
Showing posts from May, 2012

javascript - Angular UI popover with custom options - -

I want to add some custom options to an angular UI popover but I'm getting an error saying it is undefined . What do I miss here to do this work? I am using Angelor 1.0.8 without JQR. I have Cheers, Jimmy UnkitType Error: There is no undefined function element.popover (option); using element.popover (option) Bootstrap's Basic API I think that you are using bootstrap components through the Angular-UI library so that you need to import the native bootstrap.js script to use the above syntax.

ruby - a regex for numbers, letters, and -_. but the -_. can't be last characters of the captured fragment -

How do I create a regex that captures this form as: "BS BN12 .3 .- "Scan (Reggae) # = & gt; [["12.3"]] Where are the last time, underscore, and hyphen are not included in the capture, but are the internal ones? I tried the following: "BS BN12.3." Scan (/ BN ([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -_.] +) /) #) = & Gt; If you create your existing group as a non-governmental organization, do it ? By terminating as ([a-zA-Z0- 9 \ -_. >> +?) as and follow it with an expression that is different from the other The letter [-._] * before ending with $ , you should do what you need: "bs BN12.3.-" .scan (/ bn ([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -_.] +?) [-__ * * $ /) = & gt; [["12.3"]] # Various input string ... "BS BN12.3" .scan (/ BN ([a-zA-Z0-9 \ -_.] +?) [-._] * $ / ) = & Gt; [["12.3"]] 2.1.0: 012 & gt; "BS BN 12." Scan (/ BN ([A-GAA-Z-9-9. -_.] +?) [-__ * * $ /) => [["12"]] "BS BN 12.3-4.5 ___...

Auto created teext when opening new html-page in Expression web -

I'm learning to use Expression Web 4.0 when creating a new HTML page, the following text is automatically created: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" " DTD" & gt; & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; Is this code redundant, is it necessary (or demanded by the owners), or what? doctype A special edition of html used to create web pages for web browsers is also responsible for triggering a particular browser rendering mode. Check it out is standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

c# - Are we able to create an overload for system methods? -

I am using my own greatvolumnumber class for integer values ​​I There are several types of max methods for the types in the system.Math class. Can I be able to create a surcharge for this maximum method which is Does BigWholeNumber compare the examples? I tried to create my own math class which comes from System.Math , but it says "seal Class' " . Thank you in advance for your advice. No, basically for the example methods, You can use extension methods to add overload. It is not possible for static methods.

function - PHP Recursive query script -

I want to create a recursive query scripts which output to ID_Col2 Will be followed in the next recurring query. My code which actually only prevents the first cycle: function recurring ($ id, $ numRows) {for ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; = $ numrows; $ i ++) {$ DbConnect = New MySqlConnect (); $ DbConnect- & gt; Connect (); $ Query = $ dbConnect-> Query ("SELECT ID_Col1, ID_Col2 wbs WHERE ID_Col1 = '" $ id. "' And ID_Col2! = '0' Order by ID ASC); $ N = mysql_num_rows ($ query); $ Result = $ dbConnect-> Remove Object ($ query); ($ X = 0; $ x & lt; Count ($ result); $ x ++) {$ r = $ result [$ x] - & gt; ID_Col2; Echo $ r '& lt; Br> & # 39; & # 39; Recurring recurring query ($ r, $ n); } $ DbConnect- & gt; Disconnect (); }} Echo recursiveQuery ('6765', '25'); So how do I modify this script to make it work? You open the database connection again ...: Function recursive CQ ($ ID, $ numRows...

magento - In Search Results order/sort by ordered quantity -

Please help me I want to see the product in order of search results according to orders Please read this block to me, I think this is very helpful for you. / Magento-products / sort-show-products-by-sell-quantity-in-magento / For the last one I am not sure that the filter is about to sort out this block is not.

java - Primefaces commandButton not working properly -

Text after " I want, when I press CommandButton, my page (to refresh all the inputText boxes, all the check boxes are empty I have tried it with update = "@ requestForm", update =. ": RequestForm", update = "all @" ajax = "false", update = "@ ([id $ = RequestForm]) ", but no success ... This is the code for my CommandButton: & lt; h: CommandButton value =" save "id =" SaveBtn "ActionListener =" # {requestBean .addRequest ()} "ajax =" false "/> My support ID =. "? RequestForm" any thoughts You can remove your managed bean request. You can use resetValues ​​ (set to true You can set the value in null .>) p: Ajax component attribute. You can use p: rese: your P inside the component: CommandButton You can use RequestContext Using .getCurrentInstance () can reset ("to restore the context of the component"). Primefaces are ...

html - Inline SVG loading via innerHTML but not displaying in mozilla, but only in chrome -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मेरे पास एक एसवीजी टैग है मेरा HTML कोड इस प्रकार है: & lt; svg height = "1094.484" id = "svg_elem" संस्करण = "1.1" चौड़ाई = "773.75" xmlns = " / 2000 / एसवीजी "& gt; & lt; desc शैली =" - वेबकिट-टैप-हाइट-रंग: आरजीबीए (0, 0, 0, 0); "gt; & lt; / desc & gt; & lt; defs शैली =" - वेबकिट- टैप-हाइलाइट-रंग: आरजीबीए (0, 0, 0, 0); "& gt; & lt; / defs & gt; & lt; / svg & gt; मैं इस एसवीजी तत्व पर इन्हें पथ में डालकर रखता हूं: var get_data = localStorage.getItem ("svg_data"); Document.getElementById ("svg_elem")। InnerHTML = get_data; मेरे स्थानीय भंडारण में वे पथ होते हैं जिन्हें एसवीजी के आंतरिक एचटीएमएल में डाल दिया जाता है। हालांकि, जब मैं ऐसा करता हूं तो एसवीजी इनर HTML को सही तरीके से लोड करता है: & lt; svg height = "1094.484" id = "svg_elem" versio...

phpexcel generating xls with no compatibility -

I am using PHPexcel to open, edit, save and download edited Excel. After that, I am using XLS to import some data into my device (tool does not make any difference), but my tool is telling me that sheet can not be found with name specific name, but it is there. All I have to do is open the file with Microsoft Office Excel, and save it again without any modification (this should not be possible). After opening and saving the file with Office Excel, the file size is low and the compatibility with my device is restored. What can I do to save the file directly to the format? I am saving the file with the following code: $ objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5 ($ objPHPExcel); Header ('content-type: application /'); Header ('content-dispute: attachment; filename =' '. $ _ Files ["file"] ["name"].' '' ''); Header ('cache-control: max-age = 0'); $ ObjWriter- & gt; Save ('test.xls'); $ Obj...

