phpmyadmin - Can't see created databases -

I have two problems with EasyPHP (perhaps related).

1) If I can not see databases in phpMyAdmin in the navigation panel or in the "database" page. The database exists because I can query about it and it fights with other CREATE instructions (using the same name). I think this was a configuration (permission?) Problem ...

2) Going on the tray icon, right-click on the easy PHP icon, then "Configuration-> PhpMyAdmin" I "Object Not found "error for code >

I use win8.

Thank you.

Edit: I tried updating PhpMyAdmin 4.1.12, but nothing happened.

The solution I found at the end! In the configuration file, I have changed this line:

  $ cfg ['server'] [$ i] ['hide_db'] = '(Mysql | INFORMATION_SCHEMA | performance_schema | test | phpmyadmin' '); With  

  $ cfg ['server'] [$ i] ['hide_db'] = '^ (mysql | info_schema | performance_schema | Test | phpmyadmin) $ ';  

Now it works fine!


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