
Showing posts from July, 2012

url - Using path prefix in Android -

मेरे पास ऐसा यूआरएल है: /myapp/test.html होस्ट यूआरएल में बदल सकता है, लेकिन पथ उपसर्ग myapp जैसे स्थिर रहेगा क्योंकि यह मेरे वेब ऐप का प्रसंग रूट है । केवल https और http की योजनाओं के साथ पहचान करने के लिए फ़िल्टर करें और पथ उपसर्ग myapp है मैंने ऐसा किया लेकिन मेरा आवेदन सभी यूआरएलों पर प्रतिक्रिया दे रहा है जो कि योजनाएं कर रहे हैं। क्या पथ उपसर्ग फ़िल्टर काम नहीं करेगा अगर होस्ट manifest.xml "Post-text" itemprop = "text"> मैं मेजबान = "*" डालकर और फिर पथ उपसर्ग के द्वारा आगे चला गया। इस तरह सभी मेजबान मिलान किए जाएंगे, लेकिन इसे फ़िल्टर किया जाएगा पथ मूल्यों। मुझे पता है कि यह सही तरीका है या अगर कोई बेहतर तरीका हो सकता है? चीयर्स, सौरव mvc 5 - Custom MVC 5 controller routing with input as model -

मेरे पास एक नियंत्रक है, जिसका इनपुट एक मॉडल है: सार्वजनिक कार्यप्रणाली अरामा (AramaSayfa gelen ) {......} मेरा मॉडल इस प्रकार है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग AramaSayfa {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग ne {get; सेट;} पब्लिक इंट नेकदर {प्राप्त; सेट;} सार्वजनिक डेटाटाइम नेजमान {प्राप्त; सेट;}} नियंत्रक को राजर में एक beginform से कहा जाता है। जब सबमिट बटन क्लिक किया जाता है, तो लिंक उत्पन्न होता है: / h / arama? Ne = asd & nekadar = 234 और neZaman = 01-03-2014 मैं इसे अधिक एसईओ दोस्ताना बनाना चाहता हूं और इसे निम्न करने के लिए: / arama / asd / 234 / asd-234-den-basliyan-fiyatlarla - अंतिम भाग सिर्फ समुद्र के कारणों के लिए उत्पन्न होता है और नियंत्रक को प्रभावित नहीं करता। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं?

c# - Integration Test for Data access Layer with Entity Framework code-first -

iam is starting to write tests for my data access layer and I'm looking for the best practice. Now iam testing with an actual DB which is an auto generated from EF, every time my model meets some differences (code-defined with fluent mapping before) but it is difficult to do so with many developers Each individual has different objects developed. > 1) So is there a way to use something in the memory database? a) If no connection string has been used in my test project, then it is seen that all the work is fine but where is the DB made? B) EF make it once for each test or only when the first test is started? Can I make it clear? c) How can DB be removed? 2) What do I have to do? a) In my previous application, I have made many mistakes in the DB column in Mapping Object Property, so there is one thing to test it: maybe I can make an object, save it in DB, DB I can read it and check that I have written what I have written to read all the properties b) I think I will u...

ruby net/ldap not able to handle errors -

Recently I started coding in Ruby. Although I am able to successfully bind, I have problems with add operation. It is okay, I wanted to print an error message so that I could correct the error. But unfortunately I am not able to handle the LDAPER. Below is my code listed. def add_user (user) dn = "cn =" + user.email_id + "," + ConfigReader.instance.ldapBaseDn attr = {: cn = & gt; User.email_id,: sn = & gt; User.short_name ,: email = & gt; User.email_id ,:mail = & gt; User.email_id ,: employeename = & gt; User.jabber_passwd ,: buildingname = & gt; User.image_url,: gidNumber = & gt; User.age ,: title = & gt; User.title ,: l = & gt; User.location ,: TelephoneNumber = & gt; User.phone_no ,: info = & gt; User.facebook_id ,: dmdName = & gt; User.twitter_id ,: initials = & gt; User.linkedin_id,: memberuid = & gt; User.jabber_id ,: userpassword = & gt; ConfigReader.instance.userPassword: cum = & gt; Use...

html - How to display an array from JSON as a select option using jQuery -

I'm learning this business and want to know how to properly display JSON data. I have the following JSON data: " data filter ": {" EventTap ": [" Mobile Internet "]," Destination ": [" United Kingdom "]," UsType ": [" All use "," Voice minutes "," Three to three minutes "]," Voice minutes "," Voice minutes "," Voice minutes "," Voice minute "destination: [" Premium rate number "," Mobile ", "", "MsgFilters": {"eventType": ["All Use", "Family Wage", "Not included in my Allowance" "}", "3 Mobile", "Voicemail", "Eyewor"], "Ususup" "Utility message"], "destination" : ["India", "Mobile"], "Utility Type": ["All Uses", "My Allowance Passed", "Not Involve...

How to track changes on IBM Portal 6.0 made by multiple users accessing Portal admin console -

Various changes made by many users with reference to Control one Development on the environment , the authority of the portal administration , such as we can share the accounting and who which can change Keeping this in mind, there is a way to enable audit trail in IBM Portal 6.0 and if yes How? In addition, if yes is available for viewing by the all administrator? I believe that there is a way that multiple users administrator rights to IBM Portal Administrator Console I know that it is bad for many users / developers sharing and making changes in the portal with an Admin rights on the same environment Though, if such a situation arises, then how is a compromise with it? These questions @ user2257853, there is no way in portal 6.0 However, You can add database triggers to track changes made by This hand will be prepared

c# - Anonymous methods vs Extension method vs Lambda expression vs Linq -

Every time I go through an interview, I find it hard to define. Will some body please explain to me what is the difference between the two and how are they related? The interviewer is never satisfied with my answer. Untitled Methods: I say these are simple inline jobs. Extension Methods: These are methods that we can add on the fly without applying any interface. Lambda expression: I say this is used to query an object and I Let's start saying syntax. link: I say this is a query language that asks for any archive. And I start to say syntax. I have been using these things for the past six months, but I am unable to properly define it. Anonymous methods and lambda are very similar, since Lambda is a more powerful subtype of AIIMS using I LINQ Lumdas has to enable its functionality. In C # v2, making a representative can be done by passing a code block as a parameter for a representative, such as MSDN in this example: Button1.Click + = de... mvc - Converting richtextbox format to HTML format -