Why Functional Interfaces in Java 8 have one Abstract Method? -

As we know in Java 8, the concept of functional interfaces is introduced. A functional interface has a abstract method and many default or static methods are possible. But why should a functional interface only have an abstract method? If there is an abstract method in the interface, then why is not it a functional interface? functional interface which is also known as single abstract method Lambda functions were introduced to provide the facility since the Lambda function can only provide the implementation of 1 method, therefore it is compulsory for a single abstract method for functional interfaces. for more information. Edit -> It is also worth noting that a functional interface can have a default implementation in the interface. You will find more details about the implementation on the above link.

java - Jersey REST-API returns a HTTP Error 500 (but only client-side) -

I am currently working on a REST-API I am using jerseys for this. I had done some interfaces programs first, and they all worked fine now, I am doing it in the same way (in my opinion), but it will not work in any way. The problem is that UserGet () does not log any error (the error does not lie within TRY-CATCH), and it is successfully executed like the method. But the client receives only the "500 internal server error" -and reference. Do you have no idea how this will know where the error occurs? Or do you already know what I have done? This is my class that should be returned by the API: package myproject.model; Import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; Import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; Import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; Import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; Import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient; @XmlRootElement @XmlAccessorType (XmlAccessType.FIELD) Public class UserModel {@XmlElement (name = "id"...

javascript - Visual Studio 2013 - JSLint.NET install on web project does not show the expected Jslint menu options -

I have a web application and installed jsLint.NET on this project but the JSLint menu is not shown at all. Besides, what should I do, besides, to show the menu when I click directly on my project folders and files, what should I do? I'm on the Visual Studio 2013 Pro Edition on a Windows 7 machine. PS This question has not been answered because the answers given on this link are not understood in my case. if you installed on a project This package, which looks like a NuGet package, prepares the goals that the project is made (locally or at the build server) runs JSLint every time, so there is no menu or other IDE integration - It only runs automatically. Your project, there are some options. Create an empty JSLintNet.json file in the root of the project folder that contains a tool for editing settings in the NuGet package and drag it to JSLintNet.Console.exe. In this tool folder where the NuGet package is installed (for example, \ packages \ JSLintNet.MSBuild.1....

html5 - How to call c# function in html5app in windows phone? -

I have to make HTML5 application in Visual Studio 2013 for Windows Phone 8.1. How to Call # Html Working on the page - Javascript? Any thoughts or links should help me a lot. Thanks in advance. There are a few ways to do this, one of them is calling through a window such a C # function is. External Information method and listening to these calls in your C # back-end; Then to call the JS function in your HTML5 page like this, whenever you want: window.external.notify ("some specific Function call "); Then you'll hear such notifications in your C # code - where you host your browser controls: Private Zero Browser_ScriptNotify (Object Sender, NotifyEventArgs E) {If (e.value.StartsWith ("SomeSpecificFunctionCall")} {// Call Your Function Here}} Note that you can use any type of Browser.InvokeScript method with any type Can also script Your HTML via the C # code: Browser. Invokescript ("scriptName", parameter);

ios - How do you show a timer in objective-c as a label on screen? -

In this game, I am slowly developing, there is currently a label that updates (counter ++) each click . I no longer want the amount of clicks that appear in this label, but I want a second timer from the first click. I have made a bunch of different methods researched online, but I can not get any of them to work. Make an example of NSTimer @interface YourViewController () { NSTimer Stopwatch Timer; NSDate * startDateTime; } Then when your button just opens the timer and looks like a startup if (! [StopWatchTimer isValid]) {startDateTime = [NSDate date]; StopWatchTimer = [NSTimer Scheduled Timer WithTime Timeline: 1.0 / 10.0 Target: Self Selector: @Selector (Stopwatch readings) userInfo: Zero repeats: Yes]; } Finally implement the StopWatchReading method - (zero) stopwatch readings {NSDT * currentdate = [NSDT date]; NSTEEInternewelTimeInterval = [existing date time interlacing date: startdate]; NSDT * TimerDate = [Date of NSDT with Interval: 1970: Time Interval]...

mysql - Gem mysql2 install -

mysql2 needs help setting up. I am searching for everything and have come into despair. I'm new at Santos and killing some obstacles I've been able to get the most out of last, but I'm looking for help. Install the following running gem mysql 2 [root bin] #gem install mysql2 Creating the original extension can take some time ... Error: Error setting mysql2: Error: Mani Failed to create native extension Check for / usr / bin / ruby ​​extconf.rb dark red / thread.h ... no checking for rb_thread_blocking_region () ... no checking for rb_wait_for_single_fd () ... check for any rb_hash_dup () For rb_intern3 ... no checking () ... no ----- mysql_config check for / usr / bin / mysql_config on----- mysql.h ... for mysql / mysql.h Do not check ... No ----- Mysql.h is missing Please check your installation and try again. ----- *** extconf.rb Failed *** Could not make Makefile due to some reason, perhaps lacking necessary libraries and / You may need configuration options. Conf...

dataframe - R - Running Score Column For Sports Results -

I have a large dataset of goals given in football matches, which are sorted by match and in which order were scored Were. This is in the following format: Currently I have only the first 2 columns, the third is what I am struggling to create: goal. Equation Target Deviation is going on. Differentiated 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 -1 1 4 1 2 25 0 2 0 0 -1 -1 -1 2 -1 -2 25 0 -2 Each row with a sequence number 0 or 25 indicates a goal except for any row (these matches are the dummy rows for the starting point and match-end point). Round Defense column shows the goal of home teams (+1 if they scored, -1 if they have agreed). Therefore, the sample data given above represents 3 different matches, which resulted in 1-1, 3-1 and 0-2. I want to make the third column for the score difference in the match, but every new match that is restarted, I am struggling to do this and any help would be appreciated. Some examples follow the data: Provide data in # usable format ...

