servlets - HttpServlet is a restricted class. Please see the Google App Engine -

I am getting the following error when you run the original Srvislet with GAE SDK 1.9.3 and Java Elepse Kepler (Windows 7) 7:

  java.lang.NoClassDefFound error: javax.servlet.http.httpServlet a restricted category. Please refer to the Google App Engine Developer's Guide for more information. Re: to generate:  
  1. Install Java 7 SDK
  2. Install Kepler
  3. Install Jiai Eclipse Plugin < li> apply the init method of a GAE create web project
  4. an original Sewalet and load-on-startup and 1 Web.xml
  5. Then run the web application

I tried on 2 machines and I got a single error.

Create HttpServlet increased servlet, then doPost () and doGet (override) methods in your Srvislet for example:

  public class extends FileServlet HttpServlet {@Override public void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException Is, IOException {// do something}  


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