Anyone can offer me an alternative to converting rich textbox formats into HTML format, I am currently receiving Is "from & lt;! DOCTYPE html public \" - // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 transitional // n \ "\" /xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd \ "& gt; HTML xmlns = \" http: // \ "& gt; & lt; top & gt; & lt; ; Meta-http-equivalent = \ "content type \" content = \ "text / html; Charset = utf-8 \ "/> title> title & gt; untitled & lt; / title & gt; style = type =" text / css \ "& gt; \ r \ n.s_D8D99854 { Font-family: 'Verdana'; font-style: Normal;} \ r \ n & lt; / style & gt; & lt; / head & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; p & gt; Lt; span class = \ "s_D8D99854 \" & gt; hello & lt; / html & gt; " Hello ", to delete all the tags so that I can forward it to MVC, The us...

PHP - New to OOP, already stuck -

I am starting with OOP because I have already written the procedural code adequately, which I have to move forward Want to I started by creating a file 'user.class.php', writing some code, and loaded into the server. & lt ;? Php class user {Private $ name; Private $ age; Function __ composition ($ name, age $) {$ this- & gt; Name = $ name; $ This- & gt; Age = age = age; } GetName function () {return $ this-> Name; } GetAge function () {return $ this-> Age; }} $ Usr = New User ('Alex', 16); Print ($ usr- & gt; getName. '& Lt; br & gt;'); Print ($ usr- & gt; getAge. '& Br>;'); I ran the code on the web server and found the following error: Notice: Undefined property: Users: $ Milan / Library / Get in the webserver The getAge function happens with the call. If I can work this code then I would prefer better than initially, thanks in advance for writing more oo codes instead of just the procedural ...

java - twitter link in app no longer works -

मेरे एंड्रॉइड ऐप में निम्नलिखित लिंक काम नहीं करता: I अब निम्नलिखित त्रुटि हो रही है: {"errors": [{"message": "ट्विटर आरईएसटी एपीआई वी 1 अब सक्रिय नहीं है। कृपया एपीआई v1.1 पर जाएँ", "कोड" : 64}]} मैं इसे कैसे काम करने के लिए इसे फिर से लिख सकता / सकती हूं? मैंने उस कुछ ट्विटर प्रलेखन के माध्यम से देखा, लेकिन अभी खो गया। जैसा कि दस्तावेज में है, अंत बिंदु (और संस्करण) को बहिष्कृत कर दिया गया है। अपने कॉलिंग कोड को फिर से लिखना (इसे जावा के साथ एचटीटीपी क्लाइंट मानते हुए): कृपया ध्यान दें कि एपीआई v1.1 के लिए जरूरी है कि अनुरोध को प्रमाणित किया जाना चाहिए, यह कैसे करें, इसके बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए दस्तावेज की जाँच करें। >

java - About the double to be a garbled -

I should get sqlite data in the acrylic list, but I do not know why the data will not be deformed . Can anyone tell me the solution? list & lt; Double [] & gt; Y = new arreelist & lt; Double [] & gt; (); Cursor vocabcursor = database.query (HIST_TABLE, new string [] {QUIZ_WHAT, QUIZ_SCORE}, QUIZ_WHAT + "= 'glossary quiz'", blank, empty, null, empty); VocabCursor.moveToFirst (); If (! Vocabcursor.isAfterLast ()) {do {double name = vocabcursor.getDouble (1); Y.add (new double [] {name}); } While (vocabcursor.moveToNext ()); } Vocabcursor.close (); Log.d ("y", y); The result of the log: [D @ 45F 5220, [D @ 45F288, [D @ 45F 52A8, [D @ 45F 52C8] This string is applied to double objects ToString () is output There is a maximum of one value per entry in your list, so instead of the list & lt; Double & gt; Consider using (note capital D).

java - Is it a decorator pattern? -

I have read this post, but I want an expert's opinion on the job for an example of this post: Can we decorate classes with members of the figures? Whenever you implement an interface and integrate If you do, using the collected object to provide part of the functionality implemented, you will have a decorator pattern. Note : This definition is exactly what you can find in the Gough Book: Design Pattern: Reusable Object-Oriented Soft The element of the wires and the link you post on is found on it. Subclasses from your employee decontroller which you are adding employee being the "intermediate" class ( employee decorator ) is a way of covering the delegation in a parent category, such as TeamMember and TeamLead do not copy the delegation code.

facebook fql - FQL: what different between filter_key='others' and filter_key='owner' -

I did not find any documents about this: For example this is an FQL query: / P> stream_id = 'nf' select the time, description, type, filter_key, permalink, message, actor_id created from the stream Filter_key = 'nf' filter_key = 'other' filter_key = 'owner' As explained in the comments The filter owner filter post made by the owner. Filter other than Other owner. When you do not know, the best part is to try the questions and compare the reactions.

apache - ServerAlias does not work -

अपाचे / 2.2.22 (उबंटू) & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; ServerName # वर्क्स सर्वरअलायस # वर्क्स सर्वरअलिअस # काम नहीं करता है - अपाचे डिफ़ॉल्ट दिखाता है "यह काम करता है" DocumentRoot / usr / share / drupal7 # / tmp वही व्यवहार दिखाता है & lt; / VirtualHost & gt ; सभी डोमेन के लिए समान ip (पिंग = ping = ping संपादित करें: कोई भी शीर्ष डोमेन इस तरह व्यवहार करता है ... काम करता है - नहीं करता है ... आप पहले से ही मुख्य साइट के लिए का उपयोग करते हैं, यानी, आपके पास यह है: सर्वर नाम बाहर & lt; VirtualHost & gt; कंटेनर जब कई मैचों हैं, तो अपाचे केवल पहले एक को पुनः प्राप्त करेगा।