indexing - index of clicked element to pop her event_id from array jquery -

For my example, I have 3 href tags so if I click on a href tag for the first time, Like to pop the event_id before the array variable. How can I solve it? Here is my HTML code: & lt; A href = "#" event-id = "class =" event_delete "& gt; Link & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" event-id = "class =" event_delete "& gt; Link & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" event-id = "class =" event_delete "& gt; Link & lt; / A & gt; My jquery code here: var event_id = new array (); // event_id first for a href tag event_id.push ("1X4JxCOwhDpD4Oj5ch"); // Event_ID for the second ARR tag event_ id.push ("LKB 77AAMVJZE 83LH"); // event_id third for a href tag event_id.push ("h0NTcpfUlinWbpwBbpB1"); JQuery ('. Event_delete'). Click (function () {var index = jQuery ('. Event_delete'). Index (this); // // .. //console.log(event...

Representing math in text using HTML -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 11 उत्तर मैं निम्नलिखित का प्रतिनिधित्व कैसे करूँगा एचटीएमएल में पाठ का उपयोग कर रहे हैं? क्या कोई विशेष वर्ण हैं जो यह अनुमति देगा? दोस्ताना कोड इस तरह दिखता है: & amp; सिग्मा; सिग्मा साइन के लिए HTML एन्कोड के लिए एक त्वरित Google खोज आपको अस्तित्व में बहुत कुछ के लिए वर्ण सेट प्रदान करता है। संपादित करें: चूंकि यह पोस्ट करने से पहले इसे बंद किया गया था: चूंकि मुझे लगता है कि आपका प्रश्न उस विशिष्ट प्रतीक का निर्माण करने के लिए तैयार था शुद्ध एचटीएमएल में आप इसे प्रारूपित और इसे निम्न प्रकार से बना सकते हैं। & lt; style type = "text / css" & gt; H2 {color: # 000; फ़ॉन्ट-आकार: 11px; display: inline; रेखा-ऊंचाई: .01 एम; फ़ॉन्ट शैली: इटैलिक; } & Lt; / style & gt; & Lt; फ़ॉन्ट आकार = "12px" & gt; & amp; # x3 ए 3; & lt; / font & gt; & Lt; / br & gt; & LT; h2 & gt; & amp; nbsp & amp; nbsp & amp; nbspi & lt; / h2 & gt;

Line in Python to PHP -

My question is quite simple, was written I have Python a row and I want to translate into PHP. I would like to know what this code means, can someone help me? PHP write, write, write, write, $ file It looks like: stdClass Object ([H] = & gt; Attje 2B ST [p] = & Gt; RGVTGTY [U] = & gt; Wh2YQMRtPnM [T] = & gt; 0 [A] => 7t-LChJ3ipLxISZHTJ3P8ctqt5YYZoXXJ_3uQwc65sU [k] = & gt; Wh2yQMRtPnM: dmcr_plTOPAS75PLnr3qlXZnK_6ZUzjwEu-Ty5696pU [S] => 85 [ts] = & gt; 1398630915) , if I understand your comments, is $ key = dmcr_plTOPAS75PLnr3qlXZnK_6ZUzjwEu-Ty5696pU true North. Okay? given file [ 'a'] is a string, here PHP equivalent: $ key = substr (file ['k'], strokes (file ['k'], ':') + 1);

javascript - Changing "key" and "values" into "name" and "children" using nest() -

update : thanks @ amelia br, after asking it for my specific question Answered. / P> Displays the resolution of the solution to my specific problem. My question was : I change the structure of some such tasks I'm not seeing what I want to use. If you have defined, then works well, parents are inside the structure, but I am unable to reach it. Whatever I do, it will also work efficiently, and I feel like doing it nest () can be a good answer. I want to change "key": "keyname", "values": "a value" : "name": "keyname", "children": "a value" and change in the leaf node (if possible, the rest of the data is "cow "A value": "value": "value": "one value" When I read it, it became a bit sad: "I do not see all the elements in the trough compared to the continuous and changing names, for which it is necessary ...

php - combining results of two select objects Zend\Db\sql\sql -

I know the way to combine two selected letters will look like this: SELECT Include table A on a table A. In the table that comes from table A. [TableB] .ID = Table A. Select Owner Union Table AID., Table A. Include [Table C] by name [Table C] on right outer table A. tableAId = tableA.Id But how will it be if I am using SQL Object? $ sql = new SQL ($ Adapter); Select $ = $ sql-> Select (); Select $ - & gt; From (tableA); Select $ - & gt; Any help would be greatly appreciated. ZF2 has combine that acts as a union - $ select1-> Coalition ($ select2); I hope this helps someone.

jquery - Moving child div above another child div in each parent div -

Experiment: This includes (), I'm trying to target specific child div in each parent div , And insert it above (insertBefore) all other baby divs. & lt; Div class = "roomRateRoomType" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "see listing rates room" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "rate type liignim" & gt; & Lt ;! - Non-Best Flex Rate - & gt; & Lt; Div square = "see regular rate room" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; Advance Savings Rate & amp; Deals & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Lorem Ipsum & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - Best Flexible Rate - & gt; & Lt; Div square = "see regular rate room" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "upsellHeader" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "groupHeader" & gt; Best Flexible Rate & amp; Amp; Deals & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Lorem Ipsum & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Di...

java - Setting Neo4j cache -

I'm using Neo4j 1.9.4 for a project and I run in a strange behavior: I have a piece of code that works well I have set classpath with an ivy file and all is well [code] public static void {// Cash Providers ArrayList & Lt; CacheProvider & gt; CashList = new arreelist & lt; CashProver & gt; (); System.out.println ("create DB configuration"); CacheList.add (new softcap provider); // Kernel Extensions LuceneKernelExtensionFactory lucene = New LuceneKernelExtensionFactory (); & Lt; KernelExtensionFactory & lt ;? & Gt; & Gt; Extension = new ArrayList & lt; KernelExtensionFactory & lt ;? & Gt; & Gt; (); Extensions.add (Lucene); // Database Setup GraphDatabaseFactory gdbf = New GraphDatabaseFactory (); Gdbf.setKernelExtensions (extension); Gdbf.setCacheProviders (cacheList); GraphDatabaseService db = gdbf.newEmbeddedDatabase ("/ tmp / test"); } The problem is that when I change cacheList.add (new SoftCap Prov...

