Getting Http request Body from Chrome -
I know that this question has already been asked but my question is from a common man's perspective. I am trying to bring an HTTP request body for a web page visited by Chrome. When I searched online, I came to know that there is a WebView API for Chrome that can be used. Apart from this, I came to know that in the manifest.json to use the WebExt API, we have to write down the key, value.
"Permissions": ["webRequest", "*: // * /"]
In addition to the link below There is a code that I understand can be used for that.
But I did not understand where to write the code? Apart from this, someone can tell me what I have understood about the manifest. Jason is right or not?
I am a newbie to do all this, because till now I was doing database stuff. Can you please explain in simple terms what to do to remove http request from chrome? Apart from this, if there is a simple plugin that makes it equal, then it will be a life saver. Thank you.
OK so I could not find an extension for Chrome. But instead of gaining intelligence, it is a stand alone app that stops all requests and responses from all browsers. It can also stop HTTT requests from your Java app. Hope this helped anyone get help Thanks.
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