r - Nonlinear models with dicotomic affecting to a subset of parameters -

मैं nonlinear मॉडल जैसे आर में काम कर रहा हूं: वाई = अल्फा 1 * समय + अल्फा 2 * पाप (2 * pi * समय / अल्फा 3) + अल्फा 4 * (- 1) ^ समय और मैं बताता हूं कि क्या एक बर्नोली वेरिएबल प्रभावित करती है अल्फा 1 * समय के लिए और अवरोधन या नहीं ऐसा बर्नोली चर हो सकता है: varia & lt; -rep ("पहले", "बाद में"), प्रत्येक = 30) होने वाई एंड एलटी; -2.5 + रार्नरम (60) + 2 * पाप (2 * pi * समय / 8) +2.5 * (- 1) ^ समय समय & lt; -seq (1,60) मैंने पाया है कि nls इस मॉडल को फिट कर सकता है लेकिन इस विशिष्ट वैरिएबल के प्रभाव के बिना, मुझे यह भी पता चला है कि nlme पैकेज पर प्रभाव का अनुमान लगा सकता है गैर-अक्षीय मॉडल की शर्तों के अनुसार चर मेरा सवाल है: इनमें से कौन से पैकेज मेरी मदद कर सकता है? और, मैं इस bernoulli चर को कोड में कैसे जोड़ सकता हूं? सादर और धन्यवाद। नीचे .lin4 एक राशि होगी जो बाद में वाई : # परीक्षण डेटा सेट .seed (123) समय & lt; -seq (1,60) वाई एंड एलटी; -2.5 + Rnorm (60) + 2 * पाप (2 * pi * समय / 8) +2.5 * (- 1) ^ समय क्ष...

virtual machine - Accessing Dev Environment from another VM (Virtualbox) -

On my OSX machine, I run two VMs: Development environment (alias) DE (Linux) Test environment (aka te) (Win7 IE9) In my TE, I was able to use a server running on my DE I would like to be Looks pretty straight forward but I'm new like this I am using virtualbox as my client on both machines. My dev atmosphere is a stray box setup with puppet, I can still modify it with Virtualbox. Simple solution wins I have tried nested boxing, it does not work: p I desired The result was very easy to guess, I had to add the same line to my local machine and add it to my VM.

reporting services - Barcode scanning and printing AX 2012 | SSRS 2012 -

I need a client to integrate barcode scanners and printers with Ax. I am using code39 barcode type, and am editing the encoded string (FOMRT: item-id% batchID ) in the corresponding table in a field with ADT barcode SRR . I used this field in the report text box control with the font BC C39 3 to 1 HD and font-size 36pt and it worked fine. I scanned it and gave the string required by scanning. But now when I have created another report in another server, it does not scan properly (either gives half value or does not give anything, as does not read barcode in the scanner is). I tried to change the font size, but in vain. Please suggest some solution, am I missing something?

python - sending email with excel files created in pandas? -

Is it possible to send panda dataframes through an email in Excel format? I am trying to avoid making excel sheets, keep it physically, and then it has to be read and sent to it. I went to one part and tried it emxl = df1.to_excel () but since to_excel is a path to go on, the T work seems like xlwt is the same problem

javascript - What am I missing for JS object literal with method? -

I am trying to create a simple object with one method in it, which in this case is a moving block on the canvas . I have written the following code code using the tutorial on var block = {color: "# 000000", x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30 : Function () {ctx.fillStyle = this.color; Ctx.fillRect (this.x, this.that, this.heath, this .hit); }}; Function Update () {block.x = block.x + 30; Block.y = block.a + 30; } Function draw () {var x = document.getElementById ("space"); Var ctx = x.getContext ("2d"); Ctx.clearRect (0, 0, 900, 600); Block.draw (); } For some reason it will not work this way, while this will happen when I will write code in the Draw method in the Draw () function. I'm probably missing something, but what? blocks , and its members have ever ctx , which is local to your attract () function. Make either global, or pass it to Block.draw : var block = {// ... Draw: function ( Ctx) {// ...}}; // ... block.draw (ctx)...

Mysql Query for Rank (RowNumber) and Groupings -

I have a similar problem but it is in SQL Server and MySQL "partition support Does not "As I know what can I do now? Here's the question: I have a table with some columns: User, Category, Value and I want to do a query which will give me ranking, According to, but reset to the category. Example: user1 class A10 user 2 category A11 user 3 category A9 user 4 category B3 user 1 category B11 query must return: rank user category 1 user 2 category a2 user 1 category 3 user 3 category 1 user 1 category b2 user4 category b Any ideas? edit 2 : based on OP's comment: This works only with some incorrect ranking and it is in the first rank . When the top rank in the same categories similar value is one of the first in rank and the second is in 2bt They have the following rank (1) the following changes have been suggested: Selection of Rank Please, user, category, price (user select, @cc: = category category, @ cv: = value value...

php - custom function that uses isset() returning undefined variables when used -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मेरे पास एक ऐसा क्षेत्र है जो निर्भर करता है यदि कोई निश्चित स्थिति पूरी होती है ... और यदि वह फ़ील्ड रिक्त नहीं है तो कस्टम टेक्स्ट है। मैंने एक कस्टम फ़ंक्शन परीक्षण लिखा है यदि कोई चर सेट है फ़ंक्शन Amiset ($ fieldName) {if (isset ($ fieldName)) {गूंज "मैं सेट हूं"; } और {इको "मैं सेट नहीं हूं"; }}; लेकिन जब मैं इसे फ़ील्ड संलग्न करता हूं मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है कि चर को परिभाषित नहीं किया गया है। लेकिन जब मैं एक नियमित isset ($ fieldName) करता हूं; मेरे पास कोई समस्या नहीं है क्या इस के चारों ओर पाने के लिए कोई तरीका है और क्या मेरा फ़ंक्शन कार्य के बजाय () है? मैं फ़ंक्शन में अन्य तर्क जोड़ना चाहता हूं, लेकिन मैं केवल इसे काम करने के लिए चाहता हूँ यदि चर सेट है .. लेकिन मैं अपरिभाषित त्रुटि नहीं चाहता, अगर यह नहीं है। मैं php के लिए नया हूँ और वास्तव में किसी भी मदद या दिशा की सराहना करता हूं जो आप मुझे दे सकते हैं मदद के लिए धन्यवाद! आपको संदर्भ के अनुसार चर को पास करना होगा: फ़ंक्शन...

node.js - Yeoman and Ubuntu 12.04 -

I am trying to install Yemen and I am configuring it on Ubuntu 12.04. (It is running in VMware) If it was working on one stage then I came back from lunch and was trying and was not reading where my generators are. What I have done: sudo add-apt-repository ppa: chris-lea / node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs npm Config set prefix ~ / npm #added to ~ / .bashrc Export Pat = $ HOME / npm / bin: $ PATH was not being read on one step so I got this $ sudo npm rm -g yo npm cache net $ sudo Npm installed - G yo I also had access error, so I did this chmod 775 Npm chmod 775 .npm / touch Everything is in it ~ / npm / lib / node_modules but it just does not seem to find them. This is ruining my head at this level. When I tried to download a new generator, I went to an issue related to my NODE_PATH: - NODE_PATH = / usr / - NPM root = / home / carlos / npm / lib / node_modules / lib / node_modules - [fix] NPM Attach the root values ​​to your NODE_PA...