machine learning - How to quantify these features so they can be analysed upon using Logistic Regression? -

I have a very short question which is bothering me for a while. I have a dataset with interesting features , But some of them dimensionless amounts (I have tried to use z-scores) have made them anything worse: Timestamp (like YMMDDHMMSMSMI) From the last 9 characters are found. User IDs (like a hash form) How do I interpret them? The IP address (you know what they are) I only remove the first 3 characters. City (there is an ID like 1,15,72) How can I interpret it? Should the area (similar to the city) make me mean, or just leave it? The rest of the things, which understand prices, width and height. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated thanks .. li> If the user / city / region is a nominal value, which must be encoded in any way. The most common method is to create more "dummy" dimensions as possible numbers, so if you have 100 centuries, you create 100 dimensions and only "1" on representing a particular city (and others on 0) The IP sh...

c++ - Why vector<int> variable returned by const ref doesn't work -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 20 उत्तरों यह मेरा कार्य है: कॉन्स्ट वेक्टर & lt; int & gt; & amp; GetVInt () {वेक्टर & lt; int & gt; विंट; (...) रिटर्न vint; } और, वेक्टर & lt; int & gt; X = getVInt (); रिटर्न: 'std :: out_of_range' का उदाहरण फेंकने के बाद कहा जाता है क्या (): वेक्टर :: _ M_range_check और const वेक्टर & lt; int & gt; और amp; X = getVInt (); कुछ भी नहीं लौटाता है (एक वेक्टर जिसमें 0 से अलग आकार होता है, लेकिन जब मैं एक्स (आई) का उपयोग करता हूं तब कोई भी वैक्टर नहीं होता है।) मैंने फ़ोरम में देखा Temprorary और const रेफरी के बारे में जवाब मुझे समझने में मदद नहीं करता है। धन्यवाद। आप एक स्थानीय ऑब्जेक्ट के संदर्भ लौट रहे हैं यह अपरिभाषित व्यवहार है इसके बजाय प्रतिलिपि से लौटें, प्रतिलिपि को धन्यवाद दिया जाएगा। std :: vector & lt; int & gt; GetVInt () {std :: vector & lt; int & gt; विंट; // ... वापसी vint; }

css - How can I pass form values off to an asp script without actually calling it from the form action? -

What am I trying to do here? I have a page that shows CSS to show / hide different content devices. One of the Divs uses a form that submits a record to a database. After clicking on "Submit" I do not want to redirect back to the default page content, which is by calling the script in the form action and using a simple response at the end of the ASP script. Instead, I want to send the FSP script to the form IFam (or any other way) and then clear the form. In this way the user can go ahead and enter another event in the form, without having to click on an "add event" button in the navigation to show a hidden form devolution (which means that I load the default page if I Back redirect). I see some ways to handle it: - As I mentioned above, the form data is sent to ASP in an iframe or something like that. - I normally call the ASP script, but when I respond to the default .asp, then in some way tell the page to display the form division instead of the default con...

How can I generate a GridView or DataGrid using only C# in a Command Line application? -

I am adding a command line program that actually runs only on one server automatically, with transaction total Sends a daily email every day. What would I like to add to the email, instead of displaying the dategrid or gridview in the, the specific company name and their totals (rather than the total number for all). I think I can understand how to get data from DB and use it for it but I am not sure how to keep the grid for the e-mail body. I know that I can keep HTML in an email for an email, but how can I populate it dynamically with information? I have seen a tutorial with web applications that will do this with an event handler, basically the same GridView from a web form, but I want to do it only with a basic command-line application var body = "good morning - tomorrow," + datetime. Now.AddDays (-1). Ostring (" Dddd ") + + + date time.Now update day (-1). ShortStat Straightening () + "There were" + Count. Br> & lt; br / ...

html - MVC4 - Clearing form after submission to hide values from browser's back function -

This is for an application that will be used in public place to collect data. This will not require a login After the people who fill out the form have finished, I need to make sure that the back button does not reveal form data for those who have filled the first form. I have already searched StackOverflow and the web. In the config, trying to set the header for no-cache and setting the outputstore nancach to the right. Whatever I have tried to do, I do not see anything when the back button is pressed. What is the best way to do this? I do not want to depend on javascript for this. In short - you . If you want to know more about why there is no proper way to do this and there are some suggestions for doing some partial work - you can call it

HTTP Head method Content-Length does not match with size on "View Page info" -

Please forgive my understanding of this topic. I had a bunch of URL that I want to know the size of my web page. Therefore, I used the HTTP head-rick method to get content-length I created content lengths (I've used Firefox by opening some of those URLs in a browser) and see "Page Info "(Right-click on the website in the browser) option which is" Size: ". For most of the URLs, both values ​​match but not for anything. I wonder why that is?

sql - Stock list to only show unique part numbers -

I am trying to create a stock list but only showing unique part numbers different Line works and displays only unique part numbers Select a different part number from v_StockValuation However when I add it in the following way So it displays several lines with the same part number SELECT * to v_StockValuationWhat in Partnumber (PartNumber to v_Sto Select ckValuation) Order by PartNumber I have tried partnumber by GROUP COUNTING (*) = 1 but excluding partnumbers present more than once Ends I'm probably remembering something simple, can someone guide me? Thanks You can: SELECT * from v_StockValuation Group by PartNumber;

c# - Parsing a variable through a URL in HTML -

I have analyzed two variables in HTML as a link to another HTML page in HTML page through a URL in the URL: & lt; A href = "customer.cshtml?seat_ro = @ item.set_rose?seat_number =@item.Seat_No" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; There are two variables in Seat_Oro and Seat_Number. Now I would like to display customer.cshtml inside these paragraph tags. "http: // localhost: 2368 / client.cshtml?seat_ro = a?seat_number = 2" when displaying the URL So I can see that the variables are parsing, though I do not know how it appears on the actual page? Thanks

