How does one build a custom Bootstrap WebJar with sbt? -
I want to create a web site that includes a brand-customized version of the bootstrap from the lower source. I have sbt Version = 0.13.5-M4
in project /
and addSbtPlugin ("com.typesafe.sbt"% "sbt-less"% "1.0.0-M2a ")
in project / plugins.sbt
. My build.sbt
looks like this:
import com.typesafe.web.sbt.WebPlugin import com.typesafe.jse.sbt.JsEnginePlugin import com. Typesafe Web.sbt.WebPlugin.WebKeys Name: = "Brand-Assets" Organization: = "com.example" version: "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" webplugin. Web Settings JsEnginePlugin.jsEngineSettings Lazy val = root (file (".") In the file). Filter in addPlugins (SbtWeb) property is excluded: = New pattern filter ("" "[^ _]. * \. Less" "" "." ..pattern)
build.sbt: 1: Error: object web package is not a member of com. Typefaf import com.typesafe.web.sbt.WebPlugin ^ build.sbt: 2: error: object sbt package com.typesafe.jse import com.typesafe.jse.sbt.JsEnginePlugin ^ build.sbt: 15: error: value addPlugins Member is not sbt.Project lazy val root = (File is not a member in the project (".") AddPlugins (SbtWeb) ^ sbt.compiler.EvalException: type error i n expression
What am I missing?
So far, I will undefine your question, plugin.sbt
should be added to:
Inappropriate on Resolver + = Resolver.typesafeRepo ("Release")
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