How to count duplicate elements in a vector using R -

I have to type a function that receives 2 arguments in R: first one number = x seconds one vector = 6 required That this function will return the maximum number of straightforward events as similar to X. For example: f (6, c (7,6,6,3,7,9,3,6,6,6,8,9) back 3 You may not need a function dat Code> fmax & lt; - function (x, vec) {if (x% in% vec) {v

Getting Http request Body from Chrome -

I know that this question has already been asked but my question is from a common man's perspective. I am trying to bring an HTTP request body for a web page visited by Chrome. When I searched online, I came to know that there is a WebView API for Chrome that can be used. Apart from this, I came to know that in the manifest.json to use the WebExt API, we have to write down the key, value. "Permissions": ["webRequest", "*: // * /"] In addition to the link below There is a code that I understand can be used for that. But I did not understand where to write the code? Apart from this, someone can tell me what I have understood about the manifest. Jason is right or not? I am a newbie to do all this, because till now I was doing database stuff. Can you please explain in simple terms what to do to remove http request from chrome? Apart from this, if there is a simple plugin that makes it equal, then it will be a life saver. Thank y...

javascript - jquery - click, append, load, slideDown not displaying as expected -

I'm trying to apply, I thought a simple click , Load , slidedown landscape but I can not get to show the slidedown part I have the following two buttons: & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Fieldet id = "btn" & gt; & Lt; Input class = "databasebtn" type = "submit" name = "nameDatabaseBtn" id = "db1" Data-id = 1 "VALUE =" DB1 "/> "Databasebtn" type = "submit" name = "nameDatabaseBtn" id = "db2" Data-id = "2" VALUE = "DB2" /> gt; & lt; / fieldset & gt; Then I have the following jQuery: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (' ('Click', function ($ {'(BTANLIST) is the idea that I click on the button, I attach it to #btnlist / Code> button, and fill the new device with the contents of test7b.php A checkbox must be prepared. All this works well, except that I can not see the checkbox if I see the cod...

Ada -- What Is A Modular Type -

I am trying to learn ADA, but the records are hard. I am studying on this subject, but all the explanations have become difficult for me to understand. I have often seen such a code type Stream_Element mod 2 ** Standard 'storage_anuite; What does this do? I got an explanation: Ada also allows you to define modular types. These types have not been unsigned and "rap-surround" cementix is ​​an exception exceeding a simple type of end, but the end of a modular type increases to zero, in addition, operators are able to manipulate bitrs For modular types, and, or, and excerpts, can not be used. Figure 11 shows. This explanation is understood, but I do not understand the code. What does the indicator mod 2 ** X ? What is mod for? What does ** do? ** exponentiation operator is this, e ** B means A b . mod , in this context, only the syntax is to tell that you are defining a modular type In this situation, this means that it is an integer type who...

java - Setting Background of Non-Editable JComboBox in a specific LookAndFell -

मैं इस विशिष्ट लुक एंडफील का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: प्लास्टिक लुक एंडफ़ील .सेटप्लास्टिकथीम (नया कॉम। जेजी। looks.plastic.theme.SkyBluer ()); UIManager.setLookAndFeel (नया com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel ()); मैंने एक संपादन योग्य JComboBox घटक की पृष्ठभूमि सेट करने के लिए इस कोड का उपयोग किया है: ComboBoxEditor Editor = component.getEditor (); JTextField textField = (JTextField) editor.getEditorComponent (); textField.setBackground (रंग); और इसका परिणाम यह है कि: अगर मैं गैर-संपादन योग्य कोंबबोक्स के लिए समान कोड का उपयोग करता हूं, तो कुछ भी नहीं होता है: और अगर मैं गैर-संपादन योग्य कोंबबोक्स के लिए इस कोड का उपयोग करता हूं: ((JComboBox) घटक) .setBackground (रंग); परिणाम यह है कि रंग घटक आकार extrapolates। इस चित्र की तरह: 1) क्या किसी को इस विशेष LookAndFell के आकार को एक्सट्रपोल करने के बिना गैर-संपादन योग्य कोंबबोक्स की पृष्ठभूमि को सेट करने का एक तरीका पता है?

ruby - Why can't some methods be used by another method? -

Why can not the methods be changed by any other method? In particular, why does not this work? puts' Enter a number: 'first = gets.chomp puts' Enter the second number:' last = gets.chomp total = first. To_i + final. To_i ' 'Total of two values' + total.to_s These two variables are now integers why can not they be added? For example, I can do this, which is not different when thinking about it: total = first. Langt + seconds.langt In the last line of your code you are Returns is a total of 'two values' + total total integer , but you try to concast on string , Then it also puts an error like below. 1. 9.3p448: 013 & gt; Enters 'Enter a number:' Enter a number: = & gt; Zero 1.9.3p448: 014 & gt; First = gets.chomp 3 = & gt; "3" 1.9.3p448: 015> Enter 'Enter second number:' Enter second number: = & gt; Zero 1.9.3p448: 016 & gt; Final = gets.chomp3 = & gt; "3" 1...

c# - load asp page without refreshing treeview in master page -

How can I load an aspx page without the refreshing tree page from the master page? Now I have a master page with previewview, when I click on the card, the whole page refreshes not only the content holder, please tell me how I can do it. I am using Thank you in advance You must use an updated panel:

java - How to find jar cointainign a given class -

I got an error for missing class "org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl". This is the establishment of a new project, employing white paper or using other tools to manage dependency. I think that forgot to include some jars, to know whether Jar own XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl? can be packed separately, you can get it on more jar A good service for detecting maternal jars for any class: This helped me many times.