c++ - Return pointer from type and string of name -

How do I return a (n current) pointer to a string named in the known type? Say I got some maps & lt; String, double & gt; to map1 and some vector & lt; String & gt; named vec1 is created. I would like to write a task that will return map1 to "map1" and vec1 to "vec1" ). (And additional logic to specify each related type). Is this possible? My final goal is to get a QWidget by its name QString form, because I am working in a large number of them, though an answer The structure should be independent, right? You need to do some type of dynamic transmission. To do this, you can simply start with what you offer: enum class type {A = 0, B = 1}; Zero (* Handler []) (Zero *) = {& amp; HandleA; And HandleB}; :: std :: unordered_map & lt; :: std :: string, :: std :: tuple & lt; Type, Zero * & gt; & Gt; Registry; Anything that remains is to be searched: zero lookup (:: std :: string const & amp; na...

text - Express "PUT all variables" in a data step to export SAS data -

Target: Export a complete SAS dataset in a tab-delimited text file using a data step. Problem: I think in every example, like, after the statement of the statement, each variable must be specified in the data phase. Is there no easy way to ask for only "all" variables? I have already tried to use PUT _ALL_ , but it includes only the output names for variable names in each row of the output, rather than these values . If you want to do this in a data phase, and do not want to specify things, But in reality you do not want to do the PROC export , you want to make a decision, and that data is easily specified in a particular format), you can do this. proc sql; Select the name: The name list is separated by ''. In the column where libname = 'SASHELP' and memname = 'CLASS'; * You want the name to be libname / dataset; leave; Filename Blah Temporarily; Data_null_; Set sashelp.class; File blah dlm = '09'x; Put and list Run; You ...

android - How to set onContextItemClickListener for a context menu of ListView? -

I use the following code to set up the context menu for your listview now I make onContextItemClickListener to the context menu Want to Apparently there is no such method like listview.setOnContextItemClickListener Please help me here. view list view list = new list view (getApplicationContext ()); @SuppressWarnings ( "unchecked") Arreadptr Suchiwuareaadetr = new Arreadaptr (getApplicationContext (), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, location); ListView.setAdapter (listViewArrayAdapter); ListView.setFocusableInTouchMode (true); listView.setOnFocusChangeListener (New View.OnFocusChangeListener () {@Override public void onFocusChange (see arg0, Boolean ARG1) {Log.i ( "SampleApp", "onFocusChanged () - view =" + arg0);}}); listView.setOnItemClickListener (New AdapterView.OnItemClickListener () {@Override public void onItemClick (AdapterView adapterView, to see integer ARG2, long arg3) {int selectedPosition = adapterView.getSelectedItemPosition (); Lo...

c# - comparing One String With Multiple Other Strings -

I have a winform C # sql app in which I am retrieving data and storing it in stars. like,. string a1 = Convert. ToString (srj [@ "sub_1"]); String a2 = Convert ToString (srj [@ "Sub_2"]); String A3 = Convert. ToString (srj [@ "sophon"]); String A4 = Convert. ToString (srj [@ "Sab_4"]); String a5 = convert ToString (srj [@ "Sub_5"]); String A6 = Convert ToString (srj [@ "Sub_6"]); String a7 = Convert ToString (srj [@ "Sub_7"]); String A8 = Convert ToString (srj [@ "Sub_8"]); String A9 = Convert ToString (srj [@ "Sub_9"]); String A10 = Convert ToString (srj [@ "Sub_10"]); String a11 = convert.ToString (srj [@ "Sub_11"]); String a12 = convert ToString (srj [@ "Sub_12"]); Here I am retrieving 12 values. Now I want to compare these values ​​such as 1, A2 ... with some stars like A29. If both the wire matches a compatible check box with string, then it must be che...

SignalR self host: Connection must be started before data can be sent. Call .start() before .send() -

I know this is another post related to this problem :) I write my Trying to use the Signal R Sl-Host Library (according to the tutorial) project, but this error can not be passed now. I start the connection as follows: $ .connection.hub.url = "http: // localhost: 8182 / signal"; $ .connection.hub.logging = true; Var Connection = $ .connection.hub.start (); Console.log (connection.state ()); Connection.done (function () {console.log (connection.state ()); [...] // initial view models here ...}); When the first view-model starts, I get the error according to the thread subject: [17:29:14 GMT + 0100 ( GMT Daylight Time) SignalRe: Auto Detects Cross Domain Url. Jquery.signalR-2.0.3.js: 76 [17:29:14 GMT + 0100 (GMT Daylight Time)] SignalR: Talking with 'http: // LocalHost: 8182 / Signal / Chat / Client Prototyled = 1.3' . Jquery.signalR-2.0.3.js: 76 Pending main.js: 218 [17:29:14 GMT + 0100 (GMT Daylight Time)] SignalR: SSE Endpoint 'http: // localhost...

Non-pointer member function typedefs in C++? -

I would like to be able to use a single C ++ typed for both member function declarations and for them And the hints have been given if I can match the structure of non-member functions, then it would be right: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; X_ft = using char (int); // Forwarded the shared interface to advertise and implement X_ft foo; times; Four FU (int n) {return (n% 3 == 0)? 'A': 'B'; } Four times (int n) {returns (n% 5 == 0)? 'CD'; } Int main (int argc, char * argv []) {// Using the same type offiffe for the indicator as the above non-indicator X_ft * f {foo}; X_ft * const g {(argc% 2 == 0)? Bar: foo}; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; F (RGC) & lt; & Lt; "," & Lt; & Lt; G (argc * 7) & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; } I do not seem to be able to avoid semi-repetition type for nonstandard member functions: struct B {// Vi_f is not class-member-specific, despite using Vi_ft = void (int); Vi_ft baz, qux; // If possibl...

