wso2 - Set timeout for callout mediator -

I am using WSO2 ESB 4.6.0 and in a specific moment, blocking calls for an external web service is required . For this, I am using callout mediator:

  & lt; Callout service URL = "http: // localhost: 9773 / services / orderservice" action = "vase: mediator" & gt; & Lt; Source xmlns: s11 = "" xpath = "s11: body / child :: * [fn: status () = 1]" /> & Lt; Target xmlns: s11 = "" xpath = "s11: body / child :: * [fn: position () = 1]" /> & Lt; / Callout & gt;  

The problem is that sometimes, completing this service and answering can take about 100 seconds, but the callout throws a timeout error in 30 seconds.

What do I need to know how to increase this timeout?


synapse.global_timeout_interval to 120000 has no effect on callout. The timeline stays in 30 seconds.

When you consider the value to be more than 120 seconds the value Synapse.global_timeout_interval 'value is file To be stored in / / conf /

or you value

  & lt; Timeout & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; 1000 & lt; / Period & gt; & Lt; ResponseAction & gt; Discard & lt; / ResponseAction & gt; & Lt; / Timeout & gt;  


for more information


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