command line arguments - Assembly (MASM) running program with byte value parameters? -

I am writing an assembly program that requires an array of strings and bytes as arguments while running . (Byte characters are not set for values ​​and all unsigned values ​​are between 0 and 255) Example execution command: Program.exe "A 32-byte array ( Fixed size) "" A byte array of arbitrary length, (more than 0) " How do I get logic in the assembly? Even slightly irrelevant to the question, the array of bytes can be any length, will there be any problem if the length of the array is more than the fixed size? Logic will be loaded in memory while running and the program will be replaced after implementation, then it will return the array to its new state. (I am using the assembly to speed up the processing time) Arguments of argv Like in order to get it in the list, you need Shell 32.Lib which does not send with Irwin's book (as far as I can see in free samples). You can get a suitable shell 32 here. Lib: When you have installed Masm32 you can...

javascript - Deployd - Data retrieved via AngularJS CORS -

I'm currently reading by Adam Freeman through "Pro Nuts" when going through instances, they have reader With a deparited server resource, using angler (of course) make a sports store app. Deployment resource has been established to bring JSON data coming in this model. I am using NodesJS to run my server. It is currently set to port 5000 ( http: // localhost: 5000 / sportsstore / app.html ) Deployed resource port 5500 ( Http: // localhost: 5500 / products ). When deployed, the response is as follows: [{"name": "kayak", "description": "a boat for one person", "category": "watersports," " Price ":" price ": 48.95," id ": 275," id ":" a1c999fc248b2959 "}, {" name ":" lifejacket "," description ":" protective and fashionable "," category ":" watersports " : "Soccer", "Price": 19.5, ...

onclick - Border of a selected element in Jquery -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 11 उत्तर मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि क्या है वहाँ इसे हल करने का एक तरीका है लेकिन जब मैं एक बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं तो मेरी Google क्रोम एक सीमा बनाता है, जो एक फ़ंक्शन कॉल करता है। छवि धौंकनी नीले सीमा को दिखाती है जो दिखाया जा रहा है। बटन: फोकस {रूपरेखा: कोई नहीं; } या सभी तत्वों के लिए *: फ़ोकस {रूपरेखा: कोई नहीं; }

phpmyadmin - Can't see created databases -

I have two problems with EasyPHP (perhaps related). 1) If I can not see databases in phpMyAdmin in the navigation panel or in the "database" page. The database exists because I can query about it and it fights with other CREATE instructions (using the same name). I think this was a configuration (permission?) Problem ... 2) Going on the tray icon, right-click on the easy PHP icon, then "Configuration-> PhpMyAdmin" I "Object Not found "error for code > I use win8. Thank you. Edit: I tried updating PhpMyAdmin 4.1.12, but nothing happened. The solution I found at the end! In the configuration file, I have changed this line: $ cfg ['server'] [$ i] ['hide_db'] = '(Mysql | INFORMATION_SCHEMA | performance_schema | test | phpmyadmin' '); With $ cfg ['server'] [$ i] ['hide_db'] = '^ (mysql | info_schema | performance_schema | Test | phpmyadmin) $ '; ...

sql - Find records through two intermediate models in rails? -

I have some problems, which are trying to bring some models through SQL through Rails and I am thinking Had to know a good solution originally for this particular problem, how these my classes look like: class members list & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: unsubscribed class membership & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is has_many: message is_to: subscription_list end class declaration & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_many: message and class message & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: subscription is_to: announcement end Now, I want to use all announcements for a subscription except for a duplicate. Is this possible? Can it be done with a single SQL query or is it just the willful thinking? For example, what do I need: class membership list & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base Def announcements announcements.James (: Message) Where (message: {subscription: {subscription_list: self}}) End End me It seems that your opinion is right in general. Try this type of ...

Assembly Code to C -

I was practicing some assembly code for C and need some help with two questions based on GCC objdump But it seems fine, but I want to make sure that I can do this without a computer (still new to assembly code) Question 1: q1: pushl% ebp movl% esp,% ebp subl $ 4,% esp cmpl $ 0, 8 (% ebp) \\ comparison zero to zero jle .L2 \\ jump if less than zero Or equal Movl $ 1, -4 (% ebp) \\ ?? Variable 2 = 1 ?? Jmp .L4 \\ Other .2: movl $ 0, -4 (% ebp) \\ variable2 = 0.4: movl-4 (% ebp),% eax \\ variable2 = leave variable 1 What got me int main (int x, int z) {if (x But I was not sure what the purpose of movl $ 1, -4 (% ebp) was. Question 2: Funnels: pushl% ebp movl $ 1,% eax movl% esp,% ebp movl 8 (% ebp) ,% Edx cmpl $ 1,% edx \\ variable 1 compare 1 jale.4.4 \\ little or equal jumping .5: emul% adx,% ex \\ variable 2 subl $ 1,% edx \\ variable -1 Compare the variable 1 with -1 equals 1 $,% ADX = 1. The .5 loop is not equal to 1 loop. 4: popl% ebp \\ Return Value Com...

c# - Dynamically Access Properties by Type -

I am trying to use an asset which is of the same type as is given in general. Look at the code: class custom class {customproperty property {get; Set;}} Category CustomProperty {} Main {// Create a new instance of my custom class Custom Class myClass = New CustomClass (); // Create a new example of another class which is the same as's customproperty myProp = new custom property (); // Normal method Dynamic Aplipion Object & lt; Custom Property & gt; (MyProp, myClass); } Private Zero DynamicallyAccessPropertyOnObject & lt; T & gt; (It's T propertyToAccess, CustomClass class) {/ I want to use the property (in the class) that is the same type of common type (typeToAccess) / TODO: to reach the right property based on the type I got Need help} If you can not see the code, I want to be able to enter a general in something and then want to use the property on a square Which is the kind of inside Sector was passed. Is there any good way to...