PHP SOAP Request with Header Authentication -

I'm trying to use the code given below to request a web server's SOAP request: $ client = New SOAP client ('', array ('connection_timeout' => 15, 'trace' = & Gt; 1)); $ Ns = ''; $ Headbody = array ('brand' = & gt; 'BRAND1', 'locale' = & gt; 'en_us',' security credential '=> array (' applicationId '= & gt;' ABCDEF ',' token '= & Gt;' 123456789123456789123456789 ')); $ Header = New Soldier ($ ns, 'Header', $ HeaderBody); $ Customer & gt; __setSoapHeaders ($ header); $ Result = $ client- & gt; GetGuest (array ('guestID' = & gt; '000787')); However, I'm getting an error that no credentials were given, so I should do something wrong. Error Message: Unkoot Sapfalft Exception: [SOPNVI: NO_CREDENTIALS] I contacted the seller and they sent m...

android - Google Now widget shadow color code? -

Google अब विजेट की छाया का रंग कोड (पारदर्शिता सहित) क्या है? विजेट: छाया का उपयोग मैं वास्तव में समान दिखता है \ # D3D3D3 और एंड्रॉइड xml में पारदर्शिता सिर्फ # के बाद एक 80 डाल दिया \ # 80D3D3D3

mysql - evolutive script with php -

I'm trying to improve this script in PHP so that it can give me the value of a . To insert in MySQL, 9999999999 ..... 9999999999 (up to 72 characters) So far, it stops at 99 I have extended the memory and memory time of extract of Apache, but it still remains the same. This is my script: & lt ;? Php function evol ($ length = 1, $ deb_chaine = '') {$ tab = array ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g" "I", "P", "X", "R", "S", "T", "J", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N" , "5", "3", "4", "5", "Y", "We", "W", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", " 6 "," 7 "," 8 "," 9 "); $ Str = ''; If (strangel ($ deb_chioon) & lt; = ...

java - Centralizing getting of a session variable in a Jersey REST resource -

problem definition I am changing a legacy app to use a restore API Where each method is required data from a session variable (I know that this is not actually a RES application, but it is legacy code). I would like to keep the code DRY, so I tried to set the session variable in the constructor, but the HttpServletRequest is not ready during the construction. I can use the user want to set the variable What is the right way to do this? code sample @ path ("/ some resources") public classes someResource {@Conestext HttpServletRequest currentRequest; Private user user = null; Public SomeResource () {// // it does not work // session session = currentRequest.getSession (); // user = (user) session.getAttribute ("user"); } @GET @Produces (...) @PermitAll @Path (...) Read Public Search BIID (...) {Http session session = currentRequest.getSession (); User user = (user) session.getAttribute ("user"); ...} @GET @Produces (...) @PermitAll @Path (.....

ruby on rails 3 - Destroy Record if Dependant record is not found -

I am trying to write a script that checks to see if the related record exists or not. If I do not want to delete the reference record I'm new to Ruby. if Hotload.find ( .exists? Leadid = Lead.find ( leadid.destroy end Error message: ActiveRecord :: RecordNotFound (Could not find the hotel with ID = 148): App / Controller / users_controller.rb: 64: Update in 'Block in Lead' app / controllers / users_controller.rb: 47: `Leeds' : def load_lead = [] truck_laid = [] hotelload_lades = [] # I have added another route for users: ID / leads and users / leads because I was not sure That it is anywhere else Emal was. @ Lightweight = leads. Where (: user_id = & gt; param [[id]] @ leeds.each | Lead | If lead.post_type == 'load' load_leads.push lead.type_id Elspha Lead. Post_type == 'Truck' truck_lades. Animal Lead. Type ADSL Lead. Post_type == 'HotLoad' hotload_leads.push lead.type_id Hotload.where (: i...

How do I work around the error "ByRef return value not supported in reflection invocation" in C#? -

I have a net library provided by a third party. I reflected on any of their classes and one member method Found signature was ... Byte & amp; FooBar () Therefore, I wanted to call this method through reflection and got the exception "Reflection in charge" byRef return value is not supported. 'I have tried ... var strm = new to their class (); Var t = strm.GetType (); Var MS = T.GetMember (BindingFlag.static | BindingFlag.Instance | Binding FlagsNonPublic | Binding FlagsPublic); Forchach (MS in var M) {Debug.WriteLine (String.Format ("name: {0}: {1}", m.Name, m.ToString ())); // ... // Name: Fubar: Byte & amp; Fulbar () // ...} var meth = t.GetMethod ("Fobar"); Object return value = meth.Invoke (strm, new object [] {}); I have tried to call the parameter function with ref parameter, but it did not make any difference. I want to work around this exception C #. To the comments: Here is how it can be done with CIL, which is ...

MySQL - Multiple column UPDATE statement using IF statements -

To link table 2 with target table 1 and populate table 1 when Table 1 is not the default value. Example: Update Table 1A, Table 2bb SET aa.column2 = IF (aa.column2 = 0, bb.column2, aa.column2) and aa .column3 = IF (aa.column3 = 0, bb.column3, aa.column3) ... totaling 5 columns are updating WHERE aa.column1 = bb.column1; On getting it I get poor population, however, if I remove all, statement from a SET line if everything works properly. I'm new to MySQL instead, so anyone can help whoever can provide it, clear join syntax but, more importantly, you are not connected to and with the set statement You use and to connect to booleans and , to set statement Update Table 1A Join Table 2 BB On AAC column 1 = BBColym 1 SET aa.column2 has a major effect on it = IF (aa.column2 = 0, bb.column2, aa.column2), aa.column3 = IF (aa.column3 = 0, bb) .column3, aa.column3), ... totaling 5 columns are updating;

servlets - HttpServlet is a restricted class. Please see the Google App Engine -

I am getting the following error when you run the original Srvislet with GAE SDK 1.9.3 and Java Elepse Kepler (Windows 7) 7: java.lang.NoClassDefFound error: javax.servlet.http.httpServlet a restricted category. Please refer to the Google App Engine Developer's Guide for more information. Re: to generate: Install Java 7 SDK Install Kepler Install Jiai Eclipse Plugin apply the init method of a GAE create web project an original Sewalet and load-on-startup and 1 Web.xml Then run the web application I tried on 2 machines and I got a single error. Create HttpServlet increased servlet, then doPost () and doGet (override) methods in your Srvislet for example: public class extends FileServlet HttpServlet {@Override public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException Is, IOException {// do something}

