting, but I do not see any active development, and the code base depends on the obsolete software (GLIBC_2). 14)) Am I seeing in the wrong places? The main author has stopped the development, however, there are many active users (like mailing list tokyocabinet-users @ Can you specify dependency on obsolete software?

php - Laravel 4 error in Netbeans for passing closure variable -

In Netbeans, I get an error on the following syntax: if ($ user) ) {mail :: send ( 'Emailskauthkactivate', array ( 'link' = & gt; URL :: route ( 'account Active'), 'username' = & gt; $ username), work ($ Message) $ user {$ message- & gt; from ($ user- & gt; email, $ user- & gt; username) - Use & gt; Topic ('Activate Your Account');} ); Return Helper_Response :: Success ($ user); } Error: unexpected variable $ user I do not know what went wrong. Any remedy? you must use brackets to close use section: $ closeure = function ($ Message) ($ user) {...};

python - List of tuples unpacking does not work -

I know about the * operator but it does not seem to work. I basically want to add this list to the Tupal Combination: sentence_list = [(['noun' '' ''], ('verb', 'kill'), ('noun 'My class sentence : class sentence (object): def __init __ (self, consider the subject) , Word, object): self.subject = topic [1] self.verb = verb [1] self.object = object [1] now I Test_obj And when I try to open syntax it does not seem to work: test_obj = and Why (* Waky_suchi) When I nose. Use with toll : assert_is_instance (test_obj, sentence) I'm getting this: typeError: __init __ () takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given) , but when I change it: test_obj = 'Sentence' ('noun', 'i'), ('verb', 'kill'), ('noun,' 'princess')) T EST What am i doing wrong Your code is just fine, provided actually has 3 elements Pass in a list: & gt; & Gt; & ...

javascript - How to pick an indexed value from a knockout array -

I want to find an array available, with a pointer variable 'ID', this is snippet from my code: function items (id, category, name, selected) {var self = this; = ko.observable (ID); Self.Category = ko.observable (category); Self. Name = Co.obswable (name); Self. Selected = Ko.SourceVoice (selected); } ViewModel () {var itself = this; Self.availableItems = ko.observableArray (); Self.init = function () {self.availableItems.push (New item (1, "A", "Hello", Incorrect)); Self.availableItems.push (new item (2, "A", "hi", true)); Self.availableItems.push (new item (3, "A", "bye", wrong)); } = ko.observable (1); } Var viewModel = new ViewModel (); Ko.applyBindings (ViewModel); ViewModel.init (); How does the following HTML line work? indexed line: & lt; Span data-bind = "text: $ root.availableItems () [$ ()] and selected ()" gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; Because you must s...

What's the right way of setting a valid timezone when using -

After installing, I see a bunch of warning messages on the log: 2014-04 -28 16:06:11 Warning The plone.event timezone does not have a valid timezone from the BRT Olson Database or Peatz. Falling back to UTC I think a new control panel is configurable, but I am wondering if there is another way to set it out of the plan. Environment diversity? Buildout? Finally, it is coming timezone information from the BRT OS. In fact the problem is lack of documentation on the package. You only need one TZ Environment variable true value: Export TZ = "Brazil / Pre"

java - How can I read data from USB? -

I got a question: I have found libusb library for Java, but I really do not understand how to read some data Go. ReadBulk () or readInrrupt is a method, but they have an integer form of return type. I do not know how the data is stored, because the method only gives the actual number of bytes, the method that was read. The command class supports a method called getInputStream (), in this method there is a return type of the inststream and so I can do something with that data.

iterator - C++ IntelliSense error with standard template library: <error-type>*? -

I am creating a messaging system for game objects using visual studio, and I'm getting a strange cost error. Then when I call a method which accepts an Iterator as the parameter. The call comes from inside a class, in which the member variable is: std :: map & lt; Unsigned int, std :: list & lt; Foo * & gt; :: iterator & gt; Listeners; I define a method defined in my message class as: Fixed zero (unsigned int, std :: list & lt; Foo * & gt;: iterator); The method calls itself the call (id is an unsigned full variable): Message: UnRegister (id, listeners [id]); For some reason, I get an IntelliSense error. I know that the IntelliSense compiler is not there, and in the past it has given me crazy errors which were not real problems Unfortunately, the whole program is all about There is a long way to be testable without breaking anything, and I would like to know now that if I have to design my complete approach again IntelliSense: "std ::...

how to pass csrf_token to javascript file in django? -

This is my JavaScript code that works fine but I like to keep javascript files separate and use as inline script tags Do not & lt; Script & gt; '$ {' Book '} Click (function () (var {id} Url: '/ post / book /', cache: 'wrong', data type: 'jason', type: 'post', data: data, success: work (data) {/ else {// something}}, Error: function (error) {warning ('error;' + evil (error));}}); return returned;}); }); & Lt; / Script & gt; I want to include it in my custom.js file which I have included in my base.html. Which is loading steady% from {staticfiles%} {% load bootstrap3%} & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1.0" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; {% Block title%} {% endblock%} & lt; /... - loop - reading text after a certain string up until a certain string -