wso2 - Set timeout for callout mediator -

I am using WSO2 ESB 4.6.0 and in a specific moment, blocking calls for an external web service is required . For this, I am using callout mediator: & lt; Callout service URL = "http: // localhost: 9773 / services / orderservice" action = "vase: mediator" & gt; & Lt; Source xmlns: s11 = "" xpath = "s11: body / child :: * [fn: status () = 1]" /> & Lt; Target xmlns: s11 = "" xpath = "s11: body / child :: * [fn: position () = 1]" /> & Lt; / Callout & gt; The problem is that sometimes, completing this service and answering can take about 100 seconds, but the callout throws a timeout error in 30 seconds. What do I need to know how to increase this timeout? Edit synapse.global_timeout_interval to 120000 has no effect on callout. The timeline stays in 30 seconds. When you consider the value to be mor...

try to get matplotlib legend items in reversed position -

I am trying to reverse the items which appear in matplotlib legend, that is, I previously labeled a point I want to place the position and the "symbol-symbol" of a point at the second place of the legend, then just reverse the situation mentioned below: Do you have text and legend Locate the properties of the line Have tried to copy? Something like leg = legend () txt = legend.get_texts () [0] txt.set_x (-20) line = lg.get_line () [0] line.set_xdata (line. For more legends, more commonly, it becomes LINEOFFSET = 20 TEXTOFFSET = -20 foot = Legend () in leg.get_texts () in txt: leg.get_lines () In line for txt.set_x (TEXTOFFSET): line.set_xdata (line.get_xdata () + LINEOFFSET) adjust LINEOFFSET and TEXTOFFSET unless you get the desired results

html - How do I animate my name in SVG? -

I want to type my name in cursor SVG So far, I've partially worked it is . But I want to go from being empty to write my name, so far it just writes it upside down, besides, is there any way to change the font family? HTML & lt; Html lang = "en" xmlns = "http: //"> & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Practice & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "script.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Link href = "test.scss" rel = "stylesheet" /> & Lt; Link href = "svg.css" rel = "stylesheet" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Svg width = "700" height = "600" version = "1.1" xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Path class = "path" fill = "#ffff...

How do boolean operations work with parentheses in python 2.7? -

While playing around it found a slight inequality. gt; & Gt; 'Hello' == ('hello' or 'world') true & gt; & Gt; & Gt; 'Hello' == ('world' or 'hello') false & gt; & Gt; & Gt; 'Hello' == ('hello' and 'world') false & gt; & Gt; & Gt; 'Hello' == ('world' and 'hello') is true Is there some trick for this argument that I can not find it? Why is the order of the stars the reason for determining these questions? Should not I use all the brackets? Why does "and" flip output change? Thanks a swindler In Python, all objects can be considered "true" or "false". Evaluation of Boolean logic. While doing this, Python uses this truth to create a shortcut. If it confronts a value that causes the argument to be "short-circuit" like or at the beginning of true , or incorrect At the beginning of the code> and , t...

C# delegate method signature - can you explain the syntax of this method signature? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब निम्न विधि हस्ताक्षर में, विधि नाम CacheMe के बाद, & lt; inType, outType & gt; क्या है? मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि कैशएमई विधि के नाम के दाईं ओर इस वाक्य रचना का क्या मतलब है या क्या खड़ा है। मैं समझता हूं कि & lt; inType, outType & gt; कैश मे विधि नाम के बाईं ओर है, लेकिन विधि पैरामीटर सूची से पहले & lt; inType, outType & gt; क्या है ? सार्वजनिक स्थिर फ़ंक्शन & lt; inType, outType & gt; इस वाक्यविन्यास को समझने में किसी भी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। "पोस्ट-पाठ" आइटमप्रॉप = "टेक्स्ट"> ये प्रकार तर्क हैं ये फिर से प्रयोज्य का त्याग किए बिना टाइप सुरक्षा को लागू करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है यह एक SO प्रश्न के लिए थोड़ा बहुत बड़ा विषय है, लेकिन मैं इसे पढ़ने की सलाह देता हूं; या जॉन स्केट्स सी # गहराई में जो उन्हें समझाने का एक अच्छा काम करता है। एक उदाहरण के रूप में सिर्फ डिक्शनरी & tt; TKey, TValue & gt; जहां TKey कुंजी का प्रकार और TValue मू...

How to fix the loop so it doesn't keep stopping with entries left in the file c++ -

I realize that I am posting my second post on this topic and thank you for all your patience It's going to work, since last post, it has been a few days since, and I'm still trying to understand why the loop is over after reading 15 out of the entries in the input file Emphasizing My professor gives us a R, which contains the main () function and two files in the parameter, a sequential access input file and a random access output file, so in the abbreviation name-ad name header I have received all the other examples of working But I and my trainers are not able to understand what is happening and I can actually use some more help and some suggestions are very much Aha will. # include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Fstream & gt; # Include & lt; Iomanip & gt; using namespace std; Const int DESC_SIZE = 37; Structure item {int itemId; Description of the character [DESC_SIZE]; Double cost, value; }; Int ProcessIfile (Const four * Safffile, Con...

javascript - Scrolling background image with boundaries -

I have a big background image. I would like to do this when I scroll down the page, also the image scroll down. ..but when it is under the image it does not continue to scroll to white space. How do I do this? In addition to this, I would like to scroll through it easily. something like that? You should play with background-attachment and background-size: background-shaped: cover; Background-attachment: fixed;

How to pass a lambda expression to an AngularJS directive -

I am trying to create a set of AngularJS instructions that will process an array of objects and use specific objects For example, if the array contains strings, for example, such an instruction could present a comma-separated list of those strings. I hope to use such an instruction like this: & lt; Csv-list item = "myArray" /> However, as mentioned above, as I mentioned above, I want the array of implementing objects to be flexible enough to cross the command, so that the instructions are the property of a particular property or sub-example if I can give the lambda expression to the instruction , Then I would imagine using it like this: & lt; Csv-list item = "myArray" member = "element = & gt;" / & gt; I think there is a suggested angular letter pattern to solve such problems, but I am quite new to Angular JS, so I have not found it yet. There are several ways to do this, using the $ parse service is the ...