Minimal Scala monad containing either good values or error messages? -

In Scala, I'm thinking of a simple mood result which contains any Good value, or alternatively a error message is my implementation. I want to ask: Have I done something in a very complicated manner? Or even mistakes? Can it be simplified (but not to maintain readability)? For example, do I need to use intangible classes and companionship, or can it be easier to keep everyone in the general category? Result [U] = Results: [U] = This match {good case (X ) = & Gt; F (x) case e: error = & gt; E} DIF map [U] (F: T => U): Results [u] = flatmap {(x: t) => The result (F (x))}} Case class increases [T] (X: T) results [T] Case class error (E: string) increases result [Nothing] Object result {DEF applied [T] (X: t): result [t] = good (x)} Now if I, for example val x = good (5 Def f1 (v: int): result [int] = good (v + 1) def ef (v: int): result [int] = error ("af") General methods: x flatMap f1 flatMap f1 // = & gt; Good (7) x flatmap FA f...

php - Include central function that applies for all my Wordpress themes -

I have a WordPress network that has a large number of different topics and even more pages using those topics. Now, I have a PHP function (for some tracking) that I can access from my network to a page all the time. I do not want to edit all my topics, so I'm looking for a central file where I can get this new job. The first thing in my mind was that index.php WP installation would probably work, but not the best solution. All my topics are using the wp_head function, maybe it can help in any way? Is there any other place where I have my tracking code and make sure that every page is running at reach? You should create a plugin In that plugin you will have that function and add action to the wp_head hook, it will continue to work with all your subjects and can easily change without having to go through all its subjects. Code will look like something / ** * Plugin name: Tracking function * Description: Allows me to track my code / / function tracking_function (...

Upload and use web folder on Windows Azure -

We already allow our users to upload files to the Azure Blob archive through the app, and then Look inside the app. / P> What we need now is to allow uploading an entire folder containing web files (HTML, JS, CSS, image ...) that maintain folder structure and then run In the browser, the links references between these files files must also be maintained so that it can work. What would be the right way to do this? Is it possible through Bob Storage or do we have to upload the folder and its contents directly to the file system? Thank you! Note that there is no concept of "folder" in blue drop storage, the closest you will find is a file " Folder name / "for name. How will you populate the BLOB storage in this fashion, depending on how you can upload all your files. Probably not on a web page as a zip file or through an AJAX-based file upload UI ... Eventually you can not create folders, but one should be able to repeat the behavior of o...

java - How to get request token and secret in OAuth 1.0a -

I'm trying to work on the othe to access QuickBooks Online. I have a QuickBooks login / connect button that is embedded on the page that triggers the entire oyoth process when it is clicked, a window pops up, which is directed at my app getRequestToken endpoint Request token Request token secret Request token requests Authorization URL Therefore send me a redirect for the response authorization URL. The pop-up window now displays a QuickBooks login, then there is a request to authorize my app with the user's account. Once this is done, the pop-up window is sent to my app getAccessToken endpoint (callback URL that I included when I called Request Token API). From there, I have to send a request for the QuickBooks oAuth Access Token API to get a clear access token and secret access, but apparently I need to supply: Request token oauth_verifier oauth_verifier my getAccessToken endpoint is provided as a parameter in the callback, as well as Oauth_token, but I...

c# - How might you add user controls to a window dynamically -

I have a program that I am taking from behind the code and converting to MVVM. The program is very simple, it takes text from the text box and converts the string into a pipe delaminated text file. My program has a MainViewWindow and 3 user controllers that use a Modern UI tab system to determine which user control populates MainViewWindow, I am currently working on the first user control. Which user control I have chosen and I am using a simple icon (viewloaded lolochter) to identify "active" on the menuwindows. User control has ~ 30 text boxes that are bound to view modal. Some of these text boxes contain buttons that activate a pop-up window that asks for additional information. For example, in the 'Name:' text box, he has a button which should pop up the window that asks for different names, last names, middle names, suffixes and prefixes, in separate text boxes. This information is parsed into a string and is separated through the '^' symbol and place...

Creating the rotation for an analogue timer in openGL -

I'm writing an OpenGL AS (2.0) game on Android. I have a quad with text like: Before I enter, at each level, I set a value that takes seconds to rotate the number of numbers. I just work how many degrees rotate each second, do the same: anglotote = 360 / number offsite; So when I rotate, I will do something like this: (pseudo code) if (countOneSecond ()) {rotateTimer (AngleToRotate)} So .... if I want to take it 60 seconds, I say anglototate = 360/60 (angle nutroot = 6) Every second, it rotates by 6 degrees, so, it completes a complete rotation in 1 minute. Problem The problem is that if I want to wander with an amount where the angle is not in absolute numbers then I have problems, so Say 80 seconds: AngleToRotate = 360/80 (anglottoret = 6) = 4.5 So it only rotates with 4. Summary So, is it possible to rotate a tractor through a fraction of an angle? Or is there another move to complete the full revolution in any specific time period? ...

jssor full height or full screen slider / possible? -

क्या यह डेमो Slider.html पूर्ण स्क्रीन ऊंचाई पर? जैसे कैरोसेल धन्यवाद कृपया पूर्ण स्क्रीन पर स्लाइडर को स्केल करने के लिए निम्न कोड का उपयोग करें, // उत्तरदायी कोड प्रारंभ // आप उत्तरदायी कोड निकाल सकते हैं आप स्लाइडर स्केल नहीं करना चाहते हैं, जबकि विंडो फ़ंक्शन का आकार बदलता है ScaleSlider () {var windowWidth = $ (window)। Width (); अगर (खिड़की की चौड़ाई) {var विंडोहाइट = $ (खिड़की)। हाइट (); Var originalWidth = jssor_slider1। $ OriginalWidth (); Var मूलहाइट = jssor_slider1। $ OriginalHeight (); Var scaleWidth = windowWidth; यदि (मूलविड्थ / विंडोउद्गम & gt; मूलहाइट / विंडोहाइट) {scaleWidth = Math.ceil (windowHeight / OriginalHeight * originalWidth); } Jssor_slider1। $ स्केल Width (scaleWidth); } और window.setTimeout (स्केलस्लिडर, 30); } स्केलस्लाइडर (); $ (विंडो) .बिंड ("लोड", स्केलस्लाइडर); $ (विंडो) .बिंड ("आकार बदलना", स्केलस्लाइडर); ...

