ios - displaying an array of high scores -

I'm still quite new to Objective-C and I'm making a final project for my class. What I want to do, NSUser reads the array of 3 high scores from the default and is displayed on the first screen.

This is my code

  self.backgroundColor = [SKColor colorWithRed: 0.15 green: 0.15 blue: 0.3 alpha: 1.0]; NSUserDefaults * defaults = [NSUserDefaults Standard User Default]; NSArray * HighScore = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: [defaults arrayForKey: @ "HighScore"]]; SKLabelNode * myLabel = [SKLabelNode labeled NodeWith fonts nominated: @ "Chuckster"]; MyLabel.text = @ "high score \ n 1)% f \ n 2)% f \ n 3)% F", highscore (0), highscore (1), highscore (2); // error on myLabel.fontSize = 30 this line; MyLabel.position = CP pointmaking (CGRactGetMIDX (self-frame), CGRactgetMediaWeave (self frame)); [Self linking child: myLabel];  

When I try to cross the highscores, I get an error that the NSArrays function or function numbers are not

Edit the line of error with this line,

  myLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @" high score \ n 1) % F \ n 2)% F \ n 3)% F ", [[highscosco object ot & amp; xxxx] float value], [[highscosco objectattentx: 1] float value], [[highsource objectAutandex: 2] flat Value]];  


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