Single Sign-On using ASP.NET Identity 2.0 -

I am using ASP.NET ID 2.0 for our multi-app, multi-site single sign-on. Earlier, I have tried to work with the Thinktecture IdentityServer with meeting rebate, but two marriages are clearly a difficult task. Each separates itself from its point of view, but if we want to integrate, then we are left to ourselves. Is it now possible that an ASP.NET identity 2.0 MVC app that manages passwords for multiple domain sites? It seems that the key bits are still in beta. Note: We will store in SQL database and not in Azure or AD Yes, you can do so until you are sharing the same data source for membership. You may be able to create a separate DB for membership which is accessible from all these apps / websites.

html - JavaScript validation-- onClick -

I have the code of the following code, which deletes a document when the deleted image is clicked & lt; TR & gt; To change the document, you will need to delete one already. & Lt; Form name = "delete_attachment_form" verb = "apr_attachment.cfc? Method = delete_apr_attachment" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "apr_attachment_id" value = "# apr_attachment_id #" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "API_section_id" value = "#APR_section_id #" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "submit_mode" value = "delete" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "image" name = "submit" src = "image / delete" alt = "DELETE" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; Now I want to modify it and change the image to a button and put some basic JS validation so ...

ruby on rails 4 - Accessing child instance in Rabl using a custom foreign key -

मेरे पास "निर्णय" नामक एक मेज है और प्रत्येक निर्णय तालिका "निर्भरता" में अधिक निर्भरता है। तालिका "निर्भरता" तालिका "निर्णय" से दो विदेशी कुंजी, जिसे "decision_1_id" और "decision_2_id" कहा जाता है, से जुड़ा हुआ है। जब मैं कोई निर्णय मुद्रित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं तो मैं इन दो क्षेत्रों में से किसी एक का उपयोग करके अपनी निर्भरताएं मुद्रित करना चाहूंगा। इस कोड के साथ: ऑब्जेक्ट @ डिसिसिस बच्चे: निर्भरताएं गुण हैं: id,: decision_id_1,: decision_id_2,: relationship end राब को खोजने की कोशिश करेंगे "Decision_id" फ़ील्ड जो मौजूद नहीं है क्या आप विदेशी कुंजी को निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए कोई समाधान जानते हैं? UPDATE मेरे मॉडल अगले हैं: क्लास निर्भरता & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस is_to: decision_1,: class_name = & gt; 'निर्णय',: विदेशी_की = & gt; 'Decision_1_id' belongs_to: decision_2,: class_name = & gt; 'निर्णय',: विदेशी_की = & gt; 'Decision_2_id' अंत वर्ग नि...

python - Turning String of Length X -> Length Y -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 जवाब मेरे पास चर में दो स्ट्रिंग हैं X और y, जहां x की लंबाई y की लंबाई से अधिक है बड़ी स्ट्रिंग (x) के आकार में आप छोटी स्ट्रिंग (वाई) कैसे मैप कर सकते हैं? उदाहरण के लिए: x = "appleappleapple" # (लंबाई 15 ) Y = "abc" # (लंबाई 3) इसे "abcabcabcabcabc" के लिए मैप किया जाना चाहिए, जबकि len (y) & lt; लेन (एक्स): वाई + = y जबकि लेन (वाई) & gt; Len (x): y = y [: - 1] प्रिंट एक्सप्रैप्ट वाई ऐप्पलेटप्लेपल एबकैबैकैकैबैक क्या इस ऑपरेशन को करने के लिए एक बहुत ही अजगर / कुशल तरीका है? x = "appleappleapple" # (लंबाई 15) y = "abc" # (लंबाई 3) यह मैप किया जाना चाहिए "Abcabcabcabcabc" z = (y * (लेन (एक्स) / लेन (वाई) +1)) [: लेन (x)]

.net - What SynchronizationContext does Task.ContinueWith use? -

Some overloads do not take synchronization contact. What do they use to schedule a new task? Some surcharge of the work. Do not take a synchronization contact. In fact, none of them takes a synchronization context , but some take a task scheduler . Do they use to schedule new jobs? Nobody! By default, the current scheduler is determined by the current scheduler ( TaskScheduler.Current ), which, when not called Task , this TaskScheduler. Default is . Therefore continuation thread is run on the thread from the pool. Threadpool does not have any related synchronization reference (unless you explicitly set it).

sql - Getting the latest record by DATETIME or NULL -

"itemprop =" text "> I have the following questions: DISTINCT, select creator, ls . Name, ld.timestampOut countermeasures c Left Join external ld.documentId = Left external lifecycleDetails = ld.lifecycleStatus where ld.timestampOut = on ld (Select Max (lifecycleDetails from timestampOut)) or ld lifecycleState ls Join .timestampOut is NULL If I am getting the following results: I know I am doing this wrong, but what I want is the record with the latest date. If the timestamp is empty then I want that record instead. In the end I do not want to record only 1. Thank you! If you are using SQL Server, you can use ROW_NUMBER () for this purpose: select ID, manufacturer name, select timestampOut (, manufacturer,, ld.timestampOut, ROW_NUMBER ( ) over the counter c combination based on ld as the Left external SEQNUM lifecycleDetails ld (ID then split (the case when ld.timestampOut null command 1 and 2 at the end), timest...

javascript - .load performance issue when using in interval -

I have a php application, where I have Browser (I would have to make it for IE 8) generally starts slow after a few minutes of reloading the data. I already know - the memory does not get rid of the already loaded data, as long as the page itself loads. Is there any way to do this, after flooding some / several reloaded? I found it: And here's a good answer (see full thread): This is not a complete answer, but I quickly realized how to fix all the code with the minimum change. In my "base" JS class (it is an object that is used on each page for the standard button Hukups class name, etc.), I added the following method, which checks the quality fraud: {Function HandlerExists (Trigurname, The Handler) {function getFunctionName (fn) {var rgx = / ^ function \ s + ([^ \ (\ S) +) / var matches = rgx .exec (fn.toString ()); Matches [1]: "(anonymous)"} exists = false; Var handlername = matching function (handler); If ($ (document) .data ('event...