javascript - Achieve smooth iFrame navigation -

I have an iframe with navigation, which means that iframe src will change when navigating inside it. The navigation code inside the iframe is something like this: window.location = "new URL"; This user experience is working, while in fact on mobile devices (I can see a "blink" / "flash" when iFrame changes their source) is actually bad I tried to apply anything similar to Chris Searier, while navigating the parents to trigger the postmass, to hide / show IFrame, while the SRT is changing. Something like this (this is inside the parents' post message event): var $ iFrame = $ ('iframe'); $ IFrame.css ({'Visibility': 'Hidden'}); $ IFrame.load (function () {$ iFrame.css ({'visibility': 'visible'})}} This will work, but the result is not good - I now I can also see the "blink" when the iframe is being hidden by my new code. In my third attempt, a new iframe is included and gives it a new ...

apache - What is the best way to handle ~600 permanent redirects with absolute URLs? -

मेरे पास इस प्रारूप में लगभग 600 पुराने यूआरएल हैं: http: // www। जिसे मैं नए प्रारूप में रीडायरेक्ट करना चाहता हूं: http: //www.example कॉम? पी = XXX (आलेख संख्या) पुरानी और नए यूआरएल के बीच कोई सहसंबंध नहीं है जो मैं एक आम नियम बनाने के लिए उपयोग कर सकता हूं। मेरे पास URL मानचित्रण की एक सूची है पुराना यूआरएल किसी भी अधिक मौजूद नहीं है, यदि यह मामला है। क्या मैं .htaccess या इसके लिए कुछ और का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, या मुझे PHP में अपना स्वयं का समाधान बनाना होगा? मैं इसे एक .htaccess फ़ाइल का उपयोग कर सर्वर (अपाचे) स्तर पर प्रबंधित करने का सुझाव देता हूं। क्योंकि पुराने URL अब और अस्तित्व में नहीं रहेगा, आपको इन्हें एचटीटीपी स्टेटस कोड 301 रीडायरेक्ट्स के रूप में सेट करना चाहिए, क्योंकि वे एक स्थायी चाल को इंगित करते हैं: आपकी .htaccess फ़ाइल में, प्रत्येक आलेख के लिए, इस प्रकार एक पंक्ति बनाएं: 301 /?articlename.random-numbers.html पुनर्निर्देशित करें आपका .htaccess फ़ाइल को इस...

How to discover why canvas.requestFullscreen() failed? -

The hand in hand is to add support for fullscreen mode in a WebGL application written in the dart. Canvas .requestFullscreen () works for simple test cases, but fails on full app. Please indicate what is preventing the browser from switching to fullscreen. The code is: zero trapFullscreenError () {document.onFullscreenError.listen ((e) {log ("fullscreenerror: $ E ");}); } Zero toggle fullscreen (canvas element c) {log ("fullscreen support = $ {document.fullscreenEnabled} fullscreen element = $ {document.fullscreenElement}"); If (document.fullscreenElement! = Null) {log ("fullscreen nick"); Document.exitFullscreen (); } And {log ("fullscreen request"); C.requestFullscreen (); }} The result in that code in Chrome: FullscreenSuggest = TrueFullscreenAllement = Faucet Fullscreen Fullscrearer Request: Example of 'Event' Event [id = 4] _selector tap bubbles true cancelable false clipboard data exit current target # document [...

matplotlib - python - how do i create a figure that fills the screen? -

I would like to show a figure on the entire screen or at least the "white space" in the shape window. Now I use plt.tight_layout () and can get rid of some of it but note it altogether, ideally, I want to maximize it and get rid of any axis. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot (category (10), category (10)) plt.tight_layout () # & lt; - Probably something better here: plt.get_current_fig_manager () mng.full_screen_toggle () Will get rid of white space and axis. Although I'm not sure about making it a full screen. Is mng.full_screen_toggle () not working for you? as import matplotlib.pyplot plt plt.plot (range (10), range (10)) ax = plt.gca () # white back ground ax.set_frame_on (false) # Remove axis and ticks ax.get_xaxis (). Set_visible (false) ax.get_yaxis () Set_visible (false) # no padding plt.tight_layout (pad = 0) # full screen plt.get_current_fig_manager () mng.full_screen_toggle () Make

javascript - AngularJS - Purpose of Writing $scope Before function($scope) -

I started learning AngularJS by looking at some examples in Google, but it was not explained. So far, I went through some examples where they myApp.controller ('MainCtrl', function ($ scope) {$ scope.text = 'hello, corner radical;;}) ; But some other blogs include '$ scope' before those tasks ($ scope) myApp.controller ('MainCtrl' , ['$ Scope', function ($ scope) {$ scope.text = 'hello, cornal radical.';}]); Is there any difference? Not just the scope of the dollar, similarly to other dependencies. In short, the two methods of declaring dependencies are the same. Array notation is used so that minimizer does not minimize dependency and the angle will know what to get. If you do not shorten your code, you can use any type of dependency injection.

Rails 4: Delete on has_many through association -

Based on an example from the Rail Guide () I wrote the following code: Class patients & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is-Middle: Among the appointments is_mayin: through therapist,: :: Appointment of classrooms for recruitment & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: Doctor belongs_to: patient and class physician & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: Has the appointments has_many: patients, through :: appointments def vips patients. Where (appointments: {VIP: true}) End DEF add_vip patient appointments .create (Patient: Patient, VIP: true) End DEF delete_vip patient vips .delete (patient) End End This is that if I have doctor (an example of a physician) and a patient and then doctor.ad_wip (patient) doctor. Delete code (patient) to delete_vip not only removes the organization, but the example itself How can I remove only the Sangh? The association / record that you want to delete is appointment Muscle You are making an appointment in add_vip and it...