प्रारंभ करें = एकेएस-आरएचएसएलएसएक्सएसएफटीएलजीआईडीएनबीके.एजेएचबीजीडीवीसीएमएल0एजी0iOiJITUFDLVNIQTI1 & amp; शब्द 'शुरू' के प्रत्येक उदाहरण के लिए मुझे पहली पूर्ण स्टॉप के बाद पाठ प्राप्त करने में सक्षम होने की आवश्यकता है, और जब तक कि & amp; प्रतीक। जैसे 'आईएजेबीजीडीवीसीएमएल 0 एजी0आईओआईजेआईटीयूएफडीएलवीएनआईक्यू 1 1'। इस का एक से अधिक उदाहरण होंगे। उन्हें सूचीबद्दी में जोड़ना होगा। यह करने के लिए सबसे आसान / तेज़ तरीका क्या है? (संभवतः स्ट्रीम्रीडर - टेक्स्ट फ़ाइल का उपयोग करना) प्रत्येक पंक्ति को पढ़ने के लिए सबसे आसान और तेज़ तरीका होगा, और जांचें कि क्या यह । स्टार्ट्स ("प्रारंभ =") । यदि ऐसा है, तो प्राप्त करें। इंडेक्स ("।") और । इंडैक्स ("& amp;", & lt; whereever पहला सूचकांक था & gt;) । .substring प्राप्त करें जो इन दो मानों को शामिल करता है I मुझे यकीन है कि आप उस कोड को खुद से लिख सकते हैं;)

ruby on rails - How To Store Items From a Shopping List -

I am creating an expense tracker in the category shopping list_maya: items End class item end But I am not sure how to store items, I have yet to consider: First items. New (name: 'milk', value: 1) item New (name: 'chocolate', price 2) This would be easy, although the same thing could end up with different names. (name: 'biscuit', value: 3) items. New (name: 'cookies', value: 3) second class milk and lieutenant; item; And class chocolate & lt; item; Finally the milk. (Value: 1) It seems a little complicated, every time you buy something new one class is to be added - on the other hand, once done - I imagine things I'll find it easy to find. What is the correct way to solve this? What are the related advantages / disadvantages? The first thing you definitely are at a higher point if you are concerned about the aliases for your name , You can also include in another table is the square item_maya:...

python - How to find the index of an array inside a list -

Assume that you have an array list and then you specify separately (which is also present inside the list ). How can you get an indicator? In [185]: y_train.index (Y_test [0]) ------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------- ------ Manor Tracebacks (Last Call Last) & lt; Ipython-input-185-c9084f698632 & gt; In & lt; Module & gt; () ---- & gt; 1 y_train.index (Y_test [0]) Value error: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use A.any () or a.all () , y_train is a 'big' list that contains everything, and Y_test [ 0] is one of its elements In the category I (0, Lane (Y_train): For range in J (0, Lane (Y_test)): If y_train [i] .shape == Y_test [j] .shape: v = y_train [i] == Y_test [j] if v .all (): Print ('I', I) Print ('J', J) It is indexed that I am after that. The error has come from the fact that it is not clear what should be the truth when working with the arrays of m...

Pure HTML and CSS toggleable drop-down menu -

So I've found these two tip pages, where the principle is explained: Use: hover to show drop-down And toggle the check box to turn it on or off I got it for work, but when I came to the css style I have problems so it is very easy for style: hover state. What's not that easy is for the style of the toggle open drop down menu, from where the original CSS selector has it. I really do not want to use javascript so I paste the code I've worked like JSFDL to work with me. The status of the check box is not important for now. This is the problem (at the lower part of the CSS CSS). Neowal Ul Lee # Chuck: Checked: Original {Background: # 4b545f; Background: Linear-gradient (top, # 4f5964 0%, # 5f6975 40%); Background: -Mo-linear-shield (top, # 4f5964 0%, # 5f6975 40%); Background: -webkit-linear-shield (top, # 4f5964 0%, # 5f6975 40%); } To make the "tutorial" clickable, use the label which is associated with chktut: & lt; Li & gt; Input type...

javascript - Issue with the Tabs in TabConatiner -

मैं एक कस्टम विजेट प्लगइन प्रयोग कर रहा हूंटैब कंटैनेयर: & lt; div data-dojo-type = "Test / plugintabcontainer" url = "ConfigServlet? FileName = SettingsTabConfig.json" आईडी = "टीबी" टैब पोजिशन = "बाएं-एच" टैबस्ट्रिप = "सच"> यह तीन टैब का डेटा लाने के लिए एक serlvet कॉल कर रहा है जो टैबकोनटिनर में जगह हैं। प्रत्येक टैब पर उपयोगकर्ता के लिए सेटिंग्स को सहेजने के लिए कुछ चेकबॉक्स और अपडेट बटन होते हैं। जब कोई उपयोगकर्ता चेकबॉक्स के मूल्य में परिवर्तन करता है और अपडेट बटन के माध्यम से सेटिंग्स को अपडेट नहीं करता है और दूसरे टैब पर स्विच करता है और फिर पहली टैब पर वापस आ जाता है तो मूल मान / सेटिंग्स प्रदर्शित नहीं होती हैं। उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा संशोधित सेटिंग्स दिखाए जाते हैं। यदि उपयोगकर्ता F5 दबाए या पेज को बंद करें और फिर से खोलता है तो सब कुछ ठीक है। मैं इसे कैसे सुलझा सकता हूं? साथ ही, मैं तीनों टैब को कैसे आईडी डिलीमेंट कर सकता हूं जो टैबकोनटिनर में रखे गए हैं। वे टैब मूलतः dojo (जेएस और एचटीएमएल फाइलें हैं)। अग्र...