c# - If statements working differently then expected -

This may or may be a stupid question, but if the outcome of the statements is different, the following will be 2 Say k = "z"; if (! K == "x" ||! K == "y") { // do something } 2. If (! (K == "x" || k == "y")) {// do something} in my mind These two statements should be killed // Dew something .... only the bottom will have the same effect. Which is the result of the BTW hope. Again sorry, but I can not wrap my ignorant mind around it. Your question is "why (not x) or (not y) Separately no (x or y) ? " (not x) or (not y) no (x or y) is wrong if x or y is correct, and otherwise true. is false if both X and Y are true, and otherwise are true. "Either X or Y is true" and "Both X and Y are true" are different. When you are confused then there is a good technique: Create the truth table: XY No X No or Y (No X) or (No Y) No (X Or y) TTFFTFFTFFTTTFFFTTFTT ...

single page application - Breeze: Track changes on new object -

I'm able to set up a unit object, set some default values ​​and add it to the manager. Now I manager. I want to track its changes using hasChanges () . For some reason, it always gives the truth whether even newly created institutions should check in the database, but should I check anything else? As soon as you add it to 'EntityManager' by definition, it has changed because It is in an 'added' state. To handover the 'His Change', it means that it is necessary to be saved because it is 'different' from what is provided in your heartstep service (which is not yet 'saved' in this case). What you can do is attach your unit to EntityManager in the 'unchanged' state. myEntityManager.attachEntity (newNTT, air .nettext has been replaced); In this case, any change you make will do the job you want, but ... Bridge Now your new attached unit And if you try to save it, then saving will fail because the wind will try to 'm...

android - Pass data to multiple fragments -

I'm creating a scene with 2 pieces inside it, it's okay to increase layout but I got another problem. Before making the pieces, I need to pass some pieces in fragments (fragment list Sachema and Fragment schema datatel). I thought about the application variable, but I think it's not the proper way. How can I do this? Thanks in advance Increase: increases public square laminate {@ Override Public View Creatives (LayoutInflator Inflator, View Group Container, Bundle Saved InstantState) {// TODO Auto-Generated Method View Stub View = inflater.inflate (R. Late Fragment_sema, Container); Return view; }} Layout: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" android: orientation = "horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Android: layout_w...

improve growing cell array in matlab -

I would like to know how to basically do what I aim to run this part of my program efficiently For his background, I want the cluster points. There are about 10,000 points. These points have been calculated among those "those people" stored in the matrix F , then the force between point 1 and point 2 is F (1,2) . I want to do "cluster points" with enough F to work on them (Force Setting / Threshold), which is 2 points with enough F both of them Are related to the same cluster between I have a code as seen below. If a cell array CLUSTER was created to include the cluster assignment, then CLUSTER {i} is in the cell containing the i cluster digit However, for some F settings, the implementation takes forever I have read about the rehearsal and front ( Perforof can not be done since iteration in iterations). But prealloclication of cell array means that individual cells are not undone with memory? Is there any other way around this? The framewo...

php - Basic routing doesn't work correctly -

I am starting Laravel and the following work is fine: Root :: find ('User', function () {return 'user!';}); Although this does not work: $ test = function () {Return 'User!'; } Root :: find ('user', $ test); Why is this? Try turning on error reporting ( error_reporting (-1); ) Therefore PHP will throw a syntax error. You have a semicolon unavailable: $ test = function () {Return 'User!'; }; A semicolon is required because you are defining a value for a variable. If you are defining the function ( function test () {} ), then you do not need a semicolon. Actually defined functions such as function tests () {} , you have to set up in LARGESE. For example: AP / controller / test controller.fp class test controller base controller {public function index () {return ' the user!' ; }} Apps / routes. Php Route: Receive ('User', 'Test Controller @ Index'); Note: Composer dump-aut...

ios - How do you make a UITableViewDatasource independant of the UIViewController -

In the past, I have always entered the class and reuse ID for a cell in the view "ViewDidLoad" method of controller . It works fine when the view controller corresponds to UITableViewDataSource and acts as the data source of the table. However, I want to create an independent class that acts as a data source. "RegisterNib: forCellReuseIdentifier:" or "registerClass: forCellReuseIdentifier:" Creating a very tight binding between calling "viewDidLoad" is a visual controller and class that is acting as a data source and The data source violates the encapsulation of the implementation: In particular, the data source should use the same class and when re-implementing "cellForRowAtIndexPath:", the ID specified in the view controller should be reused. / P> Is there a way where the data source can specify a class and reuse the ID, and keep the internal implementation details hidden from the controller to see it? create your data...

querystringparameter - Jquery adding querystring parameter without page refreshing -

I want to add url to the query string without the URL without refreshing page. Is this possible? I do not want to use #. Sample: after adding the query string . I do not go under the URL. Take a look at this: you can see some examples.

sapui5 - OpenUI5 - partially rerender control -

I am using sap.ui.ux3.DataSet to present hundreds of simple custom controls. At startup time, I would like to render only some items, and then would like to present additional items as user scrolls. I can add items to the underlying model of the dataset after basically rendering, but because it has to be completely re-submitted, there is no bad user experience. Is there a normal pattern for re-rendering of any control? I have a hard time because the item render manager is no longer available. Edit: I think I can generalize my question after some more reflection: When a model of control is updated Is there ways to reproduce partial control to reflect the change? The above-used-case datasets have to provide additional items to control after initial rendering. I have not yet used UI in 5 tables, customize according to your needs, but " The plain "HTML" load-plus-like-scroll-down pattern will be $ (window) .scroll (function () {if ($ (window) .scr...

How does one build a custom Bootstrap WebJar with sbt? -

I want to create a web site that includes a brand-customized version of the bootstrap from the lower source. I have sbt Version = 0.13.5-M4 in project / and addSbtPlugin ("com.typesafe.sbt"% "sbt-less"% "1.0.0-M2a ") in project / plugins.sbt . My build.sbt looks like this: import com.typesafe.web.sbt.WebPlugin import com.typesafe.jse.sbt.JsEnginePlugin import com. Typesafe Web.sbt.WebPlugin.WebKeys Name: = "Brand-Assets" Organization: = "com.example" version: "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" webplugin. Web Settings JsEnginePlugin.jsEngineSettings Lazy val = root (file (".") In the file). Filter in addPlugins (SbtWeb) property is excluded: = New pattern filter ("" "[^ _]. * \. Less" "" "." ..pattern) : build.sbt: 1: Error: object web package is not a member of com. Typefaf import com.typesafe.web.sbt.WebPlugin ^ build.sbt: 2: error: object sbt package com....