How to assign folder permissions without subsequent sub-folder permission inheritance -

I have the following folder structure: Within ParentFolder1 Parent Folder 1, there are several child folders: ChildFolder1, ChildFolder2 .., ChildFolder700 Does anyone have a script sample where I can only provide UserPointParentFolder1 and ChildFolder1? I understand that if I access Userfx to ParentFolder1, then it will reach all the Balffolders (1-700). I am trying to stop it from happening I'm new to Google Scripting and will get any help or suggestions? Thanks, JV

ember.js - EmberData manage model in controller without route -

Part of my applications is separated from my main template in a separate handler template {{render " To display some data from the model to render the header "}} in the correct place, it is also your controller of the different template ( App.Notification ). What I want to do, it displays a limited amount of notifications and the total number of new notifications. Amber loads 10 entries from the data server when the notification property of the controller is called in each loop, but as soon as I see the amount of information shown through splice I try to limit, no data will return. Actually, I'm having trouble handling model data if I can not set the controller model in some way, then I think this is the reason that piece Not working in this case I have already searched Stackoverflow and Ember Docs but found an example with only the common root -> controller setup, but there is nothing on this particular topic, so the question is that in this setup Mod...

c# - I can't get my player in unity to jump the same height with a 'bouncy' physics material applied -

I have a rigid and game box object that has a 'bouncy' physical science material that has been implemented for it. I want the object to bounce at the same height all the time, just like the doodle type game. I set the material of physics to 1, which according to several tutorials I have seen that the ball should be thrown at the same height. My view is very basic and not much is happening, but I can not seem to work for it. Any suggestions to lift my object to the same height and to get it again? Your player's bouncense is associated with the surface bundassis hit . Bounce combine to max in your player physics content set. In this way it works according to the required docs, because The maximum is most likely to exceed 1 for more than 1 for other surfaces. But for whatever reason your player will now get a little height with each bounce. I think the engine has some rotating error, you can try around with the bounciness of 0.97 or somethin...

wpf - Change ControlTemplate from a Trigger in .xaml file -

There are some control templates defined with the CR key and they are applied through a trigger & lt; ControlTemplate x: key = "{ComponentResourceKey ResourceId = SubmenuItemTemplateKey, TypeInTargetAssembly = {x: Type MenuItem}}" TargetType = "{x: Type MenuItem}" & gt; & Lt; Grid Snap ToDevice Pixel = "True" & gt; .... & lt; / ControlTemplate & gt; and these templates apply via trigger & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Trigger Property = "Role" Value = "Top-Level Header" & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "Template" value = "{dynamic resource {ComponentResourceKey ResourceId = TopLevelHeaderTemplateKey, TypeInTargetAssembly = {x: Type MenuItem}}} /> Lt; / Trigger & gt; ... & lt; / Style Triggers & Amp; gg; & lt; / style & gt; This works, but I do not want the control template to be the default in the app, and instead control them through a key ...

How to check what in-app purchases had a user made using the In-App Billing Module for Android with Appcelerator's Titanium SDK? -

Our app uses managed purchases in the Google Play Store, we use it and we use it in our project With no problem being able to apply, it was until a question arose: How do we check these managed purchases? Generally, the In-App Billing Library has access to the Play Store app and checks for user purchases, but we checked the documents and examples for this module and to make this check If no disclosure has been made, how can we check that the user has purchased the purchase? This is important because if a user buys, for example, the user should be able to see this skin in every device in which he is installed with that app and logged into the same account Has been a product marked as a purchase. In short, how do I buy the buyer bought by the user from the Play Store? Can the in-app billing module be used? If the module can not do this, can it be done at all? We are testing Titanium SDK 3.2.0.GA, Studio and Moto G with Android 4.4 and Xperia, AcroS with And...

SQL - Finding minimum value among table fields and joined fields -

This is an interesting and probably good general problem. How do I get the minimum time value associated with ID in a specific table? It is hard to explain without an example, so here's one: Field ID in Step A, step 1_date, step2_data Field A_ID (AID) in Table B1 I want to find the minimum value between Esteem 1_date, Estes 2_date, Date, Field A_ID (Funk for AID), Date in Table B2. for each ID in, A2 Any idea anyone? Unfortunately, at least () function returns NULL If any of its logic is NULL . And, maybe you want to use the left outer join for this purpose, if one of the B tables is not missing A_ID . Here's a safe method: Choose from ID, from mind to mind (Select ID, All Union ID options, Step 2_Date, All of Union Select a_id, date from B1 union, pick date from B2) T